You can steal our jobs, can we steal your internet?Hardly comparable, isn't it. No worries though, the UK isn't the only western country in this situation. Besides, it's well known internet speeds in former communist east european countries are among the best in Europe.
There's been so much fibre laid out in the '00s, and so much competition when it comes to ISPs, plus a huge developing market for access, that prices naturally went down.
Plus, we're not an island.
You can steal our jobs, can we steal your internet?
Err, £24 pcm for 100 down and up and £35 pcm for 75 down and 20 up aren't really comparable at all.
er but I said that was the best I could get in my location which is far from the exchange on fibre to box, copper to house. I said that in town, nearer the exchange I am sure it is more comparable. Same package, same price. Including £10 line rental and "free" BT sport. I also said "there abouts". Chop off the line rental and it would be £25, in town it may well be 100 down, 100 up but I don't live there so have no idea.
I could whip up a pivot table of price vs speed for all towns in the UK if you like? Would only take a few weeks and mean nothing for anyone.
Edit- What I like about Virgin is I get this all the time. With BT the internet always went to shit in the evenings.
Mate, can you make that bigger please? Can't read it :/
Throddy - add me to BF4 too please. I am, rather sadly, level 120 already.