Those who want a co-op server - vote for it here!


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Garok said:
Would anyone play this kind of server after WoW is out ?

I would. I really don't like the very high-fantasy look of WoW, I much prefer DAOC's actually quite down-to-earth realistic look (obviously I'm making allowances for Hibernia here :p).

WoW would have to have some amazingly good classes, gameplay, and stupidly huge amounts of space for me to run around in and explore to tempt me...because really the look of the game is a big turn-off for me.



Loyal Freddie
Jun 15, 2004
Yes I would..
Cos I dont give a rats about WOW
But that's just my opinion... :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Svartmetall said:
No, it wouldn't. As I've already pointed out (and you seem to be deliberately ignoring this very important - and pertinent - point), this so-called 'Co-op/PvP' server would be trying to force the two most directly opposed playstyles to co-exist on one server, for no good reason as far as I can tell apart from possibly someone's PvP evangelism. Co-op and PvP co-exist in the same manner that potassium and hydrofluoric acid do.
It would be a basic modification of the existing ruleset for the standard servers. Not much changes would need to be made. PvE is kept in realm, don't bullshit me about how active frontiers are PvE wise. Artifacts and PL is the only thing basically done in frontiers with the odd Crim fin group. Yggdra is not in the same state as it was a year+ ago. The PvP is kept in the frontiers obviously. The only difference between a Co-Op and this server is the RA system, not effected otherwise. However there would be much more emphasis towards a competitive guild "showdown".

Svartmetall said:
Well, PvPers already have their own server, on which they can make up their dream-team gank squads from all the realms' classes all they like.
Has that sunk in yet?
Group possibilities are not in a "carebear" environment however, as I remember mentioning somewhere.

Svartmetall said:
If you honestly can't find any decent drops in your frontier, you're not looking hard enough. And besides, the drops are irrelevant - it's the overall gaming experience that matters.
Artifact cloaks will have predence over GG cloaks. GK drops a lot of shit, Evern or whatever it's name is drops crap too. In the frontier dungeons are -ok- rings, Insidious Mithril/Gold bands. Feathered Wrap is better than GSSM imo, but I would still use SOM if possible. Support have CS and HE to choose from also, soooooooo. The rest of Govannan's loot table is full of crap. The sub bosses in Marfach, Dodens and HOTC are laughable at best. The ROG system in the frontier is inferior also and the static drops were good -TWO- years ago.

Svartmetall said:
A-ha! Now I see where you're coming from, you just don't like PvE or PvE players.
Aye, you really see where I'm coming from :|

Svartmetall said:
What does 'not in a high end position' translate to? Did you have a level 50 on Gaheris? And how are your 'direct experinces' more valid than those of my RL friends who play on, and love, Gaheris? Hmm?
I personally think that you're silly, the best content is available is to you now, ala TOA. The rest is worthless, if you agreed with that, I would perhaps listen to you more. Claiming Yggdra loot is nice, is fucking laughable. So no, I don't think your friends experiences are anything to use as evidence.

I did not have a level 50, no. The power of /who is amazing however, think I mentioned that the public raid schedules were laughable too. They were still doing GS raids. I was expecting a high end guild environment, however from what I saw, people just went there to xp easier. Also, quite a lot of people in the guild I was in, were saying that once NF was live, they were off. Sooo, your whole point about the crowd types is starting to look dodgy!

Svartmetall said: what you want is a 'we can make gank groups out of any class' server? Why not do just do that on Camlann?
As mentioned above.

I don't. Again, as I have already pointed out, we are vastly more likely to get a new server type for which code and a ruleset already exists, rather than one for which it doesn't.[/QUOTE]
Mythic have semi planned a server like this at least, I think it's a better choice to have.

Svartmetall said:
Who are you to dictate to a PvE or prospective co-op server player what he or she might need or want? If you think they're headless chickens anyway...?
It's called common sense. Anyway, I'm stating my opinion regarding about what would be the better server type.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
In my opinion...

... voting for a home invasion server or one with co-op rules in the homelands and PvP in the frontier zones is terribly counterproductive.

No code exists for any of those servers types. Mythic hasn't made it yet, and if they do intend to it's still in very early concept-planning stages.

We do, however, have available code for a co-op server. One exists in the US. It's small, but it has a thriving community.

If the vote is in favour of one of the former servers(home invasion or co-op/PvP mix), what will happen? I'll tell you what will happen: the data from the survey will get filed in someone's drawer and forgotten about. If, however, the vote is in favour of a co-op server in Europe, the chances are much, much higher that something will actually come of it.

I don't much like either of the two 'proposed' servers; one will likely become as much a haven for griefers and greygankers as Camlann, and the second... is not much better. No-one will be able to venture into the frontiers for their epic quests, for one, because portal keep camping will happen. A lot.

I voted for a co-op server. At least we have a chance of seeing results from that.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
DaveyJones said:
Yussef only runs the biggest PVE type guild on pryd/alb im sure your right Svart.

If he runs a PvE guild why does he "hate" the idea of a coop server so much? That doesn't make sense. He sounds like a regular rvr'er. Only wants to raid where the best loot is.

chretien said:
Forgot to mention the RP issue.
Unless you are a caster then you don't need many RAs to make you viable in high end PvE. If the co-op with rvr ruleset gave you 1 RSP per level from 20-50 with you then having to earn the rest through RvR, that would pretty much sort you out for everything you'd need without having to RvR at all if you didn't want to.

I have a rr4 armsman on Gaheris, which RA wise is the same as rr7 on a rvr server. He was a much tougher cookie than my rr3 warrior over here is. Theres a lot of benefits to PvE in the RAs, and secondly you would want rr5 as a PvE tank for the AF/DPS benefit.

I don't like the fact that you can buy realmpoints on Gaheris though, I think you should have to raid the keeps to get them.

chretien said:
Try getting people to come along on a gaming experience hunt. Tell them you're going to ph4rm l3wt is much more likely to get people along. Sad but true.

I won't claim this problem don't exsist on Gaheris. But its way easier to find people there who just want to raid "rarely killed" mobs just for fun.

Yussef said:
I did not have a level 50, no. The power of /who is amazing however, think I mentioned that the public raid schedules were laughable too. They were still doing GS raids. I was expecting a high end guild environment, however from what I saw, people just went there to xp easier. Also, quite a lot of people in the guild I was in, were saying that once NF was live, they were off.

One of the things I loved about Gaheris was that there was raids going everywhere. Be it Sidi,Iarnvidiur,GS,ToA,Legion etc etc.. unfortunately, for us europeans the timedifference makes it hard to get in on the action over there. I was pretty much limited to the weekend raids.

I wonder though, how NF will hit the Gaheris population. I know there was plenty of people playing there simply because the way RvR is implemented now. Time will tell.

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