I'm trying. I really am.Try not to mock him
Fuck, #yolo #swagYou forgot to modern and edgy #freak
I can't get into the suitcase, unless I chop my arms and legs off #edgyasfuck #karma #yolo #TheVoice #BritneySpears #FreePalestineYou must be very small or have a very big suitcase #grammarpolice #yolo #swag #Xfactor
wtf is an idenote? are you not english or something?
#omg #spelling #wtf
Don't you dare make hashtags work on FH!
did you get dressed at any point ?I'm such a weirdo, put one shoe on, pack suitcase, put other shoe on.
Bbt ?Ive just downloaded the latest BBT from piratebay...on my phone and it took 43 seconds...I mean really...its a 720p copy and where are we going to be in 5 years time...4K downloads in 10 seconds?
what kinda name is jeese
A geeky emo nerd for Lex Luthor! With the controversial casting in this film it is either going to be truly epic and suck so much balls.Lol
"Jeese Eisenberg to play Lex Luthor in new Superman/Batman movie".. for those who don't know Jesse Eisenberg