Vatican corrects Pope..he meant to say athiests WILL burn in hell with all other non Popey not infallible no cry.
Fucking joke. Sell Zoo and you can be sued for Sexual Harassment. People need to get a fucking grip, not allowed to vote big fucking problem, paid less that an equally qualified man big fucking problem. Blokes liking to look at women who have been paid to pose and were not forced into it is not a fucking problem. If Zoo were abducting women from their homes and making them pose for pictures by putting a gun to their heads then you can get upset until then get a fucking grip.
Oh and that father ted show was crap.
And the swivel eyed loony party want us out of the EU. Well that would be great for the UK...not.
EU exit would put US trade deal at risk, Britain warned
industry and money follows whats best for it
Yab yab yab...industry and money follows whats best for it..we would prosper outside the eu based on what we have to offer..and not being part of the giant bereaucracy will help no end.