Major ouch!! (and stupid)
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I don't understand it either, it baffles me. When it was actually 'Orange' my phone would very rarely drop 3G signal, now it's a lot more frequent. Either going down to 2g which makes using the internet a nightmare, or sometimes not even that so all I can do is text and makes calls.I don't understand how their signal could have got worse ? How is that possible ?
I've with them, I've not really noticed anything, but the logo is shit and the name is equally so. I miss Orange - it's funny the effect branding has.. Orange seems far "cooler" now and I'd rather have that.
Bollocks, I meant in English FootballIf by here you mean on these forums, I disagree, it's about the 100th time that vid has been posted
Thats brilliant lol
Anyone ever been to Billingsgate fish market?