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FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I find it a tad irritating that online harassment(or talk of such) usually only includes women as the target and that most talks of this usually say "It's a cry for attention" when someone does something bad.

I'm betting that more men get harassed then women, simply due to more men playing, but with women the insults come easier. Calling a woman a slut is in no way different then calling a guy gay as far as harassment goes, yet usually it's seen as a driving force behind anti-harass things. Ironic when people want female gamers to be treated equal, yet don't when something goes wrong.

The cry for attention bit, that somehow these people are damaged and need acceptance? Not true in all cases. Sure there's people out there who really crave attention, but it's necessarily not for that reason. It could be for a perverted sense of fun, or just because they can. Which ofcourse can be worse then having a traumatic reason behind it, because it's just for laughs, but still.

This thought process kind of started with how good messages, such as anti-bully and so on, shouldn't be lapped up simply because they mean good. A good message still needs to be criticized for flaws.

Rant off, back to business as usual.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
If you're capable of being "harrassed" in an online game you need to man the fuck up.

If someone calls you gay, a bitch, slut, cunt, twat, whore, tells you to die of aids, yadda yadda yadda - stick 'em on mute. It's a game. It's not happening on your driveway or in your home.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
That's shifting the blame towards the wrong person though.

I don't particularly like that aspect of the internet, where it's "man up", while disregarding that the problem is not with the person being bullied.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I don't particularly like that aspect of the internet, where it's "man up", while disregarding that the problem is not with the person being bullied.

It can be seen as bad behaviour, of course, but if you're crying into your tea over something someone said on an online game then you're probably over-sensitive.

If the same person was following you around on facebook, a forum, whatever, posting crap or starting rumours, then that's a different kettle of fish IMO.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ofcourse there's a modecum of tolerance that has to go into it, as is with life, but if asked nicely to stop and they keep at it, especially if the game/etc doesn't have proper mute systems, then something needs to be done. By the service provider if no one else. Also the internet should realise that it's becoming more common then not and some attitudes towards language should be changed to fit the outside world more.

It's still not right at all and there's a differene in insults and overkill(see this forum for example). My point was more against the people talking about harassment(etc) though, where the subject matter clouds peoples judgement towards the do gooder ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
It must just be me that doesn't get "cyber" bullying.

Ignore lists,
Report for harassment,
Just switch off,

I don't get it. I don't understand how one can be "bullied" online...


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
something needs to be done. By the service provider if no one else

Can't disagree more strongly. Especially with this point.

If there isn't a mute system, then games companies should put one in. That's the whole thing nipped in the bud.

I don't get it. I don't understand how one can be "bullied" online...

IMO there's basically 3 scenarios:

1) If you're a kid at school with a facebook account - yeah, I can see it easily. It's an extension of physical bullying.

2) If it's *purely* online, but not in a gaming sense, say facebook or a forum, then you can be harassed and a pattern of behaviour can happen that annoys the living fuck out of you over time. But it's not as bad as actual bullying.

3) If it's in an online game, I've never come across anything that could even count as bullying. Arguing - all the time - but bullying? Not yet.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
It's usually people who aren't used to it. If you take a step back and look at it objectively, haven't at all been invovled in say online gaming and then look at some of the "just common comments" that go on in games, it's not hard to see how that could shock someone. Internet denizens are often desensitised to it.

Can't disagree more strongly. Especially with this point.

If there isn't a mute system, then games companies should put one in. That's the whole thing nipped in the bud.

That's what i said though, service provider meaning the game/system/whatnot. Enough tools to be able to cut off someone completely from your communication.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It's usually people who aren't used to it. If you take a step back and look at it objectively, haven't at all been invovled in say online gaming and then look at some of the "just common comments" that go on in games, it's not hard to see how that could shock someone. Internet denizens are often desensitised to it.

I don't think that because some people are shocked and don't like it that it becomes a good enough reason to stop.

Someone moaning because they've gone somewhere with a group of people that have different opinions on what's acceptable can, in general, fuck off.

It's one of the best things about FH, after all. We can be ourselves - and everyone can call us cunts if they don't like it.

That's what i said though, service provider meaning the game/system/whatnot.

Fair enough. I thought you meant ISP...


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
ofc it's as bad as actual bullying, it is as actual bullying...

Obviously if it is one person doing it then you can just block them but if it is a group of people doing it there isn't much that can be done, you can block them all but usually they just come back again. You see it sometimes in online MMOs when one person gets picked on for no reason, over a period of time (in trade chat for example)

The odd spat in an online game is different though, it is just that. OMFG NEWB etc etc. Meaningless insults from angry kids.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
ofc it's as bad as actual bullying, it is as actual bullying...

...You see it sometimes in online MMOs when one person gets picked on for no reason, over a period of time ...

That's not *actual* bullying tho, IMO.

It fits into number 2 tbfh. It's a pattern of behaviour that's over time fucking annoying and exasperating - but it's not as bad as being actually bullied.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I have to just disagree with you Scouse, nothing really that will change that and we can argue about it 'till the cows come home. It can be as harmful as bullying, same as mental violence can be equal to physical(or worse) and i do think there's no defense against the behaviour.

It's the internet - goes only so far. As said, you can do it, but it's still not right.

I see your POV by the way, it's just a difference of our opinion here. REasons why don't really matter as the end result is us on different sides of the fence ;)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yes it is because it is "actually being bullied"

Say a kid is getting harassed online by half their school, how is that not bullying?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Actually an example you might want to use Raven is the star wars kid. People only started to care about that internet harassment after he was already f*cked up.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I am not sure that has anything at all to do with it.

Him "being fucked up" is not exactly reason for bullying is it? And bullying is exactly what it was in that case.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I meant that people only cared about it when the damage from the bullying was done. I didn't mean he was f*cked up for making the video or such.

Also one point on it being just internet language is that we(many of us) grew up without the internet. We got told off and such for using the language and we grew to know that it's not common policy to use such language. Kids these days, well they've soon been living so long that internet has been accessible for them 24/7 their whole lives. That leaves an impact and if we say that it's ok then the kids will grow up thinking it's ok in RL too.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Say a kid is getting harassed online by half their school, how is that not bullying?

You've changed the scenario there Raven. School, real life, never came into your argument before.

Of course that's bulling - that fits into 1. above. I'll amend my post - because the scenario's you've used have made me see the obvious that bullying is possible in any communicative forum:

IMO there's basically 2 scenarios :)

1) If you're anyone (say, kid at school) with a *group-used online life* - yeah, I can see it easily. It's an extension of physical bullying.

2) If it's *purely* online then you can be harassed and a pattern of behaviour can happen that annoys the living fuck out of you over time. But it's not as bad as actual bullying.

For it to be bullying it has to have a real-world connection IMO. If it's purely online it's nowhere near as bad as something that affects you in the real world.

"Cyber" bullying <> Actual Bullying



I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
It's not bullying if you have no real life connection with them...... was bouzer bullying me when he kept kicking 10 shades of shit out of my little mario char???? I think not...... The internet is full of keyboard warriors and desktop heros, anyone who takes it personally is a fucking mug..... If you know the person irl and you're using the net to bully/harrass them then that's not, stricly speaking, cyber bullying. If you ring some one up to abuse them is it phone bullying? Can you post bully through the mail? Or long range bully with a bullhorn? no it's all jsut under one umbrella term... cyber bullying to me is just that, on the internet and nothing more, if it overspills into real life it's no longer cyber by definition..... therefore people should man the fuck up

srsly if you cant handle the interwebz go kill yoselfs.......................................... xxxxxxxxx


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
No, you're wrong on so many levels.

The internet is real life, it is real people with real feelings. Facebook, twitter, whatever else, even forums to a lesser extent (Though I suppose we are all hidden behind semi-anonymity if we choose to be)

It is absolutely no different from phone abuse, postal letter abuse, shouting across the road abuse. Cyber bullying is exactly the same as real bullying because it is bullying. I have no idea why it needs to have a prefix of cyber, I guess it gives it some sort of profile...

Anyway, bullying is bullying, regardless of the medium.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
It's the wifes job to sort out bullying in an all girls school, it has almost entirely shifted to cyberbullying and is very nasty indeed because it follows the kid home or wherever she is, endless texts, facebook, they even do it on the school forums and it's nearly always previous friends who turn and have access to phone numbers etc.
They get caught obviously, because they are idiots, but they always pick on the weak, as bullies do, they don't pick on someone likely to confront them in the playground and knock their teeth out.
Bullies should be shot and the bill for the bullet sent to the parents, we need to force breed it out of humanity.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Been thinking about a tattoo, takes a while to think of anything worth a lifelong stamp, but did end up on getting something diabetes related as i've had it since i was 5 so it's been around as long as i remember. Also would be real convenient in accident situations :p

Thing is, the symbol is a blu circle. Have to figure out how that could be made into something. Maybe with the medical symbol in the center? Ideas welcome.

Access Denied

It was like that when I got here...
Jun 14, 2006
Migraines suck on an epic scale. Had them for 21 years now and while most of them aren't so bad I'm stopped from doing anything, occasionally I'll get one that willl not respond to ANY medication until it's made me throw up. Doctors tell me that they're just Migraines but those bad ones have been getting more and more frequent the last few years. There's got to be a reason for that right?


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
I used to be the same as a teenager until it passed, only thing that made it go away was letting it get to the point where i needed to get sick and then throwing up


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It's the wifes job to sort out bullying in an all girls school, it has almost entirely shifted to cyberbullying and is very nasty indeed because it follows the kid home or wherever she is, endless texts, facebook, they even do it on the school forums and it's nearly always previous friends who turn and have access to phone numbers etc.

For me, that's bullying, not cyber-bullying. It's horrid - because bullying is fucking horrid. It can take up your whole life.

If there's no real-life connection it's just some dick on the internet. It's not bullying if you can just change your facebook account, or mute a guy on a game. If they can't get you where you live, or work, or go to school, if you can get respite and know there's a permanent fix that's not life-debilitating (like changing your facebook friends or stopping playing a game - not stopping going to school) - then it's not bullying.

Bullying can't be escaped from. If you can escape (reasonably - i.e. without moving) then it's probably not bullying.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
People can't just change their Facebook account or change their number, for a start that's letting the bully win and would be a terrible upheaval of their online life, it's not up to the victim, society should come down VERY hard on the bully,
Zero tolerance FTW

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