Yes, the madness goes on for an hour.
Stand up has gone down hill quite a lot.
Isn't yours the Boobies Post-It?Where's mine?
If you put all of the Freddies names on stickies on your fridge, with a little story, I'll personally find Ez and force her to return, just for you.Fridge virgins still yet to pop their post-it note cherry:
Edmond, Access, Soze, Aoami, Cornokz Mcloud of the Clan Mcloud, Bloodomen, Nate, Gohan, Punishment, Lethul, Megadave, Callous, dysfunction, Sayward, Russell, Everz, Cyradix, Uara, Jupitus, Bahumat,
If I missed anyone (of note) off, stick a post it note on your own fridge, and post it as a reminder
whoop I got a mention on Lamps fridge. finally im somebody
Reminds me of my childhood
Hand rearing 7 day old kittens, yay!
How much sleep will I get tonight?
Easier then hand rearing Barn Owls tooEasier than hand rearing 7 week old feral kittens
Highly rewarding though!
Fridge Wars!Fridge virgins still yet to pop their post-it note cherry:
Edmond, Access, Soze, Aoami, Cornokz Mcloud of the Clan Mcloud, Bloodomen, Nate, Gohan, Punishment, Lethul, Megadave, Callous, dysfunction, Sayward, Russell, Everz, Cyradix, Uara, Jupitus, Bahumat,
If I missed anyone (of note) off, stick a post it note on your own fridge, and post it as a reminder
3D printed assault begins.