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FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Interesting dream, had to dump an awesome girl because the thing just wasn't working as she was too busy with other things. Felt like sh*t really, but never met the woman :p

LEeves with a sh*tty wake up though.

On a mroe cheerful note, did you know that the Finns don't have an actual word for bear? The bear used to be a forest god and his name was not to be spoken, so people used all kinds of nicknames. These days the real name is forgotten.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
tbh, however acid he is, he's still onto something. Have you seen the kind of people the "Occupy" movement attracts? fuckin' liberal-arts, unemployed, artsy-pantsy types and complete nutters, revolting against something because it's cool to do it, when they can't even explain in simple terms why they're there.

They're against the "System" and the "Bankers" and the "Government". Fueled by quasi-socialistic dogma, they're using pseudo-knowhow about how the world works to emit preposterous views.

Fuck em.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
tbh, however acid he is, he's still onto something. Have you seen the kind of people the "Occupy" movement attracts? fuckin' liberal-arts, unemployed, artsy-pantsy types and complete nutters, revolting against something because it's cool to do it, when they can't even explain in simple terms why they're there.

They're against the "System" and the "Bankers" and the "Government". Fueled by quasi-socialistic dogma, they're using pseudo-knowhow about how the world works to emit preposterous views.

Fuck em.

The System, The Bankers and The Government would also seem like pretty good targets to protest against seems to me, since they're the reason we're all in this mess. As for not being able to explain in simple terms why they're there; the powers-that-be can't do that either.Occupy will turn out to be ineffectual and misguided, but its an understandable expression of revolt against a system that the common man is powerless to change.

I'm sure most of the "Occupy" crowd are indeed hipster tossers, but Frank Miller coming out and saying they should all fuck off and get a job because of Al-Qaeda is far more risible. As a younger man he was happy to fight the system when it suited him (getting creator-owned rights for his comics away from the publishers), and seemed to understand how governments use fear to manipulate people (The Dark Knight Returns and Ronin both showed that sensibility), but he seems to have forgotten that and turned into an addled old looney sat on his front porch with a shotgun.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
We all are or will be the old looney on his porch with a shotgun. Give it some years.

So what you're saying is it's ok to protest against general concepts of society, just because you can... or wait, because "we're in this mess". Very specific all around, I applaud you sir.

I'm not saying I agree with FM 100%. Just the point about the protest being futile and ridiculous.

Let's all chant "Remember remember, the 5th of November..". I'm sure it will change everything.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
So what you're saying is it's ok to protest against general concepts of society, just because you can... or wait, because "we're in this mess". Very specific all around, I applaud you sir.

I wouldn't, because I think they're wasting their time and don't have any clarity of purpose, but I would defend their right to protest. And I do understand where all this Occupy stuff is coming from.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
On a mroe cheerful note, did you know that the Finns don't have an actual word for bear? The bear used to be a forest god and his name was not to be spoken, so people used all kinds of nicknames. These days the real name is forgotten.

So whats Finnish for "polar bear" then? Or do you just point at a "big white furry thing" when you guys see one?


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
The System, The Bankers and The Government would also seem like pretty good targets to protest against seems to me, since they're the reason we're all in this mess. As for not being able to explain in simple terms why they're there; the powers-that-be can't do that either.Occupy will turn out to be ineffectual and misguided, but its an understandable expression of revolt against a system that the common man is powerless to change.

I'm sure most of the "Occupy" crowd are indeed hipster tossers, but Frank Miller coming out and saying they should all fuck off and get a job because of Al-Qaeda is far more risible. As a younger man he was happy to fight the system when it suited him (getting creator-owned rights for his comics away from the publishers), and seemed to understand how governments use fear to manipulate people (The Dark Knight Returns and Ronin both showed that sensibility), but he seems to have forgotten that and turned into an addled old looney sat on his front porch with a shotgun.

Well of course, now he's got vested interests in things not changing - ie he's minted.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003

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