Did you know it's impossible to hum with your nose plugged?? You're trying it now aren't you...
I was not hip to that fact. Never thought humming was a nasal thing tbh.
Did you know it's impossible to hum with your nose plugged?? You're trying it now aren't you...
Scarlett Johanson naked? Judge for yourself(needless to say it is NSFW):
Scarlett Johansson naked: either wonderful photoshop or a very similar lookalike | Celebrity News | Holy Moly!
I think its right because its in a mirror, although the fact she is also facing away makes my brain hurt when I try and puzzle it out logically.
i think you should stfu and enjoy the naked pics of Scarlett I gave you!
I think the fact that you're mouth is closed is a good hint.
You can still do it if you open your mouth though.
Whatever.It's not impossible, it's just harder. And you can't go for long as you can't breathe. So yeah, that's nonsense. All that closing your nose does is stop the circulation of air, the vocal chords are still in control of noise.
still haven't seen them. Someone posted a duff link before. Post a working link ffs
This seal pup’s gingery-brown fur and sad blue eyes have made him an outcast from the rest of the pack and his own family.
Shunned, the pup sits on is own up the beach while other seals group by the water’s edge.
Difference being a bunch of photographers are probably just going to let him die.