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Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Aye I thought that, it's daft.

If you're telling the parents of an 18 year old to keep knives away from him because he could hurt people, he should probably be sectioned.

There are probably literally millions of people who should be sectioned, but in reality there's about 50,000, and about 100,000 a year are assessed. What are the odds that most of those 50,000 are the ones who've already committed serious harm? Stable door etc.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
There are probably literally millions of people who should be sectioned, but in reality there's about 50,000, and about 100,000 a year are assessed. What are the odds that most of those 50,000 are the ones who've already committed serious harm? Stable door etc.
How many of them have taken a knife into school and then told police he might use it if he became angry?

I mean, glaring state failures here.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
How many of them have taken a knife into school and then told police he might use it if he became angry?

I mean, glaring state failures here.

Don't worry about it, we'll probably spend a couple of million across the country retraining social services/police and schools in young adult violent mental health and we'll or what we always do due to a lack of resources - divert it from other places in services, then there will be another very sad emotional news story about kids doing group suicide or something then they'll do the same for that and rinse repeat.

It really should just be chalked down to lack of funding and stuff is going to get through the gaps but instead we'll spend a fortune on it for not much result and neglect other areas, which is pretty much always the case.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Don't worry about it, we'll probably spend a couple of million across the country retraining social services/police and schools in young adult violent mental health and we'll or what we always do due to a lack of resources - divert it from other places in services, then there will be another very sad emotional news story about kids doing group suicide or something then they'll do the same for that and rinse repeat.

It really should just be chalked down to lack of funding and stuff is going to get through the gaps but instead we'll spend a fortune on it for not much result and neglect other areas, which is pretty much always the case.

Between SEN requirements/needs and stabby children, the whole education system is fucked.

At some point not having an issue is going to be the requirement for getting into grammar schools.

Rich? Doesn't mater.
Daddy on the board? Doesn't matter.
Not stabbed anyone and have a longer than 10 second attention span? Welcome aboard!


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
In other news, the mobile towers around us - which provide the majority of internet connections around here - were down for a long time yesterday (again).

Went to walk up to mine to see if anyone was working on it. The road was "full" of kids (to a certain value of kids -there's 4 houses on my 1 mile long road culminating in a small village). But it was very unusual - football, rugby, bikes.

Then I bumped into Ceridwen and asked "xbox down?" and she laughed and said yes.

Her youngest even volunteered to go into the forest with his dad to chainsaw up a couple of fallen trees... :)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
As much as I'd love to @caLLous - I find it's a bit of a turn-off when I try to innapropriately touch them. :(


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Weirdo, desperate to be liked, does stupid shit because he refuses to take his meds. That sort of thing.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Philip Low on Elon Musk and his Nazi salutes. Worth a read.

Good to see no axes were left blunt in the writing of that post.

Anyway the whole Musk influence thing has been highly amusing to watch unfold. It's almost as if people have only just figured out billionaires have a large influence on everyday politics because one has turned up who is entirely transparent about it.

Rather than try to influence politics through Foundations (a la Soros, Gates, Bloomberg) or shady backroom deals we aren't privy to (Fink from BlackRock, Gates again, Soros Jr) Musk is doing it in full view of everyone on the social media network he bought.

Wouldn't say I'm a huge Musk fan - although I dislike him less than the names mentioned above - but he's certainly the most transparent in terms of wielding his influence.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
There was a great clip going around of some Trump stooge defending the Musk salute to a news anchor, and the news anchor is like, if it's OK and not a Nazi salute, then do it right now, on live TV. To no one's surprise, he did not do the Musk Salute.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
There was a great clip going around of some Trump stooge defending the Musk salute to a news anchor, and the news anchor is like, if it's OK and not a Nazi salute, then do it right now, on live TV. To no one's surprise, he did not do the Musk Salute.

Ben Shapiro made a fool out of himself (I know, I was surprised as well) in exactly the same way.

"There was nothing wrong with it"
"Ok, do it live on your show then"


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
There was a great clip going around of some Trump stooge defending the Musk salute to a news anchor, and the news anchor is like, if it's OK and not a Nazi salute, then do it right now, on live TV. To no one's surprise, he did not do the Musk Salute.
He might be a nazi, I don't really care either way, I doubt it, but so far so meh.

But this shit is retarded - from both sides. It's low-IQ idiocy.

The thing about a salute where your arm is above, say, 30 degrees from the plane of normal - Nazi's used that in a Nazi salute. But what made it a Nazi salute was they were Nazis.

If you put your arm up in that sort of a salute, tell the guys you're saluting that you love them and mean it - i.e. you have nothing in your heart or mind about Nazis - then it's not a fucking Nazi salute.

This is the same thing as the hate-speech laws. You cannot be unintentionally racist, not in actual reality. You can absolutely unknowingly fall foul of hate speech laws - and be guilty of a criminal act, but you can't unintentionally be racist - because racism requires intent.

Therefore in Germany you can go to jail for performing a salute where your arm does that action - even if all you intend to do is show love and respect. Because the law can't see into your mind and into your intentions it defines a Nazi salute based on body angles, not personal beliefs.

On this "do it live" shit - the correct response would have been to stand up, salute the audience and say "I love you guys" (or something genuine). But because the world is full of retards who are scared of the reality above it didn't happen.

Of course, I bet real nazi's have a completely secret different salute now, kind of like the masons. :)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
@Gwadien, I got a notification on my post above - what is it? You don't think real nazi's would secretly identify each other?



Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
@Gwadien, I got a notification on my post above - what is it? You don't think real nazi's would secretly identify each other?


Kinda bored of responding to this, after having to speak to kids about why it's not ok to do nazi salutes at any point, especially during holocaust memorial. Then having to remain silent whilst they sing their praises of Farage and then having to do something when they start saying 'kick 'em out'.

You know like real world consequences of what's going on.

The truth is it doesn't matter if Elon is a nazi or not, he's enabling it.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Oh and I also addressed your 'kinda like the masons' thing, but I figured out you weren't suggesting masons were Nazis.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Oh and I also addressed your 'kinda like the masons' thing, but I figured out you weren't suggesting masons were Nazis.
No, I was suggesting real nazi's will be communicating (and organising) with each other just fine thankyouverymuch - without the visible salutes. Like the masons and their handshakes.

having to speak to kids about why it's not ok to do nazi salutes at any point
But it is :)

A salute can make a great joke. And not that being topical and intelligent is a requirement of a great joke, but many times it can be.

Teaching kids not to be cunts is absolutely fine. We align more than 95% of the time. But creating "taboo" is asking for trouble.

The reason your kids are praising Farage is probably because they've looked at the politics and the economics of the world they live in and have accurately made the assessment that they're fucked, that life is going to be a long thankless slog and then they're going to die - and Farage is offering something different.

He's a fucking snake oil salesman - 100%. But that doesn't change the fact that our current politics aren't going to make things better for anyone. Starmer's project sees anyone trying to better themselves as the fucking enemy. They've no answers. These kids are looking at a life of meaningless struggle where they're going to end up with less than their poverty-stricken parents had. This isn't grim fatalism - that's just reality.

THAT is why they look at Farage. Because snake-oil actually offers more than the status quo for them. At least it offers them a fantasy of something better.

The truth is it doesn't matter if Elon is a nazi or not, he's enabling it.

Elon and Farage aren't "enabling it" - they're the opportunists taking advantage of the last 40 years of economic decline - accelerated by the 2008 crash. The Tories and both recent Labour governments are the enablers.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
No, Farage is an edgy populist, kids like edgy, that's all.
Yes. But people go for edgy populist when they've got nothing else to go for, right?

I mean, this is the visible culmination of the years of economic decline that we've been talking about - the danger of Trump getting back in? Well of course he did - because the Dems didn't offer any real alternative. They just wanted to tell people why they were wrong. And the populist, oligarchal arsehole benefitted.

Look at Labour's vote share. Look at what they're doing with it. They're talking shop, but they're doing something completely different. And it won't help you with housing, or help people with food on the table. They're not interested in that.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
No, Farage is an edgy populist, kids like edgy, that's all.

It reminds me of the girl that BBC interviewed who was waiting outside Trump's inauguration, she made reference to him gaining support with younger voters such as herself because of his support in not wanting to ban TikTok which is laughable in itself although I suspect she also didn't realise he was the one who originally wanted to ban it.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Yes. But people go for edgy populist when they've got nothing else to go for, right?

I mean, this is the visible culmination of the years of economic decline that we've been talking about - the danger of Trump getting back in? Well of course he did - because the Dems didn't offer any real alternative. They just wanted to tell people why they were wrong. And the populist, oligarchal arsehole benefitted.

Look at Labour's vote share. Look at what they're doing with it. They're talking shop, but they're doing something completely different. And it won't help you with housing, or help people with food on the table. They're not interested in that.

No, as an adult I understand that politics means you can't fix things overnight.

I'd absolutely love for that to change, I think we need drastic reform on how our democracy operates to get people interested again, but not like this.

This is the opposite of good and I think any rational adult human being would see that having a boring status quo is far better for us than right wing populist lies.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
It reminds me of the girl that BBC interviewed who was waiting outside Trump's inauguration, she made reference to him gaining support with younger voters such as herself because of his support in not wanting to ban TikTok which is laughable in itself although I suspect she also didn't realise he was the one who originally wanted to ban.

Nah I think it's fair to support trump if you're a fan of China, he admired Putin but realised he's a bit shit and now he admires China and is emulating them. Look at what hes doing to the public sector and he was out recently i think in california basically using muted threats against insurance companies - almost like he wants to control them, China style.

Not very small government if you ask me.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
He's borderline senile if you ask me. The only attention people should pay to what he says is in wondering who briefed him beforehand to say it. There are a lot of powerful people feeding bile into his ears.

I think it's all quite revealing. I'm glad Musk did that salute, he's one of many who don't give two shits about anybody else, he's just drunk enough on power to not give a shit what people think about him. There's probably an awful lot of people like him, in power, who agree with him.

I hope they get what's coming to them. They won't though.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
This is the opposite of good and I think any rational adult human being would see that having a boring status quo is far better for us than right wing populist lies.
Yeah. People will burn their entire lives up patiently waiting in the shit for other people to benefit from imagined nirvana that's definitely coming, right?

Good luck with that particular fantasy.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
20mph limit massive success.

Roll it out in England tbpfh.

The welsh government should be having press conferences on this saying "all those of you who want us to roll this back - we're not going to listen to you, you are wrong".


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
20mph limit massive success.

Roll it out in England tbpfh.

The welsh government should be having press conferences on this saying "all those of you who want us to roll this back - we're not going to listen to you, you are wrong".
Must be nice living in a rural area.

More you post more your castle gets taller

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