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Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003

But since she's half Bosnian, which is also majority Muslim, you can infer she's from a Muslim background with reasonable confidence. Of course what her actual religion is now, is unknown.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
1. Khan. 2. Pakistani. 3. Bosnian. 4. Protesting EDL's anti-Islam rally.

On the evidence in that article it's about as cast-iron and reasonable a judgement as you can make. Unless you're trying to say that it's racist to make any reasonable judgement.

You're not saying it's racist to make any reasonable judgement are you @Raven?


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Flights and hotels have finite capacity, phone networks do not (for practical purposes anyway); the analogy doesn't work.

Much as I'd like flights and hotels to be cheap all the time, it's not unreasonable that they're not.

But you can add more flights and use bigger airframes to keep up with demand. Just as an example, Emirates used to service London with 2 flights a day and now have 8. They went from B777 (340-400 Seats) to A380 (600-650 Seats) Much like adding more macro cell towers, BTS and In/Out routes to the BTS to scale demand in areas required.

I've worked in aviation for 30 years and no one has ever been able to convince me that the way tickets are sold is right or fair, so you're on a hiding to nothing really :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
1. Khan. 2. Pakistani. 3. Bosnian. 4. Protesting EDL's anti-Islam rally.

On the evidence in that article it's about as cast-iron and reasonable a judgement as you can make. Unless you're trying to say that it's racist to make any reasonable judgement.

You're not saying it's racist to make any reasonable judgement are you @Raven?

When you have based your assumption purely on race, yes.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
mmm. But the report quoted didn't say that, did it. Whether she is or isn't is irrelevant. The fact that both you and Gwadian appear to think that brown people called Khan must be Muslim, is racist.

No it's not racist to assume a name are mostly used by people belonging to a certain religion, preconceived ignorance MAYBE, but not racist in any way..


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
When you have based your assumption purely on race, yes.
So, given the four points I made above (which I've actually included in two separate posts) - the first being name, the second and third being separate parental muslim-majority countries of origin, the fourth being her presence as an anti-EDL protestor against the EDL's anti-islam stance and, additionally, zero mentions of her being brown - what evidence do you have that I made any assumption based on race at all?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
But you can add more flights and use bigger airframes to keep up with demand. Just as an example, Emirates used to service London with 2 flights a day and now have 8. They went from B777 (340-400 Seats) to A380 (600-650 Seats) Much like adding more macro cell towers, BTS and In/Out routes to the BTS to scale demand in areas required.

I've worked in aviation for 30 years and no one has ever been able to convince me that the way tickets are sold is right or fair, so you're on a hiding to nothing really :)

Except, I'm not because its just your opinion. More flights and bigger airframes cost a fuckton of money and come with high levels of risk and a leadtime, and the airlines will evaluate the stability of the route (and the availability of slots) before committing. Its in their interest for demand to outstrip supply at all times and more often than not they still get it wrong; to take your Emirates example, the demand grew ahead of the growth but now there's actually too much capacity and flight costs are falling, and of course in real terms over that thirty years you've been working in aviation the real costs of flying has dropped dramatically, so shut your moaning.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
No it's not racist to assume a name are mostly used by people belonging to a certain religion, preconceived ignorance MAYBE, but not racist in any way..


"Hamish McDonald" - the infamous Chinese zen Buddhist
"Yao Pang-Pong" - Scottish Highlands dairy farmer

Because, let's not assume right?! RACIST.

Access Denied

It was like that when I got here...
Jun 14, 2006
It would seem the Raven has decided to try and fill the shoes previous worn by Thot...


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I like it how you're all pandering to his trolling.

Its not trolling, its a point. People are stupidly quick to shout racism when there is none based on who has said it. If job had claimed she was a Muslim because she was brown and her name was Khan he would be lynched.

The fact that the house imbecile wants to go on page after page, despite quite obviously being completely wrong is a separate matter.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
So, given the four points I made above (which I've actually included in two separate posts) - the first being name, the second and third being separate parental muslim-majority countries of origin, the fourth being her presence as an anti-EDL protestor against the EDL's anti-islam stance and, additionally, zero mentions of her being brown - what evidence do you have that I made any assumption based on race at all?

Apologies, I get so many alerts from you I just don't bother seeing what they are any more.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Apologies, I get so many alerts from you I just don't bother seeing what they are any more.
So you were happy to call racism without even reading the post?

That's a bit like judging people on the colour of their avatar. But hey ho.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I was torn, I had a bet on Rose as outright winner but heart wanted Sergio to do it. He's been brilliant for years but choked so often, I feared that was going to happen again but Rose didn't capitalise on his mistakes. Made all the difference.

We actually met Sergio in a chippy in North Berwick about 1998, after he'd won one of many Amateur honours - proper nice bloke, although he was quite refreshed when we spoke to him. Felt a bit weird cheering against another Brit in Rose, but I think Sergio deserved that one, especially after fighting back after the 13th. As soon as he stopped playing defensively, he was unstoppable.

Access Denied

It was like that when I got here...
Jun 14, 2006
Should have her child taken off her tbqfh. Clearly she doesn't deserve to be a parent if she's willing to endanger her child like that.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
And also it would be a terrible time to Google chechnya + gay

Because, you know, a new low in the world :/


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
the demand grew ahead of the growth but now there's actually too much capacity and flight costs are falling,

This is mostly BS. The reason the air fares are actually dropping and Emirates / Etihad are pushing out deliveries, which it did not even mention, is due to a rather big recession and job cuts across Oil, building, commercial and aviation sectors. The papers are not allowed to mention this and people can even be fined writing about it on Facebook etc. Emirates Group sacked 200 IT staff last month and that is just the start of it. Oil industry has been worst hit with 15% job losses in Abu Dhabi.

[QUOTE="DaGaffer] and of course in real terms over that thirty years you've been working in aviation the real costs of flying has dropped dramatically, so shut your moaning.[/QUOTE]

This is like a Job linking, costs dropped dramatically in US, due to over supply. No argument but US does not equal the world. It has happened in EU and some parts of Asia as well but not to the extent of the US. Massive growth of the LCC's has sparked price wars. Here the LLC's (Air Arabia/Fly Dubai) do not service the main routes so not a competition.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
This is mostly BS. The reason the air fares are actually dropping and Emirates / Etihad are pushing out deliveries, which it did not even mention, is due to a rather big recession and job cuts across Oil, building, commercial and aviation sectors. The papers are not allowed to mention this and people can even be fined writing about it on Facebook etc. Emirates Group sacked 200 IT staff last month and that is just the start of it. Oil industry has been worst hit with 15% job losses in Abu Dhabi.

DaGaffer said:
and of course in real terms over that thirty years you've been working in aviation the real costs of flying has dropped dramatically, so shut your moaning.

This is like a Job linking, costs dropped dramatically in US, due to over supply. No argument but US does not equal the world. It has happened in EU and some parts of Asia as well but not to the extent of the US. Massive growth of the LCC's has sparked price wars. Here the LLC's (Air Arabia/Fly Dubai) do not service the main routes so not a competition.

So job losses = fewer people flying = overcapacity. How is that BS?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I'd like to know a lot more about the situation than can be deduced from a still picture...oh and spotted she has piercings, cuteness gone...skank.

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