2, 3 and 4 seems foul.
Until a certain age, then it turns vengeful on you - I'd still pick between that and a full English breakfast though.The reparationsbajer works nicely
only thing I know is that I *used* to be able to drink lots of beers and still enjoy them. nowadays I can smell a week-old cork and be dead to the world for days![]()
Don't think I could neck two pints of water after a night in the lash. Full of kebab etc.Before you go out leave two pints of slightly flavoured water out on the kitchen table with headache tablets and stomach settlers, or just simple alka seltzer, neck back the two pints before going to bed with the tablets and you will wake in the morning totaally hangover free.
Don't think I could neck two pints of water after a night in the lash. Full of kebab etc.
That's true it can be hard...for some reason your body doesn't want it, that's why slightly flavoured and room temp, I usually balk halfway through..just keep thinking every mouthfull is 10% off that killer headache.Don't think I could neck two pints of water after a night in the lash. Full of kebab etc.
I don't tend to get headaches. Just feel sick is all.,That's true it can be hard...for some reason your body doesn't want it, that's why slightly flavoured and room temp, I usually balk halfway through..just keep thinking every mouthfull is 10% off that killer headache.
A hangover is simply dehydration, your brain shrinks because of the abnormally low levels of water in your systems caused by the alchohol making your body over dehydrate itself...
This will be tesyef right now. Scientific as fuck!Its actually better to drink it during the night. A pint of water (with nothing in) before bed and a pint during the night. Two pints straight up will just go straight through you.
what's tesyef