This has got to stop


Oct 26, 2004
whinersmincer said:
Well lets face it morgales u are a noob u always camp brigde and u always run and put pet on us, and we still kill u. i have no idear how u could get to RR6+ much have taken soo long with camp brigde and add on every fight u see..

Yep people know me that way:

- I ALWAYS camp bridges
- I ALWAYS add on every fight I see
- I ALWAYS use ML9 pet and run away

I don't even want to defend myself, cuz you apparentely got this opinion about me wich won't change no matter what I say.

It's just stupid that one guy had an incident with me and know I'm know as: the noob adder who got RR6+ by camping and adding on hib bridges (aldough I got RR6 before agramon was released, but hey I must be lying anyway).

Btw, if us = more then 1 on me, u must be better then me.

Anyway, I never called you a noob for zerging me with ur buddies, because I couldn't care less. I have no opinion about you. U kill me, I move on and I don't take cheap shots like calling u a noob on FH because u raped me.

Differnece me and you I guess.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Durgi said:
Stick a sorc full of lifebane (with viper 2+), and poisonspike running threw him, and a good dose of greater enervation, hit the vanish button.

Unfortunaly for you, if you have a poison ticking on a pet-owner, vanish doesnt work. The moment the poison ticks again, the pet will uncover you again. There you are, unable to attack back. Wanna see how fast that sorc lifetaps you while you're disarmed due to Vanish ?

And incase you really get annoying, the sorc hits his RR5 RA, becomes 95% melee-immune, purges the DoT's and watches his now ML9 pet pound you into the ground for 300-800/swing while you hit the cloth-caster for 15 mainhand.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2005
MaCaBr3 said:
Yep people know me that way:

- I ALWAYS camp bridges
- I ALWAYS add on every fight I see
- I ALWAYS use ML9 pet and run away

I don't even want to defend myself, cuz you apparentely got this opinion about me wich won't change no matter what I say.

It's just stupid that one guy had an incident with me and know I'm know as: the noob adder who got RR6+ by camping and adding on hib bridges (aldough I got RR6 before agramon was released, but hey I must be lying anyway).

Btw, if us = more then 1 on me, u must be better then me.

Anyway, I never called you a noob for zerging me with ur buddies, because I couldn't care less. I have no opinion about you. U kill me, I move on and I don't take cheap shots like calling u a noob on FH because u raped me.

Differnece me and you I guess.

Dude me and tyrox always fights about who is gonna kill u this time at brigde because its basicly free rps. thats why if u are solo only 1 of us jumps u. and if u are trying to say that u never ever stand on a brigde we can say thats a big fat lie..


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
whinersmincer said:
Well lets face it morgales u are a noob u always camp brigde and u always run and put pet on us, and we still kill u. i have no idear how u could get to RR6+ much have taken soo long with camp brigde and add on every fight u see..

whinersmincer said:
if u are trying to say that u never ever stand on a brigde we can say thats a big fat lie..

this "always camp bridge" goes both ways dude, with the difference that while he's solo you are in a trio

btw, bragging and calling someone noob because your little stealth zerg killed a soloer is a bit retarded


Oct 26, 2004
whinersmincer said:
Dude me and tyrox always fights about who is gonna kill u this time at brigde because its basicly free rps. thats why if u are solo only 1 of us jumps u. and if u are trying to say that u never ever stand on a brigde we can say thats a big fat lie..

Did I say I NEVER camp bridge? NO.

You said I ALWAYS camp bridge and apparntely you are ALWAYS there too whenever I'm there.

I'm not juding u for it, you are judging me.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2005
anioal said:
this "always camp bridge" goes both ways dude, with the difference that while he's solo you are in a trio

btw, bragging and calling someone noob because your little stealth zerg killed a soloer is a bit retarded

yeah lets see always trio u must be wrong we always duo thats right :) and we only both attack if we can see its like a light tank that we cant take 1on 1 or horecock or bonedancer or wamp and its a pain to solo dont know if u havent seen it but if u find a solo stealther out u are god. so why shouldent we duo ? and sometimes trio ?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 21, 2005
MaCaBr3 said:
Did I say I NEVER camp bridge? NO.

You said I ALWAYS camp bridge and apparntely you are ALWAYS there too whenever I'm there.

I'm not juding u for it, you are judging me.

and im judging u fore camp brigde camp all the brigdes i like just dont add on every fight u see


Oct 26, 2004
whinersmincer said:
and im judging u fore camp brigde camp all the brigdes i like just dont add on every fight u see

I'll probably come totally of the blue when I ask u why think I add on every fight I see?

All the whining aside, I honestely think u missjudge me there, again I would lie if I said I never added (or helped) on a fight, but in those occasion it's 2 other realm enemies fighting on hib turf or a realmmate who is getting an unfair fight. I never got blamed for adding or helping a realmmate and they always thanked me afterwards for helping and if I missjudge a fight on wich I have "added" I always excuse myself to the player (who never thought I was adding tbh).

I believe fellow hibbies can back me up no this one to say that I might be the only mage who walks by stealther fights UNLESS once decided to hit me too.

This whole discussion about adding is overated anyway imo, I play how I believe to play is the right way imo and as someone from another realm you will never know wether I was grouped with a stealther or the guy pm'd me for help. So thats just your judgement about it.

Again, that's just your opinion against my opionion, but calling me an adder to every fight u see is imo very exagerated.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
well morgales.

all I know about you is. you have added on my fights versus like invidual stealthers I have fought.. like the fights were completly under control but you and your buddies still felt the need to get your 50 rps out of it.... perhaps explain why you felt the need to do this ----> ADDER

yes I have only see you on hib bridge 1 route into agramon.. but who knows im sure you go other places. ----> DOORSTEPPER

and your mate emote spammed me when I died and got a nice 3 day cool down period for it. ----> KID

also remeber watching snorig rip the shit out of like 4 of you once which was prolly one of the funniest things I have ever seen... ---> NEWB

so even though you aint gonna like it... you are like the epitomy of my statement that yes, those that play convokers and cant get fixed RVR groups, are basically newbs who doorstep and who have a tendency to add... hey it doesnt mean your a bad person IRL or anything, but please have the fucking decency to admit it.

ill give you further credit because on top of all those wonderfull attributes you epitomise, you got a mouth on you too.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
I believe fellow hibbies can back me up no this one to say that I might be the only mage who walks by stealther fights UNLESS once decided to hit me too.

HAH.... somone back him up on it...

as a fellow hibby though I say thats complete bollacks.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004
censi said:
well morgales.

all I know about you is. you have added on my fights versus like invidual stealthers I have fought.. like the fights were completly under control but you and your buddies still felt the need to get your 50 rps out of it.... perhaps explain why you felt the need to do this ----> ADDER

yes I have only see you on hib bridge 1 route into agramon.. but who knows im sure you go other places. ----> DOORSTEPPER

and your mate emote spammed me when I died and got a nice 3 day cool down period for it. ----> KID

also remeber watching snorig rip the shit out of like 4 of you once which was prolly one of the funniest things I have ever seen... ---> NEWB

so even though you aint gonna like it... you are like the epitomy of my statement that yes, those that play convokers and cant get fixed RVR groups, are basically newbs who doorstep and who have a tendency to add... hey it doesnt mean your a bad person IRL or anything, but please have the fucking decency to admit it.

ill give you further credit because on top of all those wonderfull attributes you epitomise, you got a mouth on you too.


i think he won! xD


Oct 26, 2004
well morgales.
all I know about you is. you have added on my fights versus like invidual stealthers I have fought.. like the fights were completly under control but you and your buddies still felt the need to get your 50 rps out of it.... perhaps explain why you felt the need to do this ----> ADDER

I wonder on how many fights I added on u, really tbh. Then again this debate will go round and round and round. I had one problem with u, you blow it up and tell everyone.

Anyone who adds on ur fight, is permantely tagged as "newb adder no skill idiot".

yes I have only see you on hib bridge 1 route into agramon.. but who knows im sure you go other places. ----> DOORSTEPPER

I don't get what u mean by this. Am I now allowed to go on that bridge because u said so? What is the difference between a caster standing there or a stealther? Only stalthers allowed on bridges?

and your mate emote spammed me when I died and got a nice 3 day cool down period for it. ----> KID

Well dear Censi, I'll explain how we say the situation. Then again you still don't believe me and call me a kid anyway: We say 2 albs fights an mid and we NEVER saw u in that fight. My mate decided to drop a twf on them, because I don't see why we won't. Then u started preaching on us on ur no adding rule wich is like the holy grail to you wich u and a few other of ur followers preach on, while other players don't give a crap about it.

AFterwards instead of helping us, you just stood there and let us die, while we couldn't care less if you added or not. Ur basically watching realmmates die instead of helping them because, you are soo hardheaded that u reacted like a kid because "oh gosh" we added on ur fight.

After we released and my mate saw you in DL he emote spammed you because, u soo wanted ur clean fight that u died anyway from the same guy.

Stupid of him, stupid of you. He couldn't care less about the stupid ban, because it's just a freaking game. It's not that ur gonna get no electricity or heat in ur house for 3 days, maybe you oughta think about that instead of thinking that the ban was such an emotional slap in the head that he wanted to commit suicide...U take this game far too serious man, you ougta lighten up. Normal people just go on with their little lives.


also remeber watching snorig rip the shit out of like 4 of you once which was prolly one of the funniest things I have ever seen... ---> NEWB

So a player killed me 4 times? Good for him, what in the freaking hell do I care about it really? U think i'm gonna cry after I get raped for 1 billionth time by a stealth group or a fg? No. Because it's just a game. If that makes me newb, then I guess everyone is after he died from the same player a couple of times.

so even though you aint gonna like it... you are like the epitomy of my statement that yes, those that play convokers and cant get fixed RVR groups, are basically newbs who doorstep and who have a tendency to add... hey it doesnt mean your a bad person IRL or anything, but please have the fucking decency to admit it.

Dude, you don't know nothing about me, so why make snap judgements. I have no problem whatsoever finding groups, I just like to solo allot. Isn't that allowed in ur weird little rpg world?

I made one of you because you don't stop making snap judgements about other players.

ill give you further credit because on top of all those wonderfull attributes you epitomise, you got a mouth on you too.


As long as you don't pay for my account, I'll do whatever I want, whenever I want. And talking about who has mouth tbh.

U gotta freaking lighten up, not everone fully agrees to u and the sad thing is that u permantely tag them as retards.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
i aint making any snap judgements about you...

I bet your a fucking wonderful guy irl.

just in daoc my experience of you is that you play like the stereotypical convoker pet class mage that I described in the post.

roughly translating your reply you basically seem to agree.


Oct 26, 2004
If I fit your description of a stereotypical convoker player fine. But it's just a bit wrong to think that because of me having an ML9 pet or having the mistake to add on a fight, was the only way to get rps at all.

Most of the rps I get is from roaming around with fg (wich strange enough I do)or siege taking/defending.

What you want me to do if there is no one online and I decide to solo a bit. I basicely stand where any soloing class is standing.

Don't get me wrong censi, I don't dislike you because of your opinion, I only disliked the fact that you see me ONLY as an adder and doorstepper and therefor judge all convokers the same way.

Bet ur a wonderfull guy irl too ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
CuddleBunny! said:
QQ'ing about ML9 pets as a assasin, wich can kill a caster in 3-4 attacks while the caster is stunned.
stlong m8er.
a SB that fails to kill a solo sorc or enchanter from stealth, really sucks :(

www.c l u e l e s s .com

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Lomme said:

Buffed ML9 level Templars hit for 750 cap, crit excluded. Sometimes they do a kind of a dual wield attack with their two-handed weapon hitting for 2 x 750, crits excluded.

Pet is ofc overpowered, can be CC'ed though and nuked down, but not killed in melee.

I don't get the point of the original poster, he is a whiner who will not refrain from killing the same dude over and over again even he is no match for him due to huge RR difference and class imbalance yet you don't see me coming to this forum and whining about him cause he chain killed my Purge-less Armsman while he was a Myrmidon.

Game is unbalanced, send suggestions to Mythic, get over it or play something else.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
ok, ML9 i can deal whit... its not ok, but i can deal whit. I HATE the following pets.. even if i stealth. thats shit. if caster cant see you, then the pet shouldnt see you.

few days back i tryd to shoot down a SM whit my bow... ok pet intercepted allmost all shots, fine........but i ran away and got under stealth.. was allredy very far away... imo so far that i couldnt see the sm enymore, only the stupid pet folowing me.

pets must be nerfed in one of two ways.... they dont follow you when you stealth or give them range like 1500, when they go out of it, pets die.

dont really give a fuck about the ml9... tho its silly that a pet can hit you same dmg per hit as Kagato...


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Game is unbalanced, send suggestions to Mythic, get over it or play something else.

yeah... im playing EvE online for a change...very complicated at start, good gameplay and best of all... allmost evryone is 20+ years there.. so no easymode kiddys there (acctually you cant easy mode there :p)


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004

time for my two pence.

Having assassins in all 3 realms on various servers by far the silliest of the pet classes is the SM, the intercepting buffed pet is simple a pain in the ass. That aside, the amount of pet classes is way too high, as a hardcore assassin player, all pet classes are killable if you have thr skill for it. Sorc, SM, BD, Chanter, Cabbie, Mincer+frost stallion is a nightmare and as a SB almost always = Death. Even with brittles, moc, soi etc up the Sorc is still killable if you use your tools properly, and ensure you fight on your terms not his. Use the right combinations of venoms, get the right RA's and pet farming is easy enough. TBH I find it refreshing that now that I have to work to kill these classes, where as in in the 'good old days' it was all over in 2-3 blows. Mages played well are difficult too kill and they should be, but they are kill able. Poison-spike, Tanglesnare, Essence Flare, Special Venoms, and the top end venoms all combined properly ensure you win. Stick a sorc full of lifebane (with viper 2+), and poisonspike running threw him, and a good dose of greater enervation, hit the vanish button. And watch him cough too death. Odds are before you've got all that in he's hit the purge and moc button. You've escaped and he's crawling away his pet floundering round with no target. They are killable just learn too how. Even ML doesn't make much difference, a dose of mezz venom offhand will ensure the pet and he stands still long enough for the cd too hit, and you deliver your venom load.

They aren't overpowered their a challenge now. Though pet classes running round with DI pots stuck too their arse are shite! You already have all the tools you need to kill stealthers should you find one, don't be gay and bring your bot with you.

As for Censimilla don't mind him, anything that kills him is OP, and needs to be nerfed.

U still missed the point...this was not a versus complaint...was about the OPness of not be able to get away from a caster add...after u restealth normally

I don't get the point of the original poster, he is a whiner who will not refrain from killing the same dude over and over again even he is no match for him due to huge RR difference and class imbalance yet you don't see me coming to this forum and whining about him cause he chain killed my Purge-less Armsman while he was a Myrmidon.

Game is unbalanced, send suggestions to Mythic, get over it or play something else.

When u come solo to alb bridgehead...excpect to die. And dont tell me an rr3 arms cant fight back...go Ip2,Purge2...S/S and not 2-handed... get some WL mls and a better spirit resist (at the time i was dual spirits). Then u can maybe counter not only me...but all the rest of the stealther community. Besides...u get some real love imo on 1,81...something that i havent really seen for me since i started playing sb..some 1,5 years ago


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
MaCaBr3 said:
What you want me to do if there is no one online and I decide to solo a bit. I basicely stand where any soloing class is standing.
how about u move to enemy bridge's, roam around @ agramon or some 3rd place, i have attacked u a few time's @ hib agramon bridge and what u have done is ML9 and head 4 the guard's, go go challenge...


Oct 26, 2004
trycorn said:
how about u move to enemy bridge's, roam around @ agramon or some 3rd place, i have attacked u a few time's @ hib agramon bridge and what u have done is ML9 and head 4 the guard's, go go challenge...

I just love how people just assume that I must be standing there all day and never roam aruond or go to some 3rd place, while - now get this - you clearly come back to hib agra bridge several times since you killed me there a few times.

I will for a fact admit, that the first spot i'll check is hib agra bridge, because guys like you always come back to that spot.

It's just mindless hyprocisy to order me to go to other enemy bridge and roam around @ AGRA - WICH I DO, because you can't check that I've been to those places. You probably never saw me at berk bridge, beno bridge and all around in agraom, because u are standing at another spot.

So stop assuming that I don't roam or check other bridges, because I could easely assume the same thing about you, but I don't even know you so, I don't have an oppinion about ur play.

And about the ML9 and brittles guards: poison trap and PA me. But hey i'm not judge you if you can't pull it off.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Durgi said:
time for my two pence.


As for Censimilla don't mind him, anything that kills him is OP, and needs to be nerfed.




Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
MaCaBr3 said:
I just love how people just assume that I must be standing there all day and never roam aruond or go to some 3rd place, while - now get this - you clearly come back to hib agra bridge several times since you killed me there a few times.

yes i check hib bridge rather often cos its not all that crowded and u can have some nice solo fight's (witch u several time's have ruined by nukeing me while i was fighting 1 or more player's). and u said urself :
MaCaBr3 said:
I basicely stand where any soloing class is standing.
and i have seen u standing there load's of time's with trap's / PN up etc attacking everything the "solo" stealther's around u pop'd on.

MaCaBr3 said:
It's just mindless hyprocisy to order me to go to other enemy bridge and roam around @ AGRA - WICH I DO, because you can't check that I've been to those places. You probably never saw me at berk bridge, beno bridge and all around in agraom, because u are standing at another spot.
i have been roaming alot with my sorc and have only seen u @ hib agramon / keep siege, or with a farming grp camping around beno, but never seen u there solo...

MaCaBr3 said:
And about the ML9 and brittles guards: poison trap and PA me. But hey i'm not judge you if you can't pull it off.
dont mind brittle guard's but when u hit sprint as soon as i hit u and run toward's the keep guard's and put ur ml9 pet on me it lack's the challenge from both side's as its imposible 4 me to win and imposible 4 u to loose...


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 5, 2004
I mean wtf guys, everyone plays the game how he wants, and i grouped with morgales a lot etc, and we roamed around pretty much everywhere, even in albland, yes, ; so what if the guy likes to stand around on a bridge and play the way he wants : SO WHAT!!!!

Who are u to tell what one can and cannot do, imo thats a load of BS there. Just because u think that one can or should play the way you are; doesnt mean he will and should tbh, so basically this whole discussion is pointless.

Most remarks I ve seen here from other people just shows that there s a lot of frustration about the way they think the game should be played, but as morgales said : it s only a game. Ok you got added on, so what, it s not like you re gonna die irl or something. Maybe some people better start looking at themselves; and wonder why the hell they take this that seriously. Could be anything from I m just a little newbie kid behind a computer screen just insulting people because then I feel like I belong or something, bwhahahaha ; ofc it could be a number of other frustrations which I wont mention here and some of u definitely show symptoms off, but my two cents is you take it far too seriously...

Best advice I can give such a person is : GET A LIFE !!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
Durgi said:
...As for Censimilla don't mind him, anything that kills him is OP, and needs to be nerfed.


Well the class censi plays (ranger) aint OP, its just that censi playes his/hers class(ranger) well..

So if ur a infil/ scout/ mins/ hunter/ sb, and kill censi, u dont need the nerf ..!

To topic, imo pets shouldnt be able to follow u.. makes no sence at all.. why should they see u from a distance of 1800 while ur stealthed..? oO

And ml9 pets hits to hard in melee.. make em hit 4 less, and be able to take more dmg in the magic ways..

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