This Game is a commerical pile of WANK



Lol and you found that out after 2 years? Well I'm getting bored (not really bored, but lets say 'not enjoying the game as much as before') after playing for 9 months, I even cba to lvl my chars up to 50...Actually, why should I? I have fun when I lvl a new char up to lvl 40, after 40 it gets boring as usual. The difference between the early beta stage and now is so huge, it is a completely different game with completely different people. Its now Dark Age of Cry A-Lot, but nm I'm gonna give the game a last try on hib/excal with a RL friend playing bard and me a chanter, if we can manage to get them to 50 I will succeed my mission and can stop playing the game in peace ;)


Originally posted by Yussef
Now look at real life, you're not going to bring more talented people down to average people's level. Why? That's not exactly fair is it, you want to be equal, they don't, you would enjoy it, they won't.

Well ... just a couple of points

(1) DAOC doesn't take much skill, just time &

(2) It's not 'real life', so why should people have to spend silly amounts in game just to be able to compete with others?

Ultimately those who play DAOC for its PvP content will become frustrated if they're not able to play 24/7 like their enemies, or in a guild made up of others able to play 24/7 who provide things for their characters.

It's not rocket science to see why so many are leaving the game for pastures new.


Ok. why should hardcore players have nothing to work for if everything is so easy? Games are not necessarilly for fun, they're for amusement and entertainment and other purposes. Name one game that has an equal level field for me please.





Strip Jack Naked :p

Planetside :)

Where I would disagree strongly with the author of the thread concerns the commercial success of Mythics product. Far from being a 'pile of wank' (whatever that is), it's been a huge commercial success.

Using code that was old even at the time of the inception of the product they've managed to keep thousands of people throughout the world playing the same game for 2 years or so. A game that has no real 'end game' with limited PvP and PvE of inferior quality to just about any singleplayer computer game one could mention.

Really they've done an amazing job! :)


feathersham probably got it 50% right, the game is a huge timesink that doesn't reward the average player. 90% of the people playing this game only continue to do so because of loyalty and friendship. The remaining 10% mainly play because they have good friends and run in organised groups. Here is how the game goes for the majority ;

Step 1: Exp to 50

Step 2: Try RvR and get butchered

Step 3: Make a new class or buffbot

Step 4: Exp the new class or buffbot to a good level

Step 5: Farm insane amounts of cash to pay for crafted/spellcrafted/alchemied set

Step 6: Try RvR again and this time get butchered by organised gank squads who actually learn their classes

Step 7: Get really pissed off and start playing another realm on Excal

Step 8: Reach level 30 and the exp syndrome starts to kick in, you begin to hate the game and wish you had never started

Step 9: You return to your original server, keep playing the game out of loyalty to your guild and because you would miss your friends

Step 10: Take a month off to try breathe new life into the game

Step 11: Return and nothing has changed

Step 12: New patch somehow manages to make your class even less useful than before

Step 13: Repeat steps 10 and 11

Step 14: Leave the game in a blaze of glory by either telling everyone that you love them or that they are all a bunch of cunts :)


I played a game called Jumpgate before DAoC, a skilled level 5 could kill a level 50 so you had a chance solo against anyone from day one. In DAoC you NEED a good properly balanced group or a buffbotted asassin class to make any kind of headway in the realm ranks. That has always bugged me about DAoC, you have to spend months getting the right level and setup before you are even ready to start competing and even then you need 7 other players to be competetive. DAoC is not for the casual gamer, if you can't commit a shit load of time then it is unwise to start playing. In many ways I wish I had known that when I started 20 months ago so I could have made an informed choice. Instead I got sucked in and made some good friends, that makes it very hard to leave even when you have those days where you despise the game.


Can argue Planetside is not equal as it is skill orientated. Everyone has the same chances, same as in DAOC, it is offered to you via a timesink, you also get second rate rewards in DAOC, I.E epic rewards etc. As I said before, I use epic gear, I do fine, whats the problem?

Yes you can tell who is skillful in DAOC, it may not be much, but it exists.


Personally I hope that other MMORPG's follow the trend of Planetside and not like dinosaurs such as DAOC ... there will always be people who are happy to do nothing but play a game 24/7, but there is a much larger audience who would prefer to play a game when its convenient and that takes a lesser time investment to be able to compete.

Yussef, I'm happy to play a game where the outcome is mostly decided upon skill ... but I got very very bored of a game that offers its best rewards to players who live to play games. That's just not me, and so I have to agree with the original poster in a lot of respects.


Yeah, I can see how people may dislike it, also note Planetside is a completely different genre, as its heavily player controlled, via aiming etc. When comparing the two, PS looks more appealing.


Originally posted by feathersham
After playing for nearly 2 yrs ..

..groups of internet nerd gamers..

internet geeks ..

Sorry if I'm confused..


They need the RvR expansion desperately imo


Originally posted by old.Greggor
They need the RvR expansion desperately imo

80% of the original players will be gone by the time EU gets it patched in next spring, sure new people will join but not in the numbers required to replace those lost. People will also have far more choice about what to play in the next 6 months so you can't even count on a surge of new players for ToA. Mythic killed the game the day they decided to delay the RvR expansion in my opinion. Housing is fluff and was over half done last year before they canned it to complete Darkness Falls and get Shrouded Isles ready for retail. ToA is Mythics last chance to make a quick buck off DAoC and they even b0rked that up by driving loyal customers away.


Originally posted by feathersham
So in closing again... This fucking game sucks shit, unless of course you are on the dole and no another 7 dole scammers with the game, then good luck to u for having all that free time - fair play to u lol

mate.. wtf does ppl on the dole gotta do with it? i for one WAS (no more) on the dole when i began playing daoc & no way could i afford to have 2 accounts (buffbots etc..) now im working i can afford 2 accounts & believe it or not.. i have MORE time on daoc ;)

people who are on the dole are on it for a number of different reasons. If you meant *People who can't be assed working* yeh fair enough... but otherwise choose ya words more wisely...anyone can end up on the dole without any choice ;)


Originally posted by feathersham
After playing for nearly 2 yrs on and off and finally hitting level 50 I now realise what a total waste of those 2years have been in gaming time.

Once you hit the magic 50 this is when supposedly you can enjoy the so called 'end game' which is RVR. Now i went through the torture of leveling to get this and for what? To realise my class is shit, I can never find groups, people lack the social skills to even try to cooperate to make rvr slightly structured so we can do something in this so called 'group orientated battlefield of misfits' Lets face it RVR is total bollocks for the average normal human who doesnt spend countless hours wanking over the number of RP they and their mates have got.

The only people who truley can enjoy RVR are the people who have the resources and time to level 2 characters one a buffbot and their main. Even with a buffbot you are totally unable to enjoy RVR unless you are part of some sad little group of people who dedicate their lives to these types of games. As you all know such groups as the midget mafia, Nolby pride and Eclipse. Against such people that spend their entire time on the game you have no chance, for the average joe in the street who buys this game and does reach 50 - the sad reality is RVR is a non starter in so many ways. You will spend a ridiculous amount of time looking for groups or getting into a pick up group at some apk where everyone doesnt bother to discuss anything except lo lets go, then everyone dies cos the 'Uber groups' of no life look at me im Uber,come along kick your arse cos their occupation is never to leave their bedrooms but sit on daoc all day and chat over irc and voice com and run up to people and spam pbaoe or whatever.

The game is totally screwed by its inability to allow for the average player to enjoy RVR. The game is totally dominated by these few groups of internet nerd gamers that power level their 5th bot before us average suckers have got 45. The game leveling up to 50 is fantastic but RVR is the biggest let down.

Unfortunately the above is a fact, ive read these forums with amusement and when anyone states facts all the people who have a problem with the post tend to struggle with common english, as im sure and i wait with anticipation of someones got Pwned or n00be or some other shit these internet geeks use to explain away someone who doesnt dedicate their existence to a computer game.

In closing RVR now is a total waste of time due the lack of co-operation between people in general. Everyone complains that no one ever bothers to defend the keeps etc... this is just one example of how this game is totally flawed in concept, to make RVR work you have to work off the group dynamics. By giving players the ability to run 2 accounts of one machine = buffbots, = buffbots = more people who will solo as stealthers = less people to have in groups for main battle rvr. Having no group dynamic for the average player = zerg lots of lost little people with no general idea of what to do but follow the pack. The only people who win in RVR are A) The organised people, B) the people with all the best gear obviosuly, C) The people who dedicate their dole money and time to the game. The RVR zerg happens because of the way the game is flawed, people have no incentive really to group unless they are part of the internet nerd 24/7 elite band of players who are wanking constantly after each rp. People group only because they have chance to gain further rp off a kill someone else in the group obtains. The average player does not join a group to play as part of the group to make RVR more viable for all classes, ie to work as a group. The only successful people remember are those who are part of this interent geek clique that spend hours perfecting how a group works best. So therefore every other sap is just another sad wanker who will die cos they havent spent the time to learn the group dynamics the internet geek elite player types have.

So in closing again... This fucking game sucks shit, unless of course you are on the dole and no another 7 dole scammers with the game, then good luck to u for having all that free time - fair play to u lol

And for those who are about to flame me, insult me whatever, I dont really give a fuck, this is after all Barryswhine and im fucked off with leveling to 50 and finding what a totally and utterly pointless excercise RVR is for the average player.

For those who are about to flame me i salute you !
or you can kiss my arse whatever..

Featherspam the wizard of spam and bitterness of the greater circle of magical spam and fucked offedness.

Cry more noob


Re: Re: This Game is a commerical pile of WANK

Originally posted by lissandra
Cry more noob

Wow, that must have really stretched your imagination.


Re: Re: This Game is a commerical pile of WANK

Originally posted by lissandra
Cry more noob

You had to quote the WHOLE of his post to make that witty, cutting, thoughtful response?

Get thee behind me noob.


Some people really have a problem facing the fact a game can get boring after playing it for a long time.

So instead of just beeing fair and saying "Oh well, i had a laugh, had my fun, time to move on" they start blaming everyone involved (GOA (u cant make this game fun), own realm (u s00k), other realms (omfg u zerg all the time, whine), players with skill/lots of time) for the fact they don't like the game anymore.

Please answer this: if you have spend 2 years (though 1.5 is more likely) on a game, you think it's fair to end it by saying "this game sucks!!!" So basically you are saying... i suck cause i spend 2 years on a game i don't like at all.

Do yourself and the rest of us a favor and face the fact you are bored with the game after playing it for so long. Move on to something new and accept the fact you can't enjoy yourself with DaoC anymore. It's human for people to get bored sometimes ok?


Yeah but this game is supposed to keep you entertained, since it's an mmorpg and you pay for it monthly, if i played a regular game that sucked i would just buy another or whatever, but here you pay monthly for new things, but the new things really are not that good, imo.

PS. Ziva get on irc x)


If you don't find the game enjoyable then stop paying and quit instead of whining in here.


Commercial wank

Feather has the game summed's full of kids and dole-boys with nothing better to do. I got bored with the combat side of the game months ago but kept it going for the social aspect and took up crafting as a way of keeping in the game if I ever changed my mind (that way I could watch TV while not having to be arsed about upsetting someone as I hadn't looked at the screen for 5 minutes. Now I'm a LGM armourer and still haven't changed my mind, ahh well, time to find somthing else to do).

The idea of someone being skilful because they reached a high level is preposterous...pressing F6 and then clicked on an icon repeatedly for hours and days on end is just not skilful. No, it isn't - be told. I've not been to 'real' RVR often, it sucks arse. Soloing only works if your lvl50 and have a bot. Grouping is a nice idea until someone asks what the tactic should be used and some muppet is guaranteed to shout "ZERG". Every time. Obviously if Monty had used such genius at Arnhem the war would've been 6 months shorter.....

I've 'met' some genuinely nice people in the game, but lets be honest...when most people ask me how I am, it's just buttering up for some cheap armour or to get my hands on some seals for them. The vast majority of people are only out for themselves, which is a fair reflection of society I admit, but gaming is a form of escapism. The irony is that most people consider themselves skilled at the game, but the if the best player is rated at 10 and the worst/complete newbie is 1, then the typical player has inherently to be rated a 5. But who in the game would rate themselves a as 5? My point is that most players impression of themselves isn't proportional to their skill...a LOT claim to be talented them just get the group killed. Far too many have unreasonable prejudices over certain classes and specs without considering the benefits variety brings to a MMORPG - otherwise why not just play Counterstrike if you don’t want variety?

Is the game commercial? Of course it is, it'd wouldn't be viable if it wasn't. It's been a success...any game that has people subscribing to more than 1 account, playing multiple characters on each server, and even US and Euro servers at the same time has to be considered commercially successful. Fair play to it. My issue is that those people who made is a success are a drain on my taxes. GET A JOB.

Is it wank? Lets face it, when I'm crafting as I can't be arsed with PvE, and RvR is for buff-botted butt monkeys, I don't hold out much hope for the game. So wank it is, said with a touch of hypocrisy.

A challenge to anyone who disagrees with me about the level of skill needed to play the game: mention that you've got 4 lvl50's in a job interview and see if it gets you far. I can see it now: "What would you bring to the role?" "Energy, organization and pwning." "Get out."

Besides, a far more important question is "What the fuck has happened to the Channel 5 Friday night soft-porn flick?" :p


Do what I did

Open a gaming centre then your work is playing games:)

In the quiet times lvl up chars on 14 pcs and have your own uber group at your command.

Now all I have to do is think of how to control 14 chars at the same time


You have to go on "crusades" or something.
If I ever level to 50, I'm going to hunt around in the forests of Yggdra or Uppland. Wether I'll take my Paladine with me or not I don't know.
The game really isn't that fun to make it worth another 15 levels.

RvR was a disappointment.
I had to set my resolution to 640x480, turn off effects and look down on the ground when I moved and keep hitting my assist [person] macro.

I just want to rush to 50, though, so I can /level, cap out of Thidranki, dleete character, make him again, hit /level etc.
The battleground is the only place I've had some real fun.


BG is what RvR used to be, not polluted by crazy realm abilties and overpowered instas.


Aye BG is fun instead, but Im a bit concerned when the /level command will come, many people will roll a bg only char and the bg's will get overpopulated soon...Its a (rather) small arena with just a few places where fights are going (around mb, mpk, around ck) wont be a problem when all realms have equal numbers, but when 1 realm has the most numbers it will get boring soon :(


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
I played a game called Jumpgate before DAoC, .

I played jumpgate to before DAoC. Was cool, but had to leave due to the fact i was hated :)


no no no.

now be told.

bg is just as bad as 'real' RvR, if not worse.

Pryden bg is full of Alb arses that camp mpk. Its pointless. I spent soo long scouting the Hib side of Thid as my scout (ho ho) and only got appreciation twice. And one of those times was when I solo'd the only Hibbie on at the time.......and what were the other Albs doing? Sitting in front of mpk waiting to be zerged by some middies. Please give me a damp cloth for my forehead...I'm feeling the heat from the inspiration. Or was that perspiration from the effort of pressing F6 for the 2-thousand'th time?

Maybe I shouldn'tve play Alb, but at the end of the day each Realm has its equivalents, they are a lot more equal than players like to admit. So playing another realm wouldn't change anything.

Does the game suck? No, It's the people that play the game in the way that they do that sucks.

But then I'm not at school and I have a job :D


Originally posted by chimaira
Daoc seems more and more like Diablo2 cowruns :(
Know how you feel o_O

And tbh I mostly PvE or solo in Odin's nowadays..haven't really had an rvr group for months and haven't stepped foot in emain for even longer :F

Btw Coren That bit about "hitting pixels is more macho then RvR'ing".. some people enjoy the satisfaction of finding new and harder bosses to kill with as few people as possible etc .. it's certainly more of a challenge then joining teh zerg TM :m00:
The ability to function in PvE without constant lag kinda helps too ..and imo it's more fun to use all the skills and stuff your char has to kill " pixels" then it is to run around emain SPAMM1NG F6 1!1!!!!ONE!!11!ONE!1! "4thewin" :F


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
Step 14: Leave the game in a blaze of glory by either telling everyone that you love them or that they are all a bunch of cunts :)
Repeating this step daily but without the quitting does pass some time fyi! :F


Originally posted by Flesh

Btw Coren That bit about "hitting pixels is more macho then RvR'ing".. some people enjoy the satisfaction of finding new and harder bosses to kill with as few people as possible etc .. it's certainly more of a challenge then joining teh zerg TM :m00:
The ability to function in PvE without constant lag kinda helps too ..and imo it's more fun to use all the skills and stuff your char has to kill " pixels" then it is to run around emain SPAMM1NG F6 1!1!!!!ONE!!11!ONE!1! "4thewin" :F

Chimeira said RvR was 'for teh geeks', so I asumed he thought PvE was for macho tough guys and had to show him why the difference in geekness between RvR and PvE isn't that big? :p

Just tired of idiots stereotyping others because they like another aspect of the game.


Originally posted by Coren
Just tired of idiots stereotyping others because they like another aspect of the game.

really? I'm pretty tired of whining full stop :p

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