Thinking of making a SB?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 10, 2004
emma said:
When your nightshade is actually at a level you can compete instead of a rr3 noob with less than 100k rp`s come back and say SB`s are on an even ground damage wise when you pop AP3.

Damage might seem ok to you now but the moment you get AP2-3 it will be no where near fine.

Atleast you wont have AP in NF \o/ guess you`ll have to roll a Ranger instead then to wtfpwn.

Nightshades lost AP in Frontiers, why are you whining like a **** still? You should delete your fh account, you never say anything remotely funny or positive.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Pudzy said:
Nightshades lost AP in Frontiers, why are you whining like a **** still? You should delete your fh account, you never say anything remotely funny or positive.

you never seem to say anything remotely funny or positive either anymore :p

i think its a realm switcher thing :D


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Pudzy said:
Nightshades lost AP in Frontiers, why are you whining like a **** still? You should delete your fh account, you never say anything remotely funny or positive.
Didnt i already say that in my previous post. The part about loosing AP in NF ?

Guess you missed that part then.

Ohh and Frontiers is still a good 2-3 or more months away so its a perfectly valid Whine mmkay.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 10, 2004
emma said:
Didnt i already say that in my previous post. The part about loosing AP in NF ?

Guess you missed that part then.

Ohh and Frontiers is still a good 2-3 or more months away so its a perfectly valid Whine mmkay.

Not really, your not whining to defend your class anymore, your in the INFIL ALB STEALTHER ZERG REALM emma.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 10, 2004
Ormorof said:
you never seem to say anything remotely funny or positive either anymore :p

i think its a realm switcher thing :D

Obviousely not reading the threads, look harder.

P.s - Don't even know who the fuck you are.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Ok this is what u say?

Dont make Sbs cause rr6 infils can hit me for 246 mainhand!!!

Ohh and I beat him anyways. but dont make Sbs they suck cant win etc.


Stealthers all suck. play tanks xD


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Chimaira said:
Ok this is what u say?

Dont make Sbs cause rr6 infils can hit me for 246 mainhand!!!

Ohh and I beat him anyways. but dont make Sbs they suck cant win etc.


Stealthers all suck. play tanks xD

no, this is what i say:
mids read this if you are thinking of making a SB on prydwen.
infs hits you for huge dmg even tho you aint debuffed and got 57% heat resist.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
no, this is what i say:
mids read this if you are thinking of making a SB on prydwen.
infs hits you for huge dmg even tho you aint debuffed and got 57% heat resist.
Havnt we already established that you were infact debuffed? Or are you ignoring that again? :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
Chimaira said:
Ok this is what u say?

Dont make Sbs cause rr6 infils can hit me for 246 mainhand!!!

Ohh and I beat him anyways. but dont make Sbs they suck cant win etc.


Stealthers all suck. play tanks xD

My scout can tank!

Up to green con!

raar! ;D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
bigchief said:
Havnt we already established that you were infact debuffed? Or are you ignoring that again? :p

wasnt debuffed.

i had pressed the wrong button when doing my settings for status window. unchecked "Resists changed" instead of "Others combat".

thats why it didnt show.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
bigchief said:
ofc you had

Im nice. Come play with me more
Such a liar :p

I always jump necro's, and I´m never near killing them. They just look so easy to kill with that blue con pet :D They just hit you for 400 damage everytime you do 30 :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Umilard said:
If you really wanna check damagedifferences between SB and inf, ask someone to help you perform some real testing instead of posting pictures of and inf getting a huge crit and comparing that to your unstyled damage... OK?

uh oh .. i thought we did this like on a daily basis ?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Stats: 344 Str, 1488 WS, 39 +17 CS, Heat LG Mainhand, 16.5dps 2.9spd Slash offhand.

Now let's compare the PA of a SB to a pretty debuffed (lvl37 Str/Con + disease)
anytimer (more or less) of an Infil.


mind you, that's not even heat debuffed yet.

edit: got capped Heat Resists before anyone questions that.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Cylian said:
Stats: 344 Str, 1488 WS, 39 +17 CS, Heat LG Mainhand, 16.5dps 2.9spd Slash offhand.

Now let's compare the PA of a SB to a pretty debuffed (lvl37 Str/Con + disease)
anytimer (more or less) of an Infil.


mind you, that's not even heat debuffed yet.

edit: got capped Heat Resists before anyone questions that.
I believe that is what Grivne is trying to point out.

Nothing on earth could get my damage near that even after my weapons procced, GoV procced and with relics.

The best i could hope for is 250-300 on a target with poor resists using Ragnarok. Let alone a target with capped resists using an anytime style.

Before anyone digs out the screen shot of me hitting Succi for 295 mainhand with an anytime calculate her slash resist first. Notice its NOT capped by 10-13%.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
yes lets compare extremes why dont we. Would you like me to fetch out a pic of me PA'ing a sb for 400 this morning using heats? Or me using an anytime and hitting for 150?

Or would you like me to pull out a SS of me PA'ing a sb for 1200? (im sure werewolf could oblige), or me hitting someone for 400+ with an anytime?

What would that prove? Not a thing. because its a screenshot of an extreme situation. Its pretty amusing the whine Emma comes up with for his SB considering he played it for about a week after toa then rolled alb. Lets not take into account offhand damage, or comparative swing speeds, or swing rates of the ppl fighting, lets not take into account debuffs or weapon qualities or armour qualities or opposing weaponskills, of buff effectiveness ....... and so on.

Its been said many times before, even many times in this thread. A single screenshot shows and proves absolutly nothing. If you want to 'prove' sb's are as gimped as some of the whiners make out (amazing that the people that dont whine on here tend to give a good fight eh? (heh and some of the ppl that do whine do too tbh)) then take some proper tests instead of posting screenshots of extreme situations.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
bigchief said:
yes lets compare extremes why dont we. Would you like me to fetch out a pic of me PA'ing a sb for 400 this morning using heats? Or me using an anytime and hitting for 150?

Or would you like me to pull out a SS of me PA'ing a sb for 1200? (im sure werewolf could oblige), or me hitting someone for 400+ with an anytime?

What would that prove? Not a thing. because its a screenshot of an extreme situation. Its pretty amusing the whine Emma comes up with for his SB considering he played it for about a week after toa then rolled alb. Lets not take into account offhand damage, or comparative swing speeds, or swing rates of the ppl fighting, lets not take into account debuffs or weapon qualities or armour qualities or opposing weaponskills, of buff effectiveness ....... and so on.

Its been said many times before, even many times in this thread. A single screenshot shows and proves absolutly nothing. If you want to 'prove' sb's are as gimped as some of the whiners make out (amazing that the people that dont whine on here tend to give a good fight eh? (heh and some of the ppl that do whine do too tbh)) then take some proper tests instead of posting screenshots of extreme situations.
I guess some of those "whiners" include the Infil, NS and SB TL along with Devs then who have already openly admitted there is a disparity in there performance when compaired to the other assassins.

Granted after getting my SB sorted with ToA gear all leveled to 10 i may have only spent a week in Emain, but that was a very productive 40k rp`s a day week. Which although i thaught my damage was "ok" then i knew it was down the relics and nothing else. Take them away like it is currently and even with almost 1600 ws its not un-usual to see sub 150 dmg hits on other assassins.

Hell i only averaged 230 dmg mainhand with relics sometimes raising to 260-280 after a weapon proc. It was never anything close to what Infils or Shades for that matter can do with all 3 melee relics.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
emma said:
When your nightshade is actually at a level you can compete instead of a rr3 noob with less than 100k rp`s come back and say SB`s are on an even ground damage wise when you pop AP3.

Damage might seem ok to you now but the moment you get AP2-3 it will be no where near fine.

Atleast you wont have AP in NF \o/ guess you`ll have to roll a Ranger instead then to wtfpwn.

You dumbass.

I'm RR3 and I can compete already, it's not hard.

Without AP3, SBs hit me for more than Infs do. With AP3, they'd still do it. That's just common sense tbfh.

I didn't roll an NS to wtfpwn. The fact that you said that is laughable. Nobody rolls an NS to wtfpwn as NSs aren't overpowered in the slightest. Unlike you, you FotM playing gimp. SB/Zerker/Savage in that order, all rolled when the classes were in their prime.

You hypocritical, whining little boy.

In a few months you'll be whining about Merc damage and how underpowered Alb is.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
You should ofc compare damage unbuffed, and not take into realm specific advantages like spec af into the equation. But ofc you're doing that, ofc.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Dook said:
SBs hit me for more than Infs do

lol...who the hell have u been fighting? the Rambo "i use 2.9spd weap" infils?(no offence intended towards rambo ;)) Cause thats just BS...As most say here...when mid had str relics dmg seemed somewhat even SB Vs me at least.

But now u can guess how it goes...20% dmg gone from SBs and over to infils ;) I still dont think NS is overpowered in anyway...might even agree they do same/less dmg as SB at low RRs...but high RR NS are very evil..but still not as a result of dmg. They gain greatly from the RAs they get, mainly AP.

Having played both SB and NS quite a lot i think by far infil is the worst enemy for both and not each other(still hopin to play a 50 infil at some point ;)) hopin NF will sort this to some degree..altho it not really keepin my fingers crossed...this game is going down :p ToA=death of daoc imo!



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
bigchief said:
yes lets compare extremes why dont we. Would you like me to fetch out a pic of me PA'ing a sb for 400 this morning using heats? Or me using an anytime and hitting for 150?

I'd LOVE to see you using an anytimer on a SB and hitting for just 150!

While you're fully buffed, and using 16.5dps weaps (and no, not those funky 16.5dps 2.2spd daggers).

Even if that hit was an about perfect crit, it'd still be 240damage -before- debuff. Compare that to the 100 damage Garrote.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
funny, just ran into another infil... and he actually did hit for just 180ish damage mainhand!

bad thing about it:

a) that were unstyled hits
b) offhand hit for 130dmg in addition to that

styled: 250-280 +offhand.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
At low rr;


At high rr;


One might also belive that ToA closed the gap between asassins a bit, but thats wrong. The only real advantage SBs had was the thrust-resistant armor and that is gone too. Now both infils and NS specs thrust/piercing to get Dragonfang/Diamondback, lesser debuff-effect and use for their prime-stat; dex while wielding heat legendarys.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
or how about some screenies with pulling an entire PA chain on an infil who doesn't purge the stun... and still loose ?
that's while heat resist buffs were still up. Interested ?


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Dook said:
You dumbass.

I'm RR3 and I can compete already, it's not hard.

Without AP3, SBs hit me for more than Infs do. With AP3, they'd still do it. That's just common sense tbfh.

I didn't roll an NS to wtfpwn. The fact that you said that is laughable. Nobody rolls an NS to wtfpwn as NSs aren't overpowered in the slightest. Unlike you, you FotM playing gimp. SB/Zerker/Savage in that order, all rolled when the classes were in their prime.

You hypocritical, whining little boy.

In a few months you'll be whining about Merc damage and how underpowered Alb is.
Wrong actually

It was SB (rolled 19/02/02) Long before any assassin become overpowered, even before It was even known about LeftAxe specs for SB`s. Then it was Savage rolled at SI release, Then Berserker. Neither Class was rolled at what you consider there "PRIME".

Ohh and Bigchief. I`d happily re-new both my mid accounts just to let you try Emma and then come back and say SB damage is fine.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Cylian said:
or how about some screenies with pulling an entire PA chain on an infil who doesn't purge the stun... and still loose ?
that's while heat resist buffs were still up. Interested ?
been there, done that unfortunatly. Again, its an extreme situation. Has happened twice to me in memory. I suspect its not a very common occurance for you either.

Seriously Cylian, stop with the bullshiting extremist bollocks, theyre not an accurate representation of normal rvr, I'd have thought after 2.6mil rps you would understand that.

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