Thinking of making a SB?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 10, 2004
Emma moves to alb but still whines about SB's, fresh start!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Just a couple of comments that came up while this was being laughed at on irc.

Aeser hits you for 246 damage!
Aeser hits you for 41 damage!

If hes using a heat LW .. hi thats called a debuff. But wait, theres no message. Therefore you were already debuffed.

You whine to god about your damage yet your sc only has +2%melee +2%style? Seriously, if your damage is that gimped try getting a decent SC. For the record, using a BotS weapon then swapping to heat vs infs, isnt a good sc as they dont have the same stats.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
bigchief said:
Just a couple of comments that came up while this was being laughed at on irc.

Aeser hits you for 246 damage!
Aeser hits you for 41 damage!

If hes using a heat LW .. hi thats called a debuff. But wait, theres no message. Therefore you were already debuffed.

You whine to god about your damage yet your sc only has +2%melee +2%style? Seriously, if your damage is that gimped try getting a decent SC. For the record, using a BotS weapon then swapping to heat vs infs, isnt a good sc as they dont have the same stats.

wish i had the quote where you say that infs dosnt dare to face SBs with heat resists up...thats kinda bullshit now, is it?

Id still like to see the dmg on an inf with 57% heat resist after debuff.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
GrivneKelmorian said:
Dont...Dont even bother if you aint a masocist or really love the class.

Making SB cause yes I love the class, somehow I find them more appealing than both the shade and the inf.

Only other stalther I would want to play is the ranger but I am no girlie hibbie ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
wish i had the quote where you say that infs dosnt dare to face SBs with heat resists up...thats kinda bullshit now, is it?

Id still like to see the dmg on an inf with 57% heat resist after debuff.
try 7% or even less, -15% for heat vs leather, 35% debuff, 57-50 = 7, and you wonder why you get hit for with 7% resist.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Loch said:
try 7% or even less, -15% for heat vs leather, 35% debuff, 57-50 = 7, and you wonder why you get hit for with 7% resist.

explains why i hit for about 150 dmg on a rr1 inf after debuff with my heat weapon then...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
wish i had the quote where you say that infs dosnt dare to face SBs with heat resists up...thats kinda bullshit now, is it?

Id still like to see the dmg on an inf with 57% heat resist after debuff.
I said heat resists are unbalanced. Even with a debuff you won. Given the extreme debuffs on resist buffed ppl + natural 15%weakness, a heat weapon thats proc'd is gonna hit hard whatever happens.

So anyway, why all the bullshit on irc and here claiming you wernt debuffed? Infil using toa weapon that proc's a debuff hits for 250. Omg no? really? Someone phone the national newspaper :<


Loyal Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Ok Grivne, this isn't "bullying" you, but seriously, what are you on about? :p

It's obvious you are debuffed in that fight, does that "Aesir hits you for 41 damage" say anything to you? Let me tell you what that means, it's a debuffproc going off, only you don't get any message of it since you are already debuffed..

And, you won that fight, didn't you? How did you do that if that inf hit you for such enormous damage and you hit back like a ressick weewolf?

And you say you hit rr1 infs for ~150 after you land heatdebuff? Howcome you hit my rr7 minstrel with capped energyresist for ~300 after i got energydebuffed..

YES, infs are better, but in my eyes ONLY becouse of dragonfang and the benefits of having str/dex weapons.

If you really wanna check damagedifferences between SB and inf, ask someone to help you perform some real testing instead of posting pictures of and inf getting a huge crit and comparing that to your unstyled damage... OK?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 16, 2004
Dook said:
You also hit me harder than any stealther I've met yet.

But hey, you're gimped. :m00:

I do?! wow! :wub:

Well, I'm not exaggerating one bit in my prior post. When mid had str relics it was pretty even against rr5+ infs if we both were in ToA-gear. I only just came back from a break so I only had 1 week to compare. Since we lost em. I haven't won a single fight against any rr6 inf 1on1. Ask Rhodry how hard he thought it was to beat me over and over an early morning a few days back ;)

Thats enough for me to know I don't hit anywher near as hard as my albion counterparts. And I don't even have any critical strikes.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Another fun thing about that screenshot is quickbarslot 3 and 4, 8 and 9.
I guess it's not only fotminfiltards that feel the need of using the same styles over and over. \o>
Or did you feel a need to look elite by using lotsa positionals..but..ran out of ideas? :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
How will SB's and other asassin classes be doing in New Frontiers then.. ? I was looking through the upcomming NF RA's and noticed that the world is comming to a 180 degrees turn.. It seemes to me that in NF it will be the archer classes that has the advantage of being able to discover assasins before being discovered themselves.. Permanent Truesight ! while there is nothing like Detect Hidden available anymore.. as I see this, the life of an asassin will be a lot more dangerous...


New RA calc


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
koxine said:
How will SB's and other asassin classes be doing in New Frontiers then.. ? I was looking through the upcomming NF RA's and noticed that the world is comming to a 180 degrees turn.. It seemes to me that in NF it will be the archer classes that has the advantage of being able to discover assasins before being discovered themselves.. Permanent Truesight ! while there is nothing like Detect Hidden available anymore.. as I see this, the life of an asassin will be a lot more dangerous...


New RA calc

Detect hidden is what all assasins get, and will still get in NF, it gives you 250 detection radius, its see hidden that is going.

Archers get the new more expensive truesight, passive but pricey, so most with have the choice of getting a low level version of it just to avoid PA, or get a high level and then find that they dont have the melle ra's they need to kill the inf they just attacked as the range of the best TS is still only 800 which is easily covered in seconds.

To be honest though, i think archers may well become FOTM in NF, as people willl see the long list of great RA's that are available to the archer, Its only when they ding 50 and start rvring that many will realise that they dont have the RP to get any of them, and as most hunters will tell you, its hard to get rp as a solo archer.

I've been playing my hunter on and off for ages, and am 5l6 so in NF i will be able to afford something like this

Physical defence 4
Purge 2
Ip 1
TS 1

Not alot really,


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 10, 2004
tbh Grivne your damage is good for an SB, those logs derric pasted are accurate I don't know why you've made this thread. Th class still has its problems, but thats mainly Kobold SB's - who are supposidly the more agile stealther race (my ass in slash land).


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
Why doesn't Mythric give a common thrust line to mid?

or could change one of the slash or slash choices to thrust? ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Pudzy said:
tbh Grivne your damage is good for an SB, those logs derric pasted are accurate I don't know why you've made this thread. Th class still has its problems, but thats mainly Kobold SB's - who are supposidly the more agile stealther race (my ass in slash land).

why do ppl insist on thinking this was a whine thread saying infs are overpowerd?



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Umilard said:
If you really wanna check damagedifferences between SB and inf, ask someone to help you perform some real testing instead of posting pictures of and inf getting a huge crit and comparing that to your unstyled damage... OK?

I would actually like to do some tests. But I think that the differences between infil and SB is 1: str/dex weapons 2: LA mechanics 3: specc AF buff 4: DF. In that order.

str/dex weapons for the greater ws and for half the effect on enervating poisons.

La mechanics for almost forcing a SB to specc high LA instead of putting "leftover" pts into it that both infils and nightshades can do.

specc AF buff for the extra amount AF infils get from a buff that lowers the dmg. (i know this isn´t a infil problem but a BB problem. Imo put range on all buffs)

DF. I rarely get DFed nowadays except from high rr infils but it is still to good style with it´s 9s stun (lowered to 5s soon) and directly of off evade.

But I think that the new infil TL Lindy is doing a great job for all the assassins and hopefully he will manage to get Mythic to listen.

And heat weapons are just to funny for an assassin. 15% extra damage then add 35% debuff. It´s to much imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
xxManiacxx said:
But I think that the new infil TL Lindy is doing a great job for all the assassins and hopefully he will manage to get Mythic to listen.

aye, i think so too...tho i doubt mythic will listen to any sane TLs. :<


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Detect hidden is what all assasins get, and will still get in NF, it gives you 250 detection radius, its see hidden that is going.

ahh.. but that's only fair.. , and yes.. seemes like the new RA's are pretty expensive indeed.. but an archer with high rr would still be able to see asassins before being detected themselves by achieving TS2 then.. and still have a resonable amount of rsp's to spend on melee skills i think.. well.. will never know how it's gonna turn out before it's here to try out..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
why do ppl insist on thinking this was a whine thread saying infs are overpowerd?

Because you're the person who gives the word "whining" a face ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Because you're the person who gives the word "whining" a face ?

.. and you're one of the ppl's that makes justice to the bad reputation that alb's has got, by typing this kind of crap.. ??


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
why do ppl insist on thinking this was a whine thread saying infs are overpowerd?


Ok. For the sake of argument, let's assume I make a thread entitled 'Thinking of going to Emain'. I post inthis thread, 'Don't bother unless you're a masochist or you really like the scenery.' Then I post a picture of Dwera hitting me for a decent amount of damage - and I've seen the video where you threeshot an armsman so don't tell you you can't do damage to platewearers.

Tell me honestly, would you consider that to be a whine thread saying Dwera was overpowered? In your heart of hearts? Really?

Denial is a terrible thing, together we can help you but first you have to face the fact that you whine like a bitch.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
koxine said:
.. and you're one of the ppl's that makes justice to the bad reputation that alb's has got, by typing this kind of crap.. ??

I take it you haven't seen how Grivne behaves on IRC.
He call people names and whines like a bitch if anyone actually dare to talk against him.
It's totally ok for him to call someone "newb", but if anyone says the slightest thing back to him he wants them banned immediately because they are such horrible bullies.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Derric said:
I take it you haven't seen how Grivne behaves on IRC.
He call people names and whines like a bitch if anyone actually dare to talk against him.
It's totally ok for him to call someone "newb", but if anyone says the slightest thing back to him he wants them banned immediately because they are such horrible bullies.

and when im beeing harrassed/provoked/bullied for no reason at all? that seems all ok for you.
But you wont understand that, as you only look at it from 1 point of view.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
GrivneKelmorian said:
and when im beeing harrassed/provoked/bullied for no reason at all? that seems all ok for you.
But you wont understand that, as you only look at it from 1 point of view.

What you need to learn is to stop taking everything personal.
This community is rough, it's the internet and discussions here will always be more heated than they would be irl due to the fact that you can't see the person you're talking to.
I'm being called lotsa stuff every day but I don't run off crying about harassment because of that.
I strongly dislike you and your retarded whining and opinions here and on IRC, but that's *here* and on *irc*, if I met you irl I'd most likely grin, say "Hiho, you old whiner" and then go have a beer with you, see my point?
That's all the serious talk you get from me anyways, back to "harassing" you next post \o>


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 16, 2004
I think this thread has been sliding away from the issue, thanks to the trolling albs who never stop to amaze me in their never ending atempts to defend their performance.

The fact still stands. If I'm as a rr6 SB often as not get meeled down against infils 2-3 ranks below me, and has no chance against an even realm rank infil when albs have the str relics, and only have a fair chance against even realm rank infils when we hold str relics, How the heck is a low RR SB supposed to perform?

They won't. and thats the end of the story. Don't think I would be wasting my time posting information here if I was making it up.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
They won't. and thats the end of the story. Don't think I would be wasting my time posting information here if I was making it up.

thats why they group in teams of 4-5 at amg now :p


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Dook said:
Once again you're talking out of your fucking arse.

You people piss me off, you whine like there's no tomorrow.

In my experience to date with my NS, SBs are EXACTLY THE SAME as Infils in the damage stakes and for ALL of it, Alb has had possesion of the Str relics.

Apart from the occasional Infil DFing me (which is nerfed anyway) there's nothing I find overpowered or underpowered with any of the stealther classes.

Less whine IMO.

Grivne, I've seen you hit higher numbers than that. This post is v. hypocritical imo.
When your nightshade is actually at a level you can compete instead of a rr3 noob with less than 100k rp`s come back and say SB`s are on an even ground damage wise when you pop AP3.

Damage might seem ok to you now but the moment you get AP2-3 it will be no where near fine.

Atleast you wont have AP in NF \o/ guess you`ll have to roll a Ranger instead then to wtfpwn.

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