and since when do you know how i act ingame? :> and you calling bubble a liar and a retard.. well that's just funnynecromania said:well your incorrect there. ppl hate you for the way you act, the things you do.
ppl hate me cause a RETARD spreaded a lie about me.. so stfu
CuddleBunny! said:sorry mater, i'm 19, so you missed! xD
and i really dont think my RR5 sorc makes me leet, as RR5 is a very small and easy thing to get as a sorc x) and as this is freddyshouse, and i'm norwegian, and the fact that most of the retards(like yourself!1111111111) in here can't even get the words right - i dont care all that much about grammar.
what is runescape? guess you are a teenage cun*t then, as you played it! self-ownage :<
and whats so bad about digging a bigger hole? means i get more space to make fun of little aggressive retards like you \o/
now, if the hole got deeper, that's something else.
Dorimor1 said:Ok - I think I'll pull out of this before it gets ugly
Kalidur said:good thinking,
i'm still pinching myself do people like that actually still exist, people like that make me wish euthanasia was legal.
CuddleBunny! said:and since when do you know how i act ingame? :> and you calling bubble a liar and a retard.. well that's just funny
the things i do ingame would really make people love me instead... you have to look really long to find a person that helps(well, helped) more strangers in toa than me on my cleric -.-
now please, find me a person that's not your friend, that hates me... i'll be waiting:]
necromania said:kalidur?,dorimor?
necromania said:kalidur?,dorimor? said:i·ro·ny Audio pronunciation of "irony" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-n, r-)
n. pl. i·ro·nies
1. The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.
2. An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.
3. A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect. See Synonyms at wit1.
1. Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs: “Hyde noted the irony of Ireland's copying the nation she most hated” (Richard Kain).
2. An occurrence, result, or circumstance notable for such incongruity. See Usage Note at ironic.
3. Dramatic irony.
4. Socratic irony.
CuddleBunny! said:this is funny xD
dorimor, you suck... bigtime! "oh u is so antisocial u hav no life ur mom dnt luv u"fucking pathetic.. is that the best you could do?
even gamah insult people better than that! :O
i love this thread
and i know what irony is, i was just unsure of usage in diffrent forms of it..
you suck
i rock
you loose
i win
3 times then?Kalidur said:wont have to ask me twice
Rhori said:3 times then?![]()
yaaayStaffzor said:Yes, you win at posting on a forum.
so.. even a contract which will say that everything you own will be mine?Kalidur said:just shoot the bitch for me and i'll sign anything you want
Rhori said:so.. even a contract which will say that everything you own will be mine?![]()
CuddleFucker! said:self-ownage :<
CuddleBunny! said:actually i was out with a friend x)
i never run out of ideas...
it's quite amusing how nobody understands that i'm actually just having fun
i'm such a good taunter \o/
and kaldiur; about that women abuse facial hair wannabe-funny stuff - atleast i'm getting some![]()
little retardboy![]()
now you made me laugh :>Dorimor1 said:Sorry I had to come back to say this..
You are just having fun? What the fuck is that about, calling people tards and taking the piss out of people is not 'fun', people like you who think you can say what you like because you are hidden behind a computer are just one of those little shits in life - that will one day so it at the wrong time, to the wrong person, and god knows what is gonig to happen.
One day I hope this will happen to you - then maybe you will get it into your head.
And yes you are a good taunter, want a medal? Do you consider taunting as a good aspect of life, well I am not suprised, you are young and inexperienced on this stuff.
Got attention now?
Fucking hell, I can't believe that I once was (and probably still am) in the same guild as you, it just shows what some people do when they think that they need nothing to do with people anymore, a good example of this is when you quit a job, and tell the boss that you hate him and that he sucks (a better example of this would be Wednesday's Simpsons episode if anyone saw it)
I'd like to see the day you will come back, lets see who is on your side then
CuddleBunny! said:now you made me laugh :>
me making small and harmless comments - then you get all serious and stuff.. it's friggin hillarious
i can be nice if i want, and the oposite - if i want...
the first post in this thread(by me) was ment as irony, cause what i wrote prettymuch sums up all posts in this section into one little one - then someone(dont remember who) started flaming cause they failed to see the point, then i just kept on going :>![]()
to bad for the others that i dont care xDDorimor1 said:Small and 'harmless' to you may not be the same as others.. you will learn
CuddleBunny! said:to bad for the others that i dont care xD
if someone gets insultet from a comment from a stranger on a forum they got some real issues
and as for the comment about "hiding behind computer" etc. olol xD come say hi2u irl and i'll tell you to your face that you are a retard instead.. (i'm sure you are thinking "yeah right" now - but i'm not a skinny little chicken who is afraid of everyone irl etc. and no, i'm not a macho m0f0 who does a car on the bench or something lame like that..)
anyways, gtg <3 c u l8r
CuddleBunny! said:i'm not a skinny little chicken
atleast i am something, unlike youKalidur said:yeah i know, your a fat pig suffering with severe skin and bowel disorder.
do you know what you really are, your the morning after a spicy curry the night before, you are a bloated shit fly right after a meal fit for a king shit fly....
CuddleBunny! said:atleast i am something, unlike you![]()
and i'm not fat, i'm average really...
Kalidur said:yeah i know, your a fat pig suffering with severe skin and bowel disorder.
do you know what you really are, your the morning after a spicy curry the night before, you are a bloated shit fly right after a meal fit for a king shit fly....