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Caring or not means f*ck all, what have you done lately? Simple question, hoping to see atleast some exmples of this "caring" Scouse and Sick claim to have.
I regularly donate cold hard cash to conservation projects that I've bothered to go see for myself to check how they work. How about that?
That's the only example I'm gong to give (and the only time I'm going to mention it ever on this forum). But lets look, just once, at my life:
Personality first, eh?:
From a four year degree in Environmental Management and Technology, during which I worked for a year in the chemical industry, I went to work for one of the world's largest environmental consultancies.
It wasn't long before the realisation hit home that these companies are flailing pointlessly against an undending tide. Much to my annoyance (and dashed dreams) I came to understand that the problems are systemic and the only solution to these problems is a political solution. Everything else is, almost, wasted life.
Sure, you can make small saves here and there, but without the political will to make systemic changes then the ravaging of the planet is continuing apace. Mitigation is not enough.
Faced with that fact I decided on a career change and made the mistake of moving into IT. I've a high IQ and find it a piece of piss, but I didn't understand how mind numbingly dull it can be. Cash is much better than the environmental job tho - they paid a pittance - as do all companies that understand that people of concience can be exploited.
I was made redundant at the end of my first year. Shockingly - I'd directly made the company I worked for over a million pounds (on my tiny salary). So I decided to go contracting - make the economic system work for me rather than against me. Yep - being a contractor is anti-capitalist (and the only way you can be so in a capitalist economy without cutting your nose off to spite your face (or living in dung, as Tom seems to expect)).
Global warming was an issue I was very much aware of from the 1990's and despite the ditching of the environmental career I've followed all the research (and wider research, science in general is an interest). Still, everything points towards the conclusion that only systemic change is ultimately worthwhile.
So. Other than having a deeper understanding of the environmental problems that face us than the vast majority of humans (which isn't arrogance, it's just fact borne out of my education and experience), what lifestyle changes can I make or have I made?
The same as anyone else. Energy efficiency savings. Ethical purchasing. The occasional dabble in carbon offsetting (even when I'm not sure it's worth it - it's good for the conscience but makes you feel like a fool sometimes). I've owned just 3 cars since I was 17 (the vast majority of environmental waste is in the manufacturing and construction, not the fuel use) - all have been very well looked after but hardly ever cleaned. Yadda yadda yadda.
What else can you realistically do in a capitalist economy? I still need to eat. Still need to earn a living. Still need a place to live. I'm human so I'm a social animal - so I still need to see my friends. I have a real interest in travel - so I travel.
Are some of these things at odds with my strongly held, extremely well-thought-out convictions? Of, fucking, course! - But what choice do you have?
The answer, of course, is none.
Too many arguments (yours, Toms, others) are bandied around telling people that they need to justify their lifestyles before they're alowed to hold an intellectual position. That is abhorrent. It's white-van-man thinking and an act of intellectual violence.
When I argue for systemic change I do not need to justify my lifestyle any more than those who were against Apartheid yet working and living in South Africa had to justify theirs. They were, after all, working in jobs that were helping the south african economy - and therefore working both in and for the system that killed blacks because of their skin colour.
I'm anti capitalist but I live in a capitalist economy. I've got no fucking choice about that and like every human I want better. I want more. To deny that is to deny being what I am.
Tom posted all the union wages in an attempt to support his own point of view. As far as I'm concerned he's missing the point - no human in their right mind chooses poverty, chooses a poorer lifestyle than their peers, punishes themselves, when an opportunity presents itself. By default we're all hypocrites, if you like.
Everyone chooses the cash. Almost everyone chooses the great lifestyle. Those who don't live like fucking swampy.
That is why only systemic change can bring about the necessary change. It's the system that defines the choices we make as a race and constantly raging against the machine makes for a depressed and unhappy existence.
Therefore, anyone who says you can't hold an intellectual viewpoint unless you choose to live like swampy is a CUNT who denies what it is to be human.
Now, before you go picking individual lines out of this post to justify your own position - take it in it's entirity. I won't be self-justifying any more and I feel almost dirty posting this anyway.