theurgist spec and template


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 22, 2005
hi all..... i was wondering if anyone can help me with a theurgist spec.......
i know NOTHING about theurgist and i need help :( (actually a lot of help)

can anyone plz??
thx :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 22, 2005
is there any big diferrence? i 'll play most pve.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 8, 2004
Ofcourse there is a big difference especially when it comes to the template.

In an rvr template you will want most resists as close to cap as possible, on a PvE toon that may not be as important, especially as a support toon that isn't meant to hold aggro.

Powerpool and duration may be more important than resists on a pve theu in my oppinion.

As for spec I'd say either 48earth or 41cold 35earth or 40earth 36cold should suit you best, but that all depends on your playstyle and RR. If you prefer being a nuker then 45 Wind 26 earth may be a better spec. There are as many viable specs for a theu as there are theu's and I'd say it pretty impossible to spec a theu in a way that it would be impossible to play and enjoy if it suits your playstyle.

The only spec I've tried and hated totally was 50cold which I tried on a whim and only played for a few hours so I may have jumped to conclusions on that, but it didn't suit my playstyle and I didn't want to change how I play.

My favorite spec up until now of those I've tried is 45 wind 25 cold rest earth even though it removes some of the utility such as grp bt and pbt.

It all depends on what you aim to accomplish with your toon.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
45 wind
26 earth
14 ice

is a winner. I've wanted to be wind ever since I started playing Theurg (like 3½ years ago). I've never respecced out of it and I never will.

Wind DD's = Spirit ... guess how many hiblets and middies have spirit resist capped!? You will do atleast 400dmg for each DD you cast.

Cast 2 earthpets(meleedmg) an ice pet(range DD's) and a airpet(stun). That's 4 pet's that will deal a small amount of dmg + snaring and DD'ing, stunning and dmg'ing and last but not least - INTERUPTING a healertype for 60, 25 and 20 secs + ToA duration (25% cap). The cast time of these 4 pets is around 7 seconds. You will be able to dominate the interupt from 2000 range + 10% ToA range (2200).


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
i'd recomend Air 45, ice 25 rest in eart.

Pets stun target, 2-3 of these on an enemy more or less chain stuns them, Must spec 32 i think i get the highest leveled oets at 50.
Very hard hitting DD at only 45 spec as apposed to 47 or 50.
AOE mezz

Snare DD Pets, has the most damage output of all the pets, only need to spec upto 25 ice to get the highest level ice pets.
AOE Root
Snaring DD, but u need 50 in ice for it to be effective.
Base line ice DD.

Earth pets last the longest, good to spam on seige or keep people interupted, must spec 32 to get highest level pets.
Pulsing blade turn, can be a free melee hit for your group every 6 seconds, (good for PVE groups and nothing else really, also full earth specs are just boring in my opinion in comparrison to other specs)

I went for 45 Air, 25 ice (rest earth) which gives me, Stunning pets, highest level DD+Snaring Pets, AOE Mezz, AOE Root, and a very hard hitting DD.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
If your playing mostly PvE go high earth.

In PvE you group a theurg for the earth pets, eb/haste and pbt. 35 earth, 41 ice.. 40 earth, 36 ice or 48 earth, 24 ice are all good depending on how much nuking you want to do.

While all the wind spec's rox in RvR, if you want to find a nuker for a PvE group, you group an ice wiz, not a wind theurg.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 22, 2005
can i ask something else plz???
what about solo rvr? is that possible? ( i am not talking only for high RR)
thx :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
fanis said:
can i ask something else plz???
what about solo rvr? is that possible? ( i am not talking only for high RR)
thx :)

Solo rvr = wind 45+

aoe mezz + stun pets = win!


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2004
air 45 - DDs
earth 21 - Green earth pets
ice 21 - Average stickie single root

above is for RVR, if you like both rvr and pve then a reasonable spec I would choose is

40 earth
36 ice


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Amaru-Synergy said:
air 45 - DDs
earth 21 - Green earth pets
ice 21 - Average stickie single root

above is for RVR, if you like both rvr and pve then a reasonable spec I would choose is

40 earth
36 ice

21earth/21 ice aint a good rvr spec.

Reason is it takes 3 ice pets to interupt the same amount as 1 spec 25 ice pet. And you dont really gain much from the earth line going above the 13 earth you could (the lvl 12 earth pets inerupt all the time and it rare someoen to stop and fight them.. if they do it still costs them 10+seconds from doing their usual thing.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
Corran said:
21earth/21 ice aint a good rvr spec.

Reason is it takes 3 ice pets to interupt the same amount as 1 spec 25 ice pet. And you dont really gain much from the earth line going above the 13 earth you could (the lvl 12 earth pets inerupt all the time and it rare someoen to stop and fight them.. if they do it still costs them 10+seconds from doing their usual thing.

um.. it doesnt take 10+ secs to kill a earth pet even for a caster with staff and the lvl 18 ice pets interrupt the exact same amount as the lvl 25 ones.

from going over 13 in earth spec you get the lvl 20 earth pet, group bladeturn and a 11% haste debuff.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Ocalinn said:
um.. it doesnt take 10+ secs to kill a earth pet even for a caster with staff and the lvl 18 ice pets interrupt the exact same amount as the lvl 25 ones.

from going over 13 in earth spec you get the lvl 20 earth pet, group bladeturn and a 11% haste debuff.

From extensive testing it proven that lvl 18 pets do not interupt as much as lvl25 pets (i see if i can find the tests again).

And i didnt say it takes 10seconds+ to kill the earthpet, i said it will cost them that amount of time to deal with it. Most likely they will get hit once by the pet. that will activate the 3second timer of interupt. they qc the pet but when the qc ends they still got 3second interupt on them in 90% the case. Then they got to reselect target. So all in all using a qc will take about 10seconds before they get a nuke landing/heal going.

If they melee it then they will most likely be taking slightly longer.. besides how often do you only cast 1 earthpet? In general i will stick 3 lvl 12 earthpets and 2 icepets minimum on an enemy anyways.

A decent group will mass aoe the pets on support so dont matter if you got gray/green/blue con earth pet. With 300 HP they die in 1 aoe anyways, group bladeturn aint really needed, not like you spam that in RvR, and haste debuff aint that big of an improvement to what you would have anyways (Also i dont use it as it waste of power, they may hit slower but the hits are harder)


Part of the furniture
Oct 26, 2004
I'm 47 wind, can't remember how much ice, and rest earth :p
Went 47 wind over 45 wind since I seem to have a much higher chance to land a DD effectively with 47; had some problems with resists with 45 wind when I was last that spec, was about a year ago though. Remember you need 2 in earth for self bladeturn.

For hardcore PvE obviously earth is going to bet he best spec line you can go - for group PBT / earth pet spam (fyi the to-hit bonus in pve is not affected by the level of the pet, so effectively you can spam pets just as good with 1 earth)

For soloing in RvR, wind is by far the best. AE mezz / decent DD's (spirit based as someone else said, which many don't bother to cap) often do 450-500 non-crit nukes, clearly depending on target.

As for group-rvr, the main thing that debates whether you are specced for grouping is your RA's, MoC/Purge/MCL are important if you are going to be in a regular set group.

MoC is a vital RA especially if you get a banelord interrupting you, a lot of people don't realise how effective pet spam can actually be in fg vs fg. Pet spam can very easily be the decider of whether your group wins or not; with low level MoC earth pets will last 30-35(?) seconds, can't remember exactly how long at the moment.

Considering that pets have a set power cost, MCL is also very handy in long fights (even with jacina's, tartaros and mana pots it's quite easy to go oom mid-fight). Fyi: summoning a pet on an enemy player will make you go into combat, however you will still be able to use MCL.

For ML line, whether you're building the char for pve or rvr go convoker, due to prescience node (good for solo xD), speedwarp and brittle guards, some of the other stuff is ok also.

Edit; Don't have my template xml saved any more, you should be able to find quite a few decent ones if you search the forums though.

Zzzz I probably forgot something but I'm tired, will check some other time :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Afran said:
I'm 47 wind, can't remember how much ice, and rest earth :p
Went 47 wind over 45 wind since I seem to have a much higher chance to land a DD effectively with 47; had some problems with resists with 45 wind when I was last that spec, was about a year ago though. Remember you need 2 in earth for self bladeturn.

For hardcore PvE obviously earth is going to bet he best spec line you can go - for group PBT / earth pet spam (fyi the to-hit bonus in pve is not affected by the level of the pet, so effectively you can spam pets just as good with 1 earth)

For soloing in RvR, wind is by far the best. AE mezz / decent DD's (spirit based as someone else said, which many don't bother to cap) often do 450-500 non-crit nukes, clearly depending on target.

As for group-rvr, the main thing that debates whether you are specced for grouping is your RA's, MoC/Purge/MCL are important if you are going to be in a regular set group.

MoC is a vital RA especially if you get a banelord interrupting you, a lot of people don't realise how effective pet spam can actually be in fg vs fg. Pet spam can very easily be the decider of whether your group wins or not; with low level MoC earth pets will last 30-35(?) seconds, can't remember exactly how long at the moment.

Considering that pets have a set power cost, MCL is also very handy in long fights (even with jacina's, tartaros and mana pots it's quite easy to go oom mid-fight). Fyi: summoning a pet on an enemy player will make you go into combat, however you will still be able to use MCL.

For ML line, whether you're building the char for pve or rvr go convoker, due to prescience node (good for solo xD), speedwarp and brittle guards, some of the other stuff is ok also.

Edit; Don't have my template xml saved any more, you should be able to find quite a few decent ones if you search the forums though.

Zzzz I probably forgot something but I'm tired, will check some other time :p

Just to clear a couple things up.

MoC ... The pet time is based on your level of MoC. If you moc you should only really stick out earthpets in that time. The rest dont last long enough.

Assuming you have no + duration

MoC 1 = 15second earthpets
Moc 2 = 30 seconds earth pets
Moc 3 = 45seconds earth pets.

Getting less then MoC 2 is pointless.

As for MCL. Once you casted a pet you can still use mlc HOWEVER if the pet goes into combat with the target you can not use mcl.. so if you can get a few pets out then mcl before they reach target fine, else you have to wait for the pets to die + the usual 10seconds not in combat. MCL really only gets used by me after an EoY or PR used to rezz so i can get that extra power to get into combat instantly.

Pet set power cost is of your base power pool.. that means getting a fair bit of +power pool % is a good thing. I have around 25/30% at the moment. More is nice but will mean sacrifices elsewhere.

And as for template... one i currently using will be in next post


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
LOKI Build Report
Two-Handed Configuration:
Build Utility: 657.3
Useable Utility: 651.7
TOA Utility: 400.0

STR:0/75 CON:75/75 DEX:98/97
QUI:0/75 INT:93/96 PIE:0/75
CHA:0/75 EMP:0/75

Body: 22
Cold: 26
Heat: 26
Energy: 15
Matter: 19+5
Spirit: 16
Crush: 26+2
Slash: 22+3
Thrust: 20

Earth Magic: 6
Cold Magic: 6
Wind Magic: 6

Earth Magic: 50
Cold Magic: 50
Wind Magic: 50

Power Pool: 27
Buff Effectiveness: 5
Spell Duration: 6
Casting Speed: 10
Spell Range: 9
Spell Damage: 9
Resist Pierce: 10

Chest (GoV caster):
Imbue: 22.0
40 Hits
18 Acuity
15 Dexterity
5 Acuity Cap Increase
5 Dexterity Cap Increase
4 Spell Range
4 Spell Damage
Utility: 32.0
TOA Utility: 60.0

Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 100)
28 Dexterity
7% Cold
25 Constitution
5% Crush
Utility: 59.3
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 100)
9% Energy
7% Cold
9% Heat
22 Constitution
Utility: 64.7
TOA Utility: 0.0

Imbue: 37.0/32 (Quality: 100)
4 Dexterity
28 Constitution
11% Heat
7% Matter
Utility: 57.3
TOA Utility: 0.0

Hands (Maddening Scalars (Alb)):
Imbue: 20.0
40 Hits
15 Acuity
15 Dexterity
6 Power Pool
5 Dexterity Cap Increase
5 Acuity Cap Increase
3 Casting Speed
Utility: 30.0
TOA Utility: 47.0

Feet (Soot stained boots):
Imbue: 18.0
18 Intelligence
18 Dexterity
5 Power Pool
7 Dexterity Cap Increase
6 Acuity Cap Increase
Utility: 24.0
TOA Utility: 36.0

Two-Handed (Tarts Gift Caster):
Imbue: 20.5
15 Intelligence
50 ALL spell lines Focus
40 Hits
3 ALL magic skills
6 Power Pool
5 Spell Damage
Utility: 36.0
TOA Utility: 37.0

Neck (Ancient Copper Necklace):
Imbue: 45.0
10% Body
10% Thrust
10% Spirit
10% Crush
Utility: 80.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Cloak (Cloudsong):
Imbue: 8.0
5 Power Pool
12 Acuity
5 Acuity Cap Increase
8 AF
5 Casting Speed
5 Buff Effectiveness
5 Power Cap Increase
Utility: 8.0
TOA Utility: 73.0

Jewel (Atlantis tablet):
Imbue: 20.0
15 Acuity
3 ALL magic skills
40 Hits
10 AF
5 Resist Pierce
Utility: 35.0
TOA Utility: 35.0

Belt (Jacina Sash):
Imbue: 0.0
6 Spell Duration
5 Power Pool
5 Power Cap Increase
5 Spell Range
5 Resist Pierce
Utility: 0.0
TOA Utility: 82.0

Left Ring (ring of torrent):
Imbue: 38.0
11% Crush
10% Slash
10% Thrust
2 Casting Speed
Utility: 62.0
TOA Utility: 10.0

Right Ring (Zahur ring):
Imbue: 40.0
6% Matter
60 Hits
6% Spirit
6% Body
6% Energy
6% Cold
Utility: 75.0
TOA Utility: 0.0

Left Wrist (Ceremonial bracer. Dex):
Imbue: 22.0
18 Dexterity
40 Hits
5 Dexterity Cap Increase
40 Hits Cap Increase
6% Slash
Utility: 34.0
TOA Utility: 20.0

Right Wrist (Ebon Hide Bracer):
Imbue: 30.0
6% Matter
6% Slash
6% Heat
6% Body
6% Cold
Utility: 60.0
TOA Utility: 0.0


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
well imo as it is now .. 45 wind 21 cold 21 earth is the best for RvR..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 30, 2004
Corran said:
Just to clear a couple things up.

MoC ... The pet time is based on your level of MoC. If you moc you should only really stick out earthpets in that time. The rest dont last long enough.

Assuming you have no + duration

MoC 1 = 15second earthpets
Moc 2 = 30 seconds earth pets
Moc 3 = 45seconds earth pets.

Getting less then MoC 2 is pointless.

As for MCL. Once you casted a pet you can still use mlc HOWEVER if the pet goes into combat with the target you can not use mcl.. so if you can get a few pets out then mcl before they reach target fine, else you have to wait for the pets to die + the usual 10seconds not in combat. MCL really only gets used by me after an EoY or PR used to rezz so i can get that extra power to get into combat instantly.

Pet set power cost is of your base power pool.. that means getting a fair bit of +power pool % is a good thing. I have around 25/30% at the moment. More is nice but will mean sacrifices elsewhere.

And as for template... one i currently using will be in next post

hm, afaik the pets still last delve time when you use moc. but dont know because i dont have a theurg :>


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Ocalinn said:
hm, afaik the pets still last delve time when you use moc. but dont know because i dont have a theurg :>

You are of course wrong :fluffle:

Pet duration is reduced by moc%


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 25, 2004
im 45 air and 25 ice..

i would never trade the 25 ice for 26 earth!

the 25 ice hits for like 150-250 pr pet! its uuuuuuuber! and its ranged, so it cant be bodyguarded if you cast it on a healer\mage! <3<3


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2005
47wind 26earth or 45wind 20earth 20ice !
My theurg have 47Wind 26earth ! best spec immo!

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