yeah, and your getting another 2 classes which haven't been announced yet.Wirey said:How will this effect midgard? we have 2 HEALING classes, and we dont even get Styles with them! only buffs /heals / ae dots and root / mez etc etc that stinks
Bullitt said:I wouldn't be surprised if Hibs new 'female only' class is a Banshee
Alithiel said:Ok, that's gonna suck... the last things Albion needs are;
a) another cloth wearer
Flimgoblin said:found it:
camelot vault
Call of the boobies - using hormones to repopulate hib/mid![]()
rynnor said:Hmm - the interesting bit to me was the mention of 'high damage focus spells' - I dont know of a class without a pet that has focus spells so either A. it has a pet (which sounds unlikely) or B. it will focus on an alb tank who then proceeds to beat the crap out of everyone - imagine if this is a pc focused damage spell - Paladins are already Pve gods but with focused damage as well... Eek - not sure how practical a clothwearer who has to stand still is in rvr tho![]()
rynnor said:Hmm - the interesting bit to me was the mention of 'high damage focus spells' - I dont know of a class without a pet that has focus spells so either A. it has a pet (which sounds unlikely) or B. it will focus on an alb tank who then proceeds to beat the crap out of everyone - imagine if this is a pc focused damage spell - Paladins are already Pve gods but with focused damage as well... Eek - not sure how practical a clothwearer who has to stand still is in rvr tho![]()
nerfbbs said:tbh doesnt really matter what the new alb class is - the ae stun spammers will take it down
Gamah said:I'm still not sure how this works...they can't make it uber so it wtf pwns normal players. But the class can't get buffs? so it will be gimped vs a buffed player?
Smurflord said:"Matt Firor: I'm happy to say - for the first time in public - that Albion's new class will be called the Zealot. The backstory for this class is that it starts out as a member of the Church of Albion (as an Acolyte), but at 5th level renounces the Church and becomes and adherent of Arawn, the lord of the underworld who was introduced in the Shrouded Isles expansion - and becomes in effect, an evil Cleric. Zealots will be able to use flexible weapons , but will be restricted to cloth armor as well as small shields. As evil Clerics, they fit into the fighter/mage/cleric hybrid category, with the use of combat styles and high-damage focus spells. It'll bring a unique combination of abilities to the game.
As for the other four classes, you all will have to wait a bit."