The worst of planetside



Had a terrible night tonight, playing as TR we were on one continent with my outfit, started off fairly even against VS then we rapidly got outnumbered by at least 3 - 1. Moved to another continent which VS was currenlty in domination of hoping there wouldn't be so many of them and yet again 10 minutes in and we have no chance. Tried another continent and find probably the entire TR population (ok slight exageration) base hopping for XP, as soon as one got capped another was hacked within seconds. This seems to be a very major flaw in the game, people are just too much like sheep to go and try to do something fun and end up making it shite for all of us. In the end we just hopped from continent to continent losing bases, very depressing :(.


SOE really need to implement something for defending a base. Extra xp inside the SOI or something. Or am i going off track here a little.

All you need is send an infil/adv hacker in a mossy or a wraith to cap random bases around you and it will have you running around in circles like lemmings.


TR is full of idiots tbh. My outfit fell apart and I haven't been in a decent squad for over a week. Random squads just don't cut it, my old outfit squads kicked ass. But now we can barely get enough people online to form one.

I've been going solo most of the time recently. Just doing little things, clearing mines and spitfires, hacking towers, and sniping or blowing up enemies trying to get into our bases.


Don't think it's just a TR issue, everyone does it. Soon as a base gets captured and xps awarded, everyone trots off to the next one as there's no reward for defending. Before you know it, that base is recaptured.

The other evening TR captured an entire island from NC. Was lots of fun. I then logged for something to eat. When I came back only 2 hours later the entire island was already 100% owned by VC. All that hard work gone in 2 hours. Bit silly really.

I think the game is lots of fun, but probably the biggest criticism levelled at it is lack of any 'big picture' goals and that base captures mean too little. There's no real strategic value to defending bases and once the xps have been harvested everyone just moves on to the next one.

I suspect the fact that ultimately base captures are meaningless will harm the longevity of the game. Don't get me wrong, I'm having heaps of fun playing at the moment, but feel the lack of any depth to the game will ultimately become an issue.

Uncle Sick(tm)

It still beats DAoC hands down in my opinion. Sad... never thought I would say that.


Only because DAoC is teh old!!11 now. At least I can say I played a MMORPG for over a year when everyone is talking about how leet they were in their RPGs now though.

Uncle Sick(tm)

It's just crazy to think that one can actually have fun in a MMOG without going through 50 levels of (bad) PvP grind just to get owned by players - with perhaps less "skill" - with uber items and uber sc'ed majigger stuff... PS just comes down to pure skill.

I like that... a BR1 can blast a BR20 to smithereens if he/she does it the smart way.

R.I.P DAoC - I had great fun at times but the endgame holds no real fun or excitement (any more).

I will play EQ2 (for fantastic PvE) or Dragon Empires.. but, sad enough, DAoC is dead. Which leaves kind of a hole. *sighs and gets all depwessed*


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
I like that... a BR1 can blast a BR20 to smithereens if he/she does it the smart way.

Yep, in PS when you get owned you've usually only got yourself to blame. I've had some real highs and lows in PS already, times where I get a real buzz because I played with skill and times when I want to hang my head in shame for being so hopeless. But take the rough with the smooth and it's great fun.

In Daoc, all too often you feel that no matter what you do it won't make a lot of difference because the dice are already cast by the class [im]balance integral to the game.

R.I.P DAoC - I had great fun at times but the endgame holds no real fun or excitement (any more).

Aye, feel exactly the same. What with all the nerfs and Mythic's lack of commitment to improving the endgame (RvR expansion pack now put back until 2004), I just don't feel like logging onto Daoc anymore. Given that at one time, even a weekend away from the game was hard work, the fact I've barely played for a whole month, and not played at all this past week since I got PS, speaks volumes.

Very much Daoc R.I.P. Will be cancelling my subs when 1.62 arrives and 2 of my 3 high level characters get nerfed. Can't wait to get a look at EQ2, DE and Wow.


There's more skill in Planetside, no question. But it seems to reward the splash damage spammers a bit much for my liking :(


the Barry Outfit had a great night last night (lag issues not included) the best part was defending a base on hossin we had vanu and terran coming from both sides and a constant battle to keep the tower and destroy all nmy ams's.

No the exp was not there but neither was there lag and it was probably the best hour of planetside I have played in a while.

Once everyone gets to BR20 or are satisfied with their character I believe that the game will be more like this although there should be more reward for strategic play ie:

1] if the entire opposition are all battling at one base ie gunku there should be points awarded for taking the bases surrounding it

2] Defense - definately needs to be points given for this maybe


Originally posted by old.Dillinja
TR is full of idiots tbh. My outfit fell apart and I haven't been in a decent squad for over a week. Random squads just don't cut it, my old outfit squads kicked ass. But now we can barely get enough people online to form one.

I've been going solo most of the time recently. Just doing little things, clearing mines and spitfires, hacking towers, and sniping or blowing up enemies trying to get into our bases.

If you are still stuck for an outfit tomorrow give me a tell in game, there's about 30 of us although a lot don't play very regularly. You are pretty much guaranteed of being in a full/near full squad from 18:00 - 1:00. Also have our own teamspeak server. We are in it mainly for fun so don't expect anything too organised from us :D.


I just wish there was some form of continent balancing so it makes it a bit more fun. Don't know how it could be implemented without making things tricky for outfit players to meet up though.


Aye Cliffy, last night was 'Kick TR' night for sure. At one point there were 4 of us defending a watchtower.... with about 12 assorted enemy aircraft/vehicles outside, along with snipers and rocketeers on the hillsides around. The rest of TR seemed to be base hopping like mad.

To be honest, as I play solo still (looking for an outfit though :)), I enjoy the full-on fights whether there's an objective or not. I'm not too keen on being smacked everytime I stick my nose out of the door tho (one time I got killed, and rockets were still exploding on my corpse until the respawn sound cutoff!).

Once I could get out into the open with my AA/Anti Vehicle Max, things would be ok for a while (shot down lots of aircraft), but the other TRs, who I assumed would be helping out, would use the respite as an opportunity to slip away to camp a base.

I'm sure this game is a lot of fun in an organised group... it certainly is a test of temprement when playing solo ;)


The invitation to old.Dillinja stands for you too :).


i personally think teams need to be tweaked a bit. i've been in too many squads where everyone just runs off and does they're own thing, totally unorganised.. and makes the only point in being in a squad the steady flow of xp.

i reckon somehow (dont know how) they need to make squads rely on teamwork more. people that want to go do they're own thing shouldnt want to get a squad, they should literally go out alone and kill. whereas people that seriously wanna do some squad work should be encouraged to join a squad.


Yeah I agree with that, but it's not always easy trying to lead a squad that's not 100% wanting to be led.

Take this morning, I led a squad for one of the first times, and actually tried to lead it.

I was kept so busy keeping track of who was going where and getting which towers, remembering who was which numbers, who has hacking/engineer/whatever that I ended up just sitting in a friendly tower some way away typing constantly.

It worked for awhile tho, really well. Just couldn't manage it for too long, got too annoyed at asking people to take towers/head for certain bases and getting no replies ;)


Originally posted by [PS]Angel
<snip> I ended up just sitting in a friendly tower some way away typing constantly.

... one of the reasons I never got to RR4 in DAoC- no RPs for the guys behind the scenes, but this was not an uncommon thing for me... Excal was usually a favourite, although the wall of the Hibbie power relic keep has been used before too :p


I'm not normally a squad commander so I'm not used to it at all, never really did RvR or anything either in daoc.

I think I shall definitely try to leave it to those more experienced in that sort of thing in future, although it was fun for a little while...


I'm tempted to leave TR alone but I really cannot be bothered starting a new character. Shame.


I think that there's a lot to be said for the squad leader to find somewhere to hole up - maybe as the gunner in someone else's vehicle - and just concentrate on making sure everyone else is properly co-ordinated.

I've found that squads using voice comms run *much* smoother than those trying to get by on typed chat, too. Although it just about cut it in Camelot, PS moves FAR too fast for the chat window to be much use (except when you're dead - and you can't type while respawning so it's not much use even then!).

Unfortunately as most of my outfit are using ICS (which *can* host a voice session, although it's tricky to set up), or are behind firewalls they can't configure (anyone got a clue how to host behind a DLink 604 ADSL modem/router? Me neither), others are on dial-up, and some members keep getting disconnected, we rarely get voice working :(


Originally posted by Karam_gruul
i personally think teams need to be tweaked a bit. i've been in too many squads where everyone just runs off and does they're own thing, totally unorganised.. and makes the only point in being in a squad the steady flow of xp.

i reckon somehow (dont know how) they need to make squads rely on teamwork more. people that want to go do they're own thing shouldnt want to get a squad, they should literally go out alone and kill. whereas people that seriously wanna do some squad work should be encouraged to join a squad.

This is essentially what is currently wrong with the game.

Soon the plan on implementing Platoons whereby a group of squads can work together, but it still doesnt adress the problem.


Originally posted by ViscountC

Unfortunately as most of my outfit are using ICS (which *can* host a voice session, although it's tricky to set up), or are behind firewalls they can't configure (anyone got a clue how to host behind a DLink 604 ADSL modem/router? Me neither), others are on dial-up, and some members keep getting disconnected, we rarely get voice working :(

I often host voice for my squad simply from my PC and never have any problems with it. For some reason some players can host it while others struggle, no idea why tho :(


Originally posted by Nozzer
I'm tempted to leave TR alone but I really cannot be bothered starting a new character. Shame.

Do It, i Quit TR last nite, a BR13 Sniper and joined NC.
Just got fed up of the TR mentallity,and wanted something

cya in game

NETRIX BR3 :) Sniper


Originally posted by old.Dillinja
TR is full of idiots tbh. My outfit fell apart and I haven't been in a decent squad for over a week. Random squads just don't cut it, my old outfit squads kicked ass. But now we can barely get enough people online to form one.

I've been going solo most of the time recently. Just doing little things, clearing mines and spitfires, hacking towers, and sniping or blowing up enemies trying to get into our bases.

Dreamscape Virus are on the lookout for good players. Its the outfit me and Omnisceious are in. Sometimes have 2 squads running around. is our homepage. Theres also a ' join us ' link in there too. Or ask Sartori in game for an invite. afaik he's the one that can invite peeps into DsV.


Have to agree last night on TR was appalling, my outfit tried 2 different islands and were outnumbered badly by VS on both. Finally hit an NC island and managed 2hours fairly well balanced fighting until the VS zerg arrived at which point most of my outfit logged.

I know the VS guys are in truth just organised but when I sit there stealthed at the vanu warpgate and watch 7 nearly full galaxies warp in then proceed to watch the complexes that took us ages to capture all turn purple at once it really doesn't give you the urge to carry on. At one point when I took a break last night the split was 28% TR, 38% VS......


Yay for organisation...and at last look the 'Empire Need' for Werner was VS...and it changes all the time. So either it's bugged or we're organised.

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