The World Trade Center has been attacked!!!



Originally posted by old.Jas
Summit bad is going to happen pretty soon methinks - probably not involving an airliner though

The thing that a lot of people forget is that they have tried and tried again to cause more incidents but each time they have failed, and bizarrely each time with aircraft. Also everytime its been lone individuals which begs to question whether there is any leadership/organisation left.

Has to be said that someone will try something again but I wouldn't be surprised if they are all waiting till America makes its move on Iraq. Does make you wonder though if America does go into Iraq and flattens Baghdad how many more will be converted to the ‘cause’?


Originally posted by Ukle

The thing that a lot of people forget is that they have tried and tried again to cause more incidents but each time they have failed, and bizarrely each time with aircraft. Also everytime its been lone individuals which begs to question whether there is any leadership/organisation left.

Has to be said that someone will try something again but I wouldn't be surprised if they are all waiting till America makes its move on Iraq. Does make you wonder though if America does go into Iraq and flattens Baghdad how many more will be converted to the ‘cause’?

depressingly, I fear, shitloads. I'm just wondering if all the politicians know this? It would be better to wait for iraq to do something inflamatory. Which considering his past history shouldn't be a long wait. We don't want to go around pissing half the world off now do we?


Originally posted by doh_boy

We don't want to go around pissing half the world off now do we?

I fear we are already a bit late for that, this time the Iraqis are playing a far better diplomatic game. Everytime they suggest that weapon inspectors 'might' be allowed back in, another possible supporter of military action drops out...


aye, and we in our infinite wisdom seem to falling into the whole trap with our eyes shut! :s sometimes I think a stray cat could do a better job than tony blair, just give him some good press and a bit of money!! :(


Originally posted by Ukle
It was shocking in a way about the 4th airliner, as the 3rd / 4th fighters who were now guarding Washington would of been there easily in time to shoot down the airliner so they would never of been able to hit there target.

Maybe, but by the time they realised what was going on, they would have been right over the middle of New York anyway, and even then they probably wouldn't have expected them to do something like fly them into the towers. I would imagine shooting down a hijacked plane is one of the last options.

did u read what he said?

the 4th airliner that crashed in the middle of nowhre was heading to washington, it didnt make it because people on the plane tried overpower the terrorists on the plane causing them to lose control and it to crash, if they hadnt, there were fighters guarding washington that had orders to shoot down the airliner if it came close

anyway :)

i was off school that day for an appointment, came home onto pc , and someone said about the first plane, was at home rest of the day just sar infront of the tv on my own, in total shock, saw 2nd plane hit and both towers falling live :/

hope nothing happens on the anniversary this year :|


Just watched the Documentary of Flight 93 on ITV.. damn strong stuff, lots of brave people on that Plane


It still makes me go cold all over when I watch those planes crash into the towers...


yeah, especially the 2nd plane, that was more unexpected than the 1st plane i guess... and when i seen them people jumping out of the windows from like 300stories up.. :(


Two years on from this atrocity.

Still remember the time and place I saw it all unfold. (Just came back from the pub at work when my mate in HR called me and told me to look at the BBC News website).

My current company lost about 300 people in the attacks.

We'll be remembering them tomorrow.


Hopefully the rumors of an anniversary attack are just that .. rumors.

Bombing these people in their home countrys is more likley to spark more hatred and gather more support for their cause though to be honest. Fighting terror with terror - oh wait we've been here before...

Testin da Cable

Sadly I remember that none of my coworkers seemed to care. I was so shocked that when it dawned on me what had happened I could barely speak a word.


My boss came in going "a planes hit the world trade center" and we went "ooh shit"...

bout half an hour later he comes back out of his office and goes "a second plane has hit the other tower, what a weird coincidence"

then we all went and started visiting the news sites (particularly ananova cos no one seemed to really know about it and it wasn't too slow)

then we got sent home at 3:30'ish because of a bomb threat at the building /o\

w00.... 2 years ago


Big G


I have a large black and white night shot/picture hanging from my wall of the NYC skyline, with the trade towers in full view. It's incredibly sad that two years on i still look at the picture and feel sad.

Was on IRC, about 2pm 11/09/2001 (got out of bed 30 mins previous) and someone said "OMFG BBC1". Was glued to the telly the rest of the day, not knowing what to make of it.

Still don't know what to make of it. Time to move forward and upwards; build a memorial and repair the skyline.




Bloody hell, 2 years already!

I was coming to the end of a 2 week business trip to Saudi Arabia when this happened.

I kept getting calls from my office in the UK, and the head office in the US asking if I was ok. In actual fact, I was safer as a westerner in an arab country than the poor arabs who got beaten up on the streets of Britain and the US.

My flight back from Saudi (on the 12th) was weird, there were only about 4 of us on the whole Jumbo.


This is about the only thing 'where I remember where I was'. I had just returned from the post office to buy a job lot of stamps, and my friend over the road was talking on the phone, he shouted to me that a plane had hit the WTC. I thought it would be a light aircraft, so I went inside his house, and BBC news was showing replays of the 2nd aircraft hitting the tower, the shot where you see the plane and the flames, but not the collision.

I was glued to the tv for a couple of hours, saw the towers go down live, that really was an awful day. About 3 weeks later, I went to the US to work on the Indianapolis GP, lots of cars had stars and stripes flags, everybody was talking about it, blanket coverage on the news, and a minute's silence before the race.

Actually, I also remember where I was when I heard about the AirFrance concorde, I was stuck in traffic on the sliproad from the M602 to the M60. Good god, I had to fly to Italy the day after!


I was in maths when it happend... we all went to the student centre to see what was going on.... along with some other 900 students...

then the second tower fell :(


Sorry but is it necessary to drag this up? Yes it was a tragedy but it happened, can we just move on? If you lost friends or family then fair enuff I can understand it's an important day but for the rest of us it has no effect on us, the only reason we remember it is cos of the massive media coverage it got.


Interesting thoughts there krazeh.... now try it again with some humanity.


I had enough of doin it with humanity first time round, fact of the matter is tragedies happen year long all around the world, we don't go spouting on about all of those tho do we?
For some reason we have to give the world trade centre attack special attention cos it was the americans who suffered a terrorist attack and had it splashed all over the media.


not to mention the fact several people have mentioned that they had friends/work colleagues involved.


I was still at school, Was sitting in the Common wrong when one of the girls turned the big screen tele on, Then hear her say "OMG two planes have hit the twin towers!"

I was like, trust the yanks to have two planes crash, thinkning that two light aircraft must have crashed into the tower

an hour later the everybody was watching tv, and due to the modern design of the boarding house you could see into most of kitchens each with its tele's on all showing the twin towers, so there were about 7 tv's within view all showing burning towers.

was very sad, what made it even worse was when the History teach came in and was saying how this would be a pinnacle moment in history and that lots of things would change.

He weren't half right! 2 years

Afganistan Occupied
Iraq Invaded
Bali bombings
Saudi Arabia Bombings
Indian Parliament terroist attack
Huge terrorist sweep of europe
Terrorist bills left right and centre, ie the terror laws (draconian style laws)
Gutalamo Bay detention centre outside the rules of international law :(
New US state department : Department of Homeland security
Major shift in political alliances
New anti-terrorist units set up all over the world
Major western cities all gearing up for Chemical or Biological attacks
Troops at Heathrow FFS!!
Countries increasing their military budgets
(not related, but) SARS!!

Armageddon is comming :(


And as i said, fair enuff for them, it can understand why it's a important date, but I don't see why everyone else needs to be reminded of it and have it made out that they should all pay attention.


I think jet aircraft crashing at full speed into two of the world's most iconic buildings killing many thousands of people and changing the skyline of one of the most famous cities in the world, which is also in the only superpower left in the world, deserved the media coverage it got.


When the only super powers main financial centre is attacked killing near 3000 innocent civilians, police and fireman and prompting two wars i dont quite think its something to "forget and get over with" thats almost on the side of ignorance

Dont get me wrong Krazeh but you seem like the sort of person who isn't bothered about the world and thats fine for you im sure

Things like this are meant to be remembered, no good burying our heads in the sand, and it wasn't long ago.


I* think this thread will pop up for years and rightly so.

The worst atrocity ever witnessed by me and billions of other people deserves at the very fucking least a little forum space.


Originally posted by CptDoom
worst atrocity ever witnessed by me and billions of other people

That's what it's all about tho isn't it, cos it was all over the media people now assign it some sort of special status. Yes it was terrible, but no it didn't affect me or my life so i don't feel the need to remember it or be reminded of it.


Originally posted by Krazeh
.. but no it didn't affect me or my life so i don't feel the need to remember it or be reminded of it.

If it didn't affect you life directly, then I'm sure you've not been abroad any time since. Even the UK went onto high alert, anyone living around Heathrow airport had to put up with huge distruptions, even I did and I live near Birmingham airport, less affected by the security measures but still enough to be p*ssed off by it all.
The laws that allowed the police to hold people longer than normal on "suspition of terrorism".
Hell, you'd have even been affected by the war in Iraq. Think that came at no cost to you? However minor it was, there was still inflation, and I'd think anyone with insurance would find new terms to deal with since then, although I'm not sure about that one myself.
And you can be sure that ONE aspect of change arising from it will someday affect you directly, and you'll wish you'd never shown such .. what I can only call apathy.

Whilst I myself don't view America as a nation in a very high regard. Innocent people should not be made to suffer, by anyone.
This may trigger people to say that America has caused innocent suffering by exploitation elsewhere, but that's not the point right now. Why should 3,000 innocent civilians die because of the actions of a few greedy corporate suits, or because an insane religious fanatic thinks they should? Even I'm insulted by your comments Krazeh.

And as for where I was when I heard? I came onto IRC about 5 minutes before the second plane hit. I was told and well, was disbelieving as you can imagine, even though I was given a link to BBC News website and told to put News 24 on, as you can imagine, hearing that a landmark of such world significance is attacked, well, I was sceptical, then I turned on the TV.

The only other thing I remember where I was when I found out was when Princess Diana died. (I've never been able to keep up with the world-changing news moments y'know?)


The princess Diana thing is the one that bugs me and Krazeh, had you made the same point about that as you did with 9/11 i would wholeheartedly agree.

As it stands, 9/11 will probably spoken about in history lessons in secondary school and will be spoken about everywere for quite some time as it was horrific, calculated and obscene act of death and destruction that will never be forgotten.


Still gives members of my family the shivers when they watch the actual attack again.

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