The Walking Dead Season Six, please use spoilers


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Penis evasion is an important part of life.

Avoiding penis's spoiling it for others because they lack the cerebral function to post on the internet is an important "thing"


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not clicking on the spoilers 'cause I don't trust people to go "well, in the comic this happens and this person dies".

I like the fact that people are spoilering on a per-episode basis - but still aren't going to read this thread because it only takes one cunt who "feels differently" about spoilers to ruin the show and, frankly, it's the best thing on TV so not worth the risk. Which is a shame.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Why don't you just watch it? And if you are watching it, what's the problem with people discussing each episode after it's aired?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Most people do watch it as its aired, some people might watch it later in the week though.

For the sake of typing 19 extra characters , I don't see why people can't have a little consideration for others and stop being selfish. Unless they are genuinely stupid and don't understand the concept of spoilers ofc but then they probably shouldn't be watching the walking dead in case they think its real.

I have Monday off work and will download and watch it as soon as its available...would everyone be cool if I posted the episode synopsis, unspoilered, at say lunchtime on Monday?


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
I'm over a season behind and couldn't give a toss about spoilers ruining surprises for me. Hell I'm actively opening the spoilers here to read what's cracking. I still think it's better they're hidden though.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Most people do watch it as its aired, some people might watch it later in the week though.

For the sake of typing 19 extra characters , I don't see why people can't have a little consideration for others and stop being selfish. Unless they are genuinely stupid and don't understand the concept of spoilers ofc but then they probably shouldn't be watching the walking dead in case they think its real.

I have Monday off work and will download and watch it as soon as its available...would everyone be cool if I posted the episode synopsis, unspoilered, at say lunchtime on Monday?
Yeah I agree about spoilers completely (I was the first person to specify which episode my spoiler referred to in this thread) but I'm confused as to why @Scouse would avoid the thread even if he has caught up. I don't even remember the last time somebody mentioned the comics.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah I agree about spoilers completely (I was the first person to specify which episode my spoiler referred to in this thread) but I'm confused as to why @Scouse would avoid the thread even if he has caught up. I don't even remember the last time somebody mentioned the comics.
I have watched it so I'm up to date, but time and again I've been burned in threads like these where people talk about stuff that's going to happen. Yeah, it's been a long time since someone mentioned the comics - but I remember those things and when/if they happens I'll not be able to help being pissed off rather than enjoyably shocked and surprised. :(

would everyone be cool if I posted the episode synopsis, unspoilered, at say lunchtime on Monday?
Personally, yep - but only because I'm up to date already.

I think it's fair game to write about what's happened in an episode - you can't have a thread discussing Walking Dead made out of spoilers - it'd be a silly thread.

A spoiler in this context is something that hasn't happened - i.e. who's going to die in the future, in this case discussions of the comics etc (as their storylines may make it in to the program) etc. etc.

This thread is pretty specific - so if you're not up-to-date you can avoid the thread. That's fair enough. But if you put unspoilered stuff about this, or a film, into random spam then that'd be shitty of you.

It's a simple concept. I don't get why people struggle?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I can't quite decipher everyone's position now.

My position to be clear. If it's a point about the current season of the TV show, about what has been shown, on TV, in the UK, and you want to discuss it, then it really doesn't need to be spoilered. The F1 thread nor the footie thread are cluttered with spoiler tags, because you don't open it until you've watched the Race, or already caught up with results. Same could (should) be said about a TV episode.

If you were going to write about what happens to a particular character in the comics, in relation to an episode, then that is appropriate use of spoilers, and you'd precede the spoiler with a reason for using it. For instance...

Don't open spoiler if you don't want to know what happens to Glenn in the comics.

He survives the alley, has an epiphany that he doesn't love Maggie after all, in fact he isn't even straight, and leaves hand in hand with Abraham to set up a love nest in Rhode Island!

Otherwise you end up with a thread which consists of nothing but spoiler tags, and you have no idea what is safe to open or not, whether you are caught up or not.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
My position to be clear. If it's a point about the current season of the TV show, about what has been shown, on TV, in the UK, then it really doesn't need to be spoilered

Most people watch it hours before its on TV, as I said previously, it is generally available early Monday morning on the internet at a higher quality than on TV. Also, some people might Sky+ it and watch it the day after, or later in the evening.

I tried watching it at 9pm on FX and it was dreadful, adverts, crappy 720 output. TV needs to be finished off with a hammer to the back of the head.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Yeah let's kill off TV so you can enjoy your TV shows more (those ads are just there to piss you off, it's not like they are used to generate revenue to produce more shows or anything). Oh, wait...

And anyway, (actual real bona fide comic spoiler}:
In the comics, Glenn dies in a completely different way, much later in the story. Honestly, there's so much different between the two versions anything said about the comics is pretty worthless.

It's a shame to not be able to discuss an episode because you're worried somebody might or might not ruin something that might or might not happen in the show at some point in the future but, that's your prerogative I suppose.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
@Gwadien what do you want moderating m8 (snigger)? I am around quite a bit due to being a waster so can help out until we get a definite answer about the thread mod question (which I'm sure is a no). It's got to be to do with spoilers and the like, I won't delete arguments because I masturbate to them.

Edit - Honestly that last sentence was fucking gibberish, I *really* need to get off this medication but I think you know what I meant.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Nah, I just think as a general rule it might be an idea to give edit powers to thread creators.

I know it might be a bit over kill but its better to get people jumping on people being retards instead of doing it once the damage has already been done.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Giving a thread creator the power to edit any posts in a thread he or she created is an awful idea, go and sit in the corner.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yeah let's kill off TV so you can enjoy your TV shows more (those ads are just there to piss you off, it's not like they are used to generate revenue to produce more shows or anything). Oh, wait...

And anyway, (actual real bona fide comic spoiler}:
In the comics, Glenn dies in a completely different way, much later in the story. Honestly, there's so much different between the two versions anything said about the comics is pretty worthless.

It's a shame to not be able to discuss an episode because you're worried somebody might or might not ruin something that might or might not happen in the show at some point in the future but, that's your prerogative I suppose.

I would gladly pay per view...but it doesn't exist yet so fuck'um. (Aside from Netflix and co)

Traditional TV is dead. Who on earth wants to watch something when the TV channel want and to have to sit through 5 minutes of adverts for every 10 minutes of TV? Mouth breathers who are happy so long as they have bright colours to dribble at, that's who.

1080 version with no adverts on at a time of my choosing

720 version on when the TV channel want me to watch it with shitty adverts for crap I have no interest in every 10 minutes

hmm, tough choice.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I do need to make it clear it could very well be a thing but I am very much the mong mod and it could be a super mod thing which I couldn't do anyway.

I know your thinking @Gwadien but I really can't see it happening, if it happens on one thread with one person others will want it and before long there will never be an argument or debate and then......there would be peace and harmony and that would never work :)

I do think we need a seperate TV forum that needs to be modded harsher (we used to have one iirc), so that TV shows (only TV shows) can be discussed seriously and spoilers *must* be used or you would get a spanking. Having said that it is Deeblars choice.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I don't think we should spread stuff out too much with sub sections and stuff as people miss threads.


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Just put Ep# at the top of the post and the rest of it in spoilers, problem solved.
If that's too much work for you - Shut up! and gtfo.

Problem solved.

I watch them as they are aired on AMC in the US, I have no idea when they are aired in the UK, or when YOU have seen the episode.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Just put Ep# at the top of the post and the rest of it in spoilers, problem solved.
If that's too much work for you - Shut up! and gtfo.

Problem solved.

I watch them as they are aired on AMC in the US, I have no idea when they are aired in the UK, or when YOU have seen the episode.

A day later in the UK in the case of Walking Dead.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yeah, 9pm on a monday if you are into self punishment. 5:30-6pm with dinner if you have arrived in the 21st century.

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