The Template Thread


Resident Freddy
Dec 30, 2003
Need Decent LW/CS Hero temp if someone has one too?

Also got a quick question. I've been looking around on VN board and here and such and it looks like dex has all of a sudden become a secondry stat? Even for shield users and stealthers? How come.


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
Granite drops from orange con mobs, and is 4p on Devon merchants.

doesnt, its wrong on allakhazam :)

because i killed so many i got 5 bags of loot with crap... and they dont drop anything most of the time :(


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Everz said he killed 50 of them and then it dropped..


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
ah screw it i cba to run back there now since i cant port to grimpound anymore >.<


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
doesnt, its wrong on allakhazam :)

because i killed so many i got 5 bags of loot with crap... and they dont drop anything most of the time :(


as does Luminiscent Diamond Necklace drop off Svartalf Bloodbinders and Glimmer Spirit Cloak of Azure Avengers :p.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Vamp temp w/ cast speed and cheap(for me ;D).. omnis>heal procs for vamp also.

Config Report

STR: 101 / 101 (+26) INT: 0 / 75 Hits: 402 / 400 (+262)
CON: 97 / 96 (+21) PIE: 0 / 75 AF: 20 / 50
DEX: 96 / 96 (+21) EMP: 0 / 75 Pow: 0 / 26
QUI: 59 / 75 CHA: 0 / 75 %PP: 0% / 25%

Body: 27 / 26 Energy: 27 / 26 (+5) Crush: 26 / 26 (+5)
Cold: 27 / 26 Matter: 26 / 26 Slash: 26 / 26
Heat: 26 / 26 Spirit: 28 / 26 Thrust: 26 / 26
Essence: 0 / 26

3 / 11 All Melee Weapon Skills
4 / 11 Dementia
11 / 11 Piercing
3 / 11 Shadow Mastery
3 / 11 Vampiiric Embrace

Other Bonuses
5 / 10 Casting Speed
5 / 25 Duration of Spells
4 / 25 Fatigue
12 / 10 Melee Combat Speed
8 / 10 Melee Damage
4 / 10 Style Damage

Piece Listing
Name: SI Vest
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 22 Constitution
Slot 2: 22 Dexterity
Slot 3: 1 Crush Resist
Slot 4: 1 Thrust Resist
Slot 5: 1 Slash Resist
Slot 6: 70 Hits
Slot 7: 4 Melee Damage
Slot 8: 5 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 9: 70 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 10: 4 Style Damage
Utility: 80.0

Name: Crafted Item2
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 28 Quality: 99 Overcharge:
Gem 1: 9 Thrust Resist - 99 Polished Airy Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 9 Slash Resist - 99 Polished Watery Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 16 Quickness - 99 Polished Airy Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 9 Crush Resist - 99 Polished Fiery Shielding Jewel
Slot 5: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 59.0 SC Cost: 72g 74s 40c SC Price: 109g 11s 60c

Name: Crafted Item3
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 28 Quality: 99 Overcharge:
Gem 1: 9 Crush Resist - 99 Polished Fiery Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 9 Thrust Resist - 99 Polished Airy Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Heat Resist - 99 Imperfect Heated Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 60 Hits - 99 Precious Blood Essence Jewel
Slot 5: 5 Constitution Cap Increase
Utility: 84.3 SC Cost: 84g 98s 80c SC Price: 127g 48s 20c

Name: Crafted Item4
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.0 of 28 Quality: 99 Overcharge:
Gem 1: 22 Dexterity - 99 Precious Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 7 Body Resist - 99 Imperfect Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 9 Matter Resist - 99 Polished Earthen Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 4 Piercing Skill - 99 Flawed Dusty War Spell Stone
Slot 5: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Utility: 58.0 SC Cost: 69g 74s 0c SC Price: 104g 61s 0c

Name: Crafted Item5
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 28 Quality: 99 Overcharge:
Gem 1: 9 Slash Resist - 99 Polished Watery Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 9 Body Resist - 99 Polished Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 9 Cold Resist - 99 Polished Icy Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 44 Hits - 99 Polished Blood Essence Jewel
Slot 5: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Utility: 77.7 SC Cost: 72g 74s 40c SC Price: 109g 11s 60c

Name: Crafted Item6
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 28 Quality: 99 Overcharge:
Gem 1: 7 Heat Resist - 99 Imperfect Heated Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 11 Matter Resist - 99 Faceted Earthen Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 9 Energy Resist - 99 Polished Light Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 28 Hits - 99 Flawed Blood Essence Jewel
Slot 5: 10 AF
Utility: 67.0 SC Cost: 56g 64s 40c SC Price: 84g 96s 60c

Left Hand
Name: Soul Glimmer
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 15 Strength
Slot 2: 15 Dexterity
Slot 3: 1 Crush Resist
Slot 4: 1 Slash Resist
Slot 5: 1 Thrust Resist
Slot 6: 1 Spirit Resist
Slot 7: 3 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 8: 10 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 9: 10 Dexterity Cap Increase
Slot 10: 4 Melee Damage
Utility: 34.7

2 Handed
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 15 Dexterity
Utility: 10.3

Level: 51 Quality: 100
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Quality: 100 Overcharge:
Gem 1: 28 Strength - 99 Perfect Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 4 Piercing Skill - 99 Flawed Dusty War Spell Stone
Gem 3: 28 Quickness - 99 Perfect Airy Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 12 Hits - 99 Uncut Blood Essence Jewel
Utility: 61.3 SC Cost: 123g 2s 0c SC Price: 184g 53s 0c

Name: Potent Deathwatcher Chain
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 3 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 2: 3 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 3: 6 Slash Resist
Slot 4: 6 Thrust Resist
Slot 5: 6 Crush Resist
Slot 6: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 7: 5 Body Resist
Slot 8: 21 Strength
Slot 9: 21 Constitution
Utility: 74.7

Name: Shades of Mist
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 5 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 2: 15 Strength
Slot 3: 15 Quickness
Slot 4: 10 AF
Slot 5: 4 Fatigue
Utility: 20.7

Name: Stone Bone Gem
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 4 Dementia Skill
Slot 2: 3 Vampiiric Embrace Skill
Slot 3: 3 Shadow Mastery Skill
Slot 4: 5 Duration of Spells
Slot 5: 5 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 6: 5 Casting Speed
Utility: 35.0

Name: Plaited Hair of Malamis
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 22 Strength
Slot 2: 22 Dexterity
Slot 3: 2 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 4: 8 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 5: 6 Dexterity Cap Increase
Utility: 30.0

Left Ring
Name: Zahur's Ring
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 6 Body Resist
Slot 2: 6 Cold Resist
Slot 3: 6 Energy Resist
Slot 4: 6 Matter Resist
Slot 5: 6 Spirit Resist
Slot 6: 60 Hits
Utility: 90.3

Right Ring
Name: Ring of Moirai
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 64 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 2: 8 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 3: 4 Spirit Resist
Slot 4: 40 Hits
Slot 5: 24 Constitution
Utility: 49.3

Left Wrist
Name: Agramon's Demon Soul Crafted Bracer
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 44 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 2: 44 Hits
Slot 3: 6 Spirit Resist
Slot 4: 6 Energy Resist
Slot 5: 6 Heat Resist
Slot 6: 6 Cold Resist
Slot 7: 15 Constitution
Utility: 80.0

Right Wrist
Name: Agramon's Demon Soul Crafted Bracer
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 44 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 2: 44 Hits
Slot 3: 6 Spirit Resist
Slot 4: 6 Heat Resist
Slot 5: 6 Energy Resist
Slot 6: 6 Cold Resist
Slot 7: 15 Constitution
Utility: 80.0


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
Is there any crafters on alb devon here, i need an infil temp for molvik made. I can pm you it and just tell me the price.



Part of the furniture
Jul 14, 2007
I been trying to work on a Slash Scout Template for a friend of mine who does not want to solo which is why I taken out 'The Winged Helm' whilst having all the other toys archers have like PS, FZ etc... So, the question is... would this template work for group play?

He is a 'Briton Scout' so I have implemented the racial resists also...

Stats when holding Weapons:

Config Report

STR: 101 / 101 (+26) INT: 0 / 75 Hits: 370 / 378 (+178)
AF: 36 / 50
CON: 100 / 101 (+26) PIE: 0 / 75 End: 4 / 25
DEX: 87 / 91 (+16) EMP: 0 / 75 Pow: 0 / 26
QUI: 62 / 85 (+10) CHA: 0 / 75 %PP: 0% / 25%

Body: 25 / 26 Energy: 22 / 26 Crush: 26 / 26
Cold: 22 / 26 Matter: 24 / 26 Slash: 27 / 26
Heat: 24 / 26 Spirit: 24 / 26 Thrust: 24 / 26
Essence: 0 / 26

6 / 11 Archery
11 / 11 Shield
11 / 11 Slash
11 / 11 Stealth

Other Bonuses
3 / 10 Archery and Casting Speed
3 / 10 Archery and Spell Range
5 / 10 Melee Combat Speed
8 / 10 Melee Damage

Piece Listing
Name: Diamond Spiked Vest
Level: 51 Quality: 100 AF/DPS: 102 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 3 Slash Skill
Slot 2: 1 Heat Resist
Slot 3: 1 Matter Resist
Slot 4: 1 Crush Resist
Slot 5: 1 Thrust Resist
Slot 6: 1 Slash Resist
Slot 7: 4 Melee Damage
Slot 8: 10 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 9: 10 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 10: 10 Dexterity Cap Increase
Utility: 25.0

Name: Crafted Item57
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5.5
Gem 1: 16 Strength - Polished Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 13 Body Resist - Precious Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 5 Crush Resist - Flawed Fiery Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Slash Resist - Flawed Watery Shielding Jewel
Utility: 56.7 SC Cost: 31g 64s 80c SC Price: 31g 64s 80c

Name: Crafted Item58
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5
Gem 1: 25 Constitution - Flawless Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 19 Dexterity - Faceted Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 4 Shield Skill - Flawed Fiery Battle Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Spirit Resist - Imperfect Vapor Shielding Jewel
Utility: 63.3 SC Cost: 44g 54s 80c SC Price: 44g 54s 80c

Name: Crafted Item59
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5
Gem 1: 25 Dexterity - Flawless Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 4 Stealth Skill - Flawed Airy Battle Jewel
Gem 3: 68 Hits - Flawless Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Matter Resist - Flawed Earthen Shielding Jewel
Utility: 63.7 SC Cost: 54g 44s 60c SC Price: 54g 44s 60c

Name: Mariasha's Sharkskin Gloves
Level: 51 Quality: 100 AF/DPS: 102 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 4 Cold Resist
Slot 2: 4 Heat Resist
Slot 3: 4 Energy Resist
Slot 4: 4 Crush Resist
Slot 5: 4 Thrust Resist
Slot 6: 4 Slash Resist
Slot 7: 3 Archery Speed
Slot 8: 3 Archery Range
Slot 9: 3 Archery Skill
Utility: 63.0

Name: Crafted Item60
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5
Gem 1: 25 Dexterity - Flawless Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 4 Stealth Skill - Flawed Airy Battle Jewel
Gem 3: 3 Archery Skill - Rough Airy War Sigil
Gem 4: 22 Quickness - Precious Airy Essence Jewel
Utility: 66.3 SC Cost: 47g 49s 60c SC Price: 47g 49s 60c

Right Hand
Name: Fine Steel Long Sword
Level: 51 Quality: 100 AF/DPS: 16.5 Speed: 4.2 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 15 Strength
Slot 2: 5 Slash Skill
Slot 3: 1 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 1 Matter Resist
Slot 5: 1 Crush Resist
Slot 6: 1 Thrust Resist
Slot 7: 1 Slash Resist
Slot 8: 4 Melee Damage
Slot 9: 10 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 10: 10 Quickness Cap Increase
Utility: 45.0

Left Hand
Name: Crafted Item61
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5
Gem 1: 25 Strength - Flawless Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 25 Quickness - Flawless Airy Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 4 Shield Skill - Flawed Fiery Battle Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Matter Resist - Flawed Earthen Shielding Jewel
Utility: 63.3 SC Cost: 54g 44s 60c SC Price: 54g 44s 60c

Name: Drop Item11
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 15 Constitution
Slot 2: 40 Hits
Slot 3: 15 Strength
Slot 4: 10 AF
Slot 5: 3 Shield Skill
Utility: 45.0

Name: Public Awareness Necklace
Level: 51 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 6 Body Resist
Slot 2: 6 Energy Resist
Slot 3: 6 Matter Resist
Slot 4: 7 Crush Resist
Slot 5: 6 Thrust Resist
Slot 6: 7 Slash Resist
Utility: 76.0

Name: Shades of Mist
Level: 46 Quality: 100
Slot 1: 15 Strength
Slot 2: 15 Quickness
Slot 4: 3 Stealth Skill
Slot 5: 10 AF
Slot 6: 5 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 7: 4 Fatigue
Utility: 35.0

Name: Skull of the Soul Keeper
Level: 50 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 15 Strength
Slot 2: 15 Constitution
Slot 3: 40 Hits
Slot 4: 6 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 5: 6 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 6: 10 AF
Utility: 30.0

Name: Maleficent Darkspire Adroit Belt
Level: 49 Quality: 89
Slot 1: 18 Dexterity
Slot 2: 6 Matter Resist
Slot 3: 6 Thrust Resist
Slot 4: 44 Hits
Slot 5: 6 Dexterity Cap Increase
Slot 6: 6 AF
Utility: 47.0

Left Ring
Name: Ring of Granite Enhancement
Level: 51 Quality: 80 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 3 Slash Skill
Slot 2: 6 Cold Resist
Slot 3: 6 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 6 Crush Resist
Slot 5: 6 Thrust Resist
Slot 6: 6 Slash Resist
Slot 7: 50 Hits
Slot 8: 50 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 87.5

Right Ring
Name: Katorii's Soul Ring
Level: 50 Quality: 89
Slot 1: 15 Constitution
Slot 2: 6 Body Resist
Slot 3: 40 Hits
Slot 4: 10 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 5: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 32.0

Left Wrist
Name: Agramon's Demon Soul Crafted Bracer
Level: 49 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 15 Constitution
Slot 2: 6 Cold Resist
Slot 3: 6 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 6 Energy Resist
Slot 5: 6 Spirit Resist
Slot 6: 44 Hits
Slot 7: 44 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 69.0

Right Wrist
Name: Agramon's Demon Soul Crafted Bracer
Level: 49 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 15 Constitution
Slot 2: 6 Cold Resist
Slot 3: 6 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 6 Energy Resist
Slot 5: 6 Spirit Resist
Slot 6: 44 Hits
Slot 7: 44 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 69.0

Now changing from Melee to Bow:

Config Report

STR: 61 / 91 (+16) INT: 0 / 75 Hits: 370 / 378 (+178)
AF: 36 / 50
CON: 100 / 101 (+26) PIE: 0 / 75 End: 14 / 25
DEX: 102 / 101 (+26) EMP: 0 / 75 Pow: 0 / 26
QUI: 37 / 75 CHA: 0 / 75 %PP: 0% / 25%

Body: 25 / 26 Energy: 22 / 26 Crush: 26 / 26
Cold: 22 / 26 Matter: 19 / 26 Slash: 27 / 26
Heat: 24 / 26 Spirit: 24 / 26 (+5) Thrust: 24 / 26
Essence: 0 / 26

11 / 11 Archery
7 / 11 Shield
6 / 11 Slash
11 / 11 Stealth

Other Bonuses
3 / 10 Archery and Casting Speed
3 / 10 Archery and Spell Range
5 / 10 Melee Combat Speed
4 / 10 Melee Damage

Piece Listing
Name: Diamond Spiked Vest
Level: 51 Quality: 100 AF/DPS: 102 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 3 Slash Skill
Slot 2: 1 Heat Resist
Slot 3: 1 Matter Resist
Slot 4: 1 Crush Resist
Slot 5: 1 Thrust Resist
Slot 6: 1 Slash Resist
Slot 7: 4 Melee Damage
Slot 8: 10 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 9: 10 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 10: 10 Dexterity Cap Increase
Utility: 25.0

Name: Crafted Item57
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5.5
Gem 1: 16 Strength - Polished Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 13 Body Resist - Precious Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 5 Crush Resist - Flawed Fiery Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Slash Resist - Flawed Watery Shielding Jewel
Utility: 56.7 SC Cost: 31g 64s 80c SC Price: 31g 64s 80c

Name: Crafted Item58
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5
Gem 1: 25 Constitution - Flawless Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 19 Dexterity - Faceted Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 4 Shield Skill - Flawed Fiery Battle Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Spirit Resist - Imperfect Vapor Shielding Jewel
Utility: 63.3 SC Cost: 44g 54s 80c SC Price: 44g 54s 80c

Name: Crafted Item59
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5
Gem 1: 25 Dexterity - Flawless Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 4 Stealth Skill - Flawed Airy Battle Jewel
Gem 3: 68 Hits - Flawless Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Matter Resist - Flawed Earthen Shielding Jewel
Utility: 63.7 SC Cost: 54g 44s 60c SC Price: 54g 44s 60c

Name: Mariasha's Sharkskin Gloves
Level: 51 Quality: 100 AF/DPS: 102 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 4 Cold Resist
Slot 2: 4 Heat Resist
Slot 3: 4 Energy Resist
Slot 4: 4 Crush Resist
Slot 5: 4 Thrust Resist
Slot 6: 4 Slash Resist
Slot 7: 3 Archery Speed
Slot 8: 3 Archery Range
Slot 9: 3 Archery Skill
Utility: 63.0

Name: Crafted Item60
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5
Gem 1: 25 Dexterity - Flawless Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 4 Stealth Skill - Flawed Airy Battle Jewel
Gem 3: 3 Archery Skill - Rough Airy War Sigil
Gem 4: 22 Quickness - Precious Airy Essence Jewel
Utility: 66.3 SC Cost: 47g 49s 60c SC Price: 47g 49s 60c

Name: Golestandt's Fire
Level: 51 Quality: 100 AF/DPS: 16.5 Speed: 5
Slot 1: 15 Dexterity
Slot 2: 1 Heat Resist
Slot 3: 1 Matter Resist
Slot 4: 1 Crush Resist
Slot 5: 1 Thrust Resist
Slot 6: 1 Slash Resist
Slot 7: 10 Dexterity Cap Increase
Slot 8: 10 Fatigue
Slot 9: 5 Archery Skill
Utility: 45.0

Name: Drop Item11
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 15 Constitution
Slot 2: 40 Hits
Slot 3: 15 Strength
Slot 4: 10 AF
Slot 5: 3 Shield Skill
Utility: 45.0

Name: Public Awareness Necklace
Level: 51 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 6 Body Resist
Slot 2: 6 Energy Resist
Slot 3: 6 Matter Resist
Slot 4: 7 Crush Resist
Slot 5: 6 Thrust Resist
Slot 6: 7 Slash Resist
Utility: 76.0

Name: Shades of Mist
Level: 46 Quality: 100
Slot 1: 15 Strength
Slot 2: 15 Quickness
Slot 4: 3 Stealth Skill
Slot 5: 10 AF
Slot 6: 5 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 7: 4 Fatigue
Utility: 35.0

Name: Skull of the Soul Keeper
Level: 50 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 15 Strength
Slot 2: 15 Constitution
Slot 3: 40 Hits
Slot 4: 6 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 5: 6 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 6: 10 AF
Utility: 30.0

Name: Maleficent Darkspire Adroit Belt
Level: 49 Quality: 89
Slot 1: 18 Dexterity
Slot 2: 6 Matter Resist
Slot 3: 6 Thrust Resist
Slot 4: 44 Hits
Slot 5: 6 Dexterity Cap Increase
Slot 6: 6 AF
Utility: 47.0

Left Ring
Name: Ring of Granite Enhancement
Level: 51 Quality: 80 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 3 Slash Skill
Slot 2: 6 Cold Resist
Slot 3: 6 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 6 Crush Resist
Slot 5: 6 Thrust Resist
Slot 6: 6 Slash Resist
Slot 7: 50 Hits
Slot 8: 50 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 87.5

Right Ring
Name: Katorii's Soul Ring
Level: 50 Quality: 89
Slot 1: 15 Constitution
Slot 2: 6 Body Resist
Slot 3: 40 Hits
Slot 4: 10 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 5: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 32.0

Left Wrist
Name: Agramon's Demon Soul Crafted Bracer
Level: 49 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 15 Constitution
Slot 2: 6 Cold Resist
Slot 3: 6 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 6 Energy Resist
Slot 5: 6 Spirit Resist
Slot 6: 44 Hits
Slot 7: 44 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 69.0

Right Wrist
Name: Agramon's Demon Soul Crafted Bracer
Level: 49 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 15 Constitution
Slot 2: 6 Cold Resist
Slot 3: 6 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 6 Energy Resist
Slot 5: 6 Spirit Resist
Slot 6: 44 Hits
Slot 7: 44 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 69.0


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 27, 2003
Anyone got a cheap bard template up for grabs ? all on VNboard costs shitloads =(


Can't get enough of FH
May 14, 2004
I don't suppose that anyone has a good Reaver template / can make a good reaver template (42 Shield, 41 SR, 50 Flex spec) with 101 str/dex/pie and 75 con/quick, +10% spell pierce and good ToA melee bonuses, dark knight's fury and dragonflame protector?

No expense spared (been fighting with making one for a few days now - never was much good at templating!).


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Does anybody have a thane template please? Spec - 50 SC/39Sword/42 shield/xxparry

I've just come back after about 3 years and trying to make a template with all the new gear makes me want to cry. I don't have a clue whats going on:)


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
I don't suppose that anyone has a good Reaver template / can make a good reaver template (42 Shield, 41 SR, 50 Flex spec) with 101 str/dex/pie and 75 con/quick, +10% spell pierce and good ToA melee bonuses, dark knight's fury and dragonflame protector?

No expense spared (been fighting with making one for a few days now - never was much good at templating!).

google Kalorian's template.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
anyone can come up with a fairly cheap warden template? :)

i've tried myself but i'm to fucking stupid :(


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
nooooooo :(

i can probably make a pretty decent template, but having being out of the game for so very very long i havent got a clue whats cheap and whats not.

and having to spend god knows how many hours infront of the market explorers checking prices on every god damn item thats worth having in a template doesent sound all that tempting :p


Loyal Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Tbh this thread should be sticked.

Now i would like to know if there is any hero cs temp with +101 on str, con ,dex, 350-400 hits + capped resists (25-26%).

thanx :)


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
my druid temp: CB, Zo, JS, EoY, CTR. 101 dex, 100 emp, 320 hp 85 con 31% pp nice resists

Character Name : New Character
Character Level: 50
Realm Rank : 1
Server Type : Normal
Class : (Hib) Druid
Race : Celt
Realm : Hibernia

<== Main Stat Bonuses ==>
Weapons Equipped : Right and Left Hands ( S / S )

Stat Details Items / Cap ( Diff. )

Strength : 0 / 75 ( -75 )
Constitution : 84 / 85 ( -1 )
Dexterity : 102 / 101 ( 1 )
Quickness : 0 / 75 ( -75 )
Empathy : 100 / 100 ( 0 )
Acuity : 75
Hit Points : 318 / 330 ( -12 )
Power : 0 / 36 ( -36 )
Power Pool % : 31 / 35 ( -4 )

-=- Cap Increases -=-

Constitution Cap : 10 / 26 ( -16 )
Dexterity Cap : 26 / 26 ( 0 )
Acuity Cap : 25 / 26 ( -1 )
Hit Points Cap : 130 / 200 ( -70 )
Power Cap : 10 / 26 ( -16 )

-=- Skill Bonuses -=-

Regrowth : 2 / 11 ( -9 )
Nurture : 2 / 11 ( -9 )
Nature : 2 / 11 ( -9 )

All Casting : 2 / 11

-=- Resistance Bonuses -=-

Crush Resist : 28 / 28 ( 0 ) + 2%
Slash Resist : 30 / 29 ( 1 ) + 3%
Thrust Resist : 25 / 26 ( -1 ) + 0%
Heat Resist : 25 / 26 ( -1 ) + 0%
Cold Resist : 25 / 26 ( -1 ) + 0%
Matter Resist : 24 / 26 ( -2 ) + 0%
Energy Resist : 11 / 26 ( -15 ) + 0%
Body Resist : 24 / 26 ( -2 ) + 0%
Spirit Resist : 26 / 31 ( -5 ) + 5%

-=- Other Bonuses -=-

Archery/Spell Haste : 12 / 10 ( 2 )
Archery/Spell Damage : 2 / 10 ( -8 )
Archery/Spell Range : 13 / 10 ( 3 )
Spell Piercing : 5 / 10 ( -5 )
Spell Duration : 6 / 25 ( -19 )
Armor Factor Bonus : 10 / 50 ( -40 )
Healing Bonus : 29 / 25 ( 4 )
Buff Effectiveness : 26 / 25 ( 1 )
Arcane Siphoning : 10 / 25 ( -15 )

<== Equipment Info ==>

<== Jewelry ==>

Jewel : Egg of Youth
Item Notes : Book: Egg of Youth
Level : 50
Expansion : Trials of Atlantis (ToA)
Acuity : 12
Hit Points : 32
Crush Resist : 5%
Slash Resist : 5%
Thrust Resist : 5%
Healing Bonus : 8%
Hit Points Cap : 40
Charges 1 : Self Cure Rez Sickness
Charges 2 : Area Effect Ressurect

Neck : Public Awareness Necklace (BP Item)
Item Notes : Bounty Merchant Item
Level : 50
Expansion : New Frontiers (NF)
Crush Resist : 7%
Slash Resist : 7%
Thrust Resist : 6%
Matter Resist : 6%
Body Resist : 6%
Energy Resist : 6%

Cloak : Flayed Cetus Skin Cloak
Level : 50
Expansion : Trials of Atlantis (ToA)
Power Pool % : 8%
Crush Resist : 7%
Slash Resist : 7%
Thrust Resist : 7%
All Casting Skills : 2
Charges 1 : Undefined/Other

Belt : Jacina's Sash
Item Notes : Book: Tarin's Animal Skins
Level : 50
Expansion : Trials of Atlantis (ToA)
Buff Enhance : 6%
Spell Duration : 6%
Power Cap : 5
Power Pool % : 5%
Spell Range : 5%
Spell Pierce : 5%
Arcane Siphoning : 10
Charges 1 : Heal : Group
Charges 2 : Heal : Power

Ring1 : Crocodile Tear Ring
Item Notes : Book: Tyrus' Epic Poem
Level : 50
Expansion : Trials of Atlantis (ToA)
Heat Resist : 4%
Cold Resist : 4%
Energy Resist : 4%
Matter Resist : 4%
Body Resist : 4%
Acuity : 15
Equipped Buff/Aura 1 : Conversion
Equipped Buff/Aura 2 : Radiant Aura

Ring2 : Ring of the Azure
Item Notes : XML Import | 100% Quality | Source: Ethinarg
Level : 51
Expansion : Dragon's Revenge Campaign (Dragons)
Dexterity : 15
Cold Resist : 4%
Heat Resist : 4%
Spirit Resist : 4%
Hit Points : 50
Dexterity Cap : 5
Acuity Cap : 5
Hit Points Cap : 50
Acuity : 15
Spell Damage : 2%

Wrist1 : Ceremonial Bracers-Dexterity
Item Notes : Book: Arbiter Papers
Level : 50
Expansion : Trials of Atlantis (ToA)
Dexterity : 18
Dexterity Cap : 5
Hit Points : 40
Hit Points Cap : 40
Slash Resist : 6%
Charges 1 : Mesmerize Feedback
Charges 2 : Stun Feedback

Wrist2 : Bracer of Zo'arkat
Item Notes : Book: Apprentice's Notes
Level : 50
Expansion : Trials of Atlantis (ToA)
Acuity : 18
Matter Resist : 5%
Body Resist : 5%
Spirit Resist : 5%
Power Pool % : 6%
Spell Range : 4%
Charges 1 : Summon Elemental
Charges 2 : Bedazzled

<== Armor ==>

Chest : Netherworldly Scale Hauberk (ToA-Acuity)
Level : 51
Expansion : Dragon's Revenge Campaign (Dragons)
Constitution : 22
Spirit Resist : 1%
Crush Resist : 1%
Thrust Resist : 1%
Slash Resist : 1%
Dexterity Cap : 7
Buff Enhance : 5%
Healing Bonus : 10%
Acuity Cap : 6
Spell Speed : 5%
Reverse Proc 1 : Heal : All Over Time
Reverse Proc 2 : Heal : Group

Head : Dragonsworn Etched Wreath (Con +15)
( This is a Crafted Item )
Level : 51
Expansion : Classic Areas ('Mainland')
Hit Points : 76 ( Perfect blood essence jewel )
Heat Resist : 7 ( Imperfect heated shielding jewel )
Crush Resist : 5 ( Flawed fiery shielding jewel )
Dexterity : 25 ( Flawless vapor essence jewel )
Constitution : 15

Arms : Dragonsworn Decorated Sleeves (HP +40)
( This is a Crafted Item )
Level : 51
Expansion : Classic Areas ('Mainland')
Empathy : 25 ( Flawless heated essence jewel )
Thrust Resist : 5 ( Flawed airy shielding jewel )
Body Resist : 9 ( Polished dusty shielding jewel )
Constitution : 25 ( Flawless earthen essence jewel )
Hit Points : 40

Hands : Dragonslayer Holy Osnadurtha Gloves
Item Notes : XML Import | 100% Quality | Source: Ethinarg
Level : 51
Expansion : Dragon's Revenge Campaign (Dragons)
Cold Resist : 5%
Heat Resist : 5%
Spirit Resist : 5%
Hit Points : 40
Buff Enhance : 5%
Healing Bonus : 5%
Power Pool % : 6%
Reverse Proc 1 : Heal : Hit Points
Reverse Proc 2 : Ablative

Legs : Dragonslayer Holy Osnadurtha Legs
Item Notes : XML Import | 100% Quality | Source: Ethinarg
Level : 51
Expansion : Dragon's Revenge Campaign (Dragons)
Dexterity : 22
Cold Resist : 5%
Heat Resist : 5%
Spirit Resist : 5%
Hit Points : 40
Dexterity Cap : 5
Spell Speed : 1%
Reverse Proc 1 : Heal : Hit Points
Reverse Proc 2 : Ablative

Feet : Decorated Osnadurtha Boots (AF +10)
( This is a Crafted Item )
Level : 51
Expansion : Classic Areas ('Mainland')
Matter Resist : 9 ( Polished earthen shielding jewel )
Cold Resist : 7 ( Imperfect icy shielding jewel )
Dexterity : 22 ( Precious vapor essence jewel )
Constitution : 22 ( Precious earthen essence jewel )
Armor Factor : 10

<== Weapon(s) ==>

Right Hand : Dochar Druid Blade
Level : 51
Expansion : Darkness Rising (DR)
Dexterity Cap : 4
Healing Bonus : 6%
Acuity Cap : 4
Spell Speed : 4%
Power Cap : 5
Power Pool % : 6%
Spell Range : 4%
Charges 1 : Heal : Power
Selectable Effects 2 : Undefined/Other

Left Hand : Buckler of Crystalline Mist (ToA)
Level : 51
Expansion : Dragon's Revenge Campaign (Dragons)
Energy Resist : 1%
Spirit Resist : 1%
Crush Resist : 1%
Thrust Resist : 1%
Slash Resist : 1%
Constitution Cap : 10
Buff Enhance : 10%
Acuity Cap : 10
Spell Speed : 2%
Acuity : 15
Charges 1 : Heal : Power
Reverse Proc 2 : Heal : Hit Points

<== End Report ==>


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Don't listen to him, he is awful. We only bring him along because we feel sorry for him!



FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
Can any one help me please. i need a Cabby temp.

DO's : Can have slayer/big3 weap or any artie's as ive done all those.

DONT's: without MoH and arcane gestures ring. or BP items

i would prefer it to have 2 shape changes if possible, but no biggie. ive been searching for ages and cant find anything without gestures.

will be tri-spec for small grp / full grp runs.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
come up with this temp for infy, will be using fsls 99% of the time in mh which will cap out str but ive shown it as mhi:

Config Report

STR: 95 / 98 (+23) INT: 0 / 75 Hits: 399 / 400 (+220) AF: 15 /
CON: 86 / 92 (+17) PIE: 0 / 75 End: 9 / 25
DEX: 59 / 83 (+8) EMP: 0 / 75 Pow: 0 / 26
QUI: 81 / 78 (+3) CHA: 0 / 75 %PP: 0% / 25%

Body: 27 / 26 Energy: 11 / 26 Crush: 25 / 26 (+2)
Cold: 21 / 26 Matter: 15 / 26 Slash: 25 / 26 (+3)
Heat: 25 / 26 Spirit: 21 / 26 (+5) Thrust: 25 / 26
Essence: 0 / 26

3 / 11 All Dual Wield Skills
13 / 11 All Melee Weapon Skills
11 / 11 Critical Strike
11 / 11 Dual Wield
11 / 11 Envenom
3 / 11 Parry
13 / 11 Slash
11 / 11 Stealth
13 / 11 Thrust

Other Bonuses
7 / 10 Melee Combat Speed
5 / 10 Melee Damage
7 / 10 Style Damage

Piece Listing
Name: Archaic
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 4 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 2: 4 Crush Resist
Slot 3: 4 Slash Resist
Slot 4: 4 Thrust Resist
Slot 5: 4 Matter Resist
Slot 6: 4 Heat Resist
Slot 7: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 8: 5 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 9: 45 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 10: 5 Melee Damage
Utility: 60.0

Name: Dragonslayer arms (inf
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 22 Strength
Slot 2: 40 Hits
Slot 3: 5 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 5 Cold Resist
Slot 5: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 6: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 7: 1 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 54.7

Name: Crafted Item3
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5.5
Gem 1: 60 Hits - Precious Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 22 Quickness - Precious Airy Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 4 Critical Strike Skill - Flawed Heated Battle Jewel
Gem 4: 4 Envenom Skill - Flawed Dusty Battle Jewel
Slot 5: 15 Constitution - (Crafted Item Bonus)
Utility: 79.7 SC Cost: 42g 56s 40c SC Price: 42g 56s 40c

Name: Dragon Slayer inf legs
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 22 Dexterity
Slot 2: 40 Hits
Slot 3: 5 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 5 Cold Resist
Slot 5: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 6: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Slot 7: 1 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 54.7

Name: Crafted Item5
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 36.0 of 32 Overcharge: 4
Gem 1: 7 Body Resist - Imperfect Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 4 Stealth Skill - Flawed Airy Battle Jewel
Gem 3: 22 Quickness - Precious Airy Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 4 Dual Wield Skill - Flawed Icy War Sigil
Slot 5: 15 Dexterity - (Crafted Item Bonus)
Utility: 78.7 SC Cost: 26g 70s 60c SC Price: 26g 70s 60c

Name: Crafted Item6
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5.5
Gem 1: 4 Critical Strike Skill - Flawed Heated Battle Jewel
Gem 2: 4 Dual Wield Skill - Flawed Icy War Sigil
Gem 3: 9 Body Resist - Polished Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 52 Hits - Faceted Blood Essence Jewel
Slot 5: 3 All Dual Wield Skills - (Crafted Item Bonus)
Utility: 86.0 SC Cost: 25g 0s 80c SC Price: 25g 0s 80c

Left Hand
Name: malice
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 15 Strength
Slot 2: 15 Constitution
Slot 3: 40 Hits
Slot 4: 5 Fatigue
Slot 5: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 6: 5 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 7: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 8: 5 Style Damage
Utility: 30.0

Name: MoH
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 5 Crush Resist
Slot 2: 5 Thrust Resist
Slot 3: 5 Slash Resist
Slot 4: 5 Cold Resist
Slot 5: 5 Heat Resist
Slot 6: 5 Matter Resist
Slot 7: 5 Body Resist
Slot 8: 5 Energy Resist
Slot 9: 5 Spirit Resist
Utility: 90.0

Name: SoM
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 3 Stealth Skill
Slot 2: 3 Parry Skill
Slot 3: 15 Strength
Slot 4: 15 Quickness
Slot 5: 4 Fatigue
Slot 6: 5 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 7: 10 AF
Utility: 50.0

Name: Opposition Pin
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 4 Stealth Skill
Slot 2: 4 Envenom Skill
Slot 3: 2 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 4: 22 Dexterity
Slot 5: 22 Quickness
Slot 6: 3 Dexterity Cap Increase
Slot 7: 3 Quickness Cap Increase
Utility: 79.3

Name: Belt Of granite enhancement
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 22 Strength
Slot 2: 22 Constitution
Slot 3: 6 Crush Resist
Slot 4: 6 Thrust Resist
Slot 5: 6 Slash Resist
Slot 6: 3 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 7: 3 Constitution Cap Increase
Utility: 65.3

Left Ring
Name: Arcane Str
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 4 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 2: 21 Strength
Slot 3: 35 Hits
Slot 4: 4 Crush Resist
Slot 5: 4 Thrust Resist
Slot 6: 4 Slash Resist
Slot 7: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 8: 35 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 9: 5 AF
Slot 10: 2 Style Damage
Utility: 66.8

Right Ring
Name: ring of granite enhancement
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 6 Cold Resist
Slot 2: 6 Heat Resist
Slot 3: 6 Crush Resist
Slot 4: 6 Slash Resist
Slot 5: 6 Thrust Resist
Slot 6: 3 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 7: 50 Hits
Slot 8: 50 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 87.5

Left Wrist
Name: Dopple Bracer
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 22 Constitution
Slot 2: 50 Hits
Slot 3: 50 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 4: 6 Body Resist
Slot 5: 6 Energy Resist
Slot 6: 6 Matter Resist
Slot 7: 6 Spirit Resist
Utility: 75.2

Right Wrist
Name: Bracelet of roguish spirit
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 12 Constitution
Slot 2: 3 Critical Strike Skill
Slot 3: 3 Envenom Skill
Slot 4: 32 Hits
Slot 5: 4 Constitution Cap Increase
Utility: 46.0


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 27, 2003
Cheap Vamp temp ;)

Character Name : Vamp finaltemp
Character Level: 50
Realm Rank : 1
Server Type : Normal
Class : (Hib) Vampiir
Race : Lurikeen
Realm : Hibernia

<== Main Stat Bonuses ==>
Weapons Equipped : Right and Left Hands ( S / S )

Stat Details Items / Cap ( Diff. )

Strength : 100 / 101 ( -1 )
Constitution : 100 / 100 ( 0 )
Dexterity : 102 / 100 ( 2 )
Quickness : 80 / 83 ( -3 )
Acuity : 15
Hit Points : 390 / 400 ( -10 )

-=- Cap Increases -=-

Strength Cap : 28 / 26 ( 2 )
Constitution Cap : 25 / 26 ( -1 )
Dexterity Cap : 25 / 26 ( -1 )
Quickness Cap : 8 / 26 ( -18 )
Hit Points Cap : 255 / 200 ( 55 )

-=- Skill Bonuses -=-

Piercing Skill : 11 / 11 ( +0 )
Vampiiric Embrace : 0 / 11 ( -11 )
Shadow Mastery : 0 / 11 ( -11 )
Dementia : 0 / 11 ( -11 )

All Melee : +3 / 11

-=- Resistance Bonuses -=-

Crush Resist : 32 / 31 ( 1 ) + 5%
Slash Resist : 26 / 26 ( 0 ) + 0%
Thrust Resist : 26 / 26 ( 0 ) + 0%
Heat Resist : 26 / 26 ( 0 ) + 0%
Cold Resist : 23 / 26 ( -3 ) + 0%
Matter Resist : 17 / 26 ( -9 ) + 0%
Energy Resist : 20 / 31 ( -11 ) + 5%
Body Resist : 25 / 26 ( -1 ) + 0%
Spirit Resist : 25 / 26 ( -1 ) + 0%

-=- Other Bonuses -=-

Melee Speed : 10 / 10 ( 0 )
Melee Damage : 12 / 10 ( 2 )
Armor Factor Bonus : 32 / 50 ( -18 )

<== Equipment Info ==>

<== Jewelry ==>

Jewel : Eerie Darkness Lighting Stone
Item Notes : Book : Crafter's Pages
Level : 50
Expansion : Trials of Atlantis (ToA)
Slash Resist : 4%
Crush Resist : 4%
Thrust Resist : 4%
Heat Resist : 5%
Cold Resist : 5%
Energy Resist : 5%
Matter Resist : 5%
Body Resist : 5%
Spirit Resist : 5%
Charges 1 : Summon Items
Charges 2 : Summon Items

Neck : Potent Deathwatcher Chain
Item Notes : XML Import | 100% Quality | Source: Ethinarg
Level : 50
Expansion : Dragon's Revenge Campaign (Dragons)
Strength : 21
Constitution : 21
Body Resist : 5%
Spirit Resist : 5%
Crush Resist : 6%
Thrust Resist : 6%
Slash Resist : 6%
Strength Cap : 3
Constitution Cap : 3

Cloak : Shades of Mist
Item Notes : Book: Regarding Shades
Level : 50
Expansion : Trials of Atlantis (ToA)
Strength : 15
Quickness : 15
Parry Skill : 3
Armor Factor : 10
Melee Speed : 5%
Stealth Skill : 3
Charges 1 : Stealth Lore
Charges 2 : Shadeform

Belt : Black Water Belt
Level : 50
Expansion : Trials of Atlantis (ToA)
Strength Cap : 5
Dexterity Cap : 5
Dexterity : 21
Constitution : 21
Strength : 24
Charges 1 : Undefined/Other

Ring1 : Trollstone Ring (BP Item)
Item Notes : Bounty Merchant Item
Level : 50
Expansion : New Frontiers (NF)
Hit Points : 80
Crush Resist : 1%
Slash Resist : 1%
Thrust Resist : 1%
Matter Resist : 1%
Body Resist : 1%
Spirit Resist : 1%
Energy Resist : 1%
Hit Points Cap : 80
Constitution Cap : 9

Ring2 : Grimeil's Ring of the Grotesque
Level : 50
Expansion : Darkness Rising (DR)
Hit Points : 40
Cold Resist : 6%
Heat Resist : 5%
Energy Resist : 5%
Armor Factor : 12
Hit Points Cap : 40
Charges 1 : Undefined/Other

Wrist1 : Cyclone Bracer
Level : 50
Expansion : Trials of Atlantis (ToA)
Crush Resist : 11%
Slash Resist : 10%
Thrust Resist : 10%
Melee Speed : 2%
Charges 1 : Undefined/Other

Wrist2 : Glimmer Spirit Trammel
Level : 50
Expansion : Dragon's Revenge Campaign (Dragons)
Strength : 15
Constitution : 15
Quickness : 15
Hit Points : 50
Constitution Cap : 3
Quickness Cap : 3
Hit Points Cap : 50
Acuity : 15

<== Armor ==>

Chest : Jerkin of the Ghostly Soul (ToA)
Level : 51
Expansion : Dragon's Revenge Campaign (Dragons)
Stealth Skill : 4
Slash Resist : 4%
Crush Resist : 4%
Thrust Resist : 4%
Spirit Resist : 4%
Energy Resist : 4%
Strength Cap : 5
Dexterity Cap : 5
Hit Points Cap : 45
Melee Damage : 5%
Reverse Proc 1 : Omnidrain
Reverse Proc 2 : Heal : Group

Head : Embroidered Cruaigh Wreath (Con Cap +5)
( This is a Crafted Item )
Level : 51
Expansion : Classic Areas ('Mainland')
Strength : 10 ( Flawed fiery essence jewel )
Constitution : 28 ( Perfect earthen essence jewel )
Dexterity : 28 ( Perfect vapor essence jewel )
Hit Points : 44 ( Polished blood essence jewel )
Constitution Cap : 5

Arms : Embroidered Cruaigh Sleeves (HP Cap +40)
( This is a Crafted Item )
Level : 51
Expansion : Classic Areas ('Mainland')
Dexterity : 25 ( Flawless vapor essence jewel )
Quickness : 13 ( Imperfect airy essence jewel )
Hit Points : 68 ( Flawless blood essence jewel )
Piercing Skill : 4 ( Flawed dusty war spell stone )
Hit Points Cap : 40

Hands : Maddening Scalars
Item Notes : Book: Scalars
Level : 51
Expansion : Trials of Atlantis (ToA)
Hit Points : 40
Constitution : 15
Quickness : 15
Melee Speed : 3%
Melee Damage : 3%
Constitution Cap : 5
Quickness Cap : 5
Reverse Proc 1 : Absorb + Damage Shield
Charges 2 : Offensive Proc

Legs : Embroidered Cruaigh Leggings (Str Cap +5)
( This is a Crafted Item )
Level : 51
Expansion : Classic Areas ('Mainland')
Dexterity : 13 ( Imperfect vapor essence jewel )
Body Resist : 5 ( Flawed dusty shielding jewel )
Heat Resist : 11 ( Faceted heated shielding jewel )
Hit Points : 68 ( Flawless blood essence jewel )
Strength Cap : 5

Feet : Ensorcelled Cruaigh Boots (AF +10)
( This is a Crafted Item )
Level : 51
Expansion : Classic Areas ('Mainland')
Matter Resist : 11 ( Faceted earthen shielding jewel )
Cold Resist : 5 ( Flawed icy shielding jewel )
Spirit Resist : 9 ( Polished vapor shielding jewel )
Heat Resist : 5 ( Flawed heated shielding jewel )
Armor Factor : 10

<== Weapon(s) ==>

Right Hand : Soul Glimmer (ToA)
Item Notes : AF Debuff Proc
Level : 51
Expansion : Dragon's Revenge Campaign (Dragons)
All Melee Skills : 3
Dexterity : 15
Strength : 15
Slash Resist : 1%
Crush Resist : 1%
Thrust Resist : 1%
Spirit Resist : 1%
Dexterity Cap : 10
Strength Cap : 10
Melee Damage : 4%
Normal Proc 1 : Omnidrain
Normal Proc 2 : Debuff (Other)

Left Hand : Lv51 Weapon/Shield : ( Dexterity Cap + 5 )
( This is a Crafted Item )
Level : 51
Expansion : Classic Areas ('Mainland')
Quickness : 22 ( Precious airy essence jewel )
Piercing Skill : 4 ( Flawed dusty war spell stone )
Cold Resist : 7 ( Imperfect icy shielding jewel )
Body Resist : 9 ( Polished dusty shielding jewel )
Dexterity Cap : 5


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Where do you get the DRAGONSWORN i see on most mid caster templates in the ranged slot?

And most important, can u benefit from a ranged slot item while using a staff now? :eek:


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
Where do you get the DRAGONSWORN i see on most mid caster templates in the ranged slot?

And most important, can u benefit from a ranged slot item while using a staff now? :eek:

On crafted armour you can get dragonsworn bonuses instead of cap increases. So you can get +15 con instead of +5 con cap. They are using an old SC template maker which doesn't include the new bonuses.

Afaik casters can't use the ranged slot but they can equip a sword + shield now.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
On crafted armour you can get dragonsworn bonuses instead of cap increases. So you can get +15 con instead of +5 con cap. They are using an old SC template maker which doesn't include the new bonuses.

Afaik casters can't use the ranged slot but they can equip a sword + shield now.

OK Ty so i can forget about those extra 15dex / 40 hits.

Right. Now, any kind soul able to help me out with a rather cheap BD template with:

Eyriny/AT, TG/Dragon vest, Zo Bracer, Masterpiece crafted cloth boots and Champ Staff?

and some of the following jewelry: Soulbinder Belt, Band of Shadow, Bracer of Embodment, Ancient Ebon Bracer, Stone Beads Necklace, Bloodbound Necklace, Bracer of Arawn, Black Water Bracer, Ring of the Torrent, Tock, or any other CHEAP jewels?

God knows how i sufferred to farm plats for Cloth Cap and I just dont have the will for farming another 50p for Dragontooth Bracer and similar crap.

PS: using Jacina's would be sweet.
PS2: im not that lazy, I actually tried it yesteday and ended up calling it a nite at 2am w/o any success :(


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
anyone can come up with a fairly cheap warden template? :)

i've tried myself but i'm to fucking stupid :(

i had a quite good one packed with artis but on a new PC now so all my SC files are gone

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