Artifact (Current level: 10)
Magical Bonuses:
- Strength: 15 pts
- Constitution: 15 pts
- Hits: 40 pts
- [L10]: Fatigue: 5 pts
[L1]: Bonus to Strength attribute bonus cap: 5
[L3]: Bonus to Constitution attribute bonus cap: 5
[L6]: Bonus to hit points bonus cap: 40
[L8]: Bonus to style damage: 5%
put malice in mh and you would have +40 hits and 5 style dmg, and +5 fatigue
could maybe use malice in LH and fsls in RH. or the infil big3 weap has 5 style dmg
Why put malice in mainhand ? when u swap out to re envenom a guy u loose 15 con and 40 hits. fsls mainhand and malice offhand means just repoisen with fsls that u have in inventory and its fine