the streets...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
Naetha said:
Despite all the generalisations and crap in this thread I have to agree with the theme that as a rule, townies/chavs etc are more destructive and cause more problems than other social groups. I live in quite a rough area, but there is a fairly even mix of young professionals, families, elderly/retired people and students with the ethnic distribution being roughly 50/50 white/Asian. I also live about half a mile from a council estate, yet all the times that my car has been broken into/stolen/vandalised (approximately 8 times in the last 2 years) it has been the townie scum from the council estate that have done it, and had so little shame about it that they hang about until we see them, then run off. And surprise surprise, most of them conform with what is regarded as the townie "uniform" of baseball cap, sports clothes etc etc. Whether you generalise or not, how can you deny that as evidence that of the hundreds of people that walk past my car in a week, its the small percentage of townies that cause all of the damage.

Sure there's some "nice" townies out there, but with most of them its built into their psyche and their upbringing that you should respect nobody, and have no regard for anything but you and your own. As someone previously mentioned - they are proud of their ignorance and the fact that they're a leech on society - just eavesdrop on the conversation between the two single mothers on a bus who are both trying for a baby with various partners just so they can get a better council flat - I kid you not.

It annoys me when people talk about people like this like it's not their fault - they get the same education as me, they get the same, if not better opportunities as me (there's plenty of "outreach" programmes and schemes in poor areas these days to help people change their ways) yet I don't get the urge to rip off the wing mirror off every car in my street when I walk past, and I son't see why they should have an excuse to fall back on.

An Albion that I truely respect. /bow


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Velveteen said:
The point is though Dekker, 98% of the people that wear those clothes and listen to that music ARE the ones that do these crimes.

Thats what people are saying. There may very well be some nice towny somewhere in a dixtant galaxy. Fact is though, he is still a towny, and will get epitomised for being a towny.

If you don't wanna be associated with a towny. don't look like one.

<shrug> hard?

I dont. Sad that people cant wear what they like tho really innit?

I listen to the streets. My mates listen to the streets. Several people who I work with listen to the streets. Just because your not a fan doesnt mean you can typecast everyone who ever did listen to the streets either.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Naetha said:
Despite all the generalisations and crap in this thread I have to agree with the theme that as a rule, townies/chavs etc are more destructive and cause more problems than other social groups. I live in quite a rough area, but there is a fairly even mix of young professionals, families, elderly/retired people and students with the ethnic distribution being roughly 50/50 white/Asian. I also live about half a mile from a council estate, yet all the times that my car has been broken into/stolen/vandalised (approximately 8 times in the last 2 years) it has been the townie scum from the council estate that have done it, and had so little shame about it that they hang about until we see them, then run off. And surprise surprise, most of them conform with what is regarded as the townie "uniform" of baseball cap, sports clothes etc etc. Whether you generalise or not, how can you deny that as evidence that of the hundreds of people that walk past my car in a week, its the small percentage of townies that cause all of the damage.

Sure there's some "nice" townies out there, but with most of them its built into their psyche and their upbringing that you should respect nobody, and have no regard for anything but you and your own. As someone previously mentioned - they are proud of their ignorance and the fact that they're a leech on society - just eavesdrop on the conversation between the two single mothers on a bus (both wearing branded sports gear, big hoop earrings, hair scraped back to a high ponytail) who are both trying for a baby with various partners just so they can get a better council flat - I kid you not.

It annoys me when people talk about people like this like it's not their fault - they get the same education as me, they get the same, if not better opportunities as me (there's plenty of "outreach" programmes and schemes in poor areas these days to help people change their ways) yet I don't get the urge to rip off the wing mirror off every car in my street when I walk past, and I son't see why they should have an excuse to fall back on.

Agreed (mostly)

But as I said listening to the streets doesnt make me a townie.

What bugs me about some of the people who have posted in this thread is the willingness to tar an entire council estate with the same brush. My nan lives in a council estate and in fact a fair proportion of my family come from them. It worries me that people find it reasonable to discuss the prospect of burning them down as a fair and equitable solution to the problem.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
Dekker, like I said. It doesn't MAKE YOU a towny, but it associates YOU with the towny CULTURE. Just like I enjoy listening to traditional Latin music, that associates ME with that CULTURE, while I am definately not of Latin origin.

see what I mean?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Velveteen said:
Dekker, like I said. It doesn't MAKE YOU a towny, but it associates YOU with the towny CULTURE. Just like I enjoy listening to traditional Latin music, that associates ME with that CULTURE, while I am definately not of Latin origin.

see what I mean?

ofc i do, but does that mean I shouldnt listen to it? I LIKE the streets. I'm not going to STOP liking the streets just because some people associate it with hooliganism. I dont like people being stereotyped because of the music they listen to.

I also like hip-hop but I dont do drive-by's. Fair comment?


Dec 25, 2003
Ok here we go. Look, the main thing I hate about townies is not their music, their clothes or whatever... it's their attitude. Logically, someone who enjoys smashing things (or people) up, breaking the law and getting violent when drunk, is going to like music that reflects this. Thus rap and R'n'B were born. The thing is... after seeing the same attitudes reflected in the same group (townies) over and over again, I make judgements about them from their clothes or music. It saves time. These people are not nice people. They are not intelligent people. They are not civilized people and they are certainly not people who should be defended.

To clarify: people who make an effort to escape the social trap created by council estates, and the townie culture that coincides with that, have my respect. The others do not, and will never have my respect, sympathy or even pity.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
Dekker said:
ofc i do, but does that mean I shouldnt listen to it? I LIKE the streets. I'm not going to STOP liking the streets just because some people associate it with hooliganism. I dont like people being stereotyped because of the music they listen to.

I also like hip-hop but I dont do drive-by's. Fair comment?

you may not do it, but you're part of the culture that do. You don't have to dislike the streets. but you will get stereotyped as being part of the chav culture.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
People who are unwilling to make anything of themselves deserve nothing but contempt, especially when their only contribution is negative. I guess its just unfortunate that its so easy to get associated with those people by making certain personal choices.

And for the record I've never worn Burberry in my life....

Diesel jeans is a different matter ofc ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
tbh I don't associate anything that you can't buy in Intersport or Foot Locker with chavs =)

edit: Except the easily obtainable stolen products that are always at the open markets. Burberry etc...


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Debuffs said:
You say shoot them. They arent animals to be put down. infact saying shoot them makes u no better than they are except you are sat in comfort and luxury and they arent.
I agree the government does need to do something but shooting them isnt the answer :) something not so barbaric would be a better option.
ok so now answer my Q -

"for all the people who say "dont pick on the scruffy fuckers!"

well here is something that will change your own mind. -

what is a good about townies and other un-developed, savage no hopers? you know, the ones that mean you have high tax rates, high crime etc..

what is good about a normal person who takes nothing from society and government but gives a hell of a lot and doesnt terrorise peoples lives on a daily basis?

now answer those two questions in your mind. then you can join us normal people who think being a complete fucking waste of oxygen and leacher of society is not a good thing and shouldnt be defended."

why are you defensive of these scum now that you answerd? i was born into a family with not much money, my mum was pretty young and single. now my mum has 2 degrees, earns a lot of money for where i live, is known throught her proffesion gloably as a leader in the field.

i am 18. ive had two jobs and didnt finish my 2 years of college. i got these jobs off my back and no, they didnt involve making burgers and picking rubbish. at 17 i was trusted by my council as an IT engineer to go out on my own and do work by my self. to be that young and from my area your are lucky for that.

you see, my point is because your born into poverty, it doesnt mean you dont change and you dont need to be a total **** all your life. its not even hard to rise above it. btw im not trying to gloat, im making a point. its nothing to do with willpower or anything. you make the choice - will i be a shit scum to society or rise above it and be something decent. its not hard at all.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Velveteen said:
you may not do it, but you're part of the culture that do. You don't have to dislike the streets. but you will get stereotyped as being part of the chav culture.

I'm part of chav culture because I listen to the streets? So presumably everyone else who listen's to them is also part of that culture. I'm a part of a lot of cultures then I guess as I judge music by how much I enjoy listening to it, rather than what image the Daily Mail has imbued it with.

Hopefully the Thought Police wont get me eh?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
tris, do you want the easy answer to that question?

our government has made it easy for assholes to just get by, by doing nothing but what they want and terrorise law obiding tax paying citizens.

Of course I'm not laying the blame solely on the government, but it plays a big role.

And in no way is this a defense to chavs. burn lazy people.

edit: Hopefully not Dekker, cause you seem to have half a brain. But the fact still remains, what you like determines what culture you are associated with. Don't read too far into it tbh, but its true.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
so there is my point. the government gives them the choice - leech or be a good person. these people make that choice them selves.
but also your answer is not really an answer to my Q :) i just want you to make your selves realies your defending these people for no reason. whats good about a chav, whats good about a normal person?
the easy answer is nothing is good about a chav and there is nothing wrong with a normal person. so to defend something thats bad is pretty shit ;)
these people are shit because they made the choice to be shit. they are not forced to be shit. like my post explained a few up ^


Dec 23, 2003
tris- said:
why are you defensive of these scum now that you answerd? i was born into a family with not much money, my mum was pretty young and single. now my mum has 2 degrees, earns a lot of money for where i live, is known throught her proffesion gloably as a leader in the field.

i am 18. ive had two jobs and didnt finish my 2 years of college. i got these jobs off my back and no, they didnt involve making burgers and picking rubbish. at 17 i was trusted by my council as an IT engineer to go out on my own and do work by my self. to be that young and from my area your are lucky for that.

you see, my point is because your born into poverty, it doesnt mean you dont change and you dont need to be a total **** all your life. its not even hard to rise above it. btw im not trying to gloat, im making a point. its nothing to do with willpower or anything. you make the choice - will i be a shit scum to society or rise above it and be something decent. its not hard at all.

i quite agree that people from poor families are able to make themselves they're own lives from scratch, and i admire people that do. it also brings on the subject of making universities free to get into, but needing to pass certain high level tests to get in. therefore people wouldnt be singled out for being poor and unable to get into uni and go further with life, and on the flip side, stupid rich people would go do media studies.

what i DID say is council estates are a breeding ground for poor AND scummy people, the kinda person that calls they're kid donna, the kinda person that allows they're child to swear without hitting them, the kinda person that says nothink rather than nothing.

i have nothing against poor people with ambition to succeed. i have a huge problem with scum breeding more scum and polluting our society.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Its been a good read and kept me interested, annoyed and amused at different times, has this post :)

I have an eclectic (half a brain indeed! ;)) taste in music m8. Dont think I sit there with posters of Mike skinner on my wall or anything. Quick example of music I'm listenening to currently is....

David Bowie
The Specials
Snow Patrol
Rolling Stones
Tenacious D
Beastie Boys

and ofc The Streets

What I want to say is... does listening to all these different genres of music make me a part of all these different cultures? If it does then I am one mixed up f***** (dont answer that) :)

I am a Senior Buyer in an avionics firm, 29 this month and most definitely not a part of Chav culture! Admittedly I do go out with my mates and get pissed but I can honestly say I've never vandalised anything.... except once I wrote on my neighbours wall in snowspray when I was about 8 ;)

The bollocking I got from my mum was a sight to behold.....


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
imo, listening to a music a chav does does not make your a chav, nor does getting pissed.

these have been common past times for a few hundred years ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
i quite like some of the streets stuff. their new song (dry your eyes) is shit, but whatever.
most of this thread has shown me a lot about people, and how easy it is to stereotype. not every 'chav' is a wanker/scumbag/etc, and no, i'm not a chav. i'm probably the last person in the world that would be considered a chav or townie.
i've come from what could be considered an underpriviliged background, (born into what is now a council estate- our family moved away from it when my brother was born) and im doing well, so its not that they cant do well, its that they cant be assed to try (bumming off of everyone else is profitable with minimal effort).

but this is probably the funniest part of the whole thread;
Debuffs said:
PS: i wear Aquascutum, Burberry, Stone island and i aint a towni i just have good fashion sense do you?

YEAH M8!!! that's not fashion sense. i hope you regret typing that ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 7, 2004
na i dont reget saying it cos im not embarrased by what clothes i wear.
I like it so i wear it. Couldnt give a toss who else wears it :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Funny thing is all clothes are worth basicly the same (like, fuck all) when they are made by some kid in a factory :/ Just because some coat costs £300 doesnt make it any higher quality than smth from ASDA tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
harebear said:
Funny thing is all clothes are worth basicly the same (like, fuck all) when they are made by some kid in a factory :/ Just because some coat costs £300 doesnt make it any higher quality than smth from ASDA tbh.
u online m8y?!?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Dekker said:
Yeah, I think Nazism is frowned upon by most civilised nations anyway.

I only started reading this becuase it was about The Streets, but it seems to have strayed somewhat from the original topic. Fair enough if its not your bag then I can understand that, it is different to most music after all. That said, just because he's "talking" makes no odds, who are you to define what makes music? Some people consider a man hitting a dustbin lid to be music, just because its not your cup of tea makes it no less music than some thrash metal band, or Mozart for that matter.

I'm no fan of kids who hang out on street corners intimidating people, but I think your assuming that anyone who wears a Burberry cap acts like that. Frankly the sneering snobbish attitude of people like Sigurd makes me laugh. You obviously believe that you are from a superior breed than people who have the misfortune to not be born into money, whom you appear to have labelled with some fotm tag like "townie". Way to stereotype mate....



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I listen to Black/Death metal but I like The Streets, and I don't own any Nike/Adidas/Avirex stuff, or baggy jeans or whatever it is grungers wear. I think just because someone likes a certain music you don't stereotype them with a certain image.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I used to hate or fear townies but i think you'll find if one comes upto you asking for a fag,if you say no or somthing along the lines implying you dont have one,they usually get agro...last person to do that i cracked him in the jaw and he walked away.This was there first time i evern fought back since the age off 10 when i got kicked in the face numerous times by 4 what you could call young townies ;)

now being 17 ive been too school with a lot off the townies , and yes ive been out with them and yes they do make trouble for no reason.I like it,because if we were all the same it would be crap as hell & now i just sit in front off a pc all day :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
behatch said:
I used to hate or fear townies but i think you'll find if one comes upto you asking for a fag,if you say no or somthing along the lines implying you dont have one,they usually get agro...last person to do that i cracked him in the jaw and he walked away.This was there first time i evern fought back since the age off 10 when i got kicked in the face numerous times by 4 what you could call young townies ;)

now being 17 ive been too school with a lot off the townies , and yes ive been out with them and yes they do make trouble for no reason.I like it,because if we were all the same it would be crap as hell & now i just sit in front off a pc all day :m00:

Yes I'm so bored of the ordinary, bring more violence into society to "mix" it up.

shut up kid, thats the most pathetic paragraph of utter babble I have ever read. And btw, congrats for being uber hard or something? <shrug>


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I bet many of the people saying townies should be shot etc. etc. Are fans of the English national football team no? Then lets apply your logic to them aswell.

All English football fans are hooligans that should be shot on sight. If you are a English football supporter that aint a hooligan its still your own fault for cheering for that team and getting associated with them. If you are not a hooligan find another team to cheer for!!

Obviously you can see this is wrong? :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
behatch said:
I used to hate or fear townies but i think you'll find if one comes upto you asking for a fag,if you say no or somthing along the lines implying you dont have one,they usually get agro...last person to do that i cracked him in the jaw and he walked away.This was there first time i evern fought back since the age off 10 when i got kicked in the face numerous times by 4 what you could call young townies ;)

now being 17 ive been too school with a lot off the townies , and yes ive been out with them and yes they do make trouble for no reason.I like it,because if we were all the same it would be crap as hell & now i just sit in front off a pc all day :m00:

Whatever you say m8, just dont hurt us please!

Jesus fucking Christ....

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