Naetha said:Despite all the generalisations and crap in this thread I have to agree with the theme that as a rule, townies/chavs etc are more destructive and cause more problems than other social groups. I live in quite a rough area, but there is a fairly even mix of young professionals, families, elderly/retired people and students with the ethnic distribution being roughly 50/50 white/Asian. I also live about half a mile from a council estate, yet all the times that my car has been broken into/stolen/vandalised (approximately 8 times in the last 2 years) it has been the townie scum from the council estate that have done it, and had so little shame about it that they hang about until we see them, then run off. And surprise surprise, most of them conform with what is regarded as the townie "uniform" of baseball cap, sports clothes etc etc. Whether you generalise or not, how can you deny that as evidence that of the hundreds of people that walk past my car in a week, its the small percentage of townies that cause all of the damage.
Sure there's some "nice" townies out there, but with most of them its built into their psyche and their upbringing that you should respect nobody, and have no regard for anything but you and your own. As someone previously mentioned - they are proud of their ignorance and the fact that they're a leech on society - just eavesdrop on the conversation between the two single mothers on a bus who are both trying for a baby with various partners just so they can get a better council flat - I kid you not.
It annoys me when people talk about people like this like it's not their fault - they get the same education as me, they get the same, if not better opportunities as me (there's plenty of "outreach" programmes and schemes in poor areas these days to help people change their ways) yet I don't get the urge to rip off the wing mirror off every car in my street when I walk past, and I son't see why they should have an excuse to fall back on.
An Albion that I truely respect. /bow