the streets...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
tbh generalising them by what they wear is wrong. But yet, its so easy to do. Every single townie in the world likes to wear addidas and their gay cap pointing up. WTF is the point in wearing a cap ONCE you put enough hair gel on to stick Jade Goody to the wall and when there is no sun. PRICK. God.

Townies do need to be shot. I would love to be a vigilante with an uzi. Just walk down a couple of streets.


BANG, I'd go terminator on em. DEAD

Sigurd should be prime minister and bring in a law to make it legal to kill Townies, and all other scum that so deserve it.

And like someone else said, "I never seen violence amoung goths" or whatever they said. Been to MANY rock/metal concerts never seen 1 single fight. Go to the local club and every townie is brawling after a pint of john smiths when some innocent by stander looks at their "BIRD".

Make death to townies legal. But then again if we did that, we wouldn't have much of an army <shrug> Oh well.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Morchaoron said:
yup, which means i dont listen to people talking shit while pretending to make music

The point is you're saying u dont think its music, because you dont like it.

Up to you ofc, but it is music, regardless of your personal preferences.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
aye, only reason the government support those scruffy fuckers is because without em our army would consist of royal pricks riding on horses into war with their swords.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
Only reason Government keep em alive with FREE HANDOUTS is cause a few years after they realise they are worthless trash they will end up either;
a) in prison
b) dead
c) in the streets with no home(how fucking ironic)
d) in the army

the majority join the army however cause they realise that they are too damn thick to do anything else, and spent all their school years being complete wasters and annouying citizens of the community that have higher aspirations than living cash in hand from a factory.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Dekker said:
The point is you're saying u dont think its music, because you dont like it.

Up to you ofc, but it is music, regardless of your personal preferences.

thats why i said that in that case, 3 farts is a row can also be considered music, since its a subjective experience


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 7, 2004
[/QUOTE]the majority join the army however cause they realise that they are too damn thick to do anything else, and spent all their school years being complete wasters and annouying citizens of the community that have higher aspirations than living cash in hand from a factory.[/QUOTE]

Ye ofc thats why ppl join the army. how old are you btw? this is the second post if seen from you in this thread that makes u look about 12 year old.
The army offers a Career from Electrician to Light infantry, it is a JOB which is no different from what normal ppl do each day.

As for Sigurd you are comin across as a nazi however u paint the picture.
Were u bullied at school? do you have any friends?

As for the Streets, top band some of his lyrics are 100% true. If u dont like it then dont buy it. it is that simple.

PS: i wear Aquascutum, Burberry, Stone island and i aint a towni i just have good fashion sense do you?


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
for all the people who say "dont pick on the scruffy fuckers!"

well here is something that will change your own mind. -

what is a good about townies and other un-developed, savage no hopers? you know, the ones that mean you have high tax rates, high crime etc..

what is good about a normal person who takes nothing from society and government but gives a hell of a lot and doesnt terrorise peoples lives on a daily basis?

now answer those two questions in your mind. then you can join us normal people who think being a complete fucking waste of oxygen and leacher of society is not a good thing and shouldnt be defended.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
Debuffs said:
PS: i wear Aquascutum, Burberry, Stone island and i aint a towni i just have good fashion sense do you?





were you the one that bullied him btw?

what do you prefer, hanging around outside McDonalds? or Burger King?


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
what is nicer - lambrini or cider?! if you like to look a fool its ok just dont try to defend it!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 7, 2004
Velveteen said:




were you the one that bullied him btw?

what do you prefer, hanging around outside McDonalds? or Burger King?

it amuses me how u slag off clothes which are of top quality, Diesel 100+ quid a pair of jeans, Stone island 300 quid for a coat.
Is it the fact that your mummy wont pay more than 10 pound for George jeans from asda that makes you so bitter?


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
it doesnt mean its quality because it cost £300, that means you think your good because your stupid enough to buy expensive clothes. my timberland coat was £100, it is all weather etc etc. i bet its better than your £300 stone island coat.


thats an example of how you come across. so fuck off with it!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
Yes thats right.

Go steal another car or something.

btw, Stone Island, Burberry and Aquascutum aren't the pinacle of fashion. Try a £900 tailored Hugo Boss suit. =)

Edit: Agree with -tris, but just wanted to boast with my e-penis


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
exactly. stuff that is TAILOR made is quality like a suit.

stuff that is mass made like a tracksuit that cost £300 or something is not. its expensive because they know some stupid idiot is gonna buy it so they can boast.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 7, 2004
some council estates are bad, wherever their is poverty there is crime. but thats not their faullt they werent born into money. its a never ending cycle and it takes a special person to rise above all that inside a community like it.
Its the ppl at the top who should be sorting it out.
peer pressure is strong and no one can say they have never been effected by it.

if u break it down. you are sayin these ppl born in council estates should be shot right?
ok so what about some kid who is born with some handicap? should he/she be shot becos they were unfortunate to be born in that way/environment.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
no, we are saying they shouild be shot because they are a waste of oxygen. that is because they constantly break the law, fuck up nice peoples lives and cause so many shit things it makes me mad thinking about. you can be born on a council estate, but you dont HAVE to be a law breaking scum fucker.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 7, 2004
i dont brag about what clothes i wear i was simply saying just becos a certain type of ppl wear a certain label that everyone who wears that label isnt the same.

IF your going with that attitude then lets say all muslims are evil terrorists and should be shot and imprisioned.

Read about it here:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
Debuffs said:
some council estates are bad, wherever their is poverty there is crime. but thats not their faullt they werent born into money. its a never ending cycle and it takes a special person to rise above all that inside a community like it.
Its the ppl at the top who should be sorting it out.
peer pressure is strong and no one can say they have never been effected by it.

if u break it down. you are sayin these ppl born in council estates should be shot right?
ok so what about some kid who is born with some handicap? should he/she be shot becos they were unfortunate to be born in that way/environment.

difference is. I know a couple of people from shit estates that haven't followed townie scummers around them, but chosen to make something of their life and gone to university, one guy even moved out from his parents to his aunt's cause he hated the way they were.

kids born into a shit life can make it better for themselves by working hard.

Kids born with defects are born that way.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 7, 2004
And respect to your m8.
It takes a special kind of person to rise above it all and say "look im better than this" if more ppl did that then we wouldnt be havin this conversation.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
tbh Debuffs, I don't like you cause you have admitted to wearing crap and tried to be little me and boast that you have money to spend looking like filth.

Exactly the kind of person you are pretending not to be. Like I said earlier, its not right to generalise, but its easy, and its 98% true. Don't like it? wear something different.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Debuffs said:
i dont brag about what clothes i wear i was simply saying just becos a certain type of ppl wear a certain label that everyone who wears that label isnt the same.

IF your going with that attitude then lets say all muslims are evil terrorists and should be shot and imprisioned.

Read about it here:

WELL DONE you fucking idiot, now this has gone off topic. no doubt someone will say something racist now and get the thred closed. you dont understand what i am saying, just because your poor IT DOES NOT mean you have to be an arse hole. by breaking the law, wrecking lives and making the country shit. just because your poor you dont NEED to leach off the government, you dont have to beat people up. there is these new things called jobs! its where you are civil and goto a place on a daily basis to earn money in exchange for performing tasks. its much nicer for the country than robbing houses and battering old women for their fish and chips. its even better than stealing cars and forcing ordinary people get a new one.

some scurffy people are nice and they try to do their best. 99% of them arnt and should burn to death.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
tris- said:
exactly. stuff that is TAILOR made is quality like a suit.

stuff that is mass made like a tracksuit that cost £300 or something is not. its expensive because they know some stupid idiot is gonna buy it so they can boast.

I worked for the fashion industry for a short while, the company owned multiple brands, expensive ones and cheap ones, and it was funny to see that often the production costs of the expensive brand clothing were no higher then the cheap ones, but people are simply prepared to pay more just because it has that 'name' on it...

its all about 'exclusiveness'... its a very funny buisness...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 7, 2004
I agree with some of what you say. But Children are impressionable (sp). It is inbred into them. and it is hard to get out of. why the fuck u think we have suicide bombers running around, becos it is inbred into them from birth and they think its the norm.
IF you were born in a slum your parents never had any money, you never had any money, i can imagine its hard to have hope and u just slot into the field of sheep. Try to imagine if it was u born into that how do you think you would turn out? it COULD have been you born into that environment but it wasnt? i dont think? it wasnt me either and im grateful for that.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
heh it probably costs no more than £5 in materials to make some things. But you aren't paying for the materials, like you said, you're paying for the label.


Debuffs: Of course this all starts from the parents. and the parents of those parents, but still, it must of started SOMEWHERE and it just comes from assholes who are stupid with no ambition in life but to leach off of other people. Shoot em before they have a chance to multiply. Or force them into slave labour to work back the money that they got for nothing.

If it weren't for so many stupid humanitarian activists, this country would be better off. And don't even get me started on other things that this country needs to sort out.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 7, 2004
That can be said about everything though. Food,Cars,Clothes.
is your fridge full of no frills products? did u choose to buy a BMW instead of a Robin Reliant.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 7, 2004
There is some which are like that. want no job are happy to be on the doll their entire life living off Government hand outs. Well their bluff should be called and cut of these hand outs of the ppl who are intentionally trying to decieve the system. I guess the that would lead to more crime though.
You say shoot them. They arent animals to be put down. infact saying shoot them makes u no better than they are except you are sat in comfort and luxury and they arent.
I agree the government does need to do something but shooting them isnt the answer :) something not so barbaric would be a better option.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Clothes are just clothes, something to keep you warm etc.

You cant make assumptions about people based on what they choose to wear. Its the same principle as music. I'm prepared to bet that plenty of middle class people listen to the streets, doesnt make them chav's. Base opinions on their personality, much more reliable imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
tell me this,

after a couple of decades of working my ass through school, university and other various exams and qualifications, Why should i have a MASSIVE bite taken out of my ass to feed these scumbags. You say they aren't animals, yet they act like them. Fighting, Stealing, a new language to which you have to take hours of lessons to comprehend if you come from the civilised world. WHY do I have to pay for them? they give nothing, they contribute nothing, they are the epitome of what is wrong with this country, they are the epitome of scum.

I don't care what happens to em, one dead towny is one more thing to brighten my day up.

Townie stealing your car; £25,000
Townie getting arrested; £600 Police fees
Townie gets prosecuted; £2,000 in Judge and court fees
Townie goes to prison for 1year let out in 6months; £6,000

Knowing that townie and 90% other like him are going to be the same thing for the rest of their scum life and you are gonna be taxed through the ass to pay for their life of sleeze. PRICELESS.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Velveteen said:
tell me this,

after a couple of decades of working my ass through school, university and other various exams and qualifications, Why should i have a MASSIVE bite taken out of my ass to feed these scumbags. You say they aren't animals, yet they act like them. Fighting, Stealing, a new language to which you have to take hours of lessons to comprehend if you come from the civilised world. WHY do I have to pay for them? they give nothing, they contribute nothing, they are the epitome of what is wrong with this country, they are the epitome of scum.

I don't care what happens to em, one dead towny is one more thing to brighten my day up.

Townie stealing your car; £25,000
Townie getting arrested; £600 Police fees
Townie gets prosecuted; £2,000 in Judge and court fees
Townie goes to prison for 1year let out in 6months; £6,000

Knowing that townie and 90% other like him are going to be the same thing for the rest of their scum life and you are gonna be taxed through the ass to pay for their life of sleeze. PRICELESS.

I'm all up for people who commit crimes like this getting royally fucked over tbh. Just so long as we dont start locking people up for wearing certain clothes or listening to certain music.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 29, 2004
The point is though Dekker, 98% of the people that wear those clothes and listen to that music ARE the ones that do these crimes.

Thats what people are saying. There may very well be some nice towny somewhere in a dixtant galaxy. Fact is though, he is still a towny, and will get epitomised for being a towny.

If you don't wanna be associated with a towny. don't look like one.

<shrug> hard?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Despite all the generalisations and crap in this thread I have to agree with the theme that as a rule, townies/chavs etc are more destructive and cause more problems than other social groups. I live in quite a rough area, but there is a fairly even mix of young professionals, families, elderly/retired people and students with the ethnic distribution being roughly 50/50 white/Asian. I also live about half a mile from a council estate, yet all the times that my car has been broken into/stolen/vandalised (approximately 8 times in the last 2 years) it has been the townie scum from the council estate that have done it, and had so little shame about it that they hang about until we see them, then run off. And surprise surprise, most of them conform with what is regarded as the townie "uniform" of baseball cap, sports clothes etc etc. Whether you generalise or not, how can you deny that as evidence that of the hundreds of people that walk past my car in a week, its the small percentage of townies that cause all of the damage.

Sure there's some "nice" townies out there, but with most of them its built into their psyche and their upbringing that you should respect nobody, and have no regard for anything but you and your own. As someone previously mentioned - they are proud of their ignorance and the fact that they're a leech on society - just eavesdrop on the conversation between the two single mothers on a bus (both wearing branded sports gear, big hoop earrings, hair scraped back to a high ponytail) who are both trying for a baby with various partners just so they can get a better council flat - I kid you not.

It annoys me when people talk about people like this like it's not their fault - they get the same education as me, they get the same, if not better opportunities as me (there's plenty of "outreach" programmes and schemes in poor areas these days to help people change their ways) yet I don't get the urge to rip off the wing mirror off every car in my street when I walk past, and I son't see why they should have an excuse to fall back on.

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