Fledgling Freddie
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Raven said:so why then do FG'ers who try soloing, more often than not get farmed?they are two different play styles, both need there own set of skills to win. knowing what a class has, knowing what works best vs them, when to use RAs/MLs, knowing your oponants playstyle etc. in a fg a mistake made doesnt always effect the fight, if you fuck up in 1v1 you are dead.
err, many people who play in fg's are or have been very good soloers. that comment is just beyond silly really
there are so many more factors in 8v8 that decide a win compared to a 1v1. on my scout, playing perfect means starting with the right style (side asd), or a nice critshot, rest of the fight is just a sequence of using the right styles and abilities at the right time.
after the initial preparation of equipment and having charges up, the actual fights are quite straightforward. the one thing that adds a huge dimension to the fight is using movement. strafing, runthrough and the countering of those are for a large part dependant on how well the other is able to move, use game mechanics and time it. there is no optimal sequence to move around, it varies in every fight and depends on every player.
there is however an optimal sequence of hitting styles and abilities. its easily possible to counter every ability correctly, and use all styles correctly, but still lose. this is due to the large impact of class difference, equipment and various other abilities.
i would say doing the right things in a 1v1 fight is a direct display of the skills of a player, especially if one person controls movement better, but still you are missing the key factors i mentioned earlier:
positioning, communication and ability to think for other people.
in a 8v8 fight you can use all styles the right way, hit all abilities at the right time, but there are still a million things that can go wrong. for example:
- positioning
- communication
- ability to counter or use melee lag
in a 8v8 you can't stick someone and use shit. positioning is extremely important, i could say so much about it but id say its quite obvious. if you're at the wrong spot you die, and where you are standing or moving to is dependant on 15 other players and many other factors. it proves to be VERY hard to be at the right position for most players. > this is not a factor in 1v1 fights, in any way, except to avoid adds.
next to that, you play with 7 other people. you need them, they need you. here's a few factors that are important when playing with those, none of which apply to 1v1's:
- making sure you are in range when you ask for something, cures or buffs for example. wasting their time running all over the fight to help you puts your support and entire group in danger
- making sure to listen and look carefully when your support has time to give you what you need. its their job to prioritise, but if you KNOW they have more important things to do then you have to wait a bit, and then ask.
- making sure what you do is always what the group knows you are doing, if exceptions, mention it. if you are pushing forward on another group and some people get rooted, its a must to stop pushing and wait it out. if your main source of interrupts is disabled, it has to be mentioned so other people take over.
- think for the people who play with you directly. melee MA should call which type of assist he needed: caster (for targets bg'd or otherwise unhittable with melee), melee (if the caster was easily hittable, needed the champ to snare/stun the target, etc). also, if there was no point in assisting (many mages free, banelords down, enemies too spread out, bof active, etc) there was a call to split up train. next to that, against bd's for example, staj would qc a matter debuff and tanks would swap to matter legendary. that can only be done through good communication, that involves 4 people (2 tanks, debuffer + second mage)
casters in a group always need to know what the others are currently doing and what they are capable of. knowing if the other is interrupted, oop, debuffed in some way, their position, etc, is extremely important.
- 'basic' things: saying when a target is buffsheared, saying who is interrupted, saying who needs help with pets, saying which target is cc'd, saying which pet is on which enemy, saying when you are going to need heals, etccccccccccccc
there is so much more, but i think you get the point. ill promise you that if i slap you awake in the middle of the night you can rattle up all the values that decide a win or loss in 1v1, but if you would try do the same for 8v8, you would be at it for hours and still forget stuff.
sorry for the long post