The Mid RR explained



Originally posted by herjulf
What is interesting is the unclaimed keeps in alb, the low lvl guards.
And the uninterest of retaking keeps.

A shame that the facts don't agree with you. According to DAoC-Stats, every one of the keeps you took last night was claimed. Between 3.40 CET and 5.00 CET, you took six keeps, all of which had been claimed. Between 5.40 and 6.40, all of them were taken back.


Hmm.... i dont really understand that... albs started to raid keeps at around 8 pm CET... we poped some and had the response of around 200 mids.. exactly what we wanted.
I take it both sides had their fun in that... excitement and all... enough RPs for both sides.... so far the fun part.
THEN, when the battles were over and most had loged to sleep, some leftover mids think its fun to raid albs keeps knowing there would be no defence at that late hour....
tell me... where is the fun there?... or was it just the anger u also mentioned...hehe


Well we're from the Angry Mob-realm ain't we? Believe me, the attack on your keeps wasn't well-planned. After the last retake at Blend about 100 of us stood there wanting more revenge, since we never got to kill all the albs that took our keeps. We wiped out the last resistance round 3 AM CET in our frontier, ported to HW and started doing our best. Good roleplaying there in my humble opinion :viking:
Must say I'm impressed with the way you fought in our frontier most of the time. Our defenseforce was wiped 3 times over before we could push you back at last.
Can't say I counted heads at Excalibur, but I guess we were around 60 mids there. Honestly, this agreement that keeps being mentioned here was never mentioned in our cg or on /as. After playing this game for almost 2 years I can't say I've ever heard much about this deal. Have all the alliances signed this?

Kind regards



What really scares me is that there were more albs than mids online at 04:00 cet, despite the fact that "all albs got tired and logged at around 01:00 cet ".


Hmm nice to see alb angry because mid took their relics!
Making all threads fo whine/flame threads.. idiots!
you whine,lie and say stuff that is useless just because ur angry!
lol glottis retard post by you, many else aswell.

Btw. Nerf alb they can take relics with infils/minstrels
mids and hib can't since htey only have 1 climb class and doesn't have enough of them.

I know retárded comments will come to my post too, from angry albs.

Just FO retards!

Stop whining and do another alarm clock raid if you want to.

albs is always right !?!?!
Alb have done more lame raids then mid IMO.

It's strange I dont feel this about hibs. hmm how can it be so!?
I know many of albs aren't liek this but many of those who write on this forum is.
I really think u are retarded! its not something I just say.
keep the good useless posts comming^^


Yay! Lets start arguing about this again!


Cmon, listen to yourselves. You make it sound like someone broke the Magna Carta. I really don't understand some of the crap people post on here and how seriously some people take this GAME.

So a bunch of mids rampaged around Alb early morning after a long night of RvR, whoop-de-do. If people want to waste there lifes getting up at 3am because of this, primarily to kill automated guards and steal a relic, fine by me. I've got far better things to be doing at that time of night........

Lets face it, we'd still kick your ass even if you had a 20% melee damage bonus, you Albs hit like girls anyway ;)


Originally posted by Zoldot
Hmm nice to see alb angry because mid took their relics!

Go get a clue please.

Originally posted by Zoldot
Btw. Nerf alb they can take relics with infils/minstrels

Again go get a clue before posting crap.


Re: Re: The Mid RR explained

Originally posted by Belomar
Just for the record, the Albion keep takes in the Mid frontier was not, I repeat not, an attempted relic raid. I know, because I planned it (together with Jager), and we struck down the usual "let's do an RR" cg comments vehemently. It was, however, an attempt to recreate the amazing Jamtland battles of the past. :)

How could we mids know this? We saw 150+ albs in frontiers, going: OMG! RR going on, call to arms etc etc..

So we didn't even know it wasn't an attempt on the relics.. :)


Originally posted by .Raewyn
Go get a clue please.

Again go get a clue before posting crap.

1. what mid didn't take the relics? they just tried?
I don't know since I doesn't play the game anymore.

2. wtf is crap about this?

now you get a clue before posting crap about ppls posting crap.


Originally posted by Zoldot

I don't know since I doesn't play the game anymore.

Congrats you just proved his point lol.


Originally posted by Zoldot
1. what mid didn't take the relics? they just tried?
I don't know since I doesn't play the game anymore.

2. wtf is crap about this?

now you get a clue before posting crap about ppls posting crap.

Well thats pretty much my point.

Why are you posting that since you have no clue about the whole thing since like you said you dont even play anymore.


Originally posted by Zoldot
1. what mid didn't take the relics? they just tried?
I don't know since I doesn't play the game anymore.

2. wtf is crap about this?

now you get a clue before posting crap about ppls posting crap.



Originally posted by Hrogar
Well we're from the Angry Mob-realm ain't we? Believe me, the attack on your keeps wasn't well-planned.


rofl, aint that the truth. Many comments about waving pitchforks and shouting "grr" at everything.
Turned up in HW no rams, had to pop beno first...then the wood merchant took forever to come back from fishing.


Re: Re: Re: The Mid RR explained

Originally posted by angrykid
How could we mids know this? We saw 150+ albs in frontiers, going: OMG! RR going on, call to arms etc etc..

So we didn't even know it wasn't an attempt on the relics.. :)

if it was a relic raid it was at 8pm :) so can't call foul on that ;)

and you were indeed supposed to think it was a RR :) else noone would have came to play.


Originally posted by grane
What really scares me is that there were more albs than mids online at 04:00 cet, despite the fact that "all albs got tired and logged at around 01:00 cet ".

He He :) Dont underestimate a 13 year old boy full of sugar hiding and waiting for his parents too go too bed.


Originally posted by SigvartH
He He :) Dont underestimate a 13 year old boy full of sugar hiding and waiting for his parents too go too bed.
Yes, he might decide he is going to RR at lame hours as revenge for paying to fix doors etc...oh hang on...


Originally posted by ab_fluid
the treaty was made because it ruined the fun of 100's of people by doing late night relic raids, there is no skills, no tactics needed to do a raid at 5am. All i can say is that these mids are absoloutly shit players if they couldn't take a relic with 60 people at that time when hibs do it with 70 at primetime

So what your saying is this, because some people cant play at that time you ban anybody from yer guild/realm from doing it.

I mean, why should the whole game stop because you or some of your guild or some of my guild or realm are in bed how naive can you get..

Jesus, when half the people in the forums reach puberty they are gonna have a real shock to the system.

1. There is no Father Christmas
2. There is no tooth fairy
3. Johnny doesnt have to play with you
4. If Mary puts it about behind yer back...tough
5. The world does not revolve around you
6. Sometimes people do horrible things
7. The world is not fair


Re: Re: The Mid RR explained

Originally posted by Belomar
Just for the record, the Albion keep takes in the Mid frontier was not, I repeat not, an attempted relic raid. I know, because I planned it (together with Jager), and we struck down the usual "let's do an RR" cg comments vehemently. It was, however, an attempt to recreate the amazing Jamtland battles of the past. :)

And they were once again great, tks for bringing some fun back into the game..


Originally posted by Zoldot
Hmm nice to see alb angry because mid took their relics!
Making all threads fo whine/flame threads.. idiots!
you whine,lie and say stuff that is useless just because ur angry!
lol glottis retard post by you, many else aswell.

Btw. Nerf alb they can take relics with infils/minstrels
mids and hib can't since htey only have 1 climb class and doesn't have enough of them.

I know retárded comments will come to my post too, from angry albs.

Just FO retards!

Stop whining and do another alarm clock raid if you want to.

albs is always right !?!?!
Alb have done more lame raids then mid IMO.

It's strange I dont feel this about hibs. hmm how can it be so!?
I know many of albs aren't liek this but many of those who write on this forum is.
I really think u are retarded! its not something I just say.
keep the good useless posts comming^^

OMG have some coffee man!!!


Originally posted by SigvartH
He He :) Dont underestimate a 13 year old boy full of sugar hiding and waiting for his parents too go too bed.

Yeah I think Albion should change name to HJ or something :D


The big problem here imo is that mids say they didn't know about the agreement.
I'm only 4L7, I don't play during the week, except in holidays, and I don't organise rvr or pve raids. So, i hear and see much less than most peeps.
But even I knew of the agreement, so how can it be that 60 mids, who are all gaming in the middle of the night, so they must play daoc a lot, don't have a clue about the agreement?
But, after this large thread they won't be able to say they didn't knew it, cause now everybody knows. Now it is their decission if they do alarm clock raids again. We'll see if we can trust em. If they do it again this proves they won't learn and than it's our time to prove we can also take relics, but we can do it at primetime!
Because that would truly prove the greatness of Albion.


Originally posted by quinthar
So what your saying is this, because some people cant play at that time you ban anybody from yer guild/realm from doing it.

I mean, why should the whole game stop because you or some of your guild or some of my guild or realm are in bed how naive can you get..

Jesus, when half the people in the forums reach puberty they are gonna have a real shock to the system.

1. There is no Father Christmas
2. There is no tooth fairy
3. Johnny doesnt have to play with you
4. If Mary puts it about behind yer back...tough
5. The world does not revolve around you
6. Sometimes people do horrible things
7. The world is not fair

Not "some" people, but "most" people i.e. the majority.

No one ever said that you cannot take relics at off primetime hours, we said that by doing so you would create a really lame off prime raid culture that would ruin the game for the "majority" of players.

This game is based on community, and by destroying peoples fun, you destory their willingness to play the game - hence people leave and go to other games - hence the server population gets smaller and smaller - hence the game and YOU lose out.

The raid agreement basically asks people to be considerate for the greater good of the server.

If you cannot grasp the concept of why primetime raids would ruin the server, then you need to go play on pryd, or some arb US server and see exactly what we mean.

If you want to NPC raid, then raid the dragon or your epic dungeon...they are tougher then relics without opposition.


Originally posted by old.Nol

The raid agreement basically asks people to be considerate for the greater good of the server.

That about sums it up.


Im not grown up enuff to worry bout rvr yet but just picked up on the couple of posts yapping on about the greatness of alb.Being able to take keeps in primetime aint that great imo when you have at least double the realm pop than the other 2 realms together,but hey just my opinion.

Oh just like to say to most peeps who are getting all hyper,"ITS A GAME" turn the machine off an go look out the window and look at the real world,no albs,hibs, nasty little mincers or mucky little kobies.

Ffs guys its a game,enjoy it cuase your paying 4 it at the end of the day.


Originally posted by balthus
Im not grown up enuff to worry bout rvr yet but just picked up on the couple of posts yapping on about the greatness of alb.Being able to take keeps in primetime aint that great imo when you have at least double the realm pop than the other 2 realms together,but hey just my opinion.

Oh just like to say to most peeps who are getting all hyper,"ITS A GAME" turn the machine off an go look out the window and look at the real world,no albs,hibs, nasty little mincers or mucky little kobies.

Ffs guys its a game,enjoy it cuase your paying 4 it at the end of the day.

Hib with the tiniest population of all has managed it practically every relic raid we have made. So size does not count in this equation. It's a bigger problem for hib to get numbers to defend a relic off peak.

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