The Mid RR explained



Hi all, been a long time since i posted here now (had to create a new acc due to not remembering my password heh).

Anyway, thought i'd explain what happened and what we wanted with the raid etc.
>>>I am in no way speaking for all of those participating<<<
but i was among those driving the thing in the direction it took
( i.e. towards Excalibur doors ;) ).

As we all know Albs had been raiding our keeps the whole evening, we lost just about every keep at some point or other, and had only 2 keeps left at a couple of points. This kept going into the night, which proved to be our salvation since we seem to have alot more nightowls in Mid than there are in Albion ^^

Me and alot with me have our own personal primetime at this late hour since we dont have a regular day/night cycle - there was no setting of any alarms - it was a continuation of the previous action in Mid frontiers.

When the main albion force had gone to bed we still had alot of sleepless ppl hungry for some retaliation, so many of us suggested we go take a crack at a RR of our own. We started with only some 4 grp's and took Beno, but when ppl saw we were really serious some more decided to join us bringing the numbers up to at a maximum some 60 ppl.
One thing is sure tho - for many of us it really WAS an attempted RR. I wont try and hide that - had we broken into Excalibur we would have taken the shiny stuff (at least noone ever said "lets not do that").
However, I doubt even one of us seriously believed that we would succeed in going all the way. But we did have our fun and that was what we came for.

Now, i hear Albs saying we should beware cause they will bring on alarmclock raids to punish us for what we did. Well, sure you have every right to do so - as someone said: it doesnt really matter if an alarm clock is actually set: its the time the attempt is made that matters. I agree with this - We did an alarm clock raid by virtue of the time we performed it so you are entitled to your own. But i do however fail to see the fun in it. We did what we did in the course of playing a natural session of daoc, we didnt sacrifice anything for it (i.e. sleep) - what attacked you was i.m.o, the majority of the sleepless level 50 population of Midgard at the time.

But enough of this rant, and if you wish, come bring on the raids - its only a game after all, and we should be glad for all dynamic elements (i.e. unexpected things) we can find in an otherwise very static world. :)


Fanaticalace, Hand of Tyr
Guildmaster of Perfect Circle


At least you admit breaking the agreement...


Early morning RRs suck, and theres no excuses for doing one.


yup this guys suck the juices out of my wet socks.


Originally posted by fanatical-ace
We did what we did in the course of playing a natural session of daoc, we didnt sacrifice anything for it (i.e. sleep) - what attacked you was i.m.o, the majority of the sleepless level 50 population of Midgard at the time.

Didn't stop you lot bitching like mad man when Albs took the relics at 5 am after we had sieged Midgard frontier for allmost 12 hours straight.
Mind you, this was after Mids had of course raped Albs via a true alarm clock relic raid, lead by the gifted leader Ardarmel....

but impressive, in one sentence you say you would not think an early morning raid would be fair, but you still did it yourself..
Midgard logic.
Regards, Glottis


Old.Nol: Likewise :)

Acei: Yes and No, i think most of us were aware of the existance of The Agreement, but since we pretty much knew we wouldnt succeed in the raid i think we didnt see any danger in it. But sure.

Loxelyhood: Yes and No - Contrary to popular belief the world will not end if relics change hand without an epic battle BUT since epic battles are fun it would be a shame if they always changed hand at 5am, that is very true.

Glottis: I have never bitched about it, and Ardamel had no hand in this, dont blame him.
And where do i say i think early morning raids arent fair? I have said that you are free to do one youself if you find it fun. As i tried to stress, we didnt have to sacrifice anything to do what we did - setting alarmclocks or trying really really hard to outlast the other realm and stay up to early morning now that would be sacrificing something, we just had fun and i will absolutely not call you lame for trying an rr when im sound asleep if your having fun in the process (actually i wont call you lame in any case). I just hope when someone does ANYTHING in this game its for the fun of it and not to grief others etc. That was my point, sorry if it was unclear.


Why even bother trying to explain, most of them just won't listen anyway and flame away.




Just a question...

That mean if we Think we can do a RR and dont succed then we can do it??

I dont think albs cant take relic on a alarmclock raid .. so now we can do them??


Was lame enough imo to take alb keeps at a ridiculous time when you lost (or well got outzerged whatever :rolleyes: ) primetime. Going for relic after taking the keeps was overkill no matter if you were serious about it or not. What if you had actually took the doors down and succeeded ? You would have just left the relic there ? Dont really think so.


Originally posted by fanatical-ace
Hi all, been a long time since i posted here now (had to create a new acc due to not remembering my password heh).

Anyway, thought i'd explain what happened and what we wanted with the raid etc.
>>>I am in no way speaking for all of those participating<<<
but i was among those driving the thing in the direction it took
( i.e. towards Excalibur doors ;) ).

As we all know Albs had been raiding our keeps the whole evening, we lost just about every keep at some point or other, and had only 2 keeps left at a couple of points. This kept going into the night, which proved to be our salvation since we seem to have alot more nightowls in Mid than there are in Albion ^^

Me and alot with me have our own personal primetime at this late hour since we dont have a regular day/night cycle - there was no setting of any alarms - it was a continuation of the previous action in Mid frontiers.

When the main albion force had gone to bed we still had alot of sleepless ppl hungry for some retaliation, so many of us suggested we go take a crack at a RR of our own. We started with only some 4 grp's and took Beno, but when ppl saw we were really serious some more decided to join us bringing the numbers up to at a maximum some 60 ppl.
One thing is sure tho - for many of us it really WAS an attempted RR. I wont try and hide that - had we broken into Excalibur we would have taken the shiny stuff (at least noone ever said "lets not do that").
However, I doubt even one of us seriously believed that we would succeed in going all the way. But we did have our fun and that was what we came for.

Now, i hear Albs saying we should beware cause they will bring on alarmclock raids to punish us for what we did. Well, sure you have every right to do so - as someone said: it doesnt really matter if an alarm clock is actually set: its the time the attempt is made that matters. I agree with this - We did an alarm clock raid by virtue of the time we performed it so you are entitled to your own. But i do however fail to see the fun in it. We did what we did in the course of playing a natural session of daoc, we didnt sacrifice anything for it (i.e. sleep) - what attacked you was i.m.o, the majority of the sleepless level 50 population of Midgard at the time.

But enough of this rant, and if you wish, come bring on the raids - its only a game after all, and we should be glad for all dynamic elements (i.e. unexpected things) we can find in an otherwise very static world. :)


Fanaticalace, Hand of Tyr
Guildmaster of Perfect Circle

So because it was "fun" for you its ok, but when albs do it, its not just "for fun" and so we suck and you reserve the right to do it back?!


Saturday RVR was the best it has been for a long time, if that led to a RR by the Albs then so be it, if the Mids fancied a pop fine also, and hibs too :)

What I find amazing is that people seem to think that some tacit agreement means anything..

I mean wtf are you going to do with it, its not worth anything, you cant enforce it, there is no penalties if you break it.

ie: Worthless agreement.

And now people are getting upset because a group of mids broke this unwritten, un-enforcable, non unanimous agreement, laughable treaty.

go figure


Originally posted by quinthar
Saturday RVR was the best it has been for a long time, if that led to a RR by the Albs then so be it, if the Mids fancied a pop fine also, and hibs too :)

What I find amazing is that people seem to think that some tacit agreement means anything..

I mean wtf are you going to do with it, its not worth anything, you cant enforce it, there is no penalties if you break it.

ie: Worthless agreement.

And now people are getting upset because a group of mids broke this unwritten, un-enforcable, non unanimous agreement, laughable treaty.

go figure

the treaty was made because it ruined the fun of 100's of people by doing late night relic raids, there is no skills, no tactics needed to do a raid at 5am. All i can say is that these mids are absoloutly shit players if they couldn't take a relic with 60 people at that time when hibs do it with 70 at primetime


Don't blame Ace here, he's just trying to calm you guys down and explain what happened.
You see most mids don't spend much time on BW (guess same goes for most albs), and even if they do I doubt they've seen anything about an agreement. Personally I saw it mentioned in one thread about half a year ago, but when I asked about it no one could really say what the agreement was, who signed it etc. The mids you see going on about banning alarmclockraids weren't in on this raid probably, the rest of us... well we just like to play the game. After being kept up until 3 am to kill off the last albs we were mad, and about half an hour after we retrieved our last keep we struck yours in HW.
To be honest I think the albraid was great fun, you guys should do that more often. Ah, the thrill of seeing "156 albs on Bled" and so on... few things beat that.
Hope there's no hard feelings here mates, we were just acting as we pleased and thought it was great fun, and sincerely hope some of you thought so too.

Kind Regards



Re: Re: The Mid RR explained

Originally posted by Tilda
So because it was "fun" for you its ok, but when albs do it, its not just "for fun" and so we suck and you reserve the right to do it back?!

So when albs start it it is for fun, and when mids retaliat it is bad mkay.


Re: Re: Re: The Mid RR explained

Originally posted by herjulf
So when albs start it it is for fun, and when mids retaliat it is bad mkay.
was it because you wanted fun or were you a lidul angry when you started at 2am++ :m00:


Re: Re: The Mid RR explained

Originally posted by Tilda
So because it was "fun" for you its ok, but when albs do it, its not just "for fun" and so we suck and you reserve the right to do it back?!

Fucking hell - read what the man writes already??

He says, that in his oppinion, its ok for you to do it as well. In his first post he state that he don't talk for all of mid, and yet you tits keep talking to him like his midgard incarnated.

imo Glottis and Tilda should opt to have their school money back :-(


Re: Re: Re: Re: The Mid RR explained

Originally posted by Aussie-
was it because you wanted fun or were you a lidul angry when you started at 2am++ :m00:

i didnt start shit, 2am i dreamt of soft boobs, and babeicious ladies.


Originally posted by fanatical-ace
many of us suggested we go take a crack at a RR of our own.
Just for the record, the Albion keep takes in the Mid frontier was not, I repeat not, an attempted relic raid. I know, because I planned it (together with Jager), and we struck down the usual "let's do an RR" cg comments vehemently. It was, however, an attempt to recreate the amazing Jamtland battles of the past. :)


You suceeded with making it quite a fight there Belomar, good job :lol: I for one had a blast, we had some great battles both in our frontier and yours. We thought you were after the relics, 150+ albs have that effect on Midgard :p

Thanks to Murphys for leading our defense and to all who participated.


albs took keeps and farmed.

mids took keeps and went for the relic.


Is it just me who thinks this is hillarious? This guy here screws over the unwritten agreement and close to every single mid in the other thread claims it was not a RR :p

Silly mids.


Ultimately, the Albs won a big victory. We took keeps in their frontier, at primetime, and for at least three hours we could do whatever we wanted their. They got mad, and took it out on some doors and gaurds.

If they'd have taken the relic, it would have only made it funnier - because it would have only made them look even more lame.

And, next weekend or in a weekend to come, we'd have taken all of their keeps at primetime and walked away with their relics again.

The one thing that this has proved is that Mids defence isn't good enough. And that is going to make things... interesting :)


Originally posted by Gordonax
Ultimately, the Albs won a big victory. We took keeps in their frontier, at primetime, and for at least three hours we could do whatever we wanted their. They got mad, and took it out on some doors and gaurds.

If they'd have taken the relic, it would have only made it funnier - because it would have only made them look even more lame.

And, next weekend or in a weekend to come, we'd have taken all of their keeps at primetime and walked away with their relics again.

The one thing that this has proved is that Mids defence isn't good enough. And that is going to make things... interesting :)

What is interesting is the unclaimed keeps in alb, the low lvl guards.
And the uninterest of retaking keeps.


I would like to thank the 60+ mids for giving me another 1.5K rp's in less then 5 mins.

and we were only a Ice wizz and lil o me in grp *shrug*


Originally posted by herjulf
What is interesting is the unclaimed keeps in alb, the low lvl guards.
And the uninterest of retaking keeps.

Can't speak for the rest of the keeps/guilds in albion, but we at CoA had renaris it was level 10, good doors etc. But not much we can do to defend when you hit it at 3:48 am with 66 people when we have a sum total of 3 guild members online.


well m8 you miss the whole point about late night/alarmclock raids
the point is that a late night/alarmclock has about 90% to take mater who realm tries it
so the point of non-alarmraids is to each realm hold the relics more than a week....cause if alarm clock raids start relics will be like week to mids one week to alb one week to hib

and it is more fun to take a relic on primehour where the chance to succed is nearly 10% ....don't you think so?
unless you are missing the super uber dmg from your savage....then ok take all relics and have fun

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