The Los problem


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2006
GRaaaaah!! don't mention the pbaoe, the wounds still hurt after all these years!!!

and if you're going to let arrows do DD (instead of bolts) because they shoot in arcs, then you should play fair and also let rifles do DD. I mean, sure, the arc of a bow is somewhat more useable (idd, a bullet (especially those simple metal balls those muskets use) also flies in an arc, just a way bigger one and thus less noticed) to shoot over barricades or stuff, but have you ever tried shooting a person with an arrow while he's standing right behind someone else (and isn't bigger than the first person)? Idd, it's impossible, just as with the rifle (unless you simply shoot right through the first person of course).

Anyways, in Daoc arrows were DD so I guess that'll be the case again (and thus rifles will be too). And if they do choose to make those projectiles bolts... well... then let's hope they do enough damage to quickly take out a tank before we can shoot the softer targets :)

Binky the Bomb

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
Well, the thing abou arrows and arcs is... they come in from ABOVE the target. I.E. Crit hit (head shots). Now I could live with bows having a crit bonus over black powder weapons, where as the blackpowder weapons get inc damage. At lest there would be a clear difference between the two.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 20, 2006
I guess the way shadow warriors or squig herders will use their arrows (I'm basing myself on movies from squig herders shooting a bow) the arrows won't be coming from above. They'll most likely shoot straight at the enemy (sort of). But basically the arrow won't always meet the head first, and thus there is no need to give them a crit hit bonus or something.

Honoustly, rifles and bows should be different in this: rifles should do more base damage than arrows (guns tend to pierce armor more easily) but shoot more slowly (because of the reload basically), whereas arrows can be shot way faster. Also arrows should shoot precise at longer ranges than rifles (those muskets where VERY inaccurate, that's why armies in medieval times used (cross)bows a long time AFTER the musket was invented). But in the amount of damage expressed in dps there shouldn't be a difference imo...

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