The Good Old Days...



Much of the good-natured humour seems to have left the game now. In Lyon when you were 48 or 49, everyone stuck around just so help you get to 50. People stayed with groups for longer. The jokes were non-stop, and I remember calling in late for work many a day due to stupidly late night tree/worm sessions ! LOL

The game seems to have lost its way. You have to play differently now if you want to survive. You need to become much more technically proficient with the mechanics of the game system than you used to - and I blame spell crafting and realm abilities for that.

Nowadays, I can no longer port into Emain, jump into the first group I see and run around joking and having fun killing and being killed. These days, we've got guilds with their heads so far up their own arses, they kiss their lungs goodnight at bed-time.
You get flamed irrationally if you don't immediately react to someone or something, or if you're L50RR5 and happen to not know the exact effect of a fireball aoe pbt pbaoe bbc itv mezs stun crit bollocks dot attack. WTF !

I am slowly getting less and less interested in the game, and even though I have, and at times do, although those times are becoming less and less, have some good times, I can that 2003 will be the last year I have a DAOC account.


Originally posted by Cronn
Rose Tinted Glasses

Yup. Always have been morons playing the game, always will be. But equally sad is when people forget we were all "n00bs" once and are now intolerant of others who are learning to play the game. The "anyone-who-isn't-lev51-is-a-moron" attitude that some have is one of the saddest things in the game. Although I suspect we will soon be seeing the revised edition become more common i.e. the anyone-who-doesnt-have-over1millionrps-is-a-moron attitude.



The one good thing is that RVR is now wholly integrated into the rest of the game and is becoming less and less of an end-game process. Battlegrounds give lowbies early exposure to RVR, and people are levelling faster and faster.

Sadly, however this has come at a price. RVR has now almost become a euphemism for pure RP farming, level 51 gloaters, and a parade-ground for egocentrics and elite guilds. It seems that possessing a MBA in understanding every single combinations of spells, stats, and abilities is a pre-requiste to being allowed to have fun. Sad.

You can't even port into Emain to escape the idiot players, cos they now level so fast, before you know it, you're grouping with level 50 players who were running aroun Prydwen begging for gold two weeks ago. And they run around with all of their 5 minutes experience, flaming people, dualling, hitting tanks before casters, and breaking mezz.

Please, Mythic, create a server for all of the old-school, who, if they want, can escape, and play without RA's, SC rules, and 5 minute wonder-kids with bad attitudes.


We should beg GOA for a Co-op server, there wouldn't be the old style 20+ RvR, but we'd be able to group and enjoy the PvE the way it was before everyone just wanted to be lvl50 and out in Emain. People complain that PvE is boring, but I think it's only because all they want is exp. Maybe we could even take the time to roleplay a bit, without having to use quickspeak to get a word in before the next pull. Also on PvE you can play with the interesting RAs without having to spend 500hours getting ganked by L337 guilds.


Wey! More people thinking the same as I do! i thought that I was in the very small minority...

I started daoc couple weeks after release so I consider myself as an "old timer". Took almost a year to level my thane to lev 50 ;)

SC sure took the fun out of PvEing... That´s the worst idea ever in my opinion, RAs at least implemented the way they are is also one of the most stupid ideas :(

The sad fact is that you can´t get back a thing that has been lost(some wise man said so sometime). Maybe this is when you just have to close the book and admit that there will be other worlds and other stories, but this story will have to end here.

Daoc is a drug, you had so much fun when you first tried it, now you´re playing more and more just to get the kicks out of it but you just manage to disappoint yourself each time.


Daoc is a drug, you had so much fun when you first tried it, now you´re playing more and more of it just to get the kicks out of it but you just amanage to disappoint yourself each time.

that is so true;\



You need to become much more technically proficient with the mechanics of the game system than you used to -

thats me totally lost then
i still forget to put engage on


Originally posted by Kallio
Daoc is a drug, you had so much fun when you first tried it, now you´re playing more and more of it just to get the kicks out of it but you just amanage to disappoint yourself each time.

Hahaha!! pictures of a shadey guy in a back alley selling illigit copys of DAoC to addicted kiddis just flashed through my eyes

'Don't worry mate, its 100% pure' :rolleyes:


I also played open beta, but i have to say (athough i only played 4 months p2p version now.
That although I see allot of jerks around that also 50% of the players around my level arent that serious and seem to want to enjoy and explore the game.
Also I like helping new players giving them tips on how to play learning them the basic mechanics etc. Although I dont give them gold I give them something more valuable and there always gratefull.
Ok I know I am not a diehard who played allot hell my highest is a level 35. But I am taking my time and enjoy the game.
Although I have to admit being level 50 is very tempting.
But when I took my first keep on monday on bg3 with allot of mistakes from everybody it was good fun.
In lower levels to me it seems less serious at higher levels 30's and up it seems people are getting to serious.
People saying you are lucky to be even in this group now shut up.
They said that to poor little me when i was level 24 in CM.
Hell I am healing you I rez you, no respect :(
Still once in a while you see nice people at higher levels and you go talking together hunting etc. Just seems odd that at higher levels it seems to be more and more serious.
I actualy have to say I love the new players the most still amazed by lots of things, and if you help them there actualy nice.

Oh well in open beta everyone was a n00b and maybe it was more fun because of that, because most people now have seen it all done it all.
And is it just me or has leveling no not powerleveling become much quicker.
I remember that 10-15 went just as fast as 25-30 now.
I killed shitloads of monsters on salisbury to get to level 20.
Now although I am in hib it seems to go allot faster.


I agree on the RvR aspect of it. But i think many Albs moved to Mid. Alb were always top in the RvR stakes, strange how its all changed :)

and also abit sad i suppose :(


Originally posted by Mysteriax
IPeople saying you are lucky to be even in this group now shut up.

Ok, thats just wrong... Seriously mate, your a healer class. Don't put up with shit from arrogent little bitches who think that the other seven people are leeching off them, i've left groups where i was the only healer on the sole basis that some little prick was giving me shit because he died when he tried to body pull the 5 reds without making the 3 purps behind it add, they sure lose their high and mighty attitude when they realise they've just lost any and all ability to effectily solo purples :)

Of course, thats just midgard. I was lucky i could usually find a group within the next 5minutes or the dude would come back all puppy-dog eyes and beg his little heart out to get me back.

Anyway, enough of my tales of exploiting the groupability of my class. Botten line, don't take shit from no-one. You can level without them but they sure as hell can't level without you :)


Originally posted by Genesis_of_Ak
Cabalists were fun to play. Minstrels were of use in RVR.
I read as far as this, nodding to a lot of the comments, but these two statements I simply cannot agree to. Firstly, nothing major has happened to Cabalists since the old days (they've become more powerful), I love the class. And secondly, any RvR group without minstrel speed is deeply gimped.


Un-nerf me, kthx :>

RAs were a good idea, just make old players overpowered compared to new ones and this needs to be addressed.

I think battlegrounds were/are a good idea because it gives the lvl 20-35 someone to battle against at their own level rather than everyone just going to emain (with the 50+ lvl 50s that go there every night) the zerg and lag would just be unbearable and all the greys would die in one aoe spell.

And Belomar, what he means by 'minstrels were of use in RvR' is that they actually grouped with people, whereas now (see albion boards post 'RA help') they just want to solo.

Spellcrafting was also a good idea, but again it is overpowered and there should be many more ways to get better items from drops etc rather than if you farm xxx plat you can get the most uber items in the game just by buying them in the major cities and using a calculator.


The good old days i had to camp Dartmoor Granite Giants during weeks in order to get my 2 Feather Light Granite Axes. Now, theyr bit near crap, but still the coolest weapons ingame for me :D. Now, nobody camps Dartmoor :(

The 1st keep siege with a group of 20-30th albs leaded by Finster.

Old Fatbelly hunter (think one of the 1st level 50th) stalking around n sniping everyone (blame him archers, he is one of the once-overpowered archers guilty of the old archers-nerf :p:p)

Old Korv n Creep (i mean the old non-buffed assasins) killing my casters friends w/o uncovering.

The times i was really proud of my 50th merc (think one of the 1st 50th merc, im still remember camping Lyonesse twees n doing merc 40-50 epic quests with Konah, Elbeek, Steve, Stone, Saurons or Karnat) n even dare to yell in main "Mercs own" :p.

heh, think im start looking like my old grandpa moaning all the time remembering the WWII n the Civil War :D


The whole realm ability system needs to be changed, currently there are no decent similar rewards for PvE that you can't find elsewhere from Mythic's "improvements". Drops have been compromised by Spellcrafted Armor.

There should be some kind of PvE ability rewards, like abilities awarded for killing epic mobs, and RPs should be awarded for assiting in keep/relic defense/taking not for killing xxx members of the enemy realm

ie. You gain 1000~5000 Rps for assisting in killing a keep lord (depending on keep level)
1~5 Rps for killing another player (that should get rid of RP 1337 Pharmers, old rp awards should be kept on the PvP server)
That would also incite Rp whores to actually group and help their realm for once.

Quests in DAOC suck too, ive done every quest below level 30, some i enjoyed but most of the rewards were pretty pathetic. the only quest people actually bother with is thier Epics

Stat caps should be changed too, so they give less benefits, but they benefits are still significant and there should be more distinction between races and classes

ie rouges have less hp than thanes!!!

There must be some way to remove buffbots (ie conc buffs can only be give to grouped characters), but mythic don't care because it means they get more money :(

The only reason i play DAOC is because ive made some good friends on it who i enjoy playing with.

Thats all the ideas i can think of right now :)


Originally posted by Tumult
There should be some kind of PvE ability rewards, like abilities awarded for killing epic mobs, and RPs should be awarded for assiting in keep/relic defense/taking not for killing xxx members of the enemy realm

ie. You gain 1000~5000 Rps for assisting in killing a keep lord (depending on keep level)
1~5 Rps for killing another player (that should get rid of RP 1337 Pharmers, old rp awards should be kept on the PvP server)
That would also incite Rp whores to actually group and help their realm for once.

You'd need a lot more to it than that - why bother keep defending if you can just go take the enemy keeps? :)

need incentive to defend :)


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
You'd need a lot more to it than that - why bother keep defending if you can just go take the enemy keeps? :)

need incentive to defend :)

i was only giving examples :) of course there would be rewards for defending a keep (cant think of how though :)) and also as i said there should be rewards for taking/defending relics ;)

Kurik BHM

Originally posted by Genesis_of_Ak

Remember your first rush of adrenaline in your first RVR battle encounter ?

OH... i so remember that... wish it was like that always... best moment in the game ever


Originally posted by Alkoran
We should beg GOA for a Co-op server, there wouldn't be the old style 20+ RvR, but we'd be able to group and enjoy the PvE the way it was before everyone just wanted to be lvl50 and out in Emain. People complain that PvE is boring, but I think it's only because all they want is exp. Maybe we could even take the time to roleplay a bit, without having to use quickspeak to get a word in before the next pull. Also on PvE you can play with the interesting RAs without having to spend 500hours getting ganked by L337 guilds.

I expect you will get a Co-op server at some point. Far more sense than the Dred type anyway.

A few words of caution though, as I have played Gaheris during beta and launch. Don't start on the co-op server straight away. Let it settle down for a month or two before going to it. On release, I (and lots of others) found it was INSANE. The begging alone was unbelievable (and with zone wide broadcast, the spam was really dreadful).

The server had been up for literally 5 minutes, I was crossing Camelot from Humberton to meet friends at Prydwen Bridge, and I was pounced on by beggars. I kid you not. That sort of thing drove a lot of people away.

Once it settles down, the format is really really nice though. Grouping with characters from all the realms, hunting in all the Realms, the exploring, the events, really are good fun. It has a lot of potential, and I think it will allow lots of things to be tried out PvE, and fine tuned, that will end up benefitting the normal servers.

Of course it is early days yet, but things like the co-op server are very encouraging. You won't believe how fast you can level on a co-op server too. :)

PS. Personally I love spellcrafting and all the additions to the game since closed beta. Those uber drops I used to drool over, that people think of as scrap, I find very easy to beg in group now. I use them. I do buy 99% crafted gear occasionally, and get it SC'd, but I am happy with decent drops too. It is surprising how effective I can be in RvR even with dropped items. Yes I die, maybe a little more than someone with max overcharged MP stuff, but I live often enough to still have fun. It can be challenging working out good gear to have just from drops, and then trying to get them (then have 1 or 2 items crafted and have the stats done to complement all your other gear). Heck even DF stuff bought with seals is pretty decent in its way. SI stuff is better quality in the main than we used to get, and has often got very decent stats on it. It adds a dimension, and doesn't cost anything. Plus I find the new dungeons are so much fun, apart from all the other bits and pieces tucked around that are worth exploring for. Good quests too are a nice change.

So it isn't all bad. We get a bit jaded, then it is time for a rest, or make another character in a different Realm, then it is a new game all over again. It keeps me interested anyway.


/em misses beta and the release of daoc :*(

Remember back in the old days when it took me and a friend like 3-4 days of active exping to get to lvl 10ish :D speced in a little of everything, and could hardly kill blues with my eldritch. Stood back amazed by ppl actually killing (to me) redconned/purp mobs and getting 3k exp (!!!) :D .they were ofc 3 lvls higher than me.
Also remember my first trip to emain as lvl 11 warden (in beta)... We came up to amg. Guess who camped it and zerged us... Some things never change :)

How to make daoc better and more interesting again:

Prevent ppl from using buffbots in some way.
Only have unique RAs for each class. and remove the lame IP, purge, FA 1 and 2 etc etc. (ofc all unique RAs should be good in one way or another then)
Get the ppl from the same realm to respect each other and try to help out if possible. (dont just run over corpses and ignore ppl who are dying right infront of your own feet) fooken ignorant elitists! i know who u are!

Anyone but me remember when u actually offered healers/shammies money or stuff or taxi (as skald) when u got a ress? When im around with my shammy, all i hear is: Buff me! Heal plz. Got an end regen? and dont even think anyone thank me for running across the realm for a ress... pfft! Atleast try to say please or thanks.

Take care


pfft .. when I started playing .. like 14 - 15 months ago when all peeps were happy and stuff, nothing seemed to be wrong with DAoC. I allways said "WOW!" every time I saw a purple con player passing me, taking a screenshot just to say "Hey I bumped into this guy loong time ago". Getting a glimpse of high lvl peeps killing gobbos, wondering when I became lvl 25 so I could get out of Keltoi.
When I finally turned lvl 50 with my Theurgist, I realized that the world around me had changed. My guild was scattered, into several pieces of unhappy people leaving because of internal conflicts. Phoenix Guard, proud in all it's glory, was now a myth, nothing but a fraction in my mind, aswell as in some of my friends. My guildcloak, still lying in my vault, had lost it's fine emblem. Now it REALLY was the time for changes, I jumped around in some n00bie Guilds, finding it even harder to get a nice grp, and dying constantly in RvR because my Magic Shield (PBT) didn't hold.

Now I think I found my place to be; Herfølge Boldklub.


Originally posted by hiban

Why should player crafted items be inferior to drops? It may not have occured to you but some people actually enjoy crafting and back before spellcrafting there was little to no incentive to level a crafter other than for trinketing.

I do agree that the fun of getting a good drop has been lost, but with it the bitching and moaning that comes with it most of the time has as well. Personally I think that more drops should be added with different procs/effects that cant be crafted, but arent any better or worse. Make them in demand due to 'cool factor' alone, that way everyone can get what they need but the drops give you that little extra kudos.

To demand that spellcrafting is taken away, even in a lighthearted post like this, is bullshit. Yes I am a spellcrafter myself, but to be honest without it I would have quit a long time ago as I actually like crafting and I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Aaaw the good old days, how I miss them :(.

Back in beta, I actually grouped with other guys at level 3 to get some xp, took me about a week to get to level 5 :). Getting your first earthen buff... scared the hell out of me, thought I was being attacked. Meet some friends of a dutch MOHAA beta server, and started some noobish guild, also known as Defectu Virium. I still remember exploring Pennine Mountains at level 18, all the mobs were purple and aggro, very exciting :). My first keepraid, first keepraid on euro server too, with Thrinner leading. Zerging was fun back then, attacking 1 keep with 100 peeps or something. What a rush...

Then retail started, great to see lots of (irl/ingame) friends bought the game too. Camping Tepok all night long just so we could buy us an emblem... which turned out to be purple instead of blue woops :). That was kinda stressy but ok, back to farming again. Remember all the great hunts we had... exploring Lyonesse when there actually was NO ONE there xping, ever. Looked kinda creepy with all those purp mobs. Best and most funny hunts ever were in Lynn Barfog killing shredders for drops with Pilia, Khalen, Phrenesis, Shell, Sonsivu etcetera... those were groovy times :).

Still remember, that no matter where we went hunting (Barrows, Snowdonia, Lyonesse), we'd allways get the message "Zoyster/Outlaw has just been killed by a ..." every 20 mins :). Still have nightmares from twees though, done those since level 42 with my tank (yeah, you'd actually get an invite as l42 tank back then since there was no one else left higher leveled :p). Teaming all night long with guys like Finster, Aikmore, Gregorian, Kulthas, Herbal, Serra (who allways managed to fall asleep). Meeting your first Great Brown Drake (yeah we died), participating in the first relicraids, leading your first zerg (what an honour), claiming your first keep (first excal guild to do it, on Gorre), yup really miss those days :(.

It's those memories what's tempting me to play again... but I'm strong, I won't touch my daoc install cd :). It's not really the game itself I miss, but all the friends I made in 1 year.

/wave to you all, miss you :)


I´ve been playing since beta and I feel like all of you, that DAOC isnt as exciting and fun as it used to be.
But those memories of when I discovered RvR for the first time will always be there. I remember when me and my friend Thain ported to emain at lvl 17 ;) and we couldnt believe our eyes when we saw all the high lvl´s with black dyes and the cool emblems. One day we should be excactly like them :) . You discovered new places everyday and met new nice people.
And when we finally reached the big lvl 50 we were very excited and anxious to get to RvR. It was fun times but we finally came to realize, we have reached the lvl 50 that this game is all about and it isn´t as fun as it used to be.

But Daoc is like evrything in life, when you have done a thing for a long time you eventually get tired of it and leave. You are talking about the "Good old days" but my opinion is that this game is the same as it has been all the time, it´s just that we have played this game so long that we can´t see what´s so special about it anymore. The excitement is gone....

I still play it because of the friends I´ve made ingame, and there is some daoc spirit left.

One thing that I would like to see is a website with screenshot from evryone in the "Good old days" , Ive got nothing to share due to some virus so I had to format :(

All we can do is remember.

Mortalis 50 Shadowblade RR5 (Retired)
Sleipner 50 Healer RR5 (Retarded)
Valhandir 50 Hunter RR4

Proud Member of Defiance!


RAs = good idea give rps sum meaning
SC = pile of shit i hate not being able to get drops it sucks..

SC > drops basically


Well, i for one think that RvR has become less fun with everyone running around with capped stats and resistances and purge and ip and that crap. Kinda takes the skill out of the game imo.

U might feel like i do when u see paladins that when DoT:ed (aye, ofc it was the highest DoT) gain more life than they lose, thx to high resistance and their damn HP chant... bah :)

But i lub u all and would gladly have your children... for breakfast

take care


Woohoo .... gool ol' days .....
Entering Emain with, finally .. after hours of hunting blue equipment :p, peeping through the gates to see if you wouldnt get mobbed by the big 'teza troll' ... running out there .... still getting killed en masse by her. You didn't even think 'I'm gonna kill you' ... it was more 'I'm gonna hit hit you ... just once ... maybe ...". Was always big fun.
Same with checking out the keeps and getting lost first times (and eaten by rock bounders :) )

The idea of a 'retro' server sounds so great (will never get it but a guy has to drool over something :p ) but maybe coop will provide some good ol' fun for the people posting here.

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