The good guys charter

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Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Coldbeard said:
Dont really think that the stuff people claim here is what they do ingame, very very few grps, be it setup or random grps that leave soloers alone from my experience.

Thats because you dont read between the lines.

What they mean is:

We dont add on soloers, except if its: a warlock,sm,rm,bd,sorc,theurg,cabby,wizz,bainshee,chanter,ranger,scout,hunter or somebody we dont like or if they might add on us later, or we are in a bad mood.

Its not the adding thats annoying, its the hypocrites complaining about it. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
heh, starting to wonder why I even made a post in here, seeing the posts most people seems to still be in Kindergarden tops ;P


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
occy said:
can u still suck a golfball thru a hose?

occy, i wished I had met you when I was 14. You might of loved me then :<


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Olly said:
Indeed. But hey, who cares really? Instead of whining about gettin added on, feel free not to be around those "chokepoints" all the time. I know, its frustrating you to hell (me too) but who can really be arsed to show respect when theres allways people that wont?

We tried for ages, to not add. Still we got called "adding fux". So we just thought it was a good idea to earn that reputation (or something). Still there are people we dont add on, and as long as im the driver i try not to add on "fair" fights. (If there are anything called fair fights, please enlighten me, since i dont reckon 1buttonpwnage is fair at all).

Bottom line: Its not a fair game, why expect it to be that?

completly agree if u add once then thats you rep for the rest of the game, I never add on fights where mids are involved unless they ask for help, I now have the same idea, if i see anyone of the people in the grps who do attack me solo i in turn, when in a fg will gank them solo aswell whether the rest of the people in my grp want me to or not, i love revenge ;)

but hey many high RR non stealth players are scared to run out solo, not mentioning names but pretty much 80% of rr9+ won't go out to rvr with less than 2 people. Altho some people who do very well and will always have my respect /wave aurores and kalammer (and dasbuffbot) :)

solo wise i have decided to stay out of agramon and i suggest others who don't belong to a 'I only want to fight 8 people' guild do the same. Otherwise i'd qbind all your keys to /release and bash your head on the keyboard.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2005
Arumos said:
completly agree if u add once then thats you rep for the rest of the game
They didnt add only once tho... dont think i´ve ever seen em not add :)


Loyal Freddie
Jun 15, 2005
[VR]Fuji said:
And you adding on the "unfair" fights makes it more fair?

Not really, but abusing every kind of bug ingame is abit of unfair. But im sure thats only IMO and i should probably keep it for myself, eh?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
h0h0h0 so many hypocrits here !!!
Enjoying reading all your replies ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2005
Olly said:
Not really, but abusing every kind of bug ingame is abit of unfair. But im sure thats only IMO and i should probably keep it for myself, eh?
im abusing every bug in-game?


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
personally me and my guildies avoid to interfere other ppls fights, just because we feel the our fights are ruined if ppl do that to us. We avoid killing soloers 90% of the time, bascially most of us only play this game because we enjoy 8vs8.

on the other hand i belive that everyone shud be able to play the game the way they want to, and not get told ure a retard thats doing it wrong. the only thing u can actually change is ure own attitude and or own playstyle so imo stop trying to change others!

*the point*
what im getting at is this; now with agramon (small place lots of players) its unavoidable to get added on since the majority of the players play rvr not 1v1 or 8v8, so cant us fgs go HW or emain? I really think it cud work if most of the fg-guilds joined. Personally i dont like to plan rvrdates with other groups but this wudn't be the same....and whereever u are Agramon is always close if u wanna go in a try fighting a zerg etc.

just my opinion, sick of getting no fun fights and ppl telling others how to play!


Loyal Freddie
Feb 25, 2004
the groups I've discovered that tries to not add = AD ! , asylum , tt , enclave , PE?, maelstrom , groove , revolver , soth/atrocitywhatever . So we dont add on them
If we spot some other group avoiding adding we'll return the favour


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
I solely play my theurg now and run a policy of not adding on fights when im solo (unless it totally uneven) and try to get groups Im in to reframe from adding.

Last night i was running with the Excalibur guild called Casuals, we ran a no add policy all night and yet it bit us on the arse more times then i could keep count of. Leave a group alone and 5minutes later they adding or moving as part of a zerg.

Still, had some good fights. Won most them though when they were fair fights which was nice change for me :p Can quickly see what groups will and wont add though and depending on feelings i will act accordingly. Just hope the excal groups learn that i wont add on their FG fights if they leave me alone as many of the pryd guilds came to see.


Loyal Freddie
Jun 15, 2005
[VR]Fuji said:
im abusing every bug in-game?

I dont know. Are you? Im not nameing you for anything, but you are certainly nameing ME for loads of things. What i mean, is that not only are people at rr9+, they actually got to do EVERYTHING in theyre power, to win a fight. that includes the annoying strafin, walkthrough's and windowpullin (if that works anymore). Its allways been like that, its allways gonna be like that (hey, if it works its legal and FUN). I dont do it, i will never do it, and i wont encourage anyone to do so.

I wonder mate, if you can say the same? As were talking about ruining fights for others, i cant see anything else than the hippocritsm in your words.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Baldrian said:
Its not the adding thats annoying, its the hypocrites complaining about it. ;)

getting added on results in short duration frustration, the hypocracy results in long duration entertainment :p.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
use one zoone for stealthers / bitlower rr / random grps and one for those who want 8v8 ?

btw vodkafariy liked the short song u had in vid the haha hihi hoho one :) miraculix or sum :p


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
censi said:
Not a QQ post. been wicked rvr tonight.

What I wanted to know is are there any guild groups that run with a policy of not adding on fights in progress (regardless if its visuals or stealthers). If you see something that looks roughly like a balanced fight in progress do you stand back and watch or just pass??

I just wanted to make a note of the good guys tbh, was interested if any guilds had any sort of informal rules or ever talked about it?

I know of like Village people who tend to play like this. Im sure theres some alb groups that do it too. One ran straight past me and vipr tonight while we were fighting.
You truly are sad.its a game fgs:p


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
let me see if this rings a bell with anyone

"I will add and zerg and basically be a complete rp whore untill rr10. I will then join a "gank grp" with all the bell's and whistles and run round preaching the don't add faith!"

I see it everyday and im to be included in this. Everyone loves RPS because they IMPROVE your char. At rr9+ you have everything to make your char effective in rvr and a little bit more. Therefore you can start to enjoy the game from a fg vs fg perspective and actually challenge the other "gank grps".

Untill you have your set group who all play harmoneously together and are all rr9+, you spend time trying to get there asap. Which requires that you whore your way to that rr by generally squeezing rps out of anyone you can lay your hands on, be it soloers, duo's etc.....

But hey hoe, im probably wrong and in other realms its nothing like that, but from my experience of what ive seen its a massive load of bollocks :)

BUt as ive said before the "gank groups" know how to deal with adder's - mind you its only funny when they deal with them correctly - its ofc not funny when they loose.

The word LOOSE, now that will strike fear into most. I personally HATE loosing but then again because my play is crap and im skilless and a noob and a cock warrior (apparently) i will always loose. Mind u ive got 30 days played on my merc and hes got 2 million rps - of which 1.8 million wern't from adding (about 600k from missions though) :). But imho the main reason people don't like adding is because it causes them to loose. Their are ofc a few people who i know dont hold to that but for the majority of players it is the case.


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
If all the whining leet kids find the game so unfair, feel free to fuck off and play something else.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
noaim said:
Define "fair fights" then.

Similar rr, optimum setup, coms, and time playing together. That would be pretty fair. Not surprised you need it defined for you though - when you're happily ganking random none-optimised groups the last thing you would be worrying about is "Is this a fair fight?". Just like when the peasants turn and zerg you back, the last thing they'll be bothered about is "Is THIS a fair fight?" ;)


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
elbeek said:
If all the whining leet kids find the game so unfair, feel free to fuck off and play something else.

you my friend have earnt yourself a rep point! well said think this sums up the whole add discussion :cheers:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
most of the people who complain about adding do it anyway, most of the people that complain about zerging soloers do it anyway. If you solo you expect to be run over by fg peons, whether you have added on them in the past or not.

Putting up with all the zerging, adding by random archers/casters and crapness from full groups make the good 1v1 fights even better. I have given up complaining about it, unless you have tried soloing you wouldnt understand anyway, some people are more than happy to ruin 2 peoples fun for 150RPs, its the only way they can get them.


Loyal Freddie
Nov 29, 2004
Well, sometimes its NOT allways about rps, sometimes me and kalammer run duo becoz of the challenge, (wizz&cleric the most OP classes in teh World!!!!) in primetime... we are gettin raped by high rr FG mostly, but some times we kill small grps of 5-6 etc... tbh iam not that rps horney anymore loong between rlm lvls etc etc, its more fun for me to kill more vs. me than just kill 1 solo 1 solo 1 solo etc etc... challenge makes the game fun, tho no easy mode as alb.... even sometimes i run solo gettin killed ower and ower again, but when i kill someone solo its all worth gettin killed 10 times in a raw...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
I just wanted to know if theres any groups that didnt add? (dont wanna talk about morality of adding thats like personal choice type thing, right or wrong.)

Im just interested or curious in any guilds or groups had a policy of NOT adding??? I wanna hear from them and there reasons for it etc...

FYI though I think like the amount of non-adders is like higher than its ever been... (especially considering cluster)


fao tinyging a) it was 2v2 reaver and cleric. b) no worries I dont want you to change. Its nice to have enemies liek this. keeps you sharp to hate your enemies.

just didnt understand why when running as FG u would changed stance. when on your inf you were like solid as a rock in that departement (ie u used to just take a pew and watch fights iirc). lets just say I was surprised at you for it. the C word is too much sorry yes. just mentally replace it with newb or summin.


shrews, fooking had us in stiches with your visual FG last night. Honestly in good hunour good to see you guys out having a crack on some visuals.



Can't get enough of FH
Sep 2, 2004
censi said:
Not a QQ post. been wicked rvr tonight.

What I wanted to know is are there any guild groups that run with a policy of not adding on fights in progress (regardless if its visuals or stealthers). If you see something that looks roughly like a balanced fight in progress do you stand back and watch or just pass??

I just wanted to make a note of the good guys tbh, was interested if any guilds had any sort of informal rules or ever talked about it?

I know of like Village people who tend to play like this. Im sure theres some alb groups that do it too. One ran straight past me and vipr tonight while we were fighting.

my guild : retribution ( prydwen) have the policy to never add on balanced/Fair fights, doesnt matter if its 3vs3, FG's vs FG's , or stealther vs stealther :)


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
elbeek said:
If all the whining leet kids find the game so unfair, feel free to fuck off and play something else.

You whining about the leet kids is getting way more annoying

What did you expect to read on forum? Sunshine stories? of love and peace? Get a grip.

@ E_E : Not that rp horny eh? So thats why when your grp once spooted me solo you instantly bailed off and turned to ran after me and immediatly started shearing and smiting.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Bracken said:
Similar rr, optimum setup, coms, and time playing together. That would be pretty fair. Not surprised you need it defined for you though - when you're happily ganking random none-optimised groups the last thing you would be worrying about is "Is this a fair fight?". Just like when the peasants turn and zerg you back, the last thing they'll be bothered about is "Is THIS a fair fight?" ;)

I see, so all those things are taking into consideration before they add? I find that hard to believe. And is it still fair to add on us if we have 2-3 replacements in grp? "No wait, I havent seen guy X in their grp before, this fight is fair, dont add". Seeing they can be lower rr, we havent played together with them etc. Are this also taken into consideration before adding then? Ofc not, people that add just add away, then say "but we try not to add" when there is no such thing as "trying not to add". Either you add, or you dont.

And I already said before, I dont mind random grps with rr3-4 people on random classes running as 2-3fg or whatever is needed to compete, I rather they´d do that than run 1fg and get chainfarmed since its more fun to have an even fight than to just steamroll people. But I wont say "we try not to attack random grps if they are running as 1fg" since we will attack them.


Loyal Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
Coldbeard said:
You whining about the leet kids is getting way more annoying

What did you expect to read on forum? Sunshine stories? of love and peace? Get a grip.

@ E_E : Not that rp horny eh? So thats why when your grp once spooted me solo you instantly bailed off and turned to ran after me and immediatly started shearing and smiting.

It was pure love. :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
im the "add-on-everything-kinda-guy", but im not the driver in my guildgroup xD
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