The good guys charter

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Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Problem with gaining the "respect" is that they will rarly see if you "dont add" unless you un-stealth, in which case trigger happy people will generally turn u into will-o-wisp in 2 sec. The amount of times ive been pissing about and unstealthed to /hug /wave spam then got insta nuked is ALOT.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Calaclya said:
Problem with gaining the "respect" is that they will rarly see if you "dont add" unless you un-stealth, in which case trigger happy people will generally turn u into will-o-wisp in 2 sec. The amount of times ive been pissing about and unstealthed to /hug /wave spam then got insta nuked is ALOT.

And you think that's not right? It's a "war" in-game not a social cross-realm tea party!

PS Hi Ging good luck with 8 hours of donkey rubbing today


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
eggy said:
And you think that's not right? It's a "war" in-game not a social cross-realm tea party!

PS Hi Ging good luck with 8 hours of donkey rubbing today

True, but then again we have all "spared" people now and again - its always dependent on mood at that time.

Ps, Hi Eggy nice edit :)

PPs, im currently researchign my new "find willy" avatar for your forum :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Ginghasahugecockandknowhowtouseit said:
True, but then again we have all been involved in at least one donkey porn film

eggy said:
I like being the passenger in those sorts of films! Mmmm give more donkeycock yummy!

Eggy, stop it!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
when im solo i never ever add on fights, fg vs fg or 1vs1 or whatever, unless they are clearly unfair (3 SBs on 1 infil for instance, or some dude popping on a guy who has 40% hp left after a fight, stuff like that). i usually stand by and watch, then run off when they are done. (dont solo much after agramon tho, as it blows for a bm to do that :/ ).

i expect our alliance grps to hang on to the no add policy we had before cluster (tdd/eclipse). tho if grps keep adding on us, we will return the favor at some point (hi rastafarion grp).
when im with another grp, i usually do try to make them cut down on the adding, sometimes it works to some extent, sometimes it doesnt, sometimes i leave the grp, and sometimes i cba to deal with it once again.

before cluster most pryd guilds had grown quite nice at not adding, and i assume a number of them will hold on to that here in cluster if possible.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
censi said:
revolver group steam rollered me 2 days ago when I poped 2 alb stealthers.

(lillbulen, minizerk etc in the group)

well falsk our bd was soon to ding rr7 ;) and as mentioned in post hun ;)


Loyal Freddie
Jan 28, 2005
First few days of clustering was one big f...fest, and every1 ganged up on every1.
Last three days we've (Valravens) been running, we have avoided adding on fg vs fg fights. Sometimes u can miss one, but withdraw when we realize its a fg vs fg.
Imo set a new trend to not add lads, shit can happen though, just the way it is :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2005
censi said:
revolver group steam rollered me 2 days ago when I poped 2 alb stealthers.

(lillbulen, minizerk etc in the group)
who is lillbulen and minizerk? the 2 stealthers? cuz their for sure not in revolver.


Loyal Freddie
Jun 15, 2005
I allways add, im allways gettin added on and its just the way it should be.
I say whats been said too many times now; Its realmVERSUSrealm, so why whine about it?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Kill soloers if they are in out path, but just run by if fg vs fg fights or 1 vs 1.
Sure it's realm vs realm, but knowing people want to have fair 1 vs 1 and fg vs fg, this is out of respect for others wishes.


When I'm playing my albs all hibbies and middies are my enemies.

When I'm playing my hibbies all albs and middies are my enemies.

I try to kill them or die attempting to kill them. (The latter more often ;))

No chivalry, no quarter.

Sorry :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Jimmi said:
Or you just steamroll him like you did the other night on my reaver :/ in agramon

was RR group and they were *****, i did say on vent to spare you. nothing i could do about it at the time, but will avoid their grp invites anyways. disgusts me to kill people that actually try to solo (eta 2 min for irc-epeen-fencing inc?)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
Olly said:
I allways add, im allways gettin added on and its just the way it should be.
I say whats been said too many times now; Its realmVERSUSrealm, so why whine about it?

coz u are in synergy and dont know better :touch:


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
if you pop near a fg you are gona get killed since they will assume you are an add
if you dont they wont even know you are there :p
no easy solution really, but the more you play the more your reputation builds.
Be it good or bad will prolly determine whether you get killed or not.

Generally i will try leave soloers to finish their fight unless i dont like them, occasionally let you go if we noticed you didnt add when you could have earlier that day (believe it or not most fg's wont remember you for more than a few hrs if they have only seen you once)

I expect adds, i expect to be zerged when i solo so i either sit down or agony bomb to get things over quicker, is a nice occasional surpise when you dont but hey thats the nature of the game. No use whining about it.

Opted rr8+ fg's adding on fights however...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
was RR group and they were *****, i did say on vent to spare you. nothing i could do about it at the time, but will avoid their grp invites anyways. disgusts me to kill people that actually try to solo (eta 2 min for irc-epeen-fencing inc?)




Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
was RR group and they were *****, i did say on vent to spare you. nothing i could do about it at the time, but will avoid their grp invites anyways. disgusts me to kill people that actually try to solo (eta 2 min for irc-epeen-fencing inc?)

amen, can I change my cyber nationality?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
censi said:
Not a QQ post. been wicked rvr tonight.

What I wanted to know is are there any guild groups that run with a policy of not adding on fights in progress (regardless if its visuals or stealthers). If you see something that looks roughly like a balanced fight in progress do you stand back and watch or just pass??

I just wanted to make a note of the good guys tbh, was interested if any guilds had any sort of informal rules or ever talked about it?

I know of like Village people who tend to play like this. Im sure theres some alb groups that do it too. One ran straight past me and vipr tonight while we were fighting.

Not that i have anything to add really in the add discussion but:p
First of all following the non add rule dont make you a good guy. I just wanna make that clear. Dont know where oh where the non add people ever got that idea. Maybe its a way to feel they are above the canon fodder...or making them feel special once in their lifetime by redeeming themself or summit. I got a pretty good idea of whats good and whats not...and whats hypocrosy and whats not. And i dont see anything good and honorable with shouting at other people that play a game in which it is perectly accepable to kill everything that moves in that rvr zone. When you started shouting...the honor fled through ur ars so to speak. Think about it....and if you dont not sure if i wanna listen to you when you decide whats good honorable and fair:p
Neither is trying to decide for the rest of the realm what style to play. Something a honorable man or a good man would never do. there again have all credibility of a good honorable man fled through ur ars:p

Start anylizing urself a bit please. And when ur good and honorable in every aspect. Then you might get some respect from other human beings:)
Though ur high rr that doesnt scare or intimidate you cant have any respect that way im a fraid:)
I agree with bracken on this point again.
Its how you act against others that decide whether you are a complete jerk that doesnt deserve anyone listening to you or not. Not if you are a wannabee and follow ur leet idols every whim and shout.

And another thought is..we always screamed and hollered at the albs for zerging etc. Im starting to wonder if they are more honorable as a matter of fact. At least they work as a realm from the looks of it....and help eachother out. I get zerged when im solo....when im in fg etc.Do i feel any anger towards them...noops:) But i do get a bit anoyed at my own "realm m8s" cause they are involved in this petty add war instead of start playing the game and concentrate on that.
You guys are yapping on and on that everyone are destroying ur fun. Well stop freakin whining and get on with things...or are we gonna have this little vendetta going on to the rest of ur daoc days. I cant see any fun in that either tbh. But on the other hand im not sure you care either. Im pretty sure you "honorable" guys wanna ruin everyone elses fun cause you cant have what you seek:) that it:p?
over and out...


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Dalilama said:
coz u are in synergy and dont know better :touch:

we do know better. Its just funny watching the nerds spit their dummies out and cry about it :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
ebenezer said:
Not that i have anything to add really in the add discussion but:p
First of all following the non add rule dont make you a good guy. I just wanna make that clear. Dont know where oh where the non add people ever got that idea. Maybe its a way to feel they are above the canon fodder...or making them feel special once in their lifetime by redeeming themself or summit. I got a pretty good idea of whats good and whats not...and whats hypocrosy and whats not. And i dont see anything good and honorable with shouting at other people that play a game in which it is perectly accepable to kill everything that moves in that rvr zone. When you started shouting...the honor fled through ur ars so to speak. Think about it....and if you dont not sure if i wanna listen to you when you decide whats good honorable and fair:p
Neither is trying to decide for the rest of the realm what style to play. Something a honorable man or a good man would never do. there again have all credibility of a good honorable man fled through ur ars:p

Start anylizing urself a bit please. And when ur good and honorable in every aspect. Then you might get some respect from other human beings:)
Though ur high rr that doesnt scare or intimidate you cant have any respect that way im a fraid:)
I agree with bracken on this point again.
Its how you act against others that decide whether you are a complete jerk that doesnt deserve anyone listening to you or not. Not if you are a wannabee and follow ur leet idols every whim and shout.

And another thought is..we always screamed and hollered at the albs for zerging etc. Im starting to wonder if they are more honorable as a matter of fact. At least they work as a realm from the looks of it....and help eachother out. I get zerged when im solo....when im in fg etc.Do i feel any anger towards them...noops:) But i do get a bit anoyed at my own "realm m8s" cause they are involved in this petty add war instead of start playing the game and concentrate on that.
You guys are yapping on and on that everyone are destroying ur fun. Well stop freakin whining and get on with things...or are we gonna have this little vendetta going on to the rest of ur daoc days. I cant see any fun in that either tbh. But on the other hand im not sure you care either. Im pretty sure you "honorable" guys wanna ruin everyone elses fun cause you cant have what you seek:) that it:p?
over and out...

Nothing more to add really, you said it all.
Specially whhen you see coments like: I never add, its lame...UNLESS its a theurg/sorc/cabby ect ect. yes all albs...
When I see something like that I think. How can that guy expect us to not kill him on sight???

What comes around, goes around. If I meet someone sparing me time after time, I might do the same back.(which I still have never seen) BUT I must admid, Noob as I am I hardly never notice names before they are dead or killed me. If you go agramon every fg there will kill your solo ass on sight. which is fine, just dont expect the same pll to not add on you.(which is also fine)

as you see it, the good are the Set FGs and the Solo high RR stealthers(mostly) and the rest of us are the bad ppl or??? I spend 13 hours saturday defending my realm against the hib zerg and the mid 3-4 fgs, I did NOT see many of the "good ppl" there.
So I kinda see myself as one of the good ppl and the Set FG's solo high RR stealthers as the bad people that only care about themselves and their leetness and misplaced sense of honor.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Dalilama said:
coz u are in synergy and dont know better :touch:

We tried not to "add" for ages, but we still got whined at so thought....sod it, you can all burn, depending how we feel.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
It difficult sometimes because of terrain. Sometimes you see enemies on a hill and can't help but pile in.

Sometimes, like last night, we ran through a mile gate, saw a alb group V someone else and we carried on and didn't add.

But I get added on all time. When I play my scout, I am gimped enough as it without every fg of mids or hibs adding everytime. I don't recall 1 occasion where a mid or hib group has run past me and left me alone....

Our group that ran past Vipr last night without attacking, although one of the group stopped not realising I had kept running and got killed :)

But at the end of the day, when a fight happens the game doesn't draw up an arena on the floor that no other players can enter so there adding is part of the game and you have to accept it.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
im not a good or a bad person, i just play the game i like, how i like, when i like. Some times it fun to zerg, sometimes it fun to solo or run in a fg, sometimes i cba to leave CS. Somtimes i add on a fg fight, this is getting rarer but it still happens. Ive given up trying to justify why i do things in game to myself and jsut try to get as much fun out of it as possible. The set groups know how to deal with adding fg's as shown in the RR video, agramon has shown itself to be zerg central but some of the most fun fights ive had in the last year have been when a fg albs, mids, hibs all meet at the same time, then u will have maybe another fga, and 2 fgm, and a fgh pile in and if u come out of it alive u get a feeling "wtf!!!! :)". ive been getting more of a kick from those sorts of fights more than fg vs fg encounters lately and been having a right laugh.

In agramon EXPECT to be added :)

Censi i still dont have an apology from u in my PM box so I'll assume u want me to kill u everytime i see you - well your the boss so OK.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
was RR group and they were *****, i did say on vent to spare you. nothing i could do about it at the time, but will avoid their grp invites anyways. disgusts me to kill people that actually try to solo (eta 2 min for irc-epeen-fencing inc?)

lol irl m8


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 4, 2005
add all :) first, red = enemey
second, nearly every gg strafebugs, so there is no need to let them have a "fair" 8vs8 ~

"i cheat but please dont be unfair and add me :/" rofl


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2005
1 vs 1 leave em, 2 vs 1 we might heal the alb so he cn kill em both. 3 vs 1 kill em all!. Or depends on the situation tbh, somtimes you add when u dont mean to because of terrain. But hey, thats just how the cookie crumbles


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
i have myself left the odd hib and run passed as solo, but with the odd thought of "expect a bolt in the ass any moment" but am normally surprised when it dont happen.

I will however not do that all the time, depends on my mood. or if im With Horner or Sibul or too ASq Sorc's.... :p

(OMG mentioned Horner!!!! Flame barrage inc!!!)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Calaclya said:
Censi i still dont have an apology from u in my PM box so I'll assume u want me to kill u everytime i see you - well your the boss so OK.

You should kill him everytime you c him tbh because you are just doing your job like he told me last time him an vipr raped me :wanker:
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