The good guys charter

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Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
Not a QQ post. been wicked rvr tonight.

What I wanted to know is are there any guild groups that run with a policy of not adding on fights in progress (regardless if its visuals or stealthers). If you see something that looks roughly like a balanced fight in progress do you stand back and watch or just pass??

I just wanted to make a note of the good guys tbh, was interested if any guilds had any sort of informal rules or ever talked about it?

I know of like Village people who tend to play like this. Im sure theres some alb groups that do it too. One ran straight past me and vipr tonight while we were fighting.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
we have a new policy

if we meet a soloer, we hit him some and check if he walks backwards and/or wears coral armor. if he moves backwards slowly while not doing anything else he is too thick to realise we'd spare him and he usuaully dies

if he doesn't walk backwards but smt else, hes smart enough not to add on us later and is left alive! :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
we have a new policy

if we meet a soloer, we hit him some and check if he walks backwards and/or wears coral armor. if he moves backwards slowly while not doing anything else he is too thick to realise we'd spare him and he usuaully dies

if he doesn't walk backwards but smt else, hes smart enough not to add on us later and is left alive! :p



Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
we have a new policy

if we meet a soloer, we hit him some and check if he walks backwards and/or wears coral armor. if he moves backwards slowly while not doing anything else he is too thick to realise we'd spare him and he usuaully dies

if he doesn't walk backwards but smt else, hes smart enough not to add on us later and is left alive! :p


i destealthed and hugspammed you in the middle of a fg v fg (was very drunk but thats another story) and got turned into a smoking crater :(

was very funny at the time though1! :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Vodkafairy said:
if he doesn't walk backwards but smt else, hes smart enough not to add on us later and is left alive! :p

Does something else include releasing chambers and using BL abilities?

Have left Censi alone twice now, although he was outnumbered by 3 sb's on agramon bridge bled side. Cant say that i add solo, if i get attacked whilst watching well then its a different matter.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
i dont remeber that mas.

well ta vely much.

u still forever in my debt for that time u fleed to berk tower though 1v1.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
Some of the mid groups leave me alone (they know who they are /hug) and the odd alb group has too although that's much rarer for some reason.

I think the likelyhood is that only some groups will leave soloers alone, and then it's mostly tanks & hybrids that get spared. Casters are often viewed as too dangerous to leave, and almost all archers will be ganked for obvious reasons (most archers seem to like to plink and interrupt healers and the like, if you don't take it personally I imgaine the in game/forum/irc aggro might be quite amusing from a certain point of view, bit like poking an ants nest).

I personally hate it when FGs add on an exiting fight - this is one of the reasons why it can be really frustrating to run in a pickup group since typically it's a bunch of people who've been zerged and basically kill anything and everything in sight. Can't really blame them, but it is annoying when random people send QQ to you on irc because some rp horney caster in your group ganked some soloer.

The thing is if you're solo someone is going to gank you, be it a FG or some duo or some lame OPd vamp/warlock/merc/sorc/whatever you just have to deal with it. (I find agony transmission helps my mood tremedously when some FG ganks me, especially if some hib group gets the perfect jump on them becuse they where too busy ganking me to pan)


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
censi said:
Not a QQ post. been wicked rvr tonight.

What I wanted to know is are there any guild groups that run with a policy of not adding on fights in progress (regardless if its visuals or stealthers). If you see something that looks roughly like a balanced fight in progress do you stand back and watch or just pass??

I just wanted to make a note of the good guys tbh, was interested if any guilds had any sort of informal rules or ever talked about it?

I know of like Village people who tend to play like this. Im sure theres some alb groups that do it too. One ran straight past me and vipr tonight while we were fighting.

thx for forgeting revolver in that one , only time we kill u ( rather only time I kill you is when u killed your opponent ) ;) btw censi did u know ? it's a guild rule nowaday's if we see u fight we don't add we stand and watch and if u win , i get the honr to kill u everytime ;) ain't that a pleasant thought !

nah Revolver tries really hard not to add on small fight's but some chars are kill on sight such as scouts/cabas/theurgs ( anyone see the pattern of only albclasses ? ) but sometimes when u rise above a hill and see a target our paccer doesn't allway's sees what's happening on the ridge ;/ , and ofc when someone in guild is close to rr 6,7,8,9 etc. we kill all solo/duo/trio for every single rp so he get's ding that night we play ;)



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 2, 2004
I play for fun , i try not to add with Ajah and soon my sb is ready :D then i promise fair fights against those non addaers :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 24, 2004
VGN usually doesnt add on well balanced fights in progress, all depends on what don is yelling on vent at that moment :p. However if its alb vs mid we MIGHT >>;.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Enclave doesn't add on fights in progress on the "visual" scene nor even stealther fights (unlesss it's people that constantly try to put arrows etc in our clerics asses). We don't bother chasing soloers either.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
I think its safe to say that all have added a couple of times in their daoc history.
I usually dont add on 1 vs1, unless im asked for help, but i dont mind beeing added. I just accepted that its rvr zone for all, not the ones "that where there first".
If 2 fg´s is "dueling" have some sort of "match" or whatever dont have it infront of beno bridge imo ^^ (for example).
Dont get me wrong tho a nice 8 vs 8 fight "unadded" is very fun but my point is that I dont tell people off that adds, they are in rvr for the same reason as me and i didnt pay their subs.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
we have a new policy

if we meet a soloer, we hit him some and check if he walks backwards and/or wears coral armor. if he moves backwards slowly while not doing anything else he is too thick to realise we'd spare him and he usuaully dies

if he doesn't walk backwards but smt else, hes smart enough not to add on us later and is left alive! :p



Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
All FGs will kill soloers instantly, so I have no ethic limitations on fucking up their every single fight. Feel free to roll me also, no harm done, but I use ml8 too :p

The only fights I won't get involved is if I know the hib(s) there.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
GoL let me duel Ttt before they killed me on one of my last solo runs! <3


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Iwe had way to many fights gone bad because we tried to back of a FGvFG, and having had "Soloers" jumping me while i was healing in the back. Am i supposed to start clicking on everyone to see who im allowed to kill now?
You must be out of your mind. Had i been the driver or even just a damage class i would attack anyone in my way.

That said we have run past plenty of soloers, and just emoted em and carried on. Its not really upto me to deside who gets the knife.
There will allways be someone yelling "Dont add" or "Leave him" on TS, but playing Alb you gotta be quick, so clicking then having a chat about attacking or not isisnt really viable.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I spent most of yesterday on mid bridge by Bled, quite a few fg's ran past me. One grp slammed me, another grappled me, but then left me fighting. Was surprisingly happy and steared clear of fg fights. Nearly fell off my chair when rr2/3 warlock let me have a 1v1 :cheers: to you m8.

Ofc later that evening there was enough sb/hunter duo's/trio's to sink a battleship, but thats another topic.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 1, 2004
Our guild generally leave stealthers/soloers .. though some soloers deserve to get ganked cause they ALLWAYS add on FG fights .. so we take out a few of those every evening .. also .. warlocks ... need i say more ..

for FG fights in progress we NEVER add .. just run past .. or trying to .. if the groups in the fights should attack us while running past we will engage... anyways .. this is the rules we have set up for guild .. we like them and the generally work fine ...

Though some days. . like yesterday was SHIT :p .. worst possible time to have such rules coz we got adds on us all the time .. not just soloers etc. . but 1-2 FGs every time hehe :] .. so basically we died every fight .. :p ..wassent that fun after a few times of getting zerged :p .. hehe

but... i can say this much to the ppl that does add ... and say that they do it coz everyone else does .... trust me .. if u show alittle respeced in others fights... they will show u respect in the long run also .. we dont get nearly as much adds on us now as we used to back when we diddnt care. .. and frankly .. its more fun :] .. for all of us :]


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Appollo said:
Ofc later that evening there was enough sb/hunter duo's/trio's to sink a battleship, but thats another topic.

Must've been loads, considering their peashooter dmg :<


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Phake said:
but... i can say this much to the ppl that does add ... and say that they do it coz everyone else does .... trust me .. if u show alittle respeced in others fights... they will show u respect in the long run also ..

So not true.. I have tryet for the last 1 or 2 months to respect 1vs1 an ppl on low health after a fight but everytime i let someone have a fair fight or let him go because he's on low hps next time they c me they add or zerg me!!! .. Never add on fgs fight because i always end up dieing so really no point ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
revolver group steam rollered me 2 days ago when I poped 2 alb stealthers.

(lillbulen, minizerk etc in the group)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Bad guys = people who act like *****.

Good guys = people who don't.

It's no good pretending to be a holier than though "pure fg/solo non-adder" (and let's face it, who plays purely like that?) if you act like a tosser. Likewise, on the other side of the fence it's no good saying "people can play how they want" if in the next breath you're knocking decent people who happen to prefer fg fights.

It ain't whether you add or not that matters, it's whether you're anal about it.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
censi said:
Not a QQ post. been wicked rvr tonight.

What I wanted to know is are there any guild groups that run with a policy of not adding on fights in progress (regardless if its visuals or stealthers). If you see something that looks roughly like a balanced fight in progress do you stand back and watch or just pass??

I just wanted to make a note of the good guys tbh, was interested if any guilds had any sort of informal rules or ever talked about it?

I know of like Village people who tend to play like this. Im sure theres some alb groups that do it too. One ran straight past me and vipr tonight while we were fighting.


You fucking do QQ, hence you getting a 3rd party to relay to me how upset you were because u happen to run straight across in front of me when u were zerging that poor solo reaver - i assume vipr was somewhere around but didnt actually see him but i did see the 2nd hibblet you were ganking with. Now don't you find it ironic that you say to me "you play like a cock" when you get caught fighting someone who is outnubered then complain and whine about when my FG steamrolls you?

In general i decide on the spot whether to kill a stealther or not, sometimes i will sometimes i wont. Mind you i was in a fight the other day and there was a scout merrily shootting everything in sight. After the fight is over i see a ranjooor drawing his bow so pile in and then get a shit load of dont add shit from this scout - this is the scout thats just leeched the fuck out of a fg vs fg fight.....

Censi, I have left more of your fights alone than I care to remember but insulting me is a sure way to make sure i pile in. So before you go gettting a 3rd party to insult me try growing up a bit!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
we have a new policy

if we meet a soloer, we hit him some and check if he walks backwards and/or wears coral armor. if he moves backwards slowly while not doing anything else he is too thick to realise we'd spare him and he usuaully dies

if he doesn't walk backwards but smt else, hes smart enough not to add on us later and is left alive! :p

Or you just steamroll him like you did the other night on my reaver :/ in agramon


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
ffs I like got my sword and shield, went to this other country and started hacking chunks out of people, and like omg a group of them walked past and saw me and ffs they killed me

ffs its so unfair omg


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2005
I was on minstrel a couple days ago, saw that hibs were fighting a mid group that had ganked me when I was solo, so I mezzed shamans and healers :D Hmm, then I ran but shako /hug emoted me just before I got distance, didnt want to-do damage and leech rps so just mezzed support out of spite and left them to it :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Jimmi said:
Or you just steamroll him like you did the other night on my reaver :/ in agramon

aye, ppl we have a "bad" history with we do kill ..
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