The fabled no rez list..



your an idiot art and tbh if thats your attitude hopefully you'll get every1 on your no-res list so every1 hates you and you leave the realm.

4ppl on at 4am tell u they are fine and offer u a spot on list

so you instantly hate them. .. ..

i seeeee thats logical! no really

lets ignore the fact that anyone playing at 4am is very likely to be there purely to level as fast as possible, and while their *may* be more to the game than RvR there isnt for most people. Theres more than realm points theres the joy of teamwork .. but its much more staisfying in RvR than in PvE.

Also ignore the fact that there is no RULE ANYWHERE that just because your group is not full you have to invite someone, you have no idea of the circustances of that group, but instantly you judge them. They might be 4 friends having a laugh and a chat together who dont want a stranger with them, they might be trying to level a friend so need as small a group size as possible.

To be honest, Noone has to give you anything period.

And with that attitude of yours i wouldnt be surprised if more people refuse u a group place on the grounds they dont want you with them.

Sounds to me like you found a perfectly respectable group leveling as fast as possible and when they politely pointed out they were fine, but if someone left they'd tell you (be it a lie or not) you go off on one because your finding it HARD TO LEVEL AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE

well cheer up! as 'theres more to the game than getting to 50'.



Perhaps i am alone here but...i play this game for fun will res whoever needs ressing.

Sad but true.


I think someone has to accept that noone is under any obligation, real or otherwise, to invite someone to their group.

And stop whinging.

And stop thinking his witholding of paladin resurrections are going to result in the complete collapse of the realm.

And stop stamping his feet before he wears out his special orthopaedic shoes.



Originally posted by Arthwyr
Go post on your own realms boards and stop whining here unless you know what you are talking about.

No thx. I whine where i like, thx.

I have been here from the beginning, and i know perfectly what i talk about.

Originally posted by Arthwyr
Oh and I was in some of finsters raids too and he did a v good job at the time but raids like that would not have worked later on when the RvR population increased. The late night attempt on merlins staff when hibs had it actualy was not a late night attempt as hibs make it out to believe only the rerun for the remaining 2 rellics was. atm its 2/4 attempts/succes and if you had any idea of the time it takes to plan a raid to perfection (perfection as in who carries rams and spare parts, including the names - who sets em up at a specific door - wich groups interdict and where - wich groups stay on side doors soon as you get to the keep etc etc because all those things are best planned in advance) you would not be talking bullocks like that. I respect anyone who devotes hours, sometimes days of his free time to set something of this magnitude up, succesful or not. And I disrespect anyone who runs to a place where the grass is greener and then comes here to take cheap shots at the old realm.

More ","'s plz, but i get the point :). Yes i moved like Finster, cos of ppl like u, and "the zerg".

Originally posted by Arthwyr
Lets talk about glory ... guy spends days planning a raid, the raid is succesful and alb has a rellic. Result whenever he logs on he gets 25 pms asking him when there is gonna be another raid, whenever he goes to emain with a sizable force he gets 20 more pms askign him if there is a raid going on. Ppl ask you to take charge of things or help em organise stuff (wich is all ok, makes your work feel appreciated) But you know that when you do step upto the front, ppl will accuse you of having an ego and blame you for everything that goes wrong while they don't have the courage (most) to try to set something up themselves. And now albion is surprised there are no leaders left. Why do you think Finster left you stupid woman. (alo alo quote, love that one, no real offense ment) Well nuff said (again)

Mate, hold these xxxxxxx amount of lumber - zerg, smash the door in.

Originally posted by Arthwyr
And before you laugh and diss the next alb that is brave enough to step up and organise something remember this

Calling urself brave, that's noble :p

Don't u think u are taking this game a bit... seriously?


I have not refused to rezz someone yet and I doubt I ever will.
It's just a game ppl...



To BJ|Bored : never knew u can be so right on anything :p

and IMO we shouldnt worry about the pve no ress list,his guild is RVR-guild like he has said quite a lot of how can he ress in PvE if he never goes PvE with his paladin cos his paladin is 50..or did infils get raise fallen ability this patch?


Damn, that doesnt sound like the arthwyr i played with phew months ago :(

why should 4 ppl in a team for exp accept a 5th member they dont need except if he is a friend??? even at 4 am ?!
does that mean u cant solo anymore ?? because u have to accept +7 guys into your team of 1 or they ll get pissed ?!
sorry, maybe its just me but imho this makes no sence, there r certain spots at certain levels that are good exp only if you are in a small group and u know that as well as i do.
and why did u get pissed if u dont care about the "getting to 50" part of the game ? you could always exp later.

(I understand its hard to get teams sometimes and it pisses me off too, but i dont go running around saying i did this and i did that and everyone should have a spot for me in there team)

Anyways, i respect what u did in the past for the realm but thats not really the point, just as u were right many times in the past, imho this time u r wrong about this. And expressing your opinions is one thing, threatening all the ppl who denies u a team with the so called "No Rezz List"...bahh thought u were better then that m8.... if u want to denie them rezz... you r free to do it but threatening wont get u anywhere.

"Wich idiot will que at 4 am in the morning for a group that had 4 open spots to start with."

I´ll be exping tonight at tanglers in a small team.. 3/4 max (they r blue/yellow con), does that make me an idiot ??!!

btw, lots of fuzz about who´s grammar is the best, therefore i present my appologies for the way i right but i have the obvious limitation of english not beeing my native language ;) (i write much better Portuguese if u prefer :D )

wolvon fury

*Moves Vireb up to his ignore list*

Sorry, it seems to be a trend


Re: hmmm

Originally posted by Hatjitjai
To BJ|Bored : never knew u can be so right on anything :p

:clap: :clap: Gambit :clap: :clap:

I always knew he had to be right about something, eventually. No seriously, he is right on this. :)

PS... Just wondering about the FC rezzing policy in general. I am getting sick of watching fg of FC with 3-4 rezzers run past dead Albs - Not running after Hibs/Mids, just running to AMG or whatever. I guess they see BF, GoL or some others coming along behind and think they will just let us take care of it :( Not a very nice attitude. I find it hard to go running to rez some from FC now, but I won't stoop to the no rez level.

Also the "crap rez for those I don't like". I tried that, but then they just die again and you have to rez again so it's kinda shooting yourself in the foot. Too bad :p


To BJ|Bored : never knew u can be so right on anything :p

and IMO we shouldnt worry about the pve no ress list,his guild is RVR-guild like he has said quite a lot of how can he ress in PvE if he never goes PvE with his paladin cos his paladin is 50..or did infils get raise fallen ability this patch?

Oo looks like someone is pissed about not getting a rezz after getting killed at the Midgard teleport keep in emain. Here is some advice, die in a spot where the entire group doesnt have to risk getting killed cause someone got RP hungry.

how sad can u be

after our grp stopped to ress u near apk,5minutes later u yell at us when we see u at amg alive for not ressing u 5minutes ago?

rofl imao nice attitude towards ur ressers

dont worry we wont ress U anymore...we rather use our mana to smite grey mobs

Sound familiar hat ?


lol just reading this guys posts makes me laff carry on m8 i havnt laffed this much since i read karams last post


Hey Terranigma Go post on your own realm instead of hiding your old alb identity behind a Hib name.


im not hiding, i used to be northstarr and i left alb because of ppl like u who ruin it for every1 else with no rez lists etc. and i can post where ever i like


Oh you mean you were on alot of no rezz lists northstar ... well that surprises me, I mean with your overall nice behaviour in Lyonesse. Well I am very sorry to see u go.


m8 i dunno who u think i am, but ive only ever met gawain once, and that was in lyon with the sorc that left for a tfc match and the theurg that left cos u went afk for a bit, and from wot i can remember when the grp disbanded it was me u and a sorc left, and it was your idea for us to spit and try find another grp. either u got me mixed up with another guy some ppl have told u untrue things about me. and i dont have anything against u as a person or a player i just think your attitude towards ppl that annoy u is wrong


Are you really the same Arthwyr who wanted to join RB when i was RB and who finally joined Praetoriasn coz they were your friends? coz u were a nice guy then, but i think either u are a different person now, u get drugged when u play DaoC, or ur ego is getting to ur head too much.

That non-rezz list thing is so stupid and so childish it is painful.... so if somebody dont wanna party u (coz u r an infiltrator, u r useless in a PVP party and all the infils has got the same problems) u just get utterly pissed and menace then with ur scaring "no-rezz list" (omg i wont have a paladin rezz im so sad i think im gonna cry)... plz get a life and grow up.

Btw, u maybe dont remember ialkarn and me lying dead near MPK, ur oh-so-l33t FC party camping MPK and refusing to rezz us coz u had to run back to MMG to get some RPs. And plz dont tell me about working for your realm when ur guild groups in RvR usually run like rockets to the battlefield ignoring all the other realm-mates and going alone to another places so u can get RPs with no zerg annoying u (hey who cares about realmwork?): Albion/Excalibur is all full of RP bitches and that makes our realm fail, but FC is the bitch of all bitches when it comes down to RP-farming, so dont give me ur patriotic albionist crap when u r obviously so leet and so high above the others albs.

I am tired of a lot of ppl like u going around Albion and i think ill be rerolling Hib or waiting for PvP, there is too much assholes like you living in our beautiful realm, and almost each time i go RvR i end up very angry... a shame.

P.D. so Heinrich is a gimp coz he is a paladin? well i see Hatjitjai doing quite fine in RvR and he feels no need to level an infil alt and menacing ppl with a non-rezz list... maybe there is some frustation there Arth?

P.P.D. will u plz stop creating guilds with either the same scheme colour/guild embleem that Black Falcons???? we r not gonna invite u no matter how hard u suggest us u wanna join =)


Aps i forgot a thing



and gimmie a share of all your gold/drops as obviously u have to hand me everything on a plate.


Everyone should refuse to rez the no-rez people. Then we'll see how much crap they can spout with a mouth full of grass.




I am tired of a lot of ppl like u going around Albion and i think ill be rerolling Hib or waiting for PvP, there is too much assholes like you living in our beautiful realm

However, this is probably the case in all 3 realms. They'll have their rotten apples since realm choice does not influenca behavior.
I do not try to defend the no-rezz list since I find it the stupidest thing ever (as posted) and must agree that this Arthwyr seems a stranger to the great paladin a lot of us lower ones looked up to a few months ago.

But in the end, it comes down to meeting the right people that make you enjoy the game, whatever realm you pick. I would hate to see great players leave because they got all frustrated just to find out Hibernia or Midgard are very much the same in the end.


As a final comment ( Don't like getting dissed )
I am the same guy, been nothing but nice to ppl from day 1, helping where i can, giving away cash items, always being open to advice etc. And maybe "Hey arth i need 2 bubs for 44 can you help me out sounds familiar to some of you" Well 6 months passed and it turned out that I came to ask some ppl for a small helping hand or just an occasional group. And what did I get ? Absolute rude behaviour. So one week passes of taking the piss, another passes (I help a few ppl with arth in the meantime) I take the piss another week and another week ... Well guess what from now on you get what you give. So the attitude I am displaying to some of you is just a mirror of the curtesey you have proven to me. I know who my friends are, they are the ppl willing to lend an occasional hand AFTER they are done (ab)using the word friendship to get things done. Whatever you throw at me bounces right back from now on. It's upto you if its bad or good. It is sad it had to come to this, i would have prefered goign on like before but unfortunately everybodys patience comes to an end.


Originally posted by Arthwyr
Well I never refused to give anyone a budget rezz from my pally in RvR but my PvE no rezz list is getting quite extensive.
Last night for example was close to lvl on the infil so i logged on in Lyo at tanglers around 4 am ( Yea 4 am, sad but it seems the only way to assure yourself of a certain spot these days). So I logged on next to a 3 or 4 man grouped and asked for a spot. Anwser: Sorry we are fine but we will put you on que ... HA. Wich idiot will que at 4 am in the morning for a group that had 4 open spots to start with. Welcome to the list. Oh and no worry you will still get a rezz in RvR, IF i have mana and IF you did not die in a extremely dumb place so that an entire groups has to put itself at risk to rezz you. Nuff said.
Or in other words...
"You didn't group me so I'm going to throw a tantrum! *throws toys out of pram* No rez for you!!!"
FGS, how childish?


Originally posted by Arthwyr
As a final comment ( Don't like getting dissed )
I am the same guy, been nothing but nice to ppl from day 1, helping where i can, giving away cash items, always being open to advice etc. And maybe "Hey arth i need 2 bubs for 44 can you help me out sounds familiar to some of you" Well 6 months passed and it turned out that I came to ask some ppl for a small helping hand or just an occasional group. And what did I get ? Absolute rude behaviour. So one week passes of taking the piss, another passes (I help a few ppl with arth in the meantime) I take the piss another week and another week ... Well guess what from now on you get what you give. So the attitude I am displaying to some of you is just a mirror of the curtesey you have proven to me. I know who my friends are, they are the ppl willing to lend an occasional hand AFTER they are done (ab)using the word friendship to get things done. Whatever you throw at me bounces right back from now on. It's upto you if its bad or good. It is sad it had to come to this, i would have prefered goign on like before but unfortunately everybodys patience comes to an end.

Sorry :) .. too feared to comment that one.


Originally posted by Arthwyr
Hey Terranigma Go post on your own realm instead of hiding your old alb identity behind a Hib name.

Man u really got a problem :). Relax, breath in, it's reality, something u might have good trying some time.

If ppl change realm, they are not happy in the current realm. Not coz they are über spies who pay X amount money to sit at excalibur and spppyyyy.

007 reporting in :p.

No there isn't a secret organisation trying to pull albs to mids, they come allll by themself.

Hell .. i might even change to alb some day - or hib.. if i get bored. :D


Originally posted by Benkei
FC is the bitch of all bitches when it comes down to RP-farming

Sorry is this something to be ashamed of? :D

Ignea ur well known, and tbh I'm surprised BF have put up with u as long as they have.

On the FC not rezzing, quite frankly thats bullshit. We do plenty. FC gets wiped we release. We dont arse about asking 10 clerics for a rez in a stupid place and putting ppls lives in danger.

On the "BF are so l33t we had to copy there logo" sorry to disappoint u but ours is a militaristic double-headed eagle. Alas the difference isnt clear without a hooded cloak.


Am i well know? why am i well know? plz let me know.

Of course u dont have to be ashamed of being selfish i-go-alone RP-horny players... till ur GM comes up whining about Albs being selfish coz they dont wanna level his infiltrator. So, we have to help u level ur chars so u can go RVR and ignore all the rest of albs coz u r feckin leet?

Well we release too little boy, but in the occasion i quoted it was ialkarn and me lying dead 3 meters away from a FC party, who just ignored us and came running MMG to get fresh RPs... god forbid u of wasting ur time rezzing ppl!

An, the emblem question, sorry... now that i think, with a hooded cloak a tiny falcon extra head is a HUGE difference, excuse me i was so wronged, is not even the same animal with the same design, my fault.

Btw, i like some on FC as much as i dont like anothers.... and i dont think u Konah have partied with me ever, so how come u think u know me so much to be surprised at BF gettin along with me? okthxbb

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