The fabled no rez list..



Seeing as Arthwyr doesn't want his topic to digress, I've made a new one.

No rez list?

For gods sake, that's going too far. Things like that are what's making our realm go to shit. I'm sorry if this offends i.e. I make my way onto the no rez list, but it's how I feel.

How god damn petty and childish can you get? More of the famed albion elitism.

People are leaving Albion day by day because of the petty self important attitudes of a lot of the high level players. I understand why you're angry and why you're making this list but... Sweet jesus, don't you see what you're going to do to the realm?

I don't think ANYONE I know in Guild, or Alliance, is satisfied with the general bad state of the realm, and teamwork.

Yes some people are dicks. But to refuse to rez them makes you worse than they are.

We need to be trying to work together, not pushing the realm apart. There is already bad feeling between the "Elite" guilds / people of albion and your run of the mill guildsmembers / low level characters.

Things need to change or people are going to continue to leave. Putting divides in the realm like this one are only going to make it worse.


I kinda wrote that without thinking, had a bad day.

I just find the idea quite childish. I can see why the "no rez list" was formed, god, I get annoyed with people sometimes and wish I could do something about it.

I guess I worry that people would make it onto such a list for very minor things.

So please take the post with a dose of salts and bear in mind I was very pissed off while writing it.


I kinda wrote that without thinking, had a bad day

It is in that state true emotions and thoughts come to mind.
Altho the post is a bit 'blunt and raw', it comes from an angry heart and deserves all the respect for putting it in the open like this
especially since its oh so true :)


TBH its justified.

A no rezz list is completely stupid and selfish

More to the point if any rezzer refuses to rezz someone who later on could be the deciding matter in your realms zerg winning you have done yourself more damage than others.

When im in emain and im not actively fighting, low on mana or moving around at speed, if i see an alb infiltrator/archer i give them a damage buff. Why? Because it could be them that save my life (or someone elses life)

Even simple things like to rezz one person, give an eb to someone or invite a lfg player into your group could make a big difference.


I don't know. There's a few people I wouldn't rez if I saw them laying on the road in lyonesse. I would rez everyone in RvR reguardles of thier status on my *no rez list* tho. Some people have major attitudes and deserve to be left for dead in PvE. If you piss someone off bad enough that they don't want to waste mana on you then I say it's most likley your own fault. There is however no excuse to not rezz in RvR. That is a total group effort.


Originally posted by -Dreama-
I don't know. There's a few people I wouldn't rez if I saw them laying on the road in lyonesse. I would rez everyone in RvR reguardles of thier status on my *no rez list* tho. Some people have major attitudes and deserve to be left for dead in PvE. If you piss someone off bad enough that they don't want to waste mana on you then I say it's most likley your own fault. There is however no excuse to not rezz in RvR. That is a total group effort.

*nod* agreed fully. my healer has just such a list. not that ou'll get on it easily, but some people are just TOO much of a d**k


Well I never refused to give anyone a budget rezz from my pally in RvR but my PvE no rezz list is getting quite extensive.
Last night for example was close to lvl on the infil so i logged on in Lyo at tanglers around 4 am ( Yea 4 am, sad but it seems the only way to assure yourself of a certain spot these days). So I logged on next to a 3 or 4 man grouped and asked for a spot. Anwser: Sorry we are fine but we will put you on que ... HA. Wich idiot will que at 4 am in the morning for a group that had 4 open spots to start with. Welcome to the list. Oh and no worry you will still get a rezz in RvR, IF i have mana and IF you did not die in a extremely dumb place so that an entire groups has to put itself at risk to rezz you. Nuff said.


Does this stem from some other subject or for paticular circumstances?

Because to be quite frank there are alot of assholes out there that don't deserve to be rezzed in pve. I hang around with a full rej cleric all the time who usually goes out of her way to rezz people in dangerous places some distance away often for no word of thanks, and many a people simply can't ask nicely and think its your duty to do it. And thats not even going into kill stealers and leechers who screw over other groups and later expect to be rezzed by them.

Some people can be down right rude and horrible to others, are you saying that we should still be obligated to rezz them and forget all the stuff they have done in the past to earn themselves a spot on a no-rezz list ?

Im talking strictly PvE here as the original post doesn't specify what circumstances, in RvR I guess its wise to just do a minimal rezz to help the zerg.

Its not the attitude of people with no-rez lists thats the problem but the attitude of the people obnoxious enough to earn a place on such a list in the first place.


Peeps I dont like get the lowest rezz possible, Zero Health and Zero Mana, just like a Pally :p

All others get a FULL Battle ready Rezz, 100% Health and 50% mana.

So if you get a budget rezz, sorry but well...... you really must have totally hacked me off at somepoint, especially if you have directed non stop foul abusive language to me. (In which case you wont get a rezz because your in the ignore list and I wont hear you calling).

Its not the attitude of people with no-rez lists thats the problem but the attitude of the people obnoxious enough to earn a place on such a list in the first place.
Precisely and well said Kagato


what to say??
my post in the other thread was not to say: all peeps who have a no rez are wrong.

What i said was: its sad that peeps have one.

its a symptom of a greater malaise in our realm.

alot of people forget its a role play game.
alot of people have no manners.
alot of younger (immature? perhaps but not all are) people play this game.
alot of people who should be 'setting an example' aren't.

i don't xp at tangler anymore (go echo room or DF you'll find me) why?? because i play for a laugh (and hopefullly get a level along the way) and tanglers are not a laugh anymore :(

in barrows i see 2-3 infil soloing most nights. i buff them and do what i can to help. most of them say the same thing as art about lyon.

i dont understand why people want to group with people they don't like or respect.

there is more to the game than just getting to 50 in the shortest possible time.


Whenever I get to ress I'm not gonna ress people that thank me with "thx m8".

If my ress isn't worth a Thanks, you're not worth resurrecting.
Differently in RvR, tho.


Originally posted by Arthwyr
Well I never refused to give anyone a budget rezz from my pally in RvR but my PvE no rezz list is getting quite extensive.
Last night for example was close to lvl on the infil so i logged on in Lyo at tanglers around 4 am ( Yea 4 am, sad but it seems the only way to assure yourself of a certain spot these days). So I logged on next to a 3 or 4 man grouped and asked for a spot. Anwser: Sorry we are fine but we will put you on que ... HA. Wich idiot will que at 4 am in the morning for a group that had 4 open spots to start with. Welcome to the list. Oh and no worry you will still get a rezz in RvR, IF i have mana and IF you did not die in a extremely dumb place so that an entire groups has to put itself at risk to rezz you. Nuff said.

you logged ON at 4 am!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


All i can say is - how/why can you hate people you dont even know?!


I didn't realise it was a PvE list, I guess that's not as bad. I'm still a bit funny about the idea though.

It just seems awfully like "you annoy me even a little bit you go on no-rezz list" that's what worries me the most.


Originally posted by newhienrich
I didn't realise it was a PvE list, I guess that's not as bad. I'm still a bit funny about the idea though.

It just seems awfully like "you annoy me even a little bit you go on no-rezz list" that's what worries me the most.

suppose its a bit better than uo, where its 'if you annoy me i'll kill u, hack your account, steal everything you have and delete all your chars'.


Originally posted by Karam_gruul

suppose its a bit better than uo, where its 'if you annoy me i'll kill u, hack your account, steal everything you have and delete all your chars'.

lol :eek6:


Originally posted by Arthwyr
Well I never refused to give anyone a budget rezz from my pally in RvR but my PvE no rezz list is getting quite extensive.
Last night for example was close to lvl on the infil so i logged on in Lyo at tanglers around 4 am ( Yea 4 am, sad but it seems the only way to assure yourself of a certain spot these days). So I logged on next to a 3 or 4 man grouped and asked for a spot. Anwser: Sorry we are fine but we will put you on que ... HA. Wich idiot will que at 4 am in the morning for a group that had 4 open spots to start with. Welcome to the list. Oh and no worry you will still get a rezz in RvR, IF i have mana and IF you did not die in a extremely dumb place so that an entire groups has to put itself at risk to rezz you. Nuff said.
/em takes arthwrs strategy and puts everyonbe who turns him down for a grp on a 'no rez' list lets all be lamers f00l


*Moves Vireb up to his ignore list*

You have no idea what I did for the realm in the past and what I could do for the realm in the future. It's people like you who make me lose the appetite to do any effort. Many have tried, few have succeeded. I succeeded in the past what did yo accomplish on albion exept for calling ppl fools and only half reading threads on barrys world. Good luck getting a rellic back.


Don't you think it's the individual's problem whether or not to rezz you?
And...seriously. Who HAS such lists? I've never once been told to sod off after asking for a rezz, and I'm a renowned bastard :p


I don't think ANYONE I know in Guild, or Alliance, is satisfied with the general bad state of the realm, and teamwork

I'm very satisfied with the general bad state of the realm, and teamwork :p

Keep up the good(bad) work :clap:


u say its ok to not rez in pve but you would rez em in rvr well if u dont rez them in pve isnt that causing problems ??? cos they are gonna think "that twat left me for dead screw him"

i know there are ppl we all hate on our realm god i got a few i would love to kill but albion is our home and we should be there for one another if i can ill rez anyone whether i think your a bastard or not

these no rez lists have got to stop cos its the top of a slippery slope that will be hard to get back up

i know albion have got major probs atm but what you think things like this are gonna solve i like albion and i like the majority of ppl here and i would hate to think i had no other choice but to re roll on hib/mid cos of the lack of manners and team work here

to let u know ill rez anyone if i got the time or im close by


Originally posted by Arthwyr
*Moves Vireb up to his ignore list*

You have no idea what I did for the realm in the past and what I could do for the realm in the future. It's people like you who make me lose the appetite to do any effort. Many have tried, few have succeeded. I succeeded in the past what did yo accomplish on albion exept for calling ppl fools and only half reading threads on barrys world. Good luck getting a rellic back.

No friend, i don't remember u in the combat with Finster getting our relics back and forth.

Could u tell me when did u make relic-raids in the "past"? I remember a 7 am one with 200+ ppl.
What i have accomplished? I was there to take relics, i was there to defend relics, untill one day i had enough of ppl want the glory, ppl acting immature, etc.

.. And yes, plz put me on the non-rez-list :)


Originally posted by Galadawn
Whenever I get to ress I'm not gonna ress people that thank me with "thx m8".

If my ress isn't worth a Thanks, you're not worth resurrecting.
Differently in RvR, tho.

All are happy for a rez, believe me m8. But sometimes it's easy not to say thx, cos 10+ archars shooting at ur back and one hit means life or death. :)


No friend, i don't remember u in the combat with Finster getting our relics back and forth.

Go post on your own realms boards and stop whining here unless you know what you are talking about. Oh and I was in some of finsters raids too and he did a v good job at the time but raids like that would not have worked later on when the RvR population increased. The late night attempt on merlins staff when hibs had it actualy was not a late night attempt as hibs make it out to believe only the rerun for the remaining 2 rellics was. atm its 2/4 attempts/succes and if you had any idea of the time it takes to plan a raid to perfection (perfection as in who carries rams and spare parts, including the names - who sets em up at a specific door - wich groups interdict and where - wich groups stay on side doors soon as you get to the keep etc etc because all those things are best planned in advance) you would not be talking bullocks like that. I respect anyone who devotes hours, sometimes days of his free time to set something of this magnitude up, succesful or not. And I disrespect anyone who runs to a place where the grass is greener and then comes here to take cheap shots at the old realm.

Could u tell me when did u make relic-raids in the "past"? I remember a 7 am one with 200+ ppl.
What i have accomplished? I was there to take relics, i was there to defend relics, untill one day i had enough of ppl want the glory, ppl acting immature, etc.

That 200+ Zerg attempt was actualy a fun attempt to have a HUGE final battle at Dun Dagda. We took Crim - Crauchon - Bolg - Ngned - Scat (had a first big battle with hibs at scat) and proceded to dagda. Where ALL the hibs had assemled at that time. We took down 1 door with very low casualties and would have probably taken the rellic from a fully defended keep if mids had not attacked excalibur at the time making us suicide. Oh and when is the last time you saw a 200+ player zerg listening.

Lets talk about glory ... guy spends days planning a raid, the raid is succesful and alb has a rellic. Result whenever he logs on he gets 25 pms asking him when there is gonna be another raid, whenever he goes to emain with a sizable force he gets 20 more pms askign him if there is a raid going on. Ppl ask you to take charge of things or help em organise stuff (wich is all ok, makes your work feel appreciated) But you know that when you do step upto the front, ppl will accuse you of having an ego and blame you for everything that goes wrong while they don't have the courage (most) to try to set something up themselves. And now albion is surprised there are no leaders left. Why do you think Finster left you stupid woman. (alo alo quote, love that one, no real offense ment) Well nuff said (again)

And before you laugh and diss the next alb that is brave enough to step up and organise something remember this

- "There are no perfect people, only perfect intentions" -


*Moves Vireb up to his ignore list*

You have no idea what I did for the realm in the past and what I could do for the realm in the future.

lol, could u have ur head up ur arse anymore,stop macking urself look all high and might, and grow up soon, it attitudes like urs that made me leave,yea u did stuff in the past which where good, and i comened u on ur efforts but other have tried namely myself, and u made me out to be a cripple

maybe u should take a step back and dont put people down for trying and give ur elitism a break and give support to ur fellow albions for a change, oh and btw Nice RvR guild, shame i was flammed by urself saying they never work about 3 1/2 months ago, looks like i was right originally, they do work, and all you could do is make me look like a tit for suggesting it :m00:

and another thing do get in a strop when someone doesnt invite you to a group, even when the group is only 4, they explain they where fine, so why are u moving them to ur ignore list, looks like u became just as big headed as the rest of the past morons on albion


-Yes A RvR guild 3.5 months ago was a dumb thing to do (less lvl 50s)

-Yes hienrich, you are a paladins, Paladins are gimps hence you are a gimp

-Help ppl with raids, I do, Plan raids myself, I don't any more for obvious reasons, reactions like yours being one

-Nobody ever slacked you for the rellic attempt, only for not informing your own damn guild there was one till 5 minutes before it started while you planned it.

-I dont mind 4 ppl not inviting me unless it is rediculously late, I do mind 4 ppl not gining me the damn time to say yes or no when you ask em for a group.

Anything else ... Oh read everything before you post, ppl, including you seem to have a selective memory.

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