The European Lurikeen Invasion, details inside!



Originally posted by fingoniel
Been reading the ign boards... there's a new force in town....

The Kobold Insurrection :)
We need one on Orcaine.

I'd offer to lead one but I don't speak french (it'd be good for the GM to be able to deal with any complaints about members being arsey) and I don't really have the time to be dedicated to it.

We need a leader... I'll sign up gladly if someone wants to take the reins.

I doubt anyone will join, everyone here got their char on hib already and if u manage to split us up u will only make it boring cos its the numbers that make it fun.


maybe the frenchies can cook up a nice Kobolt insurection, now that we took over Hibernia :p


Well the Invasion now has a homepage :D

Well so far there's only the forum, but more is to come:

And we still have enough room for visitors and keens in our nice little IRC-channel in Quakenet: #lurikeen

Hope to see you :D

:eek6: PROTECT THE KEENS!! :eek6:

old.Barda JP

Hello all keens

I just wanted to say LOHA !

I`m barda JP, a lv 37 bard on hib EXC. I have started a bardabolg. And just wanted to say hello =) C ya all around in the game. Hope I can be a good slave to u guys :clap: :clap:


Nairkeen is born

My luri Nairkeen is now a fully fledged member of the Lurikeen Invasion and is currently level 4 and about to become a nightshade.


Originally posted by ElDiablo

I doubt anyone will join, everyone here got their char on hib already and if u manage to split us up u will only make it boring cos its the numbers that make it fun.

Well if you have 40 or so kobolds and 40 or so luri's it's not too bad...

I'd hate to be on Gawaine.... 1400 Keen's, almost none of them observing the RP stuff...

They've taken over the battlegrounds already.

I've already got my luri champ - couldn't you lot have started this a month ago ;)

If anyone speaking french/english reads about a Kobold Insurrection (or something similar) on the french boards gimme a yell and I'll try and join :)


no way! me no wanna join midgard again...

midgets rule! smurfs.. they drool!

(why am i talking in teletubby language?)

this is just an excuse to bump really :)


Well since I'm alb on excal and hib on pryd ... I wanna do some midding :)

old.Aiges Tyme

Aigikeen up and running, was great fun 8 lvl 3 luri's killing purple stuff :clap:


Actually Fingo, it's on Guinevere... where the Kobold Insurrection also started as a counter-attack against the 'keens.. And to be honest, it's getting a tad bit annoying now.. with all the 'bolds running around completely disrespecting naming-conventions and RP-rules.

The RP-servers was one of the biggest reason I moved to the U.S. servers, and with broadcast and main chats being full of "dude, who can slip me a gold?" etc etc, I'm not that thrilled..

However, once Mordred is up, I think that a majority of the 'keens and 'bolds will disappear, and only those who understand that it's a RP-server will stay. I'm perfectly aware that there are many of the 'keens and 'bolds who actually do understand the RP-part, but one bad apple is enough to give the whole basket a bad rep.

Most of the people coming in on Guinevere for these things are from non-RP servers and are doing this because they're bored with their other characters. This is a break from their normal DAoCing, as will Mordred be.

Some argue that it's good for the server-balance because Albion is so dominating on Guinevere; but the balance is not why people play on a role-playing server. They play because of the atmosphere and because the people on the RP-server is generally more mature than most other servers.

So.. there you have it.. my 1 SEK worth of opinions


Me 'ave bought a French dicshinary so me kan lurn stuff and giv advice to them wot is lost...


Mightykeen girl virago. Super swordslady wot trained in spears cos I did not know what 'lame' meant.


And an excuse for a bump as Friday draws nigh


Ahh sorry Guinevere.
Yeah I agree completely that it ruins the RP :( (read my earlier post ;))

Orcaine ain't so bad, and I'm glad to see the natives aren't getting too pissed off with all these non-french-speaking invaders. (that said, if one twit starts acting up it'll give a bad rep)

A Kobold Insurrection or somethign similar will probably be needed on Orcaine soon - or else the Keen's will just be ruling the server. (assuming they don't all get bored ;))

PS. So that's where you've ran off to ;) wondered why I didn't see you around.


He.. I ordered the U.S. version just to see if I'd like it and if the differences really were that "great"..

Well.. they were... :D

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you see it), I didn't think a huge "I'm leaving"-thread would really benefit the users of this board. :)

The multitude of servers actually add a whole dimension, as you can basically try out a new character-type on a different realm without having to delete any other characters.

The RP-servers gives you a chance to play the game among a more mature group of players. The XP-horny buggers who have very determined views on how a perfect group should be organized based on numbers (read XP-caps etc) aren't here (Guinevere is my "main").

Also, and this is probably related to the RP-servers, people are EXTREMELY friendly. So far, my level 17 Runemaster has received two donations of 10 gold (first at level 7 and second at level 10). People just come up, watched me finish off a monster and gave me the money. Both times with the comment that "it's important for our realm that you young ones get a good start", or something similar.

It's also common practice for high-level casters to run around buffing newbies in the newbie-areas with damage and health buffs.

The patching is also a good reason.. but that's been debated back and forth so many times that I won't go too deep into that. I'll only say what's quite obvious.. if we know that there's something better "out there", we'll always be wanting it for ourselves... it's just human nature.

So.. to sum it up, I have no intentions of going back to my level 27 Cleric anymore. The account is still active, but I just don't want to.


I think if I were ever to move to the US servers it'd be for the more servers to choose from (it'd be nice to have a bzillion chars... all lvl 5 knowing me) and for the roleplaying.

I'm not a die hard roleplayer... but I'd like to give it a chance :) It's damned hard to get into character on Excal or pryd because noone else is trying.

I won't be moving due to patches, well not unless they really start cocking stuff up.

However I can't be bothered moving yet :) so... on with the show.

Edit: Mibbe I'll brush up my german and visit Avalon or whatever :D



Thats zerg alright


lol, that the american server or the <lurikeen invasion>?


Originally posted by Galatea
lol, that the american server or the <lurikeen invasion>?

The US server ... I see at least one guild emblem.


Originally posted by fingoniel

Well if you have 40 or so kobolds and 40 or so luri's it's not too bad...

I'd hate to be on Gawaine.... 1400 Keen's, almost none of them observing the RP stuff...

They've taken over the battlegrounds already.

I've already got my luri champ - couldn't you lot have started this a month ago ;)

If anyone speaking french/english reads about a Kobold Insurrection (or something similar) on the french boards gimme a yell and I'll try and join :)

It is, 40 luris and kobolds is no fun give up. If u wanna start your guild sure but dont take LI members.


hi keens,

am a french player on orcanie/albion named Nidabeil, so scuse me if my english is not so good than your :)

Some of french people in daoc are coming from others mmorpg ( AC for me ), and some of their speak a little english

So after looking at the boards, the first think who's coming was the idee that orcanie could become a new Prydween, with a general domination by an only realm.

But the rp of your guild had disband this idee to see the comic of the situation ;)

So, although am on an other realm than your, I wish you the welcome of french players on Orcanie :D

old.Gombur Glodson

why not do the kobold thing on a german server?? that way we could all join in


The idea is the Kobolds are fighting the Keens ...

Have to see if the Keens start dominating too much :)


Originally posted by warriorgirl

Mightykeen girl virago. Super swordslady wot trained in spears cos I did not know what 'lame' meant.


lame > sword ;)


Lurikeens look so cute in that picture, but that is insane :D


Originally posted by kookiri
hi keens,
So, although am on an other realm than your, I wish you the welcome of french players on Orcanie :D

Thank you kookiri :)


Originally posted by kookiri
But the rp of your guild had disband this idee to see the comic of the situation ;)
Hehe... will take a while before RPs grow :D


Originally posted by SFXman

Hehe... will take a while before RPs grow :D

RP on Albion does not exist if I can reassure you ;)

but I am very impatient to see you in rvr

see ya luri's


Probably looks great when a few hundred luris run at you.

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