The Election - Anybody really give a rats ass?



Someguy will u just :upyours: now. Nobody cares if your not interested.


My point being Britain did have a say in the matter

I didn't put it very well, but I was trying to say that it wasn't Britains idea to create a Pakistani state. They did support partition, and agreed entry to the commonwealth. I think you're right when you say the unrest would have happened anyway.

The idea of a separate, muslim, state was brought up in 1930 by Allama Iqbal. The name 'Pakistan' (Pure Land) was suggested 3 years later.

Ghandi commented, after Indian independance, that sovereignty was only possible because India was governed by Great Britain (i.e any other country wouldn't have entertained the idea).

In fact, most colonies gained independance from Great Britain through negotiation (those dam' Yankees being the exception ;) ) albeit after some civil unrest. Hardly suggests a tyrannical empire.


Ok I defend myself by saying bollox, I couldn't give a rats ass what any of you say about my "opinion" because it is only that. If you think that I didn't think my arguement through before posting then you'd be right because I didn't.
As I said at the beginning of my post I only want to live a happy life and retire into cordless bungee jumping so that I never have to experience the race of getting to the toilet on time.
I really couldn't give a shit about what you think of me, the fact is I'm happy, and as long as Labour don't do anything stupid (but I'm not allowed to say that as I didn't vote) I should remain happy for some time to come.
Oh and rostam I'm not xenophobic at all I just don't like the French for reasons that I cannot remember, I actually don't mind the Spanish at all and can't remember for the life of me why I put that. Maybe I was still suffering from my recent concussion.
I don't claim to be the most intelligent person or think it like some of you do, but I was expressing my opinion like I said.
It seems to me that you were trying to take away my right to an opinion, whether it had any thought behind it or not, and to me that seems a little childish.
To my good friend Stazbumpa, thank you for intelligent version of my post, but did you have to make it so bloody long, it was almost as long as you view on the America VS Europe debate.
Say what you want about me after this but I will take comfort in the fact that I don't care.


For someone who doesn't care you certainly just did a long post :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Embattle
For someone who doesn't care you certainly just did a long post :rolleyes:

ok then I don't care starting!


Originally posted by SoWat

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me ;)

Yup, can't argue with that one.
Although there is a fucking gorgeous french girl that lives near me :)

Interesting point about Israel/Palestine made earlier that the trouble stems from Israeli incursion into agreed Palestinian territory. Very true, forgot about that one.

BTW Rostam, cheque or postal order m8?


Originally posted by Embattle

Even if you vote you twat it still doesn't mean your opinions count.

I said the parties weren't worth my vote or the 10 mins it would of taken to vote. My opinions do count...just not at a government level then again they are wondering why so many people didn't vote so maybe my opinions by not voting count more than people who did vote.

Please try harder when you criticize me, or at least come up with something which isn't an old classic saying of people who don't vote :rolleyes:

Previously posted by =DI=Penry
You sound a bit messed up !

I'll correct myself - you ARE messed up!



I've been eligible to vote, in general elections, since 1979. I have always exercised my right to vote. There are many reasons for this, but mostly it's because we are lucky in this country simply because we can vote (lots of countries don't give their citizens that basic right).

Generally speaking, people who don't vote are throwing away the opportunity to make a difference. This election was a little different, in that the turnout was so low, the politicians have realised that none of the policies on offer inspire the public. I'd bet that the next election will contain some pretty radical stuff in the party manifestos'.

TV pundits are claiming that the huge non-vote was itself a vote for change. This may be true (I hope so), but I suspect it was more to do with the fact that most people just couldn't be bothered. Reading here that some people would rather play an online game than vote, is pretty depressing. Even so, it's a persons right to vote, or not vote, as they see fit (so, although Embattle is acting the twat, it's his leave him alone!).

Australia has compulsory voting attendance (you have to turn up, you don't have to actually vote if you don't want to). I think this should be introduced here. If the politicians know the vast majority of people are going to vote, they'll try their damndest to get those votes for their party, instead of relying on voter apathy to shoe them in.


Hay ignus
I can't be bothered to go back through my posts but I'm pretty certain I said something along th elines of "not voting in itself is excersizing a right and in it self it is also expressing an opinion, whether apathy or a boycott." or at least I meant to say it.
I actually never said if you dont vote you have no opinion, as I not only don't belive that but it would have been a bit hypocritical since I didn't vote. So next time you through abuse my way do it for the right reason.
So next time find out who said what before abusing some one.
Mind you since you don't care , there isn't much point to this.

And So Wat, you are right most got independence without war, but the fact of the matter is the brits did pillage resources of those countries for as long as they could before bowing to pressure. The indians were treated like 2nd class citizens and the africans like animals. The french and the germans actually gave something back to their colonies even if for selfish reason, roads, rail roads, building and even schoolling. I have seen the evidence of this in trips to Africa, and talking to people who tried for years to get independence. I don't know too much about india, but my guess is the reason for a different approach was that they had to actually deal with a form of governing body in india who werre powerfull, but in African countries there were no such orgonized form of government so it was a lot easier to do what ever they wanted without thought for consequense.
Anwyay as I said before these were just exchanges of opinion.

And stazbumpa I will take money order in EURO's please. :)


Originally posted by Rostam
Hay ignus
I can't be bothered to go back through my posts but I'm pretty certain I said something along th elines of "not voting in itself is excersizing a right and in it self it is also expressing an opinion, whether apathy or a boycott." or at least I meant to say it.
I actually never said if you dont vote you have no opinion, as I not only don't belive that but it would have been a bit hypocritical since I didn't vote. So next time you through abuse my way do it for the right reason.
So next time find out who said what before abusing some one.
Mind you since you don't care , there isn't much point to this.

Yup I don't care.

But I feel I do have to say sorry as my abuse towards you was because I didn't know you were English and I don't like to hear foreigners start badmouthing my country whether it be true or not. As an English person I don't mind what you say about your own country.
My comment about not voting means not letting me have an opinion was directed at Ch3tan because as most people know by now, I do not like him as he is an arse! :upyours: to Ch3tan


I did vote and yes, it was my first general election. I voted Liberal Democrat because I have a generally liberal outlook. And they were the only ones who mentioned abolishing tuition fees.

Wish I'd voted Labour now because it might have stopped our local Tory MP getting in. Woohoo.

In answer to the original question: It's pretty obvious by the responses in this thread that a lot of people DO give a rats ass.


Originally posted by Rostam

And stazbumpa I will take money order in EURO's please. :)


I haven't got any Euro's and I never will have.

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