The Election - Anybody really give a rats ass?



Originally posted by Custy
just my personal opinion but people who vote shouldn't get any rights :D

That mean I don't have to pay taxs too.

The rights I want may not be the same as the winning party...matters not if I vote in such a case.

When your old enough to vote then you have a right to comment on people who do and don't. As I said the first election you can vote in gives you a great feeling of power but the second has the shine wiped off.


Ooh... pat-ron-is-ing.




I didn't vote, primarily because I don't agree 100% in all policies of any party. If you haven't got 100% faith, why should you make a false vote?

Plus I couldn't be arsed to put me shoes on to go down and sign a cross on a piece of papiér :D


TUG, mate nobody's ever going to have '100% faith' in the policies of ANY party. Doesn't mean all votes are false votes.

I voted for the party I think will serve my area the best. I voted for the party I think will serve this country the best.

(Cue music...)

And I'm proud to think that my voice is one of many hundreds of thousands that has been heard.

(Build music...)

Hundreds of thousands of Britons who believe that the future of this nation lies, not with the politicians, but with each and every one of us. We all have a voice. We all have a vision...

(Steady, steady...)

And with steadfast voting and determination we will all see that vision become... a reality. A reality for all.

(Increase volume... brass kicks in...)

We will build a better Britain for ourselves. For our children. And for our children's children. That they may look back upon us; that they will hear our voices and say 'thank you.'

(Music builds to crescendo...)

Thank you for making the Britain of the future... the Britain of today.

(Music climaxes. Kettle drums go nuts. Crowd goes wild...)



Unless you start your own political party, you will never agree 100% with any party. You just have to vote for the one that is most compatible with your needs.

Actually, I could picture you as leader of a party! :D

Tug: Now hear this, my party will enforce a new law that EVERYONE must <censored> a 15 year old schoolgirl!



Absolutely. Education should be at the top of everyone's agenda.



Shit, i meant to put People who don't vote shouldn't have any rights. Sorry if this is confusing.

Well ok, I wasn't going to write this before because i couldn't be arsed but if you think back a couple of decades you will remember some woman who threw herself infront of a horse to get the kings attention, she died 4 days later from her injuries. That changed this country and now women get the vote. She died to give other women the vote. Ok you not a woman (not that i know of) but I doubt anyone would give their life to get people the vote, then a couple of decades down the line we are only getting just over 50% of the electorate voting. Fine, if you don't want to vote then don't bother, but saying,

"Some parties say we would need to pay more tax to fund better Not only did the government make a big surplus recently but in the last 20 years it has very few public sector companies to fund. Perhaps they should manage the money they get better instead of wasting it on bus lanes down the M4." incredible. If you don't like any of their policies then make your own party :D (j/k)


ahh forget it, i ain't going to argue my opinions. Hope there arn't any negetive feelings. :cool:


I didn't vote, I never have and never will. I don't care who won or who will win in the future, all I care about is that a lead a life that is reasonable and fun. Worrying about polotics is not my idea of fun.
But having said that I do have an opionion. But according to some of you my opinion doesn't count as I didn't vote, but if I remember correctly everybody has the right to have an opinion, and opinion isn't a weapon that would cause pain to anyone so why the fuss. My opinion is that we be part of europe but not ruled by Europe (The French) and I know that sounds familiar but it's 1am and I'm not feeling original.
My opinion on Rostam: you are a dick. Shut the fuck up will you. Where the fuck are you from and did you learn your British history from an American school or something. Where would places like India and Australia be without the British? I'll tell you where, ruled by the bloody french or Spanish then where would they be huh?
Anyway I think they should bring Winston Churchil back from the dead and give him the country back.


I have one more negative feeling...


There it goes.


Originally posted by Custy
but saying,

"Some parties say we would need to pay more tax to fund better Not only did the government make a big surplus recently but in the last 20 years it has very few public sector companies to fund. Perhaps they should manage the money they get better instead of wasting it on bus lanes down the M4." incredible.


Its nothing personal crusty but you really have to be able to vote and also have a little understanding of the old public sector to understand some of the above comment.

Any way crusty Your mumma is a snowblower :p



Right, firstly i am 4 months from being 18, I doubt that much time makes my understanding of politics inferior to someone who is 18.

Secondly I have 2 Business Studies exams next week so I would say I have much superior knowledge on public and private sectors than someone my age who isn't doing business studies. So I’m not going to leave it upto the "grown-ups".

Thirdly, education is probably one of the most important subjects in any election manifesto, since i am still a student, I still have things to say and again, will not leave it upto the "grown ups". Ok, i am not saying i should be able to vote (although 4 months is taking the piss) but I can still have my say.

It's 3am and i am still hangover from last weekend so i am off to bed in a min, but if you want me to explain

"Some parties say we would need to pay more tax to fund better Not only did the government make a big surplus recently but in the last 20 years it has very few public sector companies to fund. Perhaps they should manage the money they get better instead of wasting it on bus lanes down the M4."

The public sectors are companies owned and funded by the state. The privatization of most of these companies (Railtrack etc) meant that they had to generate their own capital meaning they don't take money from the taxpayer. This means that good ol' Tony has a lot more money to spend on services. He ended up spending a lot of this extra cash on things that most people would say wasn't the most beneficial to the public interest i.e "bus lanes down the M4", and therefore could be seen to be wasting this extra money.

Sorry about that, it just pisses me off when people try to patronize others knowledge on the grounds of age. So :upyours:

"Its nothing personal crusty but you really have to be able to vote and also have a little understanding of the old public sector to understand some of the above comment."

This wasn't the point, I meant if you don't like what Labour are doing with the extra money, then vote them out.

And yes, my mum is a snowblower :)

(the names Custy not Crusty :) blame MysticG


Originally posted by Custy
Sorry about that, it just pisses me off when people try to patronize others knowledge on the grounds of age. So :upyours:

I patronize you because you seem to quote me then not say much and who said any thing about 18 year olds?

Nice to see that you do know something about the public sector....guess education wasn't wasted on you ;)


Originally posted by ignus

My opinion on Rostam: you are a dick. Shut the fuck up will you. Where the fuck are you from and did you learn your British history from an American school or something. Where would places like India and Australia be without the British? I'll tell you where, ruled by the bloody french or Spanish then where would they be huh?
Anyway I think they should bring Winston Churchil back from the dead and give him the country back.


Nice to see my opinion warrents such an educated and intelligent response.
And ofcourse you proved my point you xenophobic twat.

Where I an from or where I was educated is irrelevent however I just happen to be english and my education was in good old england. But I have a slightly more open mind than you and my reading isn't confined to the tabloid papers only.
Now would like to know my skin ,hair and eye colours as well. Shoe size perhaps.

Your comments about the alternative being that india and Australia would have been ruled by the french,.. what can I say little knowlege combined with little inteligence is dangerous and thank god you don't vote.

I like the way you go on about having a an opinion and an opinion not being a weapon and it shouldn't hurt.
hmm I also like the personal atack. Consistancy not your strong point is it? But then I shouldn't be suprised that comming from a moron like you.


Originally posted by Custy
Secondly I have 2 Business Studies exams next week so I would say I have much superior knowledge on public and private sectors than someone my age who isn't doing business studies. So I’m not going to leave it upto the "grown-ups".

Good man, im doing Business studies to:)


heheh, sorry about that, I can't remember typing half of that :), it was late. :sleeping:


Originally posted by ignus
I didn't vote, I never have and never will. I don't care who won or who will win in the future, all I care about is that a lead a life that is reasonable and fun. Worrying about polotics is not my idea of fun.
But having said that I do have an opionion. But according to some of you my opinion doesn't count as I didn't vote, but if I remember correctly everybody has the right to have an opinion, and opinion isn't a weapon that would cause pain to anyone so why the fuss. My opinion is that we be part of europe but not ruled by Europe (The French) and I know that sounds familiar but it's 1am and I'm not feeling original.
My opinion on Rostam: you are a dick. Shut the fuck up will you. Where the fuck are you from and did you learn your British history from an American school or something. Where would places like India and Australia be without the British? I'll tell you where, ruled by the bloody french or Spanish then where would they be huh?
Anyway I think they should bring Winston Churchil back from the dead and give him the country back.
Fucking hell you didn't vote? Whats wrong no BNP candidate in your town?

Why do you think that most ex colonies fought for their independence? Britqain was basically using the people of thoose countries as second rate citizens and soldiers, you can fuck off with your i'm british and I ruled an empire view right now.

Look at the trouble Britain causes when it decids to give away countries to other races that dont belong to it, just cause it feels its grip on slavery diminishing. Look at Palastine/Isreal, look at India/Pakistan. I dont care if the French and PSanish would have done the same, the British where the worst, they continued years after thoose countries stopped. Look at Australi, it was a glorified penal colony where Britain sent all its trash.

You really have no idea do you? Maybe it lies from the fact that u place your culutural heritage in a country that has no real culture, if you are grasping for the ideaologies of the early 20th century you are ptitied by many a person.

Hmm having said all that I would like to add that in Croydon where I live there is a big problem with asylum seekers and friction with the local community, however the tories here did not makt much of an issue of it.


Originally posted by Ch3tan
Fucking hell you didn't vote? Whats wrong no BNP candidate in your town?

Why do you think that most ex colonies fought for their independence? Britqain was basically using the people of thoose countries as second rate citizens and soldiers, you can fuck off with your i'm british and I ruled an empire view right now.

Look at the trouble Britain causes when it decids to give away countries to other races that dont belong to it, just cause it feels its grip on slavery diminishing. Look at Palastine/Isreal, look at India/Pakistan. I dont care if the French and PSanish would have done the same, the British where the worst, they continued years after thoose countries stopped. Look at Australi, it was a glorified penal colony where Britain sent all its trash.

You really have no idea do you? Maybe it lies from the fact that u place your culutural heritage in a country that has no real culture, if you are grasping for the ideaologies of the early 20th century you are ptitied by many a person.

Hmm having said all that I would like to add that in Croydon where I live there is a big problem with asylum seekers and friction with the local community, however the tories here did not makt much of an issue of it.

Ch3tan your seem to be dropping to his level by making sweeping statements which are based slightly on fact.


Er, Pakistan was nothing to do with the British, it was a demand made by Indian muslims at the time of Independance.

As for the rest of ch3tan's post...Dear me, I had no idea the education system had failed so miserably (or the breweries had succeeded so spectacularly).


Even if I was old enough to vote I wouldn't do it
Cause its shite


Hmm. Seem to be going round in circles here.



Dear Ch3tan,

Whilst my loud colleage ignus has somewhat put his foot in it, you have managed to compound the error.

Britain was doing what was deemed as OK at the time, just as France, Germany and the rest where doing. Not nice, agreed, but it was seen as the way things were. Any views on it now, although worth merit, are based on a modern, evolved mind set.

With regard to India, it was originally sorted by the India Company, and then by the state proper. The trick was to keep the Raj's in the opulence they were accustomed to and they in turn kept the local population in line.
A case of I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine.
Also when the British left India, there was a little event known as the Night of the Long Knives, ever heard of it?

As for slavery, how far back are you going with this? Slavery has been around since year dot. Entire families in some parts of the world are tied into slavery because of a debt that a great great grandfather ran up with the local heavy. The Europeans did'nt invent slavery, although they made it very profitable.

Australia. Yup, we sent all the shit that we didn't want out there. Interesting point though is that it was still apparantly legal to shoot an Aboriginal for sport in 1920's Australia, and I believe they had gained their independance by then. Many Australians think highly of Britain, and see Britain as the main reason for that country's success. I know this coz I've been there and met them.

Lets see, what else......

Oh yes, we didn't carry on long after the others stopped. Remember the nuclear tests by the French in FRENCH Polynesia?
Wasn't a million years ago was it?

Palestine/Israel. Tricky; Jewish peeps and Muslim peeps have had a long history of hating each other. I thinks its largely a case of 3 major religions all being based within shouting distance of each other, and that can only cause problems.

As for the whole British Culture thing, you have half a point. It is very difficult to actually ascertain what British culture is. But culture is objective anyway. For you to say that Britian has no real culture is a bad case of muppetry on your part.
British culture is what Britain is: a multi racial society. White British people have absorbed a mass of different ways of living from the different ethnicities and vice versa, so what you have is a huge melting pot of different lifestyles, and its not a case of choosing one to follow, but rather adopting different parts of some, all or none.

The ability to follow your nose and do what sits best with you is basically what British culture is all about.

The only downer with multi culturalism is that some morons take advantage of it and skip their own country for a life on benefits over here. Don't see many peeps legging it from Britain to <insert country here> for an easy time do you?

Europe: With it, not run by it. It was originally supposed to be a trading club for nations when it first started, but its true colours have been recognised for some time now. To get all members nations to sign up to a single currency is A: ludicrous and B: a prelude to Federalism. The ludicrous bit is based on the fact that members nations all have to get their economies running at roughly the same level. This has never happened in history, and is never likely to happen.
The Federalism part is basically the idea of a load of un-elected people based in Belgium who get to dictate policy to other countries. Not good in the 21st Century.

My final rant is on the election. Blair won by a landslide. He will now see that as a mandate to do whatever he likes because the "people of Britain have spoken".
About 4 in 10 people did not vote. That means that although Labour has a huge majority in the Commons, the actual on paper support of Tony Blair and his ideas is less than 25% of Britain's population.

Sound right to you?

(fuck me that was a long post, 5 quid sez u lot can't be arsed to read it all)


Talks too much!

Says so, right there. A very well put argument, though.

+++ THREAD TERMINATED (Optional) +++


Thanks for the post stazbumpa.
I read it, you owe me a fiver.:D

The palestine Israel isn't just about 3 religions in one pot though. Current problem stems from the fact that imediately after the formation of Israel, a rapid expansion/invasion into a now neighbouring palestine took place, and over the course of time even more expansion and aggressive settling. But that is a whole different issue.

As for the assylum seakers issue, I belive there is an issue, I just don't belive that it is an issue to run a campagin on as it promotes a certain prejudice. Now I might be wrong and that is not what happend but that is the impression I got browsing through newspapers and the intenet.

I enjoy finding out what peoples opinions are about what ever issues on these forums, and try not to patronizing or be a cunt when giving my opinions. so if I have insulted anyone UNINTENTIALLY I appologise. Ignus you can still eat shit.

I guess we sort of found out if people do care or cant be arsed about the election in this thread.

P.S SO WAT here is a quote for you as to wheather the brits had any hand in pakistan independence.
"The muslim league supported Britain in the Second World War while the Hindu nationalist leaders, Nehru and Gandhi, refused. In return for the league's support of Britain, they expected British backing for Muslim autonomy. Britain agreed to the formation of Pakistan as a separate dominion within the Commonwealth in Aug. 1947."
My point being Britain did have a say in the matter, it was an inavitable decsion in my opinion anyway. As civil unrerst would have happend one way or another.

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