The Election - Anybody really give a rats ass?




I had maybe an hour to spare today at most but didn't vote this year even though I did last year.

The UK has really shit labour laws and seeing as most of us can be considered little people we tend to get pushed around. An example is the fact we have less public holidays (btw its not a legal right to have Bank Holiday off) and in general have less holidays overall and we also generally work longer than any other part of europe. Getting money is great being able to enjoy it is something entirely different.

While various things are improving like the NHS, I still know of too many stories that put it in a bad light (Like that guy who got injected in the wrong place and is now dead). One of the primary things you want in life is to live it to the max(Sort of)....not be in pain waiting for operations.

I think its just the general BS of politics that annoys many people....sometimes you just want to tell them to shut the fuck up and stop lying. Generally you feel insulted by such BS.

Some parties say we would need to pay more tax to fund better Not only did the government make a big surplus recently but in the last 20 years it has very few public sector companies to fund. Perhaps they should manage the money they get better instead of wasting it on bus lanes down the M4.

"We believe the internet is the future"
"Can I vote via the internet?"


hmm..well i woke up at 9pm, so i had to choose between get a shower, drive into town and vote..or admin a bwcsl match. having slept through the first 2 i though i'd best chose the latter :)


Hmm the polls were open till 10pm, I cant stand people that dont vote.

Embattle you arte typical of what I mean, you did not vote yet have plenty to moan about. Why not take half an hour out of your day and go cross a box? Choose teh party that has the least view you disagree with, simply make some kind of say, if you dont the simply stfu moaning about the parties in power.


Since this is most probably your first time voting its a big thing for you, as it was for me when I first voted. The second time round its not so impressive and you realise that nothing will truely change for you no matter who wins.

The leaders may change but the lies stay the same.

The turnout could be as low as 58% and besides what the parties bicker about, normally blaming each other, this was always going to happen.

None of parties are deserve of my vote.

I got home at 9pm and decided to have a bath then eat my dinner.


me couldnt vote.

ill be 21/22 when i can tho:sleeping:


I would have thought a low turn out is a statment as well.
I was in no position to vote, so I didn't and probably wouldn't have anyway. Too cynical and hypocritical probably.
But I hate campagins based on vote for us and we will decrease tax. It's BS. And I wasn't aware NHS has improved that much under labour anyway. Makes a mockery of I think it was around £10 billion surplus.
Lib dem at least say they will increase tax and spend it on public services at least sounds honest, but then again it will be interesting to see if they would have said that if they were in serious contention.

Anyway I belive they should legalise prostitution.


Biggest problem for me is that my local council, Lib Dem for Eons are quite good and I want them to stay there but a Lib Dem government won't be so good. Because the governent is decided on seat by seat numbers I couldn't vote as I wanted, Lib Dem council and Lab government :/

The Lib Dems want proportional representation and I'm all for that because it's fairer but we should have two seperate votes. local council and government.


Embattle - you didn't bother to vote - then you state your oppinions as if you still count ? - weird - (and pointless - you've already said your opinions no longer count)

A vote isn't just FOR the MP you want - Its can also be AGAINST any you dont. So it looks like you agree with all of em !. do you really want to Keep the pound, AND get the Euro?. Support Fox hunting whilst banning it?. Legalise Cannabis whilst increasing the prison sentence for possesing it? Promote womens freedom of choice, whilst banning abortion? - You sound a bit messed up !

The turnout was lowest its been since before women got the right to vote ! If everyone who didn't bother had gone and voted for the most unlikely candidate in their erea - things would be looking alot different this morning ! But after all the bitching they did in the run up - what dya expect.

I can think of one person who gives a rats arse ! - Its William Hagues Mum! Anyone else who doesn't - can shut up for the next 5 years !


You could have all registered to vote by post and sent it off a long time ago. Its just lazyness and no doubt your all going to have a good moan at the outcome when u made no addition to it.

Embattle, its my first general election, but i always vote in the local ones.


Seems likely that one of the major reasons for the poor turnout is that due to press and media bias everyone believed that Labour were going to get in anyway, regardless of whether one individual voted one way or another.

And now Hague's crying like a girl.

All good fun. :sleeping:

old.norin radd

Always seem to think that 1 party are as bad as the other.

They will say whatever it takes to swing votes their way. If they do get into power, they will then claim that their politics were misunderstood and misconstrued.

What they should do is create a kind of contract as to what the parties have claimed to be able to deliver and a timeframe to deliver them in.

If they do not meet up to their claim - kick them out.

And yes - I did vote.


Yes I did Vote.

Women died for my right to vote, so I'm gonna make sure I exercise that right.


Originally posted by SomeGuy

And now Hague's crying like a girl.

That's rather uncharitable. He knew he didn't have a chance but he still went out there and did all the campaigning rather than staying at home feeling sorry for himself, even though he knew the party would be a bunch of ungrateful bastards and he'd have to resign.

The only decent politician the Tories have left now he's gone imo is Ken Clarke but he's too europhile for my taste.

Labour will just take this as a sign that their demolition of our democratic processes is not being noticed by the public and they can carry on.

Don't get me wrong I'm not a natural Tory but someone needs to reverse the changes Labour are making before we end up with a ballot paper where only one party is allowed :)


I feel I have to admit that I did vote, what happened to that vote I neither know or personally care because it was obvious Labour would get re-elected. Ah well, try again in 5 years time I guess.


Seems likely that one of the major reasons for the poor turnout is that due to press and media bias everyone believed that Labour were going to get in anyway, regardless of whether one individual voted one way or another.

Tru Tru, also

Did ppl voting feel it was a vote for the MP who they thought was doing a good job, or the party as a whole. i.e. National vote rather than local one.

Mutiny -

Perceived lack of distinction between parties policies
(Europe not included, do the majority of ppl really care about Europe today)

I didnt vote, I work far from home so by the time I get back its 10:30pm. Only occurred to me last night that I coulda posted it in.(Lazy yes)

I've no idea who the local MP's are or whether they're doing a good job or not.

Is that my fault? Well.....if the only time I ever see my MP is a leaflet through my door every 4 years or the fact I get home so late I dont know what is happening beyond the nice crescent I stay in (/me shrugs)


The conservatives were doomed to failure and Hagues job would have had to have been to find a way to move them forward. He didn't.
Chosing to fight the election with stuff like lowering the tax, is a carppy votes wining gimmic. The whole assylum thing is also BS, it feeds on and off the whole xenophic sentiment. There are a lot of other problems in Engand, assylum seekers are not the biggest problem. Strange that the whole thing came about after the Afghan aircroft hijacking. Jumping on the band wagon me thinks. I'm sure people will correct me and say nope the move towards curbing assylum seakers started before that by labour as well.
Do they have the right to seek assylum in england, yes they do. England has played a large part in fucking up the world so they should shoulder some responsibility for it.

And nope I don't support labour either, they are just as bad.

Mind you I also don't like politics :)


Originally posted by Rostam
England has played a large part in fucking up the world so they should shoulder some responsibility for it.

How far do you want to go back ? Can we claim compensation from the Italian government over Roman atrocities ? :) Do us a favour and find out cos I'm sure I'm bound to have had some distant ancestors killed in the Collisseum or something :D


hehe funny.
I live in Rome, I didn't say I was Italian, and I'm returing to England next month.
I didn't say compensate, I said shoulder responsibility for it.
It's funny how most ex English colonies are in such a bad state.
And that is not going too far back.

As for compensation for the Roman attrocities in Collesum,
I asked Berlosconi and he says if you bring two proofs of ID and a verified fammily tree with the birth certificate of your ancester you will be entitled to compensation. Didn't say how much, he said they will deal with each claim separately, how ever it's a long waiting list to have your claim heard.

Anyway as I said I'm not into politics so I'll stop and wish you all a good weekend.


It's funny how most ex English colonies are in such a bad state

That's because they are ex colonies (though the USA, Australia/Singapore/Canada seem to be doing ok).


Thats probably cuz most your examples were settlement colonies, notice how they got rid of the original inhabitants, me points to native indians, and aborigonies( can't spell) so they didn't have to steal most the resources, they stole the country out. They lost USA anyway.


Heheh heh

This is still making me laugh days later.

Click on Click here to launch the stereo MPs near the bottom of the page.



Originally posted by =DI=Penry
Embattle - you didn't bother to vote - then you state your oppinions as if you still count ? - weird - (and pointless - you've already said your opinions no longer count)

Even if you vote you twat it still doesn't mean your opinions count.

I said the parties weren't worth my vote or the 10 mins it would of taken to vote. My opinions do count...just not at a government level then again they are wondering why so many people didn't vote so maybe my opinions by not voting count more than people who did vote.

Please try harder when you criticize me, or at least come up with something which isn't an old classic saying of people who don't vote :rolleyes:


just my personal opinion but people who don't vote shouldn't get any rights :D



What i mean is everyone should vote. I am not old enough yet but i know i will at next election. It is a matter of principle, i respect people more who vote Monster raveing looney party than people who don't vote at all.

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