The dps formula


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Hallgerdur said:
Nice , thanks alot, I did not knew dualist reflex added to main dmg haswell, it makes it a worthy ra indeed :) I will check it out better later tonight, it's realy complicated, the formula that is, will try to but it into a script or something :) make it useable for some ppl here, I think they will not whine that much then and etc. :)

the formula here is to bulky, thats why i tried to translate it back to the pieces VF started from :). If he had shown all formulas first and then shown the put to gether version, no one would have really complained as they would either find it just boring or understand it. Now its like wtf?
ow and DR doesnt really add to mainhand or offhand damage, but off course it does effect your damage as it determines how often you swing.

Vf's formula rests on capped damage total= [damage done when swinging both hands] * [chance on doing so] + [damage done when swinging mainhand only] *[1- chance on swinging both hands]
then she makes the damage total into per sec and works out what capped damage done would be. I was lil thrown off by the haste error she put in (which be better off being put together with calcing of speed instead of being put somewhere else).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
i had it split up in the previous thread in which i calculated a cs spec vs a cd spec, just put it all together and posted the entire formuala here :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Hallgerdur said:
Nice , thanks alot, I did not knew dualist reflex added to main dmg haswell, it makes it a worthy ra indeed :) I will check it out better later tonight, it's realy complicated, the formula that is, will try to but it into a script or something :) make it useable for some ppl here, I think they will not whine that much then and etc. :)

Im pretty sure it only adds to mainhand damage for Left-Axe. For CD/DW it doesnt do anything for mainhand-damage but it does increase total damage because you swing more often your offhand..


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
Ok.. can anyone explain how celerity/haste affect damage? My aug healer hit for certain dmg, no matter haste/celerity are on or off. Tryed that with 1h and 2h weapon.

Zerkers [with LA] report that with celerity on dmg output is much lower. Does that mean that

1) all haste buffs affect only those using DW and dont affect dmg when u use only 1 weapon
2) haste buffs affect style dmg while base dmg stays unchanged

Was trying to solve that for last few days :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
haste doesn't change unstyled damage, but does lower styled damage yes

but over time you will hit for more damage with haste

but the speed cap is 1.5 sec, if you're below that cap, you need to get slower weapons

i dont know the values of celerity but i wouldn't be surprised if the speed would go under the 1.5 sec cap, which is negating extra damage from slower weapons at the same (cap) speed


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
And people actually believed you were female once?

Hibbies smoke too much weed.

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