The BEST class in albion ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Ronin said:
Best class imo is a class you can do alot with, and if you get bored with it you can change style WITHOUT using respeccstone. And it should be a class that the group "miss" if they dont have it. A good class is a bla bla bla, that can aid his fellow bla bla bla. I said what class is BEST overall. In OTHER things then beeing a good cog weel in a fg. :D
A class that you can adapt to the type of group your playing, and make the grp better. Cant see how a cleric could be good for a stealtehr group, other then speccing full rejuvenation and be afk 24/7... fun to play =P

Well if you're going to be like *that*, I could ask what good a stealther group is for anything at all?

(You do rather limit your options to stealthers by saying the best class must be good in a stealther group - espeicially when many would question what, exactly, the point of a stealther group is in the first place ;) )

If you have to be able to change style without a respec stone - the only thing that springs to mind would be a reaver, on the grounds they can just about cope in a non-stealth solo/duo without a healer, and they can contribute in a fg as well.

Maybe a sorc on the same basis, at least until they run into a det class.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Scouts....hahahha ok no maybe not :p
( i love my scout but it certainly isnt the best char in alb, although it is my personal fave so far).

I think the Sorc has a lot going for it. Power regen, strong CC, pets, speed, debuffs, half decent nukes/dots. Two forms of AOE CC cant hurt either. All in all a very well rounded class.

Other than that i like Mercs just for sheer damage. Mincers also, but it seems to go without saying, even though i dont particularly enjoy playing mine anymore. Never really got into RvR with him, the scout is my "main" these days :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Arindra said:
Well if you're going to be like *that*, I could ask what good a stealther group is for anything at all?

(You do rather limit your options to stealthers by saying the best class must be good in a stealther group - espeicially when many would question what, exactly, the point of a stealther group is in the first place ;) )

If you have to be able to change style without a respec stone - the only thing that springs to mind would be a reaver, on the grounds they can just about cope in a non-stealth solo/duo without a healer, and they can contribute in a fg as well.

Maybe a sorc on the same basis, at least until they run into a det class.

Stealth groups are mainly used to take out other stelath groups if there are some out there pestering my realm mates. The REAL reason i see with stealth groups has never been implemented ingame so far. It might have but ive never seen it. I would like to see 2 FG´s out there fighting other 2-3 fgs.
1 group sould be a regular RvR grp, the other a stelah group and they work together as one. Stealth groups has mincer/scouts/infills. When theres a known area were the enemies run about the stealth group gets redy by positioning the chars. Or simply hide when they groups collide. If the Main group miss mezz and get mezzed first, the stealth group provide backup mezz.
When the fight is on the stealth grp scouts/infills interupt the healers. If its a hib group and a few MoCing Pbaoers wanna go wild, the scouts take em out. This is the basic "combo" of the grp/stealth group tactics.
Now we know some "guilds" out there run in 1,5-2 fg grps and can "count" how many albs there are before they actually see them. If they assume its only 1 fg around they will charge beeing in larger numbers and thinking they can win. BUT, when they get there they can forget any assisting spells when the fight starts due to the "hidden" grp. DOes this answer your question on how a stealth group should be used ?

(You do rather limit your options to stealthers by saying the best class must be good in a stealther group - espeicially when many would question what, exactly, the point of a stealther group is in the first place ;) )

To answer your question... I belive having a class that can play in stealther groups and be a essential member, AND play in a regular group and be a inportant member is a good start on beeing the BEST class. One can enjoy 2 RvR elements of the game, well 3 actually if you count solo RvR in as a element. If one gets tired of 1 of them, he can do the other. Cant realy see what other class in Albion can work as good in all 3 elements as the mincer.

If anyone is up on doing a "test" on my theory. Set up a regular RvR grp, and PM me ingame and ill have a stealth group ready.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Ronin said:
Had a discussion with a friend the other night, figured id bring it to the boards and see what average albs think.
Question: What is the BEST class in albion?
And why does it deserve to be the best.

Imo, even tho i dont have one (yet) its the Minstrel.
Reason why is...
A regular FG becomes alot better with a mincer cause of speed/mezz, remove mezz, SoS and absorb. Not to mention passives like heal/power while resting.
So its a key char for a good RvR grp imo.
Now for the "darker" side of RvR... Stealth groups.
As long as Albion have a mincer that can stealth we will ALWAYS have advantage over any stealther group from another realm. Same reasons as i mentioned in "regular" groups.
Now, can a mincer make it soloing ?
Yes, a mincer has no problem soloing. IP/purge/stun/purge/SoS/mezz can give the mincer safe escape if suprise attacked...
And thanks to stealth they can avoid fg´s running around.
Mincers are also easy to find grps with in PvE.
Oh right, they are fun to play. :D

Now my friends, anyone willing to offer me another char as the "Best" class in albion ?



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Ronin said:
1 group sould be a regular RvR grp, the other a stelah group and they work together as one. Stealth groups has mincer/scouts/infills.

It's an interesting idea, though in practice I suspect you'd do better by simply having the 8 stealth players and 8 non-stealth spread in a balanced way across 2fg.

That way you can get more effective healing/buffing/support on your stealthers, as well as your non-stealthers, but you still only have 8 players looking like 1fg visible to the opposition before you start.

Without proper support on all your players you are going to go down pretty fast in the stand up even numbers fight you describe, even if the opposition charged in thinking they had stronger numbers.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Ive seen alot of ungrouped stelathers jump in taking out support during big fights and make it out alive. I dont think they need it tbh. All stealth classes have bb´s mostly for buffs, the scouts/mincers IP. Overall stealthers have a nasty habbit of surviving =)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Ronin said:
Ive seen alot of ungrouped stelathers jump in taking out support during big fights and make it out alive. I dont think they need it tbh. All stealth classes have bb´s mostly for buffs, the scouts/mincers IP. Overall stealthers have a nasty habbit of surviving =)

This is true if the stealther group is adding to 1fg vs 1fg.

You seemed to be suggesting having 1fg stealthers add to 1fg vs 2 fg.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
I think that what someone said earlier about the person behind the class, is the person who makes the difference, hit the nail on the head.

If you're a good player, it's easily noticable, however tobe effective at your class, it does require time, and daoc is all about time.

Skill comes to a certain point, where time is no longer a prime factor, in acheiving maximum benefit from your char.

i.e 1 vs 1 in a duel, your both very low on hp, 1 is near death, just as one is about to die, they use IP, then win the duel.

So time is a major factor in how effective we are at our class, but it doesnt obviously change perceptions about how skilled someone is, just they are restricted to being as effective as others in certain situations.

skill is hard to define in daoc, just as it is in most rpgs,or even first person shooters the gun you use for certain situations, the spell you use, the class you play.

There is no best class, if the player behind that class is good, then this doesnt mean thats the best class, just that person is a better player than others at that same class, than those who would be if they played another.

Classes are better in certain situations, than they are in others, its upto the player to be as effetcive as they can be at that, and time will pay a factor to that as a result.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
in my opinion, Minstrels are the best and the worst class in the game.

You can do pretty much everything, yet you're crap at all of it.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
well kinda stupid saying best.. because there arn't a "best class in daoc"
but i'd say minstrel healer and druid are as perfected their classes can become.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
waok`whips said:
I think that what someone said earlier about the person behind the class, is the person who makes the difference, hit the nail on the head.

If you're a good player, it's easily noticable, however tobe effective at your class, it does require time, and daoc is all about time.

Skill comes to a certain point, where time is no longer a prime factor, in acheiving maximum benefit from your char.

i.e 1 vs 1 in a duel, your both very low on hp, 1 is near death, just as one is about to die, they use IP, then win the duel.

So time is a major factor in how effective we are at our class, but it doesnt obviously change perceptions about how skilled someone is, just they are restricted to being as effective as others in certain situations.

skill is hard to define in daoc, just as it is in most rpgs,or even first person shooters the gun you use for certain situations, the spell you use, the class you play.

There is no best class, if the player behind that class is good, then this doesnt mean thats the best class, just that person is a better player than others at that same class, than those who would be if they played another.

Classes are better in certain situations, than they are in others, its upto the player to be as effetcive as they can be at that, and time will pay a factor to that as a result.

A fine anwer m8, ill add a point to your rep on that one. :cheers:
You are 100% right.
All i have to say is that a good player should choose a class that requiers him to play in different areas. Not just dong 1 job all the time. But change elements if he gets bored on one.

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