Football The 2010/2011 Season Thread


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Between Chelski and Man Utd they have over half the Premier League's debt.

Absolutely disgraceful.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Not really disgraceful when you think about HOW they obtained the debt.

Man Utd was via the purchase. So if the debt of the club is disgraceful, then the debt that everyone has in regard to their house mortgage is disgraceful. Afteral the same principle was used in debt. And the debt is servicable.
Dont agree with us having the debt, but least it can be controlled.

Chelsea debt, probably could be wiped out in an instant as most of it be from moneybags himself.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Even for deluded half-wit scousers living on long-past glories, that is a new low. Shit club, shit fans, shit city. Fuck off.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Ripped from RoM....

In the aftermath of a flurry of Premier League managers being pulled up for daring to praise a referee prior to a game, what would happen if one took it upon themselves to give the FA bigwigs a bell and clarify the situation…

Manager: Hi, just after your help in clarifying what I am able to say about referees before games? Wouldn’t want to be getting into trouble, so what am I allowed to say and what am I not?

FA: You are not allowed to comment on the referee before a game.

Manager: So what if I’m asked in a press conference what I think about him? Do I just say ‘no comment’?

FA: No, because that would sound like you had negative feelings towards him. ‘No comment’ is a phrase often used to show disgust at a subject. It would be disrespecting the referee.

Manager: How about if I just remain silent if I’m asked?

FA: Hmm. It would depend on how you managed the silence and the length of it.

Manager: What do you mean?

FA: Well if the silence was unnecessary prolonged it could become humorous and as such disrespect the referee. If the silence was too short and you moved onto the next question quickly it could be construed that you were being dismissive of referees and their role in the game.

Manager: I don’t think I can pull that off, and I’m not allowed to praise him?

FA: That’s correct. You are not allowed to praise a referee before a game.

Manager: So when asked could I just say he was an average referee?

FA: No, our referees are anything but average having been selected to be part of an elite.

Manager: Ah right so I’ll simply say he’s part of an elite.

FA: No, that would be praise and as such could be seen as an effort to influence the referee.

Manager: How about if I say he’s just like all the referees as they’re all the same?

FA: That could be interpreted as a negative reaction to referees and stereotyping. All referees are not the same, they are individuals and should be respected as such.

Manager: I’ve got an idea. How about I just keep to facts? I could just say ‘Ah that referee gave us a penalty and sent a player off last time we had him’ or ‘He had a quiet game last time with us, no cards’. Then I’m not giving an opinion just facts everyone already knows.

FA: Absolutely not. You could be inferring the referee was too quick to make decisions or alternatively was apprehensive of making decisions. Either way you could be undermining some aspect of his refereeing.

Manager: I can see this is going to be difficult. I may just refuse to do any pre-match press conferences for fear of saying the wrong thing.

FA: You can’t do that. You must do pre-match press conferences.

Manager: Whilst I’m on the phone could I ask whether you’ve decided who the FA are going to support in the FIFA elections? How you’re getting on saving the grassroots game? Whether you’ve earmarked a successor for the national job rather than leaving it until the last minute?

FA: I’m afraid we haven’t got around to any of that yet. Far too busy.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Wolves with 0% debt, 3rd lowest wage bill, £9mil profit.

Only club to do so :D.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
yeah the whole "dont talk about refs is kinda stupid" the only way the FA to enforce it would be to ban journos / papers / news peeps who ask the questions about refs then they wouldnt have to answer any!


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Funny to see Liverpool fans grasping at straws. Poor bitter little nobodies :p

But if they want to join the joke teams that include the world war period trophies then they can, they are welcome to become a bigger joke and lead that pack!


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
:D.. dont wanna jinx a thing hah.

Aye dont jinx it. Is it wrong to want Wolves and Blackpool to both stay up ? Shame that means blackpool needing to beat Utd. Dont want that though. Bah. Sucky. lol


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Yup I totally agree Mega. If we take ourselves seriously for cleaning the shit up, we shoukld be looking at other candidates!

We could have nominated the bloke!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Aye dont jinx it. Is it wrong to want Wolves and Blackpool to both stay up ? Shame that means blackpool needing to beat Utd. Dont want that though. Bah. Sucky. lol

If Utd beat Blackpool by 1 goal and Spurs beat Birmingham by 3 or more then Birmingham go down instead (maybe even just 2), assuming Wigan lose too.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
If Utd beat Blackpool by 1 goal and Spurs beat Birmingham by 3 or more then Birmingham go down instead (maybe even just 2), assuming Wigan lose too.

It will be 2 cos blackpools goals scored are better


I am a FH squatter
Jun 18, 2005
They have WKD in America? Fuck yeah!!!

This is actually a good question? I'm not sure...if I can't find it Ill drink something similarly girly in his honour....I know they have smirnoff Ice I can have one of those practically the same thing!

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