Thanx to GOA



Originally posted by parisienscot
It is now almost midday on Friday and I'm mashing the refresh button at work with our super high speed connection - been doing it since I arrived this morning... and still nothing.

There is something wrong with that and I don't think GOA should be congratulated on this point at all!
Firstly, im not sure what planet your on, but its Thursday. Your life must be pretty dull if you cant even tell what day it is.

As for us being in the minority, bull plop, your just a bunch of selfish ingrates with little or no life. Theres a whole world out there and neither GOA or anyone else made you sit indoors watching a monitor spamming F8 all night.

They promised it, and eventaully we all got it on the day they said we would, they have even given us all a free days play.

Think you can do any better, apply for a job there or make your own version of the game that proves its all their fault.


Originally posted by i-scream
6. No information at all was given via the official website. The whole day long, there was some promise to keep informed everybody, but no, there was nothing at all.

LOL you mean you were actually able to load the main web page up?

I wasn't, probably due to 4000+ people spamming refresh on it trying to open it.

Hell, BW forums were offline due to people repeatidly trying to access them to whine, instead of going and relaxing and letting the process take place. I watched the final episodes of Stargate on Sky One, how many of you actually sat in front of your PC's demanding the patch via IRC, or countless forums?

In situations like that, GOA did the best thing they could:

They used #patchday on quakenet and kept everyone fully updated in there.

Excellent job on that guys.

The SI situation:

I do agree that a few days wait on the product going 'live' would relieve some of the pressure on the activation system, an extra 48 hours would mean people wouldn't be rushing to try and get it activated.

The server situation:

The patching process was delayed by Mythic not being able to send some NECESSARY files, which meant GOA could do bugger all about it.

Gabrial: nice choice of words. GOA also regularly release patches which go out on time and with minimal effect on the customers, it just happens that yesterdays, a BIG patching process, went wrong due to a delat that GOA couldn't help, and neither could Mythic. In fact, the only thing that might have been able to help was whatever diety people believe in.

At the end of the day, GOA did a great job under extreme pressure from its immature customer base. Things like this happen every day: traffic jams, train delays, server failure (both software and hardware), sick periods (you can't tell me you were never sick and unable to do something when someone else needed it, and if you can, I bet you're about 12 and haven't been in any situation where people rely on you to that extent), power cuts, WEATHER issues.

Live with it guys. Don't look at the fact that GOA were unable to stick to a PLANNED patching process, but look at the fact that they stuck with the thing until it was finished, no matter what happenned, and that they keep the vast majority of us informed through the next common medium that the community uses (IRC).

Once again, thanks GOA for sticking with it, and great job.

And next time, make sure Kemor_wantcola has his cola, and Kemor_coldpizza has warm, freshly cooked pizza, and Kemor_coffee gets as much coffee as he needs :)


In total agreement

Originally posted by VidX
In situations like that, GOA did the best thing they could:Once again, thanks GOA for sticking with it, and great job.

And next time, make sure Kemor_wantcola has his cola, and Kemor_coldpizza has warm, freshly cooked pizza, and Kemor_coffee gets as much coffee as he needs :)

Yup, couldn't agree more with the (somewhat contracted I know) tone of your post VidX.

Anyone who can get themselves so worked up over the fact they can't access SI the instant they get it has maybe got their life priorities a bit screwed.

Go do something else, if you can't log your reaver/necro/(insert whatever SI class here) to level 50 by the end of the weekend then tough shit ;)

This game is supposed to be about enjoyment, having fun, messing about with your mates, the way some people treat it makes me itch to send them to a shrink for a lecture on 'Things that are really vital to your life'


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
As promised, SI and the standard client were up and running on the day you promised.

OK it took a little longer than expected, but no ones perfect :)

Thanx for putting in the overtime you guys :clap: I went down the pub and had a nice pint while you got it ready, shame the other ppl here couldnt consider doing the same.

Do you want a tissue to wipe the shit off your nose?


Re: Re: Thanx to GOA

Originally posted by Danamyr

Do you want a tissue to wipe the shit off your nose?

Do you want some bread and butter to go with that chip on your shoulder?


Re: Re: Thanx to GOA

Originally posted by Danamyr

Do you want a tissue to wipe the shit off your nose?

Yet another jobless no-hoper with no real life or friends outside of a PC game. Seems to me way too many ppl sat for 12+ hours spamming F8 and the DAOC shortcut on their desktops.

As I said, think you can do better than the GOA team, apply for a job.

Originally posted by cadiva

Do you want some bread and butter to go with that chip on your shoulder?
Amen m8


Re: Re: Re: Thanx to GOA

Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD

Yet another jobless no-hoper with no real life or friends outside of a PC game. Seems to me way too many ppl sat for 12+ hours spamming F8 and the DAOC shortcut on their desktops.

As I said, think you can do better than the GOA team, apply for a job.

Amen m8

Actually you are wrong burn boy.

I earn a lot more than you ever will, and enjoy an extremely fulfilling career as a Forensic IT Analyst.

What wound me up is the fact that it took me from 5 pm to 11 pm to get the patch. And if that wasn't bad enough - I have to endure your utter shit in response to entirely reasonable rants.

Get a life yourself, and do not assume you know about people or their lives from what they post on here.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanx to GOA

Originally posted by Danamyr

Actually you are wrong burn boy.

I earn a lot more than you ever will, and enjoy an extremely fulfilling career as a Forensic IT Analyst.

What wound me up is the fact that it took me from 5 pm to 11 pm to get the patch. And if that wasn't bad enough - I have to endure your utter shit in response to entirely reasonable rants.

Get a life yourself, and do not assume you know about people or their lives from what they post on here.
OK, so your an overpaid underworked Victor Meldrew wannabe then, same thing. The fact you spent 6 hours trying it tells me you got way too much time on your hands, and being a PC g33k with it tells me your social life sux.

As for being a reasonable rant, there are degrees of ranting, and TBH i got sick of reading all the crap being flung at GOA who did their best to give you what you wanted. As promised, in spite it spilling into their time, you got SI on wednesday, and anyone who was here when the game began knows all too well the subs system is a little slow, but those ppl aint moaning, we just play the game as is till all the little school children have gone to bed and we can get in unhindered.

Perhaps in light of your opinion, GOA next time should say screw you all, you can bloody wait for the patches / updates, were off down the pub.

And doesnt "Forensic IT Analyst" sound like the dude who pulls old dead PCs apart? Or being an analyst you only think about it? (note this is a retoricle question)

You got wound up, fair enough, dont mean you gotta come here and bitch at others like that does it, damn PMT must really be bad for you.

Oh btw, its you who judged me, so take your own advice.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanx to GOA

Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
OK, so your an overpaid underworked Victor Meldrew wannabe then, same thing. The fact you spent 6 hours trying it tells me you got way too much time on your hands, and being a PC g33k with it tells me your social life sux.

As for being a reasonable rant, there are degrees of ranting, and TBH i got sick of reading all the crap being flung at GOA who did their best to give you what you wanted. As promised, in spite it spilling into their time, you got SI on wednesday, and anyone who was here when the game began knows all too well the subs system is a little slow, but those ppl aint moaning, we just play the game as is till all the little school children have gone to bed and we can get in unhindered.

Perhaps in light of your opinion, GOA next time should say screw you all, you can bloody wait for the patches / updates, were off down the pub.

I didn't spend that time in front of the PC - not on your nelly ;)

I went downstairs and watched the StarGate double episode, then Footballer's Wives, returning periodically, and at commercial breaks to attempt the patch again.

I am not overpaid - far from it, I'd say underpaid as I work for the Government and not a private company. I am most certainly not underworked either - you are welcome to visit my Computer Crime Dept any time you are in Wiltshire - there are simply not enough hours in the day.

Perhaps in light of my opinion, GOA should not announce a patch until they are 100% ready to implement it, and have the necessary infrastructure in place to cope with demand.

You got the Victor Meldrew comparison fairly accurate, except for one thing - I am far more grumpy than he ever was :D


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanx to GOA

Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD

Oh btw, its you who judged me, so take your own advice.

I didn't judge you in terms of your lifestyle though did I? That's the difference. You called me a jobless whatever - I simply posted I thought you were arse-licking.

So many unhappy people cannot be all wrong...


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanx to GOA

Originally posted by Danamyr

I didn't judge you in terms of your lifestyle though did I? That's the difference. You called me a jobless whatever - I simply posted I thought you were arse-licking.

So many unhappy people cannot be all wrong...
Lemme finish editing me post will ya, i had more b4 you replied :p

Isnt calling me an arse licker judging me, i only gave them a breather from the normal crap they get, 99% of which (like this) is unjustified.

As for so many ppl, well I think 90% of the flames are coming from pre-pubesant children, shame adults have to join in eh.

BTW, did you find the end of Star Gate annoying..... like who what where if why when etc? Next series soon I hope :)


PS, being a fellow governement employee, i take that bit back too :p


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
Firstly, im not sure what planet your on, but its Thursday.
:ROFLMAO: Classic!

P.S. Whoodoo, why did you (your Healer) have to /laugh at my poor Cabalist when he fell off the AMG in Odin's last week, it was not as if we weren't outnumbered 4:1 against your 2 FGs. :( D.S.


Originally posted by Aileanara

Would that be the hug that you get in the NEW patch :)

Yes, but it's in the old client too, so you can actually use the thing :D


My personal plan for last night:

Looked at GOA news, fired up IRC.
Got beer, got pizza, watched a cheesey movie and enjoyed it.
Looked at IRC again.
Got more beer
Played gamecube for an hour.
Saw servers come on-line.
Decided half the world and his grandmother would be trying to patch and register and so not to bother.
Went to bed.
Slept well, woke up refreshed.
Patched up, registered, and created a reaver at 7am.
Job done, no stress.
On the downside - 7:15am left for work.

Just take a step back all you whiners and get a life!


Originally posted by the_smurflord
My personal plan for last night:

Looked at GOA news, fired up IRC.
Got beer, got pizza, watched a cheesey movie and enjoyed it.
Looked at IRC again.
Got more beer
Played gamecube for an hour.
Saw servers come on-line.
Decided half the world and his grandmother would be trying to patch and register and so not to bother.
Went to bed.
Slept well, woke up refreshed.
Patched up, registered, and created a reaver at 7am.
Job done, no stress.
On the downside - 7:15am left for work.

Just take a step back all you whiners and get a life!

Well said... But if you had the game since yesterday morning you could have registered the expansion before the servers came up, before the rush of people hammering the registration page and could have played lastnight and have even more to gloat about today ;)


Winter Storm and CS
from Jeff Hickman
2003-02-16 19:47:56

Hello everyone! I wanted to give you all a quick heads-up on our current in-game support levels. There is a major snowstorm currently affecting the Fairfax, VA area, and in order to keep our CS staff safe we have decreased our staffing levels for the near future. We are taking care of in-game appeals as quickly as we can, though we are definately experiencing severe delays. We will keep you updated with any changes to this over the next couple of days.

We were supposed to receive the last files needed for the installation of Shrouded Isles on the production servers at the beginning of this week. These files are compiled and distributed by the Mythic's teams but, since the beginning of the week, a heavy snow storm is striking the area of Washington (where Mythic's office is located), preventing many members of their team to go to work and among them, the ones taking care of the patches. We did not receive some of the key elements yet and the launching process of Shrouded Isles is therefore delayed.

GOA are bullshitting us. They knew there was a storm going on but just went ahead anyway with their being a slim chance they get the files they need. :m00:


Originally posted by old.0xygen

GOA are bullshitting us. They knew there was a storm going on but just went ahead anyway with their being a slim chance they get the files they need. :m00:

I don't see what your point is. The storm has been effecting the east coast from the beginning off the week, stopping people getting to work. GOA said they were supposed to get files at the beginning of the week, but people couldn't get to work due to the storm.



Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD

Firstly, im not sure what planet your on, but its Thursday. Your life must be pretty dull if you cant even tell what day it is.

Woops!! OK OK it's Thursday, but it feels like Friday coz I have the day off tomorrow!

I was hoping to play a bit of SI on my day off - dunno if that's possible now.

And before you shout "sad git" it isn't an annual leave day - it's a day off I am obliged to take once a month so I'm not sacrificing my summer hols for daoc ;)

Ok maybe I am a little bit sad for mashing refresh button for two hours straight - but I was watching TV at the same time not just staring at my screen ;)


As I see it there are two separate issues here...

(1) Delays to patching yesterday - I think GOA did a great job getting the servers patched and running in the end yesterday so thumbs up there.

(2) Unable to Access the Subs page - OK so I've been having problems getting onto the page so I'm a bit sore about it. But in many ways I think GOA are 'lucky' they had delays outside of their control with patching which is diverting attention from this issue.

I'm not moaning, clicking that button has given me something to do at work all day... come home time I'll start moaning ;)


Originally posted by parisienscot

Ok maybe I am a little bit sad for mashing refresh button for two hours straight - but I was watching TV at the same time not just staring at my screen ;)

I wonder how many times you missed the login page come up while you weren't watching :p


I tried whole day long now, about 4 times an hour.
Until now, not once I saw the screen where I can activate my SI copy.
So there I am; I was not able to play whole day long yesterday, not the whole evening. And I'm still not able now, to register my SI copy.
Thx and gratz


i-scream, you are infact doing the exact method that should be the best.

If everyone was to only try it 4 times an hour, it would be easier.

Granted, you won't be able to jump the queue by trying to repeatidly access it, but the queue wil be alot shorter. It's like an airport, people rush off the plane, try to be the first in the queue to get their baggage, only to realise after they have got to the baggage collection area that it probably isn't even off the plane yet.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanx to GOA

Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
As for so many ppl, well I think 90% of the flames are coming from pre-pubesant children, shame adults have to join in eh.

BTW, did you find the end of Star Gate annoying..... like who what where if why when etc? Next series soon I hope :)

Yeah I know - I was just so utterly frustrated that's all :( Still, they got there in the end I suppose ;)

Star Gate was amazing...I really cannot wait for the new series. They sell the whole of Season 2 on DVD at Tescos, but to be honest I am lost completely as to which Season is which, and how many seasons there are in total...







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