Thane changes must be some kind of joke.



But really a very very bad joke from mythic, this changes will keep thanes the gimps they now are.

MCL as new ra? how this helps thanes at all?????

oh! they have adjusted the str/con buff! thx mythic! any buff bot will still give us better buffs.

More area effect in the Mjollnir spell! thx again! we very rare use that as we break mezzs.

Less power cost! we very doubtful lose all mana with a pom

More damage in the insta dd! now instead of doing 100 we will do 101 to a full capped ressists enemy.

Was expecting a LOT more than this useless changes imo.


Imo, before you start whining, wait and see how things work out
imo, thanes are now given a boost in the magic they have, wich is good, cuz they still ARE a hybrid, not just a tank with ability to pull with electricity :rolleyes:


some good changes imo nice fine tuning seems mythic are moving away from sledgehammer balancing

and 100 damage on an insta DD isn`t bad considering my theurg does roughly 250-350 on a 2.8 second cast and interuptable nuke so er stfu whining

i`m still praying for insta nukes for wizards :D


Hmm, if this is it, then it's just bs.

They said 'remake of SC', not 'improving the ability to break mess'.

Only we, the tormented fools who has lvl 49-50 Thanes knows that these changes are an improvement, but it's just a fake one. This was not what we needed. Who the HELL will group a thane?

'Geeee, he can dish out 10-20 more damage per spell, and he/she can break even larger mezzes. Let's bring this killing machine in NOW!'

The Thane is now formally STONEDEAD.

STFU Mythic. You should have deleted the class instead ffs.

Oh, and i wonder why an alb came in here and told us that the 'fixes' are fine. No surprise at all. You don't know SHIT about the Thane and how bad it is.
I could also add, why the hell did they think Mincers needed improvements? Seems it cant pass a patch without the whining Mincers gets love.

Also, where is the fu**ing inf-nerf!!!??


you`ll notice all 3 speed classes got the same "improvement" and skald got some new ones too

perhaps you should read the patch notes before flaming?


Originally posted by arawem
MCL as new ra? how this helps thanes at all?????

Read your TL Report. And the past 2394872093487 whines from Thanes. MCL has been at the top of the Thane shopping list for many months now. Or didn't you know?

Originally posted by arawem
More area effect in the Mjollnir spell! thx again! we very rare use that as we break mezzs.

Less power cost! we very doubtful lose all mana with a pom

More damage in the insta dd! now instead of doing 100 we will do 101 to a full capped ressists enemy.

You are the only tanks who can effectively participate in keep defenses & sieges. Be happy. No, it's not a 'all this stuff will be uber when zerging around emain' series of changes, but at least mythics is looking our way now. Hope for more stuff in the RA & style reviews too.


Well, ppl who still are hoping for Thane improvements are being fooled. They will always keep it subpar to ANY class. Why? I don't know, maybe because so many has one parked in the garage waiting for dry conditions.

They keep the Thanes lower than a lvl 43 Warrior and keeping Infs at the Supernova level. Wtf, Mythic, you guys suck, and you guys stink.


Originally posted by case-rigantis
you`ll notice all 3 speed classes got the same "improvement" and skald got some new ones too

perhaps you should read the patch notes before flaming?

I have read every single patchnote since i started playing the game in January last year (beta).

And in these patches i have read about one (1!) improvement for Skalds uptil this patch, but can say that Mincers have had at least 6 improvements since then.

So i may ask you the same, read all the patchnotes before you point the finger. I have, all of them.



The change has *JUST* been announced and you're whining already?

Zzzz. /dismiss


It's never to soon. Since we have to live with this crap for another year. Try one, you won't like it.

Mid - Kirinia

MCL - Will come in handy for keep defense/attack, thats about it. Sure I'm not complaining about having it, but it's really not much at the end of the day.

Increase in Mjollnir damage - 140 to 163 (I think). Again, might help a little bit in keep defense/attack, but that's it. Nobody uses Mjollnir in general RvR, and they still won't after the patch.

STR/CON buff - 75 str/con with 50 sc presumebly. Again, it helps, but it really just saves a shammy some conc. If a shammy is around, other classes gain more from the buffs while thanes only gain a little more. Considering thanes are on very low weapon skill/hp, it might have been better to make the self buff a wep skill/hp buff - a buff that would not increase str/con but just increase wep skill/hp (so stacking with shammy buff) enough to be a bit below par to a pure melee class.

PBAE damage and radius increase - Why? Have mythic played a thane? Radius increase from 250 to 300 means it is just more of a nuisance in general rvr. Thanes don't use this spell, period. Okay so the damage increase from 69 to 114 (I think) will help. Especially in pve and when solo in rvr, but then - thanes don't (and have never had) a problem in pve, and they really can't solo in rvr, so it's not of much use.

Power Reduction in spells - this is a fix, nothing more. Thanes used more power than other hybrids previously.

Thane's needed some attention. Instead of taking a good look at the class, Mythic have just increased their spell damage/radius/buffs. They have taken the easy, lazy, common approach of improving a class, but in this instance it helps very little.

Thanes needed something unique. Something to make them wanted in RvR, or atleast something that might let them win a fight without relying on the skin of their teeth. They have not been given this.

And as for all you people quoting the 'thanes are hybrids so don't expect to be uber' crap, well why aren't we on the hybrid hp and wep skill table?

There are very few thanes around as it is. You only have to look through a few signatures on BW accounts to notice that 90% of thanes have (retired) after their name. There is a reason for this, and Mythic have not helped the situation with this so called re-vamp of the sc line.


Sweet FA from Mythic to make me stop asking for grp at MPK for 20 mins before logging. Oooh but we got MCL...... gee thx


i like playing a thane cos i love the whole idea of electricity / lightening but they are very weak.

can't remember the guys name but a thane did some research on thanes a while back think it was Max Payne , he found out that when thanes got there str/con buff they were reduced to rogue hp/ dmg table

now this is stupid because champions were not lowered on the table and they got a str/con buff the same patch so why should thanes go down?


Originally posted by old.logun
i like playing a thane cos i love the whole idea of electricity / lightening but they are very weak.

can't remember the guys name but a thane did some research on thanes a while back think it was Max Payne , he found out that when thanes got there str/con buff they were reduced to rogue hp/ dmg table

now this is stupid because champions were not lowered on the table and they got a str/con buff the same patch so why should thanes go down?

:m00: trade that moo for a clue.


wondered why sorcs need an even more expensive lifetap. its not like its going to keep us alive :p


I like the changes. I'd like something else to make us attractive in RvR groups but we're even better in 1v1 now ;)


am i the only one who enjoy playing thane? :)

But i do agree,

MCL, wouldnt chose it if i was rr10 (especially when the powercost is lowered :rolleyes: ) and extended radius on the pbae? That will just make people hate us even more :p

Rest of the changes - its a good start, but compared to other realms, we still need some love :)


No matter what you all are saying in this post, I love my thane, I love playing it, and I plan to take her to 50.

MCL will help me, because I lose a lot of power in PVE.

Don't know about RVR (forgot to go to BG lol) but as for not finding a group, I have the same problem with my sm, and in fact I don't really care, then I go alone, the only thing that can happen to me is that I die, hopefully taking some with me :p

They say the same things about the berserker ; well you should start playing a healer (mending / pac) then you love the damage you do with a thane or a berserker.


Well dunno what u guys whining at, you haven't even played the patch and u allrdy say it sucks,
agreed with cami petro and cerb, thane is a fun class to play, and i don't want thanes to be fotm chars, overall i think they are pretty balanced now that spell dmg gets increased abit etc.

(don't shoot me for trying to be positive pls :p)


I am not impressed by Mythics Thane love tbh.

MCL : Shoulda had it from the start, its not LOVE.

Mjollnir range upped from 350 Radius to.............350 Radius OMG this is the BEST LOVE imo

Mjollnir Damage increase may be nice, but it still pales in comparison to Caster AE spells, this one WILL need some testing, but again helps in only Keep/Relic scenarios or mass Zerg scenarios.

Self Buff is something thats again a long overdue FIX, it hasnt revolutionised the Thane in any way shape or form, tho its nice for non botting or soloing Thanes.

Power reduction, whilst nice, doesnt tackle the main problems with our Spells, which are Damage and End use.

PBAoE damage and range increase, hmm, damage at point blank range will be nice, bu with the classic AW falloff, its still gonna suck, unless they make all PBAoE spells (read Thane, Reaver) do higher damage like the Manachanter/SuppSM/IceWizard damage scaling.

Shame no boost to the Damage add, Runie can still render Thunders Rend (Haha nice pun eh :D) useless

All in all, not all that impressed, its not gonna make the thane more groupable at all <<<<----------- Thanes main problem since Spellcrafting and Epic Armours went in is THIS


I dont agree, once a Thane, always a Thane, and we're good soloers TBH but give speed to escape zergs! :p Going to be sweet to see the increase on the str/con buff. and Solid, come back already, I did ;)

And what most of the others said above, it is a incredibly fun class to play and I'll never stop playing mine, RvR groups or not, I dont care ;)


Quite pathetic, its like painting an old volvo...its still a volvo though, just abit more shiny.

Main problem was the end usage and that we arent wanted in groups...none of that solved, 2-3 issues is just fixes, and abit of it is an upgrade..or whatever you choose to call it.

Only play Glyph on TG raids...and I cant remember when I was on last TG raids, 3 weeks+, since that he havent been logged in...i see no reason for it


If Solid's not impressed I'll agree with him cos he spam's aload of numbers that I dunno what they mean and it looks cool I think hes a scientist!


hahaha :D
Yeah I remember it well, Solid.... "I cannot live without the numbers, DONT TAKE THE NUMBERS AWAY FROM ME!" Oh well guess im one of the few happy Thanettes ;)
These changes just increases the fun, and im used to be ignored in rvr groups so why even bother:)


At least Thanes actually got semi-useful boosts. Armsmen just got kicked in the teeth.


Answeing those who try say thanes are gimped cause we are hybrids just 3 considerations.

1- Other Hybrid classes, thats Paladin Reaver, Champion, Friar, etc all have higher base Hps/WapSkill

2- Other Hybrid classes are quite (at least a bit) wanted in rvr groups, or at least not ignored at all. Even more if we talk about a pala, cause they are SUPER wanted in rvr due to their ability to really improve their group.

3- We are not pure melee class, agree with that, but let me give u an example how far we are from being a good melee tank (even being hybrid).

I´m full str and const caped, and i have 50 +12 in my weapon spec, now full buffed (342 str and 340 const) I have 1490 in WeaponSkill and 2100 hps (think that I have augmented const 3 and thoughtnes 2), well that makes me have same weapon skill than any NON BUFFED melee class and 100 more hps than a NON BUFFED warrior/savage/zarker.

Now, any1 can seriously tell me this changes in sc will help thanes become better rvr class?

And I dont know how are u speced petro, but i can only solo lower RR hybrid classes (and surelly not a reaver).


Saying this is love...

Yes, the dmg/radius/power reduction is loving to the thanes magic abilitys as a solo player but adds nothing to the group.

When I ask for a group as a thane I usualy get one of 3 answers;

-Sorry, we need a savage.
-Sorry, you are a thane.
-Sorry, you dont have determination.

No, I dont get this answer when asking random groups, when I ask a good, balanced "random" group I get that answer.
This pisses me off, I see my friends get RPs like it was copper, while myself stand "lfg" at mpk trying to kill stealthers outside.

Mythic says that determination wouldnt be the answer to the thane class problems. I say it would. Not that I want determination, since it isnt what thanes should have.
No, make midgard end regen a chant, put it on the thane class and voila, thanes grouping problems solved.

So my question to mythic is: When is the thane getting anything that will make us groupfriendly?


To Grivne : absolutely correct. Strip end from shamans, end chant to Thanes.

T o arawem : Ermm my savage has got 2142hp with purple buffs and capped sc template. I agree on a lot of points, but not that one :)


Originally posted by Glyph_mid
Quite pathetic, its like painting an old volvo...its still a volvo though, just abit more shiny.

nicely put


Make thane AoE DDs unable to break mezz then they would be uber imo :)

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