TG rights ?



Originally posted by Tafador
and why shouldnt i be anon ?

I didnt say you should or should not be /anon - I said WHY did you go /anon - must be a reason for it.

Is it
a) you are trying to avoid someone?
b) you are trying to avoid everyone?
c) you dont want people to know your location?
d) you dont want people to know what you are doing?


Originally posted by goasucks
So the respec stone on sale at House 1767 consignment merchant is not really there - doh.

hehe and the price is 4p is for a BaF member that are to pic it up for a full refund afterwards. If somebody else want to pay outrageous 4p for the stone he is free to buy it :) we can easily buy a new one for around 2p to replace it and give the guild vault a cash boost.




_Cofi_ okay he want to be anon that is only one of his grp of four persons ALL /anon, god they must have alot of ppl that they are trying to avoid. ;)

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