I dont want this to be a whine , but on ffa hunt last night there was a bd vest lotto'd . Only 2 people rolled for it , Brite and myself ( Eimdi ) . I lost the roll fair and square so no problems there i accept that. The next day i talking to Brite and discover he already owns a TG BD vest . he offers to sell me one for 15 platt. Now that to me is a little unfair , i thought u rolled for wot u need , and u dont sell the item u gain if u have no use for them. If you all agree this is fine then i will hush up and hope to find another one that wont cost me 15 plat. Any views wil be apreciated.
eimdi 50 zerk
eimad 50 bd
rayder 41 shammy
and various other toons
eimdi 50 zerk
eimad 50 bd
rayder 41 shammy
and various other toons