tg raid loot



I dont want this to be a whine , but on ffa hunt last night there was a bd vest lotto'd . Only 2 people rolled for it , Brite and myself ( Eimdi ) . I lost the roll fair and square so no problems there i accept that. The next day i talking to Brite and discover he already owns a TG BD vest . he offers to sell me one for 15 platt. Now that to me is a little unfair , i thought u rolled for wot u need , and u dont sell the item u gain if u have no use for them. If you all agree this is fine then i will hush up and hope to find another one that wont cost me 15 plat. Any views wil be apreciated.

eimdi 50 zerk
eimad 50 bd
rayder 41 shammy
and various other toons


lol wot a twonk thats pretty greedy tbh =(
i wouldnt have rolled for a item i have if not ofca zerker axe etc but i dont roll for him anymore etc


Well no different from people getting respecs and selling tbh, same thing repackaged. People do it to get the money, sad but true.


Well imo it depends, if he payed alot of plat or got his first vest on a NON FFA raid then he could get a new one on FFA and sell his old one imo... But if he got his first vest in a FFA raid then it's really fucked up and he should have to give it back or some kind of other punishment..

I just bought a TG 1h axe for alot of plat that I farm myself and trust me it doesn't go fast to farm 5p.. And I would still want a brand new one from TG FFA raids that ive been trying to get last 4-5 TG raids and then sold the one I bought so I could use those plats on something else..


I was under the impresion that FFA TG drops that you win by lottoing is not to be sold. It is stated in the rules,and its reason enough to be banned. Several times i had feelt an urge to roll on
items I dont need myself, but i know others would like. I didnt roll, because it is selfish, ofcourse I would make some money, but midgard would lose on it. I do agree that its selfish do roll for an
item you already have. And tbh the vest should be deliverd back to the one leading the raids, or given to celtavigo, since he was the only on rolling fairly.

And if Brite got the "first" vest from either buying or from a "private" TG raid he should still turn it in. Its no exuse to "steal" drops from others for your own gain, just because you want more gold, or in this case several big P's.


Ops, some serious spelling errors there, sorry about that, its its suposed to say Eimdi , not celtavigo.
Dont even know why i messed up thous names ;)


imo he should be banned, but in the other hand... i see ppl all the time rolling for things the have no need for. like h2h savages rolling for 2h weaps. critblades rolling for LA´s etc etc


so if a bd vest is 50% dur he cant roll for a new?
when will the limit be on dur?
etc etc

Imo he didnt do anything wrong
he won lotto fair and square.


He still had one before, and how bad could it be if he tried to sell it?

Still not a nice thing to do he had one eimad didn't have a vest, imo its obious to givei to eimad.


While I don't condone that sort of thing, it seems to me the dumbest thing he did was tell someone...


i gotta agree with the mass of people here he shouldnt be selling the brand new vest that he just won, however he can give it away as there is nothing against that in the rules.


i gotta agree with the mass of people here he shouldnt be selling the brand new vest that he just won, however he can give it away as there is nothing against that in the rules.


i gotta agree with the mass of people here he shouldnt be selling the brand new vest that he just won, however he can give it away as there is nothing against that in the rules.


I thought that the purpose of ffa raids was to give everyone a chance to get nice itemz , surely if u have an item already its common sense to let someone else have a bash at rolling for the new one. So he payed 15 plat for his original vest , imo that doesnt mean he should get another and try sell that for 15 plat to recover his loss , after all these raids are not for making money. Im sure the rules say u cant or shouldnt bid for something u arnt goin to use , and at the time of the lotto brite didnt need the vest as he already owned one. Anyway i put my point across , fingers crossed another pops up soon :)

eimdi 50 zerk
eimad 50 bd
rayder 41 shammy
an assortment of other toons


Originally posted by coolan
i gotta agree with the mass of people here he shouldnt be selling the brand new vest that he just won, however he can give it away as there is nothing against that in the rules.

so coolan i take it u agree?? :) :)


Originally posted by Mid_Blejsarus
so if a bd vest is 50% dur he cant roll for a new?
when will the limit be on dur?
etc etc

Imo he didnt do anything wrong
he won lotto fair and square.

You can go play dead on a highway though blejs. Im sure you would make more a impression on the first car that hits then on this discussion.


Brite paid 15p for his first bonedancer vest, from someone selling it from an earlier raid.

There is nothing wrong with someone selling his old one and using the new one he gained from the FFA raid, is there? NOTHING in the rules state that if you have a paid for sword or whatever already you cant then go out and get another one and use it, then sell your old.

Brite put many hours into those raids, rolled for and fairly won a vest, is there anyone who can claim its unfair to sell one he paid for initially?

Hyuga Hinata

For one thing, why roll for a new one when you already have one?

Considering he's asking 15p for it just means that his old one is practically unused, he's selling his newly aquired one or he's overpricing it to the degree where it's not even funny.

The fact that he paid 15p for his vest is his own damn problem. Why roll and win a new one just to gain back the money he spent on it?


Originally posted by shanks
You can go play dead on a highway though blejs. Im sure you would make more a impression on the first car that hits then on this discussion.



sorry, that tickled me irl :p


Originally posted by Hyuga Hinata
For one thing, why roll for a new one when you already have one?

Considering he's asking 15p for it just means that his old one is practically unused, he's selling his newly aquired one or he's overpricing it to the degree where it's not even funny.

The fact that he paid 15p for his vest is his own damn problem. Why roll and win a new one just to gain back the money he spent on it?

He paid for one, does that mean that if anyone dares to buy something they are no longer entitled to drops from TG raids?

As i said before, he earnt the new vest, he isnt selling the new vest so there is no problem at all with breaking any rules from with regards to FFA TG raids. Maybe he is trying to sell his old one at to high a price, but that is his issue.


- YOU MAY NOT SELL ANY FFA RAID DROPS. IF YOU CAN'T USE THEM THEN DON'T LOTTO FOR THEM. These raids are not a way to generate cash. Make your own raids if you want to get stuff to sell.

"Only 2 people rolled for it , Brite and myself ( Eimdi ) . I lost the roll fair and square so no problems there i accept that. The next day i talking to Brite and discover he already owns a TG BD vest . he offers to sell me one for 15 platt. "

He didnt _need_ the haub, he rolled it to sell. You want in larger font or is it clear?

Other then that, being a mayor annoyance on raids is something I usually dont ban for but it's certainly not helping his case.

If he bought the first haub has nothing to do with him selling it. He had one thus should not have rolled in the first place. I mean it's just common sense, but obviously alot of people lack just that. The purpose of the free for all raids is that so that all people regardless of guild can have a chance to get TG loot. I will not accept people trying to capitalize on it currency wise.

I would however like to hear Brite's version of it.

Tesla Monkor

Well, considering he didn't need the hauberk since he already has one, the gentlemanly thing would be to give it to the other guy. :)

(Otherwise, like Shanks already pointed out, he's in breech of the FFA rules and suitable repercussions will follow from these events)



So nice to see there is actualy people thinking of others insted of just mememememe.. I mean seriously you need to stop thinking of me all them time :( (specialy Ardrias)

I feel so harrased

No honestly..

Go Shanks Go Shanks Go Shanks


Originally posted by shanks
- YOU MAY NOT SELL ANY FFA RAID DROPS. IF YOU CAN'T USE THEM THEN DON'T LOTTO FOR THEM. These raids are not a way to generate cash. Make your own raids if you want to get stuff to sell.

From the quote you used, Brite could and is useing the drop, your issues are with him reselling his old one. I am not going to argue any longer that his first one, the one he paid for has nothing to do with this raid as i have made the point already.

Maybe he didnt realise that this would also be against the rules selling the old one(that he paid for), and possibly would reconsider his actions if you spoke to him directly (even though he paid for it).


Originally posted by mavericky

Maybe he didnt realise that this would also be against the rules selling the old one(that he paid for), and possibly would reconsider his actions if you spoke to him directly (even though he paid for it).

As I said, waiting for him to comment it. If he has nothing to hide, he can post it here. And as always, being a idiot gets you out of nothing.


Mavericky I think you are wrong mate, the crux of it is that he didn't need it as he already had one. You can only wear one at a time.
I think.

Hyuga Hinata

Originally posted by Hargh
You can only wear one at a time.
I think.

Which sucks, means that I can't wear my 1337 social armor and retain my AF. :(

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