Teh song thread.



coca-cola coke commercial song.. and if landshark could find it via google why can´t you?


I make song now. You make fun guess.

Now I'm mumblin' and I'm screamin'
And I don't know what I'm singin'
Crank the volume, ears are bleedin'
I still don't know what I'm singin'
We're so loud and incoherent
Boy, this oughta bug your parents


ins´t that the lyrics from weird al´s cover off smell of teen spirit?


Heh yep, that's Weird Al alright, Smells Like Nirvana.

Although I didnt actually guess it right, I'll post some lyrics. Just ignore mine tho if you wanna post some Addlcove :)

"And there it goes he's so close to a remedy,
A painful host of his time,
And he'll never show to the world,
How his life's supposed to be,
Drenched by the dark in his mind"


Had to google that, turned up with an artist/group i've never heard of :(

I know this doesn't fit into this thread. But which group had that song that went "Guns guns guns"? was it the clash? or the stranglers? or the jam? or somebody else......Bugging me to hell


Regarding my lyrics, they're a damn good band Munkey, but they're Swedish so it's very rare if anything Swedish makes it to our music scene because of it being crammed to the brim by trash like Girls Aloud.

In my humble opinion, the Swedish metal scene easily rivals if not destroys the American metal scene in every single way. There's something about Sweden that breeds something deeply disturbing and yet refreshingly poetic and powerful into it's musicians.

You kinda need to be into growly metal music though, although this particular band doesnt actually use such techniques all the time.

I have big respect for singers in bands who can vary their voices to such an extent. Corey Taylor from Slipknot is another, he went for years growling his ass off to the point where critics began saying that he was a "talentless waste". Listen to Stonesour's/Corey Taylor's song "Bother" and tell me that he's a talentless man.

I've kinda sidetracked here. :rolleyes: :p


Originally posted by F.I.V
I have big respect for singers in bands who can vary their voices to such an extent. Corey Taylor from Slipknot is another, he went for years growling his ass off to the point where critics began saying that he was a "talentless waste". Listen to Stonesour's/Corey Taylor's song "Bother" and tell me that he's a talentless man.

I've kinda sidetracked here. :rolleyes: :p

Then listen to that bloody god-knows-what crap that is the final track of the new/current Stonesour album, and tell me he's not either a total prat OR a fairly shrewd businessman selling directly to 13-year-old hormonal angstball kids. :m00:

As for poetry and the rest of it - well, I don't understand the lyrics personally, don't speak a word of Swedish, but I have to say I don't like growly metal. Variation is fine; screaming, chanting, flatly talking, really truly singing whether solo or with 'chorus', whatever, it's all fine but growling or screaming for an entire song is just grating for the most part. Bands that actually attempt to do something interesting musically, rather than just bashing out v.similar songs with different (however good or bad) lyrics...well, it just wears on my nerves :p


teh music..

Oops!...I did it again
I played with your heart, got lost in the game
Oh baby, baby
Oops!...You think I'm in love
That I'm sent from above
I'm not that innocent

OMG i am teh f00neh !!!


Britney Spears - Oops I did it again. ( :rolleyes: )

If you're on your own,
In this life,
The days and nights are long.
When you think you've had too much,
Of this life;
To hang on...


REM - Everybody Hurts

"When passion's lost,
and all the trust is gone,
Way too far for way too long,
Children crying,
cast out and neglected,
Only in a [TEH TITLE HERE],
Hold the hand of your best friend,
Look into their eyes then watch them drift away,
Some might say we've done the wrong things,
For way too long,
For way too long..."

Gotta edit it so it's not damn obvious :)


Back to Stonesour tho, I gotta admit that Omega is a weird track, not really a song and not really poetry.

I just like it where he says:

"Classified? That's a fucking secret and you know it!"

Meh :clap: :p

Landshark, have you heard any Killswitch Engage? they're a sort of speed metal band, with growly/screamy verses and then melodic choruses with some really decent vocals, it's haunting and yet damn good at the same time :)


REM - Everybody hurts!

oh ffs.

I wanted to do my song. bleurgh


Bah i'll post this still!

"Danger! Danger! High voltage! When we hug, when we kiss!"


Originally posted by F.I.V
Landshark, have you heard any Killswitch Engage? they're a sort of speed metal band, with growly/screamy verses and then melodic choruses with some really decent vocals, it's haunting and yet damn good at the same time :)

I'll give it a listen. I'm fairly open minded ;)


They suck LandShark... as do most other "growly" bands.


Metal growly shouty screamy thrash black speed death stuff isn't very good in my opinion so I'm feeling a little left out of most of these songs :rolleyes: I like real rock with talented musicians and melodies and rhythm and and...


I like good rock tho, just not heavy metal.

Listening to Lost Prophets atm, got people like Filter, Alice in Chains, Rage against the Machine in the same kinda 'rock' corner of my cd collection. None of these I consider metal (well maybe Facelift by AIC).

But any minute now I'm gonna put My Vitriol on, bit more melodies going on there :p (Grounded is teh pwnage)


Originally posted by Ekydus
They suck LandShark... as do most other "growly" bands.

Actually from the 9 songs I've listened to so far, only maybe two are excessively growly. The guy actually can (and moreover does :D) sing, it's quite nice. Instrumentals are a little samey though, but, well, beggars can't be choosers :eek:

Omniscious; tbh the only thing in Lostprophets that couldn't be played by a 10-year-old is the drums, and that's not the case of how they play live, cos the drumming is vastly simplified on stage. My Vitriol are hardly virtuoso musicians; frankly I think you need to get off your musical high-horse. Claiming you like people with real musical ability and then saying "woo! alice in chains! wooyeah! woowoo! woowooyeah" is more than a little, erm, self-contradicting :p
Very few bands I've ever heard manage to put technically complex stuff into their music and make it sound fkin awesome nonetheless; Primus and Tool are the two examples that spring most immediately to mind, although of course every band has their occaisional moment.

edit: oh and RATM, rofl :p
Wouldn't call Zach delaRocha (sp?!) particularly talented. He can rap, certainly, but I don't see how HIS screaming is somehow more talented, melodious and musical than anyone else's? :uhoh:

edit2: oh btw I do actually like LP, RATM, MV a lot (can't stand AIC but nm :E) so believe me when I say I'm not putting them down. I just don't see how you can say what you did ;)


Aren't Primus that band where only the bass player has any talent whatsoever?

You'll note that I didn't say all the bands I listen to most of the time, ony listed a few that might come close to being 'metal', with the exception being My Vitriol who I only mentioned cos I fancied listening to Grounded at that particular moment in time.

Jerry Cantrell of Alice in Chains fame is a fantastic guitarist as he proved when they mellowed in their latter years. Far better than these modern day players who think you are only good if you... can... just.. squeeze one more note into this riff.

I've played guitar for 11 years, played numerous gigs and I know what I'm talking about. Fast isn't good. Fast just shows lack of melody, creativity and style. People like Steve Vai may be great guitar virtuosos, but they try to play so fast in their efforts to be good they forget one thing.. the MUSIC, and the end result is just a mish-mash of notes being played in any given key and it's just not good. Good guitar player, shit musician would be the best way to describe most of the people in metal bands.

By the way, my favourite guitar player of all time is Stone Gossard, he's only a rhythm guitarist but the riffs and his timing is superb. Almost as good as mine ;)

Not listened to Tool ever, give me one or two titles of good songs and I'll maybe d/l them.

Favourite song ever: Sleepyhouse - Blind Melon
Favourite album: Ten - Pearl Jam
Favourite band ever: The Beatles


Pfft I used to like LP a lot but went off them... RATM... Well they come up with catchy tunes like Guerilla Radio but TBH I don't actually think the singer can sing... and all that political mumbo jumbo just makes me laugh.

As for complex/ slightly different music... that's why I like Muse and Radiohead, possibly Coldplay here too. They are not like most other bands and they quite clearly do "their own thing" and they do it fucking well too I might add. The tune to Muse's new song; Stockholm Syndrome is just brilliant. Radiohead make brilliant tunes and they stay around for ages. Come on people... Use more music that isn't deep/ hardcore metal etc in this thread... get some good Rock or something. :p


Coldplay bore me to pieces but I agree on the Muse/Radiohead comments.

Just remembered I got 3 System of a Down songs on mp3 here and they're metal I think ;)

Maybe I'll quote some Stone Temple Pilots lyrics and confuse everyone.


Well, I'm no great fan of speed/thrash metal - I would, for the most part, classify it as unimaginative and frankly boring. Maybe one song in a nice diverse playlist, perhaps, but listening to an entire album is just irritating.
Please note also that I didn't mean to slight your musical ability/knowledge in any way; merely that I don't think Lostprophets, Alice in Chains etc are particularly worthy of acclaim as far as musical ability goes.

On the subject of Primus - Les Claypool, the bassist you mention, sings in a very very odd voice. As far as tune goes he's dead-on, but he sings in a VERY peculiar voice. The drummer is actually absolutely fantastic. Saw Les Claypool's side project live when I was visiting family in America, and while that side project's drummer is Stewart Copeland (once of The Police - his drumming was poor then but he's done some fantastic work in various projects, since) Primus' drummer was there as well, and... well, drum duels 4tehwin ^^
And the drumming in Primus songs is extremely technically accurate (whether live or studio) as well as being very original.
While I can quite understand people who dislike Primus' overall sound - I happen to blame Claypool's wierdass voice for that - the instrumentation is very, very good.

Tool, erm.... The songs "Lateralis" and "Schism" are probably the most technically impressive; the drumming on Lateralis, if you can appreciate it, is mind-blowingly good. Their older stuff is a lot more straightforward although still very good - try "Crawl Away", for example. Songs that Tool fans might lynch me for not recommending, also: "Ænima", "Pushit" and the two songs "Parabol" and "Parabola" which is one song occupying two tracks of the album for whatever reason. If you don't get any other songs I'd say get Lateralis. :m00:

FYI I've played drums for just under 9 years now, originally took 'em up at school because I was really raised on a musical diet of blues, jazz, 60's-70's rock and so on, and it was always the drumming that grabbed my attention for some reason.
My original specific motivation for wanting to play drums is that I thought it would be awesome to be able to play Take Five, the Dave Brubeck number. Took me 5 years to actually get to that (might have been faster but no drums at home... could only play in my lessons and at school sometimes) but I got there in the end. :m00:


Of course you don't always have to be a great talent on any instrument to be succesful.

Nirvana done well with the only talented member of the band being on drums. And I'm glad he's had more success after Cobain gave up.

Screaming Trees never had much musical ability between them really as individuals but came up with a few really good albums. Always an under-rated band.

Anyway I always veer off-topic :p was this a lyrics thread or something?

*Now listening to. Blackstreet - No Diggity* :clap:


Originally posted by F.I.V
REM - Everybody Hurts

"When passion's lost,
and all the trust is gone,
Way too far for way too long,
Children crying,
cast out and neglected,
Only in a [TEH TITLE HERE],
Hold the hand of your best friend,
Look into their eyes then watch them drift away,
Some might say we've done the wrong things,
For way too long,
For way too long..."

Gotta edit it so it's not damn obvious :)

OK people back on track now. :p

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