Teh Seel grabs his guitar.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
And no, guitar doesn't mean my willy. Pervs. I decided to write a little countrysong about DAoC. So, sit back, hum along and let's see how this goes.


Dear god, i just called to say.
I knew that some day i would pay.
Much more then the subscription,
'cause DAoC took my attention.
Dear god, i just called to say.

It all started, way back when.
I was a better man back then.
I had a wife that i adored,
two kids... never got bored,
Thanks Mythic, you bastards took my life.

Then came that dreadful day of may,
i brought it home and started to play.
It was in the afternoon,
took a keep and realised soon,
this was gonna be my doom.

Kids wanted to play, like kids do.
I told them to piss off, just like a noob.
My wife asked "Jim what's wrong?"
I told that albs were zerking strong...
Thanks Mythic, you bastards took my life.

Well it didn't take too long for her,
take the kids and move to her mother.
I didn't care, as i had a level fifty,
my own house and it was quite nifty.

The bills kept piling up, in the kitchen floor,
i was more interested, in that keeps door.
I think she thought we were a perfect couple,
until i left the bed 'cause the guild was in trouble,
Thanks Mythic, you bastards took my life.

I hope, that i can one day let go of this,
maybe start my life again, but so it is,
that Mythic once again will make me pout,
'cause i just noticed that ToA's soon out.

So here i sit, in my very own garbage dome,
the lights went out, from the place i call home.
The electric bill was way too late,
now i can't play, this i hate.
So thanks mythic...you bastards took my life.

Now where, where did i put my knife...

Thanks Myyythic....


You bastards...


Took my life!


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
Steve Vai covering this:

*sproiiingiiiooooooiiiiinnnnggggiiiiiooooonnnnnnnniiiiiiioooooooosssssppppprrrrrooooooiiiinnnnnggggggggzzzzzzttttt* !!!!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
*plays another*

Oh lord they took my buffbot away.
I think it was my brother, who sold it on ebay.
It's so wrong and i feel so bad, now hear me say.
Oh lord please bring him back one day.

We used to be like cheech and chong.
We never argued, always got along.
Even when you found my leather thong,
you just smiled and sang a song.

They said this thing would never work,
a troll and a kobbie is like muslims and pork.
But we showed them baby, we showed them good.
When we took their keeps and then did /rude.

Oh lord they took my buffbot away.
I think it was my brother, who sold it on ebay.
It's so wrong and i feel so bad, now hear me say.
Oh lord please bring him back one day.

Now my battleaxes are hung on the wall.
Their just as useless.. as a runieball.
Without you i just don't want to fight.
I stand unbuffed, alone, in the moonlit night.

Without you, my friend, in RvR i just get owned.
Be it a gimp from albion, or that hibernian elf named ned.
Oh god please bring back, that smelly troll to me!
i'm getting killed by cabalists, can't you see...

Oh lord they took my buffbot away.
I think it was my brother, who sold it on ebay.
It's so wrong and i feel so bad, now hear me say.
Oh lord please bring him back one day.


Jan 31, 2004
old.Tohtori said:
*plays another*

Oh lord they took my buffbot away.
I think it was my brother, who sold it on ebay.
It's so wrong and i feel so bad, now hear me say.
Oh lord please bring him back one day.

We used to be like cheech and chong.
We never argued, always got along.
Even when you found my leather thong,
you just smiled and sang a song.

They said this thing would never work,
a troll and a kobbie is like muslims and pork.
But we showed them baby, we showed them good.
When we took their keeps and then did /rude.

Oh lord they took my buffbot away.
I think it was my brother, who sold it on ebay.
It's so wrong and i feel so bad, now hear me say.
Oh lord please bring him back one day.

Now my battleaxes are hung on the wall.
Their just as useless.. as a runieball.
Without you i just don't want to fight.
I stand unbuffed, alone, in the moonlit night.

Without you, my friend, in RvR i just get owned.
Be it a gimp from albion, or that hibernian elf named ned.
Oh god please bring back, that smelly troll to me!
i'm getting killed by cabalists, can't you see...

Oh lord they took my buffbot away.
I think it was my brother, who sold it on ebay.
It's so wrong and i feel so bad, now hear me say.
Oh lord please bring him back one day.
Class :drink:

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